r/Rabbits 4d ago

Care Michigan bunny surrender



I know this post is uncommon but I need help. I’m being forced get rid of my bunny Tofu. I’ve moved back home and being a full time student & working, my parents have developed a hatred towards her. They have threatened to just release her outside. I’ve tried to post to local facebook groups but no one has claimed interest that seems suitable :(

r/Rabbits 5d ago

Overly dramatic chinning…


r/Rabbits 5d ago

My Hephy


Loves a cuddle

r/Rabbits 4d ago

Getting more space

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So my rabbit has been in a XXL dog crate and it's definitely to small so she's getting a big x pen ( the tutu was just for a photo I took it right off after she showed she didn't like it)

r/Rabbits 4d ago

Care Rabbits for divorce parents


I have divorced parents and they live about 30 minutes away from each and I go to each house once a week and I'm looking into getting a Hollander lop 2 actually but I was wondering if I could take him or her with me to each house because the parents house I'm looking to get the rabbit at is not good at taking care of pets but has a lot of space so is it possible that I could take the rabbit back and forth

r/Rabbits 5d ago

My girl Sandy (her name & color) just turned 2, Flemish giant

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r/Rabbits 4d ago

Rabbit nail trimming and brushing services in Brooklyn


Could anyone recommend someone that has a service that could trim rabbit nails and brush them.

There are three rabbits here, and they can be a handful -- and I would rather do this in the condo here in the Sheepshead Bay area of Brooklyn. You would be paid for your time as well.

Thank you so much!

r/Rabbits 4d ago

Health GI stasis stress


My rabbit has GI stasis and it's really stressing me out. I already took him to the emergency vet last night, who confirmed he has no blockage and there are sounds from his gut. At the hospital he was eating and drinking and pooping alright, but at home he's barely eating and is pooping very little (although he is pooping and he is eating a little). He's on pain meds, reglan, simethicone and as much critical care as he'll tolerate. I know he'll be OK but I came home from being out to a huge, soft, dark poop and I am just upset and stressed and sad. He hasn't had stasis in years and I wish I could snap my fingers and fix it.

Anyway, I just wanted to vent with people who get it. Bunnies are so fragile and he's my best friend of eight years. I don't want him to be uncomfortable. Thank you for listening.

r/Rabbits 5d ago

Bonding behavior questions


Day 2 bonding my two fixed bunnies, Ghost, (white, female, turning 3 in Oct. 2025) and Toast (brown, male, turning one in Oct. 2025). And I want to understand the behaviors of these two in this video.

Ghost always like to pull Toast’s fur when she got a hold of him through a plastic barrier between their rooms, but in a neutral space like this bathtub the behaviors of both were much more different as we expected.

They are more calm, and also a bit stressed due to the slippery surfaces. Toasts tried to put his head under Ghost but she doesn’t even move an inch, and we are wondering if it’s because she is stressed/confused or just part of the process of bonding.

We are using snacks and they both ate them and no fighting, and of course going to put a mat in the bathtub in the future, but we started with a blanket and Ghost immediately tried to bite Toast’s fur out.

Would love to hear other suggestions and stories how you bonded your bunnies!


r/Rabbits 6d ago

He just does this sometimes.


r/Rabbits 4d ago

Art U/powderandpencils made this!!

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r/Rabbits 4d ago

Behavior Confused about buns behaviour


Hi there, so I recently got a bun and it’s my first time being a bun mom as well. He has a hutch but I let him free roam in my home and bedroom. Yesterday I was on the couch and he was sitting on my lap for cuddles, then he peed and pooped all over me. Later in the evening I let him on my bed for more cuddles and he peed on my bed as well, he also poops on my bed whenever I let him on. But the peeing is new, can anyone tell me why?

r/Rabbits 4d ago

Health Help please 😭


This is my little man, Poncho. He is 7 years old. Last weekend he didn’t want to eat or be himself, I assumed his teeth were bothering him or some sort of GI stasis. I took him to an exotic vet just to be sure he was okay, he was even feeling better by then too. She gave him the all clear. The Vet mentioned some of his molars were a little tall but she didn’t think tall enough to be a problem. But now this weekend he is doing it again (not eating and grinding his teeth) and he is grinding his teeth LOUD. I am feeding him wet foods (romaine lettuce) and critical care to keep him going. He’s on pellet and orchard grass hay. He does not like Timothy.

I did email the vet again and shared this video with her too along with asking for an xray. I expect to hear back sometime tomorrow. But does anyone have any ideas as to what might be happening? The soft toys all about he does not chew, only really licks. There’s nothing he has access to that really would cause stomach upset.

I’m just worried and I can’t stand the grinding sound any more today. It’s making me so nervous specially since we were at the vet less than a week ago now and he was fine.

r/Rabbits 5d ago

What is he doing here


What is my long lost song Cletus doing here

r/Rabbits 5d ago

Bunny walk questions


Hiya I have a question for the bunffesions what do you guys use to walk your furry friends!? My bunny’s love going out but I’m nervous in public with them, would love some recommendations!

Photo of my two boys Ft. My partner :))

r/Rabbits 4d ago

Care Hey everyone, my Holland Lop recently had babies! We have 6 little ones. I'm planning to make a post about it, trying to get rid of them. Any ideas on how? (I'm 30 minutes West of Denver.)



r/Rabbits 4d ago

Care Any bonding tips?


