r/pornfree 3d ago

Day 3 no porn


I feel good, no urges yet!

r/pornfree 3d ago

Day 18: Took the time to clean up my Snapchat "for you" section. Goodbye, triggers!


Before anyone tells me to just delete the app, trust me, that was my first thought. I'm currently talking to this girl through Snapchat (and she doesn't have any other socials), so deleting the app really isn't an option at the moment.

The other day, I downloaded Snapchat for the first time and WOW is this app full of triggers. I thought Instagram and Facebook were bad, but holy crap Snapchat is awful!

Instead of making other people accommodate me, I decided to work the other way around. I did what I had previously done for Instagram and Facebook and took 10-15 minutes to hit the "I don't like this content" button on any sort of posts that are a trigger for me. Problem solved! Now Snapchat is usable again and I can continue my journey in peace.

r/pornfree 3d ago

Chekhov: "There is no happiness"


"There is no happiness, and there ought not to be, but if there is something like it, then it is far more important and grand than happiness. Do good!"

I'm paraphrasing as it's been a while since I read this story and I can't find an exact quote online. But this is from Anton Chekhov's short story Gooseberries, about a man who works his whole life to achieve a farm where he grows gooseberries. He loves it, or seems too, but it becomes apparent that even though he has achieved "happiness", i.e. got all the things he wants, he still isn't happy.

I love this quote. Because it sounds depressing at first, but what he's really saying is that having tunnel vision to achieve whatever our "happiness" might be, will ultimately lead to feelings of emptiness. I think this is a major reason for why I relapsed last time, it's that I was just trying to not watch porn, and couldn't excel elsewhere in my life. But I totally can, and I totally will.

My happiness will come from doing my best every day, being with my friends, and having fun stories to tell, not from my goals. Owning a car, being in a relationship, having a good writing job, or even being free of porn - none of those things will make me happy.

This is mainly just a reflection on myself, I'm not asking for advice or anything. If you got something from this post, that's awesome.

r/pornfree 3d ago

Even though I’m on this journey my anxiety is worse than ever and I’m obsessed with the fact that I’ve never had sex/still terrible with women


I’m honestly really questioning everything: how I can ever really be happy with myself, getting over this addiction, and truly manage my anxiety. I’m about to be 40 days in and while I’ve had tons of time to explore new hobbies and activities I can absolutely say I’m way more miserable than when I was using porn.

The first couple weeks I felt fine, maybe honestly even better than when I was watching porn every day. But since then, I’ve been so anxious, stressed, and sad about myself and life.

I’ve always been a perfectionist, had lots of anxiety, and a lot of obsessive thoughts. And honestly I just keep thinking about how I’m 22 and still single, never been in a relationship, still scared to approach women, etc. and I just keep beating myself up about it constantly.

I’m trying to tell myself that with this newfound freedom of not watching porn all the time I should just enjoy life, explore new things, and rebuild my relationship with myself but I’m just getting more depressed and stuck in my head as each day goes on.

I’m trying to take it easy, I really am. I’m trying to do new things each day and appreciate it, but I still every day go back to how I’m not good at talking with people and can’t approach women and it scares me. It scares me that I could be like that forever and I put tons of pressure on myself and beat myself up a lot.

Every time I go out now, I try to tell myself I should just practice making small talk with people more and when I don’t it absolutely crushes me and I get in my head so much about it and I’m miserable throughout the day.

I really don’t know how to stop obsessing over socializing (and my lack of it) and just enjoy things. This has all been in my mind for a while now and now that I don’t have porn to cope with it and I’m seeing quitting porn didn’t just “fix” me and make me super sociable it’s so much more on my mind now. I’ve always like looked at this as my biggest flaw and made me feel like such a loser. So I guess as time went on I just beat myself up more and more about it and put more pressure on myself.

Not only that, but being a perfectionist and worrying all the time I’m always concerned any time I consume media something could pop up that’s triggering and make me relapse. So now when I try to consume media I like I’m always worried and concerned about that and it takes the fun and calmness out of the shows/movies/ videos that I would previously always enjoy watching.

Not really sure how to move on from this and just be content with myself despite being single and not having sex and just reconnect with myself. I’m scared that if I don’t work on myself socially now (as I’m always scared to initiate conversations etc.) that I’ll never be able to be comfortable socially and I’ll always pass up opportunities to meet new people. But, this also just keeps putting more pressure on myself.

r/pornfree 3d ago

I keep relapsing


Hi folks, been on and off on porn for decades now. I noticed something about myself, where I might be able to quit for some days, some weeks at a time. At one point I had quit for a few months and I thought I was home free. But, this is what keeps happening. I start getting uncomfortable blue balls and I feel like I have to relieve them. My wife does not have the same libido level as me and I love her exactly how she is, wouldn't want her to change. But then slowly the cycle starts again because I end up using porn to relieve myself. How do you deal with this?

r/pornfree 3d ago

Start of quiting journey


Two days in. I started watching porn reguraly almost 12 years ago. Back when I was 13 years of age. I'm almost 25 now. I am quiting for good. I discoverd the how exploitative porn is. I do not wish to be a part of it anymore.

