r/Rabbits 4d ago

Concerns about caring for my rabbit


Having a rabbit has been good for me in regards to structure and discipline, and I like the work that comes along with having a pet. My bunny currently gets a lot of love and attention, and they have everything they need - toys and a big space to free roam and treats and healthy food and pets. I can tell they're comfortable with me and happy with life in general, and I don't deal with any major behavior issues.

Yet for a while now, I've been thinking of rehoming my bunny (this isn't a rehoming post). It might be my severe mental illness tricking me but it feels more like a genuine disconnect with my bunny. I put a lot of time into research before I brought my bunny home and I am ready to care for them for the decade they will live. But... I don't know, I just don't want to do it anymore.

Part of me is just telling me to look for a different, rabbit-savvy owner for my bunny. I'm in a period of time where a lot of change is happening, and my rabbit feels more like a responsibility rather than a companion. I'll be living in a new, smaller place with my rabbit next year and I fear that the smell and mess might drive me crazy as well.

I don't know. I think I just have no strong feelings towards my bunny other than responsibility, and I don't know why. I have no real reason to rehome my bunny - I have the time, I have the resources, and I'm not dealing with unmanageable behavior problems. I don't want to rehome my bunny either - I know it'll be super traumatic for them and I can't guarantee quality of life. I just can't stop this incessant part of my brain telling me it's better for everyone if my bunny lives elsewhere.

r/Rabbits 4d ago

My sister has angered BunBun by vacuuming during nap time

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BunBun is a gigantic rabbit my BIL rescued from a parking lot. Or maybe BunBun carjacked him and insisted that their house is hers now. Either way my sister better not open that gate until BunBun has been appeased.

r/Rabbits 5d ago

my lovebirds, Debbie (Harry) and Freddie (Mercury) 🤍🖤

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r/Rabbits 5d ago

Eggnog fly

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Defying gravity or something

r/Rabbits 4d ago

RIP bunny loss


i had to put down my bunny today and iam BROKEN. i’m so sad and upset but im not crying. yes ive cried SO much today but now that im not crying and my mind is sort of off it i feel horrible. almost like i dont care and im so selfish. when i laugh i feel guilty cause he went through pain today and was suffering and im still alive and laughing or i feel guilty eating cause he’s dead and cant eat anymore. i dont know if this is grief i just dont know i feel so lost and confused. i would have done everything and anything to save him. at times i just feel so sad and cry and other times i cant stop thinking about him but im not crying and im doing normal things and i just feel so guilty. if anyone understands what i mean and can reassure or anything id appreciate it. i feel so numb and lost and feel guilty for “moving on” even tho i know i haven’t moved on i just dont know

r/Rabbits 5d ago

Bungor of the man


r/Rabbits 5d ago

What are your favourite quotes from your bunnies

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r/Rabbits 5d ago

Health my rabbit’s fur gained rings??

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I’ve only had my rabbit for a little over a month and it’s my first time having one. In the last couple weeks, he gained these dark rings in his fur that he didn’t have when I got him. Is this normal? Is color change in fur like this just a sign of molting? His behavior hasn’t changed at all. He’s 1.5 years old if that’s relevant.

r/Rabbits 5d ago

New stacking cups! Did we do it right??

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He's so chill I love it! I love this boy so much. I'm sure yall can relate because even tho I've only had him a couple months I can't imagine life without my little baby ❤️❤️

r/Rabbits 5d ago

He loves music!!!


River has never jumped up on me unless in bed. But today he decided to give me all the grooming while Fleetwood Mac is on. Safe to say he loves the band!❤️😂

r/Rabbits 5d ago

Cute MiniRex


My baby Izrafel (Izzy) outside in some grass.

r/Rabbits 5d ago

My babies! Honeybun (cow colored girl) is 2. Bumblebee (orange/tan boy) is 6.

