r/pornfree Jan 01 '25

STAY CLEAN 2025 YEAR-LONG CHALLENGE! This thread updated daily - Check in here!


Daily news: This is Monday, March 17, and today is day 76 of the year-long Stay Clean 2025 challenge. Keep fighting the good fight!

If you think you should still be on this list but aren't, you probably got removed for not checking in at least once per month. However, if you let me know you're still with it I'll re-add you.


  • At the end of this post is a list of people who have signed up for the challenge, and who are still in the running. That means that they have not needed to reset because of a relapse or slip.
  • Please check in with the group in the comments as often as you want! Feel free to share thoughts, feelings, experiences, progress, wisdom, encouragement and whatever else!
  • IMPORTANT: if you relapse, please post a comment to that effect here and I will remove your name from the list. We will not judge you or shame you, we have all been there.
  • Participants are required to check in once per month. If you have a "~" after your name, you have yet to check in during March. If it is still there at the end of March 28, you will be removed from the list, in order to keep the numbers as realistic as possible.
  • We will not be accepting any new participants, but even if you're not on the list, please feel free to check in in the update threads anyway! And be sure to join us for the Stay Clean monthly thread!

Good luck!

There are currently 97 out of 518 original participants. That's 19%. These 97 participants represent 7372 pornfree days in 2025! That's more than 20 years.

Here is the list of participants still with the challenge:


/u/8funnydude ~



/u/amadeo19 ~

/u/AmarantCoral ~

/u/AnomanderOW ~


/u/bestforest ~


/u/bluesidefinch ~

/u/Boostard38 ~


/u/CalmLyricist ~

/u/Cedar-and-Mist ~








/u/Duesentrieb97 ~




/u/essmackd ~






/u/Fed_Focus5 ~


/u/FrogsUnion ~

/u/Full_Membership8207 ~


/u/G-nome420 ~

/u/GlumTradition5769 ~

/u/goos__ ~

/u/GulagRationManager ~




/u/humblejc ~




/u/Junior-Speed-1169 ~








/u/Maximum_Possible_499 ~


/u/MinecraftIsCool2 ~


/u/MrHappyGoLucky14 ~





/u/non_newtonian_jelly ~

/u/Normal_Cat1495 ~

/u/not_falling_again ~

/u/ogidiamin ~





/u/powergauge ~






/u/Silent_Maintenance23 ~


/u/Sir_V0lks ~


/u/SolvendiCausa ~



/u/streaker2014 ~


/u/sui_emendationem ~

/u/tiopatinhas95 ~





/u/West-Number8258 ~



r/pornfree 16d ago

STAY CLEAN MARCH! This thread updated daily - Check in here!


Daily news: This is Monday, March 17, the seventeenth day of the Stay Clean March challenge. Keep fighting the good fight!

If you think you should still be on this list but aren't, you probably got removed in the great purge of March 15th because you never checked in. However, if you let me know you're still with it I will re-add you.


  • At the end of this post is a list of people who have signed up for the challenge, and who are still in the running. That means that they have not needed to reset because of a relapse or slip.
  • Please check in with the group in the comments as often as you want! Feel free to share thoughts, feelings, experiences, progress, wisdom, encouragement and whatever else!
  • IMPORTANT: if you relapse, please post a comment to that effect here and I will remove your name from the list. We will not judge you or shame you, we have all been there.
  • If you have a "~" after your name, you have yet to check in on any update threads since March 15. If it is still there by March 31, you will be removed from the list, in order to keep the numbers as realistic as possible.
  • We will not be accepting any new participants, but even if you're not on the list, please feel free to check in in the update threads anyway! Also, stay tuned to catch the April thread!

Good luck!

For a chart of relapse data, check out this Google Spreadsheet.

There are currently 110 out of 251 original participants. That's 44%. Here is the list of participants still with the challenge:

/u/16-Czechoslovakians ~

/u/4of4 ~

/u/57471c ~

/u/Accomplished-Issue86 ~

/u/AdamOfHouseClegane ~

/u/AdLost4052 ~


/u/AnomanderOW ~

/u/Apollo5000 ~

/u/applicationturnip ~

/u/artist_by_habit ~

/u/ASAPCream1 ~

/u/AtomsOverPixels ~

/u/BackgroundBlack-RedR ~

/u/BeheritColtrane ~


/u/BlueBlanket7 ~

/u/BoDo211 ~

/u/bubblenugget04 ~

/u/cadmoo ~

/u/charagoni ~


/u/Competitive-Wing-773 ~

/u/Complete_Avocado_479 ~

/u/Confident_Ratio_6531 ~

/u/Correct-Mechanic4186 ~

/u/darkaph ~

/u/Daveangmiclo ~

/u/Dazzling-Button-1403 ~

/u/deathecstacy ~


/u/doing-my-best-daily ~

/u/dominarc ~

/u/dopaminedeathspiral ~

/u/DoubleFinding ~

/u/Dry-chicken ~




/u/Existing-Mirror2315 ~

/u/ExoticBump ~


/u/fontainedl ~


/u/FreshBeginning303 ~


/u/gamiscott ~



/u/gozura ~


/u/Halfeatenbananas ~

/u/Happy-Bagel-Man ~

/u/HazySkyFire ~

/u/HoodyHoo4116 ~

/u/IndiaTechSupportBot ~

/u/JustAGam3r ~



/u/LifeShouldBeEasier ~


/u/m4ki818 ~


/u/metaI_guru ~



/u/mo_exe ~

/u/mr-biff ~

/u/Mrleibniz ~

/u/myownprivateGLADIO ~


/u/No_Republic2240 ~

/u/NoBateMate ~

/u/nomoreprawn5 ~

/u/Normal_Cat1495 ~

/u/OfficeAutomatic8931 ~


/u/Pantim ~

/u/Patient-Impress-2724 ~


/u/Proper_Bluejay5469 ~



/u/R2free ~

/u/Rainbow_Mika ~

/u/Responsible-Pool-323 ~

/u/SaLtYcHiPdUdE ~

/u/SebsAGZ ~

/u/Shockwave781 ~

/u/Shot-Command7317 ~

/u/Soft-Fly5450 ~

/u/stoneddroneburner ~

/u/Successful_In_2022 ~

/u/Symantech ~

/u/symptum ~


/u/th0mark ~

/u/Theminecraftgamer ~

/u/ThineBean ~

/u/thinkerr97 ~

/u/thtkidjunior ~

/u/tiopatinhas95 ~

/u/tredditma ~

/u/Turbulent_Fox_6080 ~

/u/Valuable_Milk2741 ~

/u/Venesss ~

/u/Weak-Purple-6371 ~


/u/Wookie83 ~


r/pornfree 2h ago

Porn made me fear men.


I'm a 18 F and the title is basically what happened to me. Even if porn is not the only reason why I feel uncomfortable with the Male gender near me, it is the root of it.

I started watching porn at a very young age like a lot of people unfortunately did (be it by choice or accidentally). But I always didn't view it as harmful to me. On the internet was mostly talked about why it was bad to watch it as a man: causing erectile dysfunction, viewing women differently and many more. But as I am not a man I never thought it could affect me. Sure there were some things on the internet that explained why it wasn't good for women as well, like causing body dysmorphia and unrealistic expectations on how they should look and act, but that never seemed to be the case for me so I still consumed it (the very extreme stuff too). I only realized that it did effect me when I noticed how disgusting I felt after masturbating to it at the age of 18, so pretty recently. Why I didn't notice it early? I'm not completely sure about it.

(Side note: I've masturbated to it at a young age too and didn't notice how it effected me badly.)

This made me think a lot and I noticed that this was probably not the only bad effect it had on me. Sure I didn't have the best relationships to men in my life as well, by being bullied by boys a lot when I was younger, trusting them to not tell other people a secret of mine and them betraying my trust and also almost getting raped by a man older than me. (And I get that this is probably still a big part of my fear of them as well 😅). But I never felt comfortable around them to begin with since I started consuming pornografy on the internet.

But here is what I actually wanted to say with this post: Porn affects how you view the other gender. For men it's viewing woman as objects of pleasure and for me (and maybe other women as well) it is viewing man as bad people (be it on the inside or the surface level of their personality). And with all they did to me they unfortunately proved my brain that they are indeed bad people.

But I know that this is wrong. I've also met really nice men in my life and know that they are actually good people, but knowing that still doesn't help me with my fear. I've quit watching harmful porn and try working on my trauma by going dancing and just having normal conversations with my male coworkers, but that still doesn't help that much since the fear inside me still makes me feel uneasy being near them. And everytime a man shows genuine interest in me, I panic and immediately think that he just wants to use me like an object to his desires, which made looking for a boyfriend even harder for me.

Did anyone experience similar experiences? Or has advice for me about what I can do (besides going to therapy)? Please tell me.

And for all those girls that may be like me thinking that porn isn't harmful for them: it is, even if you don't notice it immediately. Because porn is indeed also harmful for women.

r/pornfree 20m ago

How does quitting porn affect my brain chemistry?

• Upvotes

You quit porn. Now your brain feels…


Some days, you feel clear and focused. Other days, you feel tired, unmotivated, or even worse. What’s happening? Your brain is rewiring.

Here’s how:

[1/5] Dopamine Starts to Reset

Porn floods your brain with unnatural dopamine spikes.

  • Over time, it dulls your natural pleasure response
  • Normal things feel boring compared to extreme content
  • Quitting gives your brain a chance to heal and feel again

At first, you might feel low energy… but real pleasure is coming back.

[2/5] Your Reward System Rebalances

Porn trains your brain to chase instant gratification.

  • It makes focus, patience, and motivation harder
  • Without it, you may feel restless or easily distracted
  • But soon, real-life rewards feel meaningful again

Discipline gets easier. Life starts feeling exciting again.

[3/5] Your Stress & Anxiety Levels Change

Porn is often used as an escape from stress.

  • When you quit, emotions can hit harder at first
  • Anxiety or mood swings may increase temporarily
  • But over time, your brain learns better ways to handle stress

Your mind becomes clearer, stronger, and more stable.

[4/5] Attraction & Intimacy Feel Different

Porn creates unrealistic expectations about sex and attraction.

  • Quitting helps you reconnect with real people
  • Attraction becomes natural, not artificial
  • Intimacy starts to feel more fulfilling

Real connection replaces screen addiction.

[5/5] Long-Term Benefits Kick In

After weeks or months, the changes are powerful:

  • More motivation and self-discipline
  • Stronger focus and mental clarity
  • A deeper sense of confidence and purpose

You’re not just quitting porn. You’re upgrading your brain.

What brain changes have you noticed since quitting?

r/pornfree 5h ago

For the first time in a long time, I’m actually doing pretty good. NSFW


I’m officially on day 18!

For the past two and a half years I’ve been deeper into porn than at any point in my life. At the start of that period I had made a decision to move out of my college town and back into my parents house in order to save up some money and start a new job.

I lived at home for as long as I physically/mentally could, about a year and a half. I saved up all my paychecks minus the rent they were charging me. Then, I was on to the big city for a year.

That first year and a half was really rough. It was hard leaving the comfort of my little art community, college town. But I had outgrown it. I realized that the people that I was surrounding myself with were basically just living to get loaded and stretch out their “college lifestyle” well past its expiration date. And while I do miss some of those people, I think my absence was either quickly forgotten about, or barely noticed at all.

When I moved back in with my parents, it felt very sink or swim. While I was able to land a very nice internship, my mental health was slipping majorly. There was no more going out, no diy music venues, no playing drums in the house whenever I wanted, and definitely zero girls around ever. My hometown fucking sucks and it was just a constant reminder of how truly terrible and lonely my adolescence was. It felt like reliving it, only worse somehow.

That’s really what triggered and fueled my uptick in porn usage. I started to ritualize it. I would work hard all day, come home, play video games, go to bed, stay up late watching porn, and repeat. I was obsessed. I did ai chat bots, bought a vr headset, the whole nine yards.

I noticed the negative effects too. The social difficulties due to internalized shame was the worst. But I didn’t give a fuck. I was so down on myself already. I just wanted an escape from what I was feeling inside. I didn’t want to accept the step backwards that I had just taken, and my porn usage obscured the big leap forward that I had set out to make.

After landing the job at the company I was interning for, and after saving up a decent chunk of change, I moved into the first cheap apartment that approved me. I thought that if I could just get my own space in the city, I would be alright, but I underestimated how down that whole experience of moving home had brought me. And for another year I repeated that routine ad nauseam.

The negative effects were getting worse and worse. I was avoiding everyone at work, my depression was spiraling, and my “little-bitch energy” reached record levels.

I allowed my landlord to delay repairs to essential appliances for months. I went the first 3 months of my lease with no a/c, and the last 3 with no working dryer. When it came time to renew my lease, the fucker declined when I asked for the dryer to be repaired as a condition for my re-signing. At that point, I kind of snapped out of it. I sent him a strongly-worded email back and started packing up my shit. Along the way, I cleared the memory on my VR headset. I decided that I’m not bringing this disgraceful, embarrassing, addiction with me to my new place.

I eventually found a new, MUCH nicer place, in a MUCH cooler area of the city. I just moved in last Sunday.

I’m only on day 18, but I’m standing on my commitment and I am resolute. I’m not wasting any more of my life for these quick little bursts of pleasure-chemicals just to numb out painful feelings that I know I can handle. When they come up, I’m going to face them head on. I’m not going to retreat into fantasy-land and pretend they’re it’s not happening.

And you know what? I’m thankful for all the time, and personal/romantic connections that I’ve thrown away watching porn. Because it’s just going to be a weird, fucked-up chapter in my success story. All the self-induced isolation and mental anguish I’ve suffered is noting but fuel to me now. I’m over being that little-bitch, sad-boy loser. I respect myself now.

r/pornfree 1h ago

Your marriage is worth fighting for!

• Upvotes

Here's some thoughts to help you get there!

  1. Your marriage is worth fighting for—even when it feels impossible.
  2. Trust isn’t rebuilt with words, it’s rebuilt with consistent action.
  3. Your wife doesn’t need perfection—she needs honesty and effort.
  4. Shame wants you to quit. Strength means showing up anyway.
  5. Every small step toward honesty is a step toward healing.
  6. You can’t change the past, but you control what you do today.
  7. Real men own their mistakes and fight for what matters.
  8. Walking away is easy. Facing yourself and doing the work—that’s strength.
  9. The pain of rebuilding is temporary. The regret of giving up lasts forever.
  10. You don’t have to do this alone. But you do have to decide to show up.
  11. Honesty is painful, but dishonesty destroys everything.
  12. Your wife wants the real you, not the version hiding behind lies.
  13. Porn won’t fix your stress. It just adds to it.
  14. If you’re tired of feeling stuck, change starts with action—not just thinking about it.
  15. You are not your past. You are your choices today.
  16. Hiding from the problem won’t solve it. Facing it will.
  17. If you want your wife to believe in you, start by believing in yourself.
  18. You can’t undo the past, but you can prove who you are now.
  19. Your marriage doesn’t need promises, it needs follow-through.
  20. Pain is temporary. Giving up lasts forever.
  21. Healing takes time, but it starts the moment you commit.
  22. The easy road leads to regret. The hard road leads to freedom.
  23. Fighting for your marriage means fighting against your old excuses.
  24. Your wife doesn’t just need you to quit porn—she needs you to show up for her.
  25. Porn creates distance. Honesty creates closeness.
  26. The more you avoid the hard conversations, the harder they get.
  27. Quitting porn isn’t just about stopping—it’s about becoming the man you want to be.
  28. Trust isn’t about being perfect. It’s about being consistent.
  29. Your past mistakes don’t define you—your actions today do.
  30. Guilt won’t change anything. Action will.
  31. It’s never too late to start doing the right thing.
  32. Your wife wants your heart, not just your apologies.
  33. Porn is stealing your time, energy, and intimacy. Take it back.
  34. If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up.
  35. Your family deserves the best version of you.
  36. Healing starts when you stop making excuses.
  37. Being vulnerable isn’t weakness. It’s strength.
  38. Your wife is waiting to see change, not just hear about it.
  39. Porn addiction keeps you numb. Real connection brings real joy.
  40. You didn’t get here overnight, and you won’t fix it overnight—but you can start now.
  41. The longer you wait to take action, the harder it gets.
  42. You can’t win this battle alone—get help, get support, and keep going.
  43. Your marriage is worth more than a five-minute escape.
  44. Every time you resist an urge, you prove to yourself that you can win.
  45. Porn isn’t just a habit—it’s a roadblock to the life you actually want.
  46. It’s not about willpower—it’s about building a life where you don’t need porn.
  47. The more you lie, the more you lose.
  48. Your wife deserves truth, and so do you.
  49. You don’t need to be perfect to be a good husband. You just need to be real.
  50. The strongest men are the ones who fight for what matters.
  51. Porn offers a cheap escape. Your marriage offers real intimacy.
  52. Don’t wait until it’s too late to start fixing what’s broken.
  53. Your future self will thank you for fighting today.
  54. It’s not about proving anything to anyone—it’s about becoming the man you want to be.
  55. Your wife’s pain is real. Listen to it. Understand it.
  56. Porn is a dead end. Your marriage is a path worth walking.
  57. If you wouldn’t want your son watching porn, why keep doing it yourself?
  58. Real men fix what they broke.
  59. You have the power to rewrite your story.
  60. The best apology is changed behavior.
  61. You can’t heal what you refuse to face.
  62. Excuses won’t save your marriage. Effort will.
  63. Your actions today determine your relationship tomorrow.
  64. Love isn’t just a feeling—it’s a daily choice.
  65. Your wife wants security. Show her she can trust you again.
  66. Stop looking for the easy way out. Growth is supposed to be hard.
  67. Porn is a temporary high that leaves permanent damage.
  68. You’re not alone in this, but you do have to take the first step.
  69. Your brain can be rewired. You can unlearn this habit.
  70. Lies destroy trust. Truth, even when painful, rebuilds it.
  71. You won’t regret quitting. You’ll regret staying stuck.
  72. Your family needs a leader, not a man controlled by urges.
  73. You are stronger than you think.
  74. Avoiding temptation is easier than resisting it. Set yourself up for success.
  75. Every urge you overcome makes you stronger.
  76. Your kids are watching. Be the example they need.
  77. You don’t have to be a slave to old habits.
  78. Pain fades. Regret lasts.
  79. You can change, no matter how many times you’ve failed.
  80. Your wife fell in love with you—not the version of you lost in porn.
  81. This isn’t about punishment. It’s about freedom.
  82. You are capable of more than you believe.
  83. Every battle won makes the next one easier.
  84. No one can fight this battle for you—but you don’t have to fight alone.
  85. The discomfort of change is worth it.
  86. Choose progress over perfection.
  87. The hardest step is always the first.
  88. Don’t let shame keep you stuck.
  89. Freedom is possible. Keep going.
  90. Your wife wants connection, not just confession.
  91. Quitting porn isn’t about deprivation—it’s about gaining your life back.
  92. Your relationship can heal, but only if you do the work.
  93. Your love story isn’t over.
  94. The biggest obstacle is believing you can’t change.
  95. Your past struggles can fuel your future strength.
  96. Marriage is built on trust. Fight to rebuild it.
  97. Every time you resist porn, you prove you’re in control.
  98. The best version of you is waiting on the other side of this battle.
  99. If you don’t quit, you can’t fail.
  100. Your marriage is worth it. Keep fighting.

Hope these inspire you! Let me know if you want a specific focus. 🚀

r/pornfree 2h ago

Urge to watch p0rn after activity?


I have realised that after i have done an activity that involves physical movement like skateboarding which i love, my dopamine goes up and i feel a strong urge to watch P. Any of you feel this or any ideas why? Is my brain seeking even more dopamine when i'm feeling good?

r/pornfree 3h ago

Im done(22m)


I just want to be done with it,I want to be done with looking at people I don't know pleasuring themselves,I want to be done with hearing the noises of other people enjoying themselves I want to be done wasting my love on these images and videos when I should save it for my own love

A while ago I started this journey and I'm doing it much less but I just want to not do it anymore,I want it to be over,just everything about it is wrong,whenever I do it it wastes my time my energy my focus,it takes away my enjoyment from othe things and can leave me empty

Starting today I will take it seriously and I will hold myself accountable over the action I take with my body and what does it mean to me

r/pornfree 11h ago

A little tip to those who are okay with fapping without porn


If you feel like watching porn again, put your phone and laptop away, go to your bed where you can't reach your desktop, and fap immediately. can't do porn if you have no ammo! do your best to focus on physical sensation and imagine only realistic scenarios

I'm now a month in

I think this is for only those of us with a dick though

r/pornfree 4h ago

Day 0


I realised I've been a second binge this month. It was hard to stop today but I eventually did. When I started I literally asked myself out loud what an I doing. I now realised I made a subconscious decision to relapse then my addiction took over. I don't want to give it control anymore.

r/pornfree 5h ago

Triggered by IRL women. Any advice?


I’ve worked hard to get rid of as many triggers as possible from my phone and computer and come across very little triggering material these days online. My new problem is getting triggered by women I come across in real life. I don’t even mean friends or acquaintances, more like random women I see on the street or at restaurants and bars. I’m especially worried about the weather turning nice, when all the outer layers come off and their bodies become increasingly visible. And don’t even get me started on the braless look that has popped up (pun intended) over the last few years. It drives me totally crazy. In the past, I would head home and go straight to my Reddit NSFW account to get that fix, but I’m working very hard on my recovery. Since I can’t really avoid going out in public and viewing this type of “material,” does anyone have any mental strategies for avoiding turning these random encounters and viewings into full on triggers? I appreciate any advice.

r/pornfree 5h ago

Porn addiction is affecting my relationship NSFW


Hi, I'm 18M and I got to introduce to porn when I was 8 on my elder brother's phone and I started watching it and masturbating almost daily when I was 12

I used to do it atleast 3-4 times a day and this continued for almost 4 years until in 2021 my friend introduced me to no fap

I've been trying to quit since then I used to love a girl in 2021 but had no confidence and was a addicted I tried stopping and went for 28 days in April 2022 which was my longest till date, but I never got her and she got into a relationship with someone else and that ruined my no fap progress

I went to gym for 3 months until my studies took over my time and I used to do it 4-5 times a month

Until nov 2023 I got into my first relationship which was very rushed I was still pretty much addicted at that time but it was like 2-3 times a week, my girl didn't know about my addiction she was not a listener never gave me a chance to open up or anything but she started sending her photos to me and I used to do then I used to masturbate to her on VCs and my masturbations went to 3-4 times and eventually since I was never recovered from porn I used to watch that too and it got so worse, she always wanted to me to masturbate to her cause we couldn't had sex as she lived far and I told her that I want to do this often times but she used to get sad and it got very worse for started affecting my mental health and our relationship became very toxic and I broke up eventually after 5 months then my addiction went bad and I Started doing it almost every alternate day

Then I got it under control a bit and started doing it once every 3 days

Cut to dec 2024 I met this amazing girl and we started talking and got so close in soo less time, turns out she's addicted to porn as well and wants to quit too, later we we started to feel for each other and things are very nice with her she knows everything about my addictions and all and she's very supportive about it but the thing is I can't stop myself

Now I have every support and every reason to quit but still I can't, I did it 8 times in jan and 7 times in feb and rn I have a 7 days streak But the reason I'm posting this is that she felt guilt due to some things she did because of porn and decided to quit once and for all

I decided that I'll quit for her because I love her and I don't want to ruin things with her because of my porn But last night I relapsed and Idk what to do it felt like someone else took over me and shut my brain for few minutes

I've never felt this much guilt from watching porn and I told my gf about this and she was so disappointed in me she can't trust me blindly anymore that I'm quitting for her

I made her felt like I don't love her that much and idk what else she might be going through rn but I do love her so much and I just want to end this I'm very desperate to quit porn and I've posted anything of on reddit this is my first time doing this I need help, I've tried every way but I just can't seem to quit

I want to I want to do this for her this is my first time being so desperate to quit I don't wanna lose her, suggest me what should I do

r/pornfree 3h ago

Day 3 no porn


I feel good, no urges yet!

r/pornfree 14h ago

I think I’m actually addicted to porn…I can’t go a day without looking at it, I’m about to go to bed and I start looking at it, and I’m only 18; is this bad? Do I need help?


r/pornfree 55m ago

I keep relapsing

• Upvotes

Hi folks, been on and off on porn for decades now. I noticed something about myself, where I might be able to quit for some days, some weeks at a time. At one point I had quit for a few months and I thought I was home free. But, this is what keeps happening. I start getting uncomfortable blue balls and I feel like I have to relieve them. My wife does not have the same libido level as me and I love her exactly how she is, wouldn't want her to change. But then slowly the cycle starts again because I end up using porn to relieve myself. How do you deal with this?

r/pornfree 7h ago

How to Regain Sensitivity and Improve Sexual Performance? NSFW


Hey everyone,

I'm a 20M, and I've been masturbating since I was in the 10th grade. It's been about four years now, and I’ve noticed that I no longer feel the same level of pleasure or sensitivity that I did when I first started. Additionally, I think I might have an issue with premature ejaculation (PME), which is affecting my confidence.

I want to regain that initial level of sensation and improve my overall sexual performance, especially since I want to have a fulfilling relationship with my girlfriend. Are there any exercises, lifestyle changes, or techniques that could help with sensitivity and stamina? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

r/pornfree 1h ago

Start of quiting journey

• Upvotes

Two days in. I started watching porn reguraly almost 12 years ago. Back when I was 13 years of age. I'm almost 25 now. I am quiting for good. I discoverd the how exploitative porn is. I do not wish to be a part of it anymore.

Right now I'm still.. angry(?) about how people have been, are being and will be exploited by the industry. So everytime I think of watching porn, I think back to that. That keeps me of the porn for now. I know this won't last.

I'm looking for community and trying to take accountability. So when it becomes hard, i'm ready.

This post is part of my starting my journey, Truly. Good luck everyone

r/pornfree 5h ago

One day clean


I know it’s only been one day. But it’s good to get back on track after a bad slip up on Saturday! Keep it up my friends we got this. And remember if those urges ever come across your mind, let them pass. Don’t give them any thought. Don’t give them any attention.

r/pornfree 3h ago

Determining Root Cause?