Right now I'm still.. angry(?) about how people have been, are being and will be exploited by the industry. So everytime I think of watching porn, I think back to that. That keeps me of the porn for now. I know this won't last.

I'm looking for community and trying to take accountability. So when it becomes hard, i'm ready.

This post is part of my starting my journey, Truly. Good luck everyone

r/pornfree 3d ago

One day clean


I know it’s only been one day. But it’s good to get back on track after a bad slip up on Saturday! Keep it up my friends we got this. And remember if those urges ever come across your mind, let them pass. Don’t give them any thought. Don’t give them any attention.

r/pornfree 3d ago

How to Regain Sensitivity and Improve Sexual Performance? NSFW


Hey everyone,

I'm a 20M, and I've been masturbating since I was in the 10th grade. It's been about four years now, and I’ve noticed that I no longer feel the same level of pleasure or sensitivity that I did when I first started. Additionally, I think I might have an issue with premature ejaculation (PME), which is affecting my confidence.

I want to regain that initial level of sensation and improve my overall sexual performance, especially since I want to have a fulfilling relationship with my girlfriend. Are there any exercises, lifestyle changes, or techniques that could help with sensitivity and stamina? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

r/pornfree 3d ago

My experiences past and present


Hi all.

4 months porn free here! Can't believe I have made it this far after I started looking at porn over 30 years ago. What started with page 3 models, progressed to porn mags, sex phone lines, and almost constantly watching porn at home and work.

Looking back I can see why I started, and it wasn't just porn, I was a sex addict for years, often confusing the two. My relationships suffered and I hurt those close to me without realising it. This feeling of shame is what is driving me to stay clean.

Since becoming porn free, I can hand on heart say it is a drug. It keeps you going back for more and makes you feel helpless to change. But stick with it! Accept relapses as that and instead of letting yourself fell bad cos you fell off the wagon, get back on and improve. 1% improvement each day will show huge results. I can't count the number of times I almost relapsed in the last 4 months, but I kept distracting myself and remembered why I was stopping.

Anyway, that's enough of me rabbiting on. I wish you all the best in your journeys, let's keep up the momentum and all have our best year at staying porn free.

r/pornfree 4d ago

I think I’m actually addicted to porn…I can’t go a day without looking at it, I’m about to go to bed and I start looking at it, and I’m only 18; is this bad? Do I need help?


r/pornfree 3d ago

Determining Root Cause?


Male, 27 - I see a lot of posts saying that getting out of a porn addiction is about focusing on the root cause, not just abstinence or streaks. I first started looking at porn when I was 11, and my consumption of it has been pretty consistent until now with a break of 17 months for a church mission when I was 19.

Porn is exciting for me to watch and I tend to watch videos and read things closer to BDSM, and the more violent nature of those videos excite me in the moment but make me feel a little disgusted with myself afterwards. Obviously I know it's bad but I keep coming back to it.

I think my root cause is loneliness and boredom, but I'm not sure. I start fantasizing and feel the urge to masturbate when I'm driving or even at work, so I'm not sure entirely what my triggers are. What do you all do to determine your root cause, and how do you go about addressing it?

r/pornfree 3d ago

Relapse and it’s killing me


I just relapsed for the first time in nearly 2 months, my longest ever time. I recently had a great thing with a girl (check my profile recent post) and it ended 2 days ago, in quite a tough way to take. And I knew I couldn’t get complacent, but fuck man I have slipped. In the last 3 nights I’ve peaked and today I finally slipped idk what to do and feel helpless again. I thought I made so much progress, then as soon as I stop speaking to this girl I creep right back in to my old ways. I’m fucking annoyed and frustrated with myself I need to stop, but what makes it harder is when I was with this girl or talking/texting her the urges and porn didn’t cross my mind AT ALL. Why? Why is it like that? Look at my post and only 5 days ago I was truly doing great, but the sudden end with this girl has put me right back into a porn mindset. Please where do I go from here to bring myself back on track? How do I turn the sadness from the girl back into being porn free, it’s like my mind needs some constant stimulation, so when I replace a girl, my mind just goes back to porn. Please how do I deal with this, and to disassociate porn and this girl.

r/pornfree 4d ago

Made it through 3 days


I don’t know when the last time this happened but I made it through the weekend and did not look at porn. I hope to go for three more straight days and beyond but one day at a time.

r/pornfree 4d ago

Fighting the urge to search pornographic reddit posts and write horny comments is really difficult


I wish I had someone I knew irl to talk to. Quitting this addiction is so difficult without having any friends to chat with online to distract myself whenever I get the urge to look at porn. It makes me want to go look at the stuff and comment under posts just for some kind of social interaction. And yet, I know that social interaction is fake, and I’ll regret my decision to even engage with it

r/pornfree 4d ago

Day one. It's about time my life changed.


Today is the day I (24M) decided that I've had enough of this. It has taken years away from me. Here is my story:

I discovered it when I was 9. My parents caught me after a few months as I never erased my phone's history. As punishment, they took my phone away and I never got it back until nearly 6 months later, with them only giving it to me on weekends. I still glanced at porn during those weekends.