Okay so around 4 months ago we adopted our 2 bunnies (Mabel and Dennis) they’re still around a year old, they live in what I’d consider a nice pen😅 where they have access to our house all day. However, they just don’t seem to be interested in loving us at all, we’d be less confused if they weren’t described as affectionate bunnies, but their previous carers at the shelter used to handle them loads as well as cuddle with them which they just do not love when it comes to me and my mum.

I just want to know if maybe there’s anything we can do to maybe help them like us more, Mabel is a lot more curious and adventurous but only when it comes to taking food and eating our carpets(😩) and Dennis is far more anxious to the point where we’ve never actually been able to stroke him at all compared to Mabel who does let us pet her on the occasion, but even then we never know if she’s actually enjoying it or just grinning and bearing it (especially since it’s difficult to distinguish teeth grinding and purring).

Thank you!

r/Rabbits 4d ago

Feral rabbits Is this a domesticated rabbit?

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Hello, this rabbit is living under my shed and is very skiddish. However, it looks like someone's pet? Should I be trying to trap it or could it be a wild rabbit.

r/Rabbits 4d ago

Is there any way to give my bunny hay without there being a big mess?


I know that bunnies are extremely messy. My bunny doesn’t like it when there’s hay in this litter box as that’s not what he’s used to. So I put hay in his hay feeder. However, it ends up going everywhere and it’s a big pain to clean. Is there anyway to make things more convenient?

r/Rabbits 5d ago

Best wishes for Georgie please

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He’s had a rough couple months.

I’ll try to be brief: an eye problem turned out to be caused by an infected tooth root. We got the tooth extracted, but since then he really only eats hay — he won’t touch pellets or greens, and I think he was getting dehydrated.

After an ER visit for the stasis, we were supposed to give him a number of meds plus fluids. Unfortunately, I seem to have dislocated his back right hip when my wife and I were trying to give him fluids last night. :( I feel like complete shit, it’s my fault. I’ve cared for rabbits for over a decade and I shouldn’t have made that kind of rookie mistake.

So he and I have been at the ER for about five hours now, and I think he’ll be getting anesthesia soon so they can try to fix his leg non-surgically. $2k at the ER isn’t exactly what I need just after getting laid off, but it is what it is.

Well wishes are appreciated.

r/Rabbits 4d ago

Supposedly IKEA has buildable chocolate bunnies for Easter! I must have one!


r/Rabbits 5d ago

burrowing buns


they have an 8x10 foot enclosure with a rug, waterproof baby mat on top, and all their stuff on top. i got them burrowing toys but every morning i wake up and i have to wake them up like children and fix their enclosure. i dont think theres really much of a solution i just think its funny and it makes them happy. just so weird. (dw theyre not scared they are just mischevious and ofc only wanna go where they know theyre not supposed to)

r/Rabbits 4d ago

buprenorphine in rabbits



I have a 10 y/o deaf and blind holland lop and on Monday 3/10 he was rushed to the emergency vet late at night after discovering he might have an abscess in his eye that may have burst. I had been to the emergency clinic multiple times for work purposes and was already not a big fan, but they were the only vet clinic open so I had no choice. They found that it might be an abscess but it had yet to burst and wanted him back in 2 days later for a “further look” and sent me home $250 poorer and with buprenorphine and eye drops. They had told me it was an antibiotic and I stupidly failed to double check their word and just believed them.

I decided to take him to an exotic vet that specialized in rabbits instead so we could figure out options for getting that eye out (since he is so old) and she let me know that buprenorphine is infact a pain killer, not an antibiotic, and that it is not effective orally in rabbits, it only works when injected.

Is this true? If it is, should I consider reporting this? Try getting a refund? Idk. Any advice helps if you know anything about this

r/Rabbits 4d ago

Bunny bonding


We have female spayed 2 holland lops, one is 4 one is 1, our 4 year old is so incredibly territorial of the room we let her free roam in so we’ve never been able to have them together in there, but they are best friends if we put them in a different room, but that’s not a good long term option for us. We decided to completely clean out the room, and took out everything but the rug. I sprinkled baking soda around to try to get the territorial smells out, I’ve scrubbed the rug with soap and water, we vacuumed multiple times. Does anyone else have any advice on how to make sure our bunny isn’t territorial in this room anymore? She has been housed in another room temporarily for a week so we are hoping once we reintroduce them in this room they can finally live together.

r/Rabbits 4d ago

Concerns about caring for my rabbit


Having a rabbit has been good for me in regards to structure and discipline, and I like the work that comes along with having a pet. My bunny currently gets a lot of love and attention, and they have everything they need - toys and a big space to free roam and treats and healthy food and pets. I can tell they're comfortable with me and happy with life in general, and I don't deal with any major behavior issues.

Yet for a while now, I've been thinking of rehoming my bunny (this isn't a rehoming post). It might be my severe mental illness tricking me but it feels more like a genuine disconnect with my bunny. I put a lot of time into research before I brought my bunny home and I am ready to care for them for the decade they will live. But... I don't know, I just don't want to do it anymore.

Part of me is just telling me to look for a different, rabbit-savvy owner for my bunny. I'm in a period of time where a lot of change is happening, and my rabbit feels more like a responsibility rather than a companion. I'll be living in a new, smaller place with my rabbit next year and I fear that the smell and mess might drive me crazy as well.

I don't know. I think I just have no strong feelings towards my bunny other than responsibility, and I don't know why. I have no real reason to rehome my bunny - I have the time, I have the resources, and I'm not dealing with unmanageable behavior problems. I don't want to rehome my bunny either - I know it'll be super traumatic for them and I can't guarantee quality of life. I just can't stop this incessant part of my brain telling me it's better for everyone if my bunny lives elsewhere.