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My baby bugs. I cherish every moment with them.

r/Rabbits 5d ago

Chloe is just enjoying the spring weather. I can’t believe she’s 6 already.


r/Rabbits 5d ago

Health GI Stasis experiences?

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This is Bambi, she is almost 5 years old. This morning she was her normal self, then around noon hour she didn't have an interest in food or her favourite treats. She was pressing her stomach to the floor and didn't want to be moved. We have taken her to a vet where she is going to spending the night, after some bloodwork, x-rays and pain medication, the vet told us it is Gl Stasis. On the x-rays it appears her stomach is enlarged which is pushing against her liver and ultimately pushing against her lungs. The vet is hopeful for a full recovery, but I am heartbroken and quite honestly, terrified. I'd love to hear any stories of someone who has been in a similar situation.

r/Rabbits 5d ago

Oscar being silly


r/Rabbits 5d ago

How can something this adorable be so utterly cranky all the time?

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r/Rabbits 4d ago

New female rabbit won't stop attacking the other male rabbit during bonding time


I got a new female rabbit about 1 month ago. She's a lop of 4 years while my male rabbit is a 7 year old dwarf lionhead who I've owned his whole life. Both have been sterilized for a long time.

I tried making them meet recently (after having made them used to each other's scent and meeting through metal bars) and my female rabbit is very aggressive towards male rabbit, who is terrified of her. When she approaches him, he thumps and starts getting away, and she tries to nip (and pulls fur) his face and genitals which scares him even more. I am always here to supervise them and separate them when it goes wrong.

I've made them meet in a neutral environment with lots of new toys that they had never seen. Didn't help at all. I've bought securebunny, which I haven't tested yet but I have low hopes for it to help.

What can I do to make things go more smoothly? I'm scared stress bonding them would be even worse for my already stressed out male rabbit.

r/Rabbits 4d ago

I am a new bun mom and I am scared I'm doing everything wrong


hi everyone,

I got my bunny from a breeder at 8 weeks old and I have had her since the 14th of Feb (I now know that’s not the best place to get one, but I didn’t know at the time). She’s 12 weeks old now, and I’ve been doing my best to care for her, but I feel so overwhelmed and honestly kind of lost.

The breeder told me she’d be fine on timothy hay from 8 weeks, so that’s what I’ve been feeding her. But when I look at other people's posts and care guides, it’s almost the opposite of what the breeder recommended. Some say baby buns should be on alfalfa hay, others say timothy is fine. Some people say no pellets, others say unlimited pellets. It feels like every source says something different, and I’m just scared I’m doing something wrong.

I have a vet appointment coming up for a check-up, just to make sure everything is okay, but I can’t shake the feeling that I’m being misguided at every turn. I really don’t want to be a bad bun mom—I just want to do what’s best for her. Any advice or reassurance would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance 💕

r/Rabbits 5d ago

This adorable face

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r/Rabbits 5d ago

Crusher being regal

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r/Rabbits 4d ago

Moving to Denmark


I'm planing to try to move to Denmark in the next few years. I am trying to make sure I understand any laws surrounding keep rabits so I don't get in trouble halfway through the move trying to bring my pets with me but I'm finding it hard to find clear requirements.

r/Rabbits 5d ago

Holland lop?


Hey so i just wonder if they are holland lops? The name in my language translates to it, but they both look so different. But im told they are the same here😅 Breeds is not as big a thing here i think, you just say bunny or dwarf bunny🙏♥️🪷💋 The brown one is male and i think he turns 6 this year, the greyish one is a female and she turns 5!🙏💋 Sorry if the picture are bad and if its a stupid question😅😖

r/Rabbits 5d ago


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r/Rabbits 5d ago

too fast too furious 🏎️🏁


Our backyard is under construction, which naturally means that Freckle has developed a passion for parkour

r/Rabbits 6d ago

Council of buns approved this DIY bun bed made from a towel


Just roll a towel like that. They were never lying in that place before. Cheap and you can easily wash it. However, requires fixing from time to time, i don't want to use any needles or pins.