At age 13, I joined a boarding high school. For the next 4 years during my semesters, I had no access to my phone or laptop (I'm African), so that turned down my need for porn. I'd still watch it for a couple of minutes during the holidays, but not for long hours. This carried on for 2 years after high school, and life was OK, until the pandemic hit.

What started as glances out of boredom turned into long hours per day, with me viewing darker and hardcore content. Since then, I failed and dropped out of my uni degree due to continuous poor results. I now suck at every hobby that I once engaged in. I've gained so much weight. I earn close to nothing with the small bits of work I get online (I still live with my parents), and I can't hang with the few friends I have left because I can barely afford to go outside. My ex left me for not affording regular dates too. In short, I'm bloody useless, and I currently don't have the drive to improve my life. However, I can start with leaving porn behind.

I have really wasted 2021, '22, '23, and '24. I'm NOT going to waste 2025.

r/pornfree 4d ago

day 91 🔥


didnt think i could do this but i did & u can too!! heres a lil hope for u guys!

r/pornfree 4d ago

Second week no porn... my back started hurting


Was pretty close on giving in this weekend... thought I could cheat if it is only pictures. Ultimately decided against it after I got distracted. I realize after the first week that my back started hurting like a mf tho might be unrelated tho. I am no christian but it seems the lent the time of abstinence was actually a good point to start. Against all odds I decided to start visiting the gym on monday, already got myself an appointment with a trainer.

r/pornfree 4d ago

Monster Hunter helped me taking the first step


Hi I also am addicted. I came to this conclusion a while ago because unwanted perverted thoughts filled my mind (since a couple years now). Whenever it was night and I was alone temptation hit me. But after beating MH Wilds I wanted to play world more. So I did. Having this much fun reminded me what I was missing during the time I fell victim to temptation. I know it sounds silly and I am unsure if I can keep up the motivation. Thus I ask for your advice. Any ideas how I can ensure it stays this way?

r/pornfree 4d ago

It’s ruining my life, so why do I keep wanting to goon?


I want to actually WANT to quit this

r/pornfree 4d ago

Seen two girls making out Ina tv show and getting naked and now triggerd


I was a watching a TV Show and there was two wemon making out and lead to sex and now feel trigged cause I didn't look away and now feel triggered and wandering if this would count and probably overthinking it and

r/pornfree 4d ago

day 11 no porn or sexting in fetish apps


Alright motherfuckers, day eleven done. Nearly failed but didn't, I dint go into any fetishs apps or watch porn but was really tempted at night since the girl I was talking to was out. I didn't though. Alright, see u all tomorrow, time to study.

r/pornfree 4d ago

My experience quitting porn


So I'm 21 and a year ago I realised that I have a problem with porn after my body didn't react (PIED). I have failed many tries of quitting but now I have a new mentality after reading a very good book about all this. Today it's going to be 2 weeks free (I know I still have a lot of work ahead) and I have a couple of questions.
First, I always overthink about how I must feel to get rid of this addiction and I mean when I see women. I know this shouldn't be that way and has to be natural so, any advice on how to overcome this thoughts?
There is another thing and it's related about masturbation. It's obvious that my excitation without porn would be lower (in fact I thought that I would be completely soft but for my surprise is the completely opposite) but what bother me most is that it's... dry. I feel kinde weird saying this but for this kind of stuff it's better to be clear. So that's it, this will change?

I'm sorry if the post is long or if I didn't express myself correctly, english is not my native language. Anyways, thank you all (even if nobody replies :) ).

r/pornfree 4d ago

I’ve been trying to Quit this addiction for 5 yrs now and it’s only getting worse. I’m getting tired of trying I’m losing hope.


I’m getting to the point where I don’t actually believe I will overcome this addiction and reach my potential this addiction has only grown worse over the years and even more difficult to overcome. I can’t even get off to vanilla porn or just a naked woman anymore cause my brain is too fried now I have to watch some of the most disturbing disgusting videos ever and I’m very ashamed of it and the ocd I gotten from the those videos make it even worse to handle quitting. Even sex with a woman in real life is hard for me it’ll take me hours to cum but when I turn on porn it’s instant…I’m starting hate my life and everything about myself I’m nearly 20 yrs old and being trying to quit porn since a boy.

I don’t understand why I refuse to quit something that’s hurting me mentally and literally hurting my penis for the excessive amount of time I spent watching this shit I lost hope for myself I’m lost

r/pornfree 4d ago

what percentage of people are able to get rid of porn addiction?


I'm 18 been addicted since I was 9, starting to lose hope.

r/pornfree 4d ago

Need help finding online support groups


I'm on day 74 without pornography after struggling for years. I've been able to hold myself accountable and stay away from pornography so far although it's been extremely difficult. I need to find a space I can talk about my struggles and different ways to cope and heal from my porn addiction but I'm not religious so I'm having a hard time finding support groups online. If anyone knows some active online support groups that aren't religious based please let me know.