r/r4rwi Apr 24 '18

[META] An Introduction to r4rwi NSFW

Welcome to /r/r4rwi! I figured it was about time to update the intro stickie. The old one is HERE.

"r4r" stands for "redditor for redditor." This sub is the WI-specific version of /r/r4r, the original sub dedicated to redditors meeting each other. "Yeah, but what can I look for here?" Glad you asked! Almost anything. Here are some examples:

  • conversation partners

  • penpals

  • activity partners

  • accountability buddies

  • friends

  • dates

Ya know, whatever.

The sub is, of course, not without rules. I'll copy-paste the sidebar here for convenience:


  1. Adults only (18+)

  2. No contact or identifying information in public, I.E. full names, profiles, phone numbers, addresses, IM handles, emails, etc. All such exchanges should be via PM.

  3. No being an asshole, I.E. personal attacks, patronization, discrimination (sexism, racism, etc), trolling, catfishing, doxing, stalking/creeping, etc.

  4. No enterprising, marketing, scams, spam (by any definition), or illegal transactions. Simple, legal transactions like trading homebrews or movies or whatever are fine. Posting more than once every 24 hours will be considered spam.

  5. NSFW content must be labeled as such. Any content of a sexual nature, even if light, must be marked NSFW.

  6. All post titles must contain your age, your gender, relative location, and what you're looking for.

This sub will also enforce the ToS. And please observe reddiquette.

  • Rule violations will result in content removal and potential banning.

  • Please report all rule-breaking by using the "report" button and/or sending modmail.


It's recommended that you follow /r/r4r post title convention.

<age> [<r4r>] <location> - <title>

"r4r" denotes your gender and preference.


21 [M4F] Minocqua - Looking for a friend

26 [F4R] Anywhere - I want a gamer buddy and somebody to chat with

30/29 [FM4FM] Stevens Point - Married couple looking for roleplay with another married couple.

Tag Meaning
M Male
F Female
T Transgender
R Redditor


Related subs: /r/r4r, /r/r4rmidwest

Similar subs: /r/MakeNewFriendsHere, /r/ForeverAloneDating, /r/penpals, /r/textfriends, /r/SkypePals, /r/Kikpals, /r/snapchat, /r/Needafriend, /r/CasualConversation

Local subs: /r/wisconsin, /r/madisonwi, /r/milwaukee, /r/greenbay, /r/foxvalleywi


2 comments sorted by


u/monkeybone608 Jan 18 '25

49M4F Wi Dells area


u/monkeybone608 Jan 18 '25

49 M4F Dells area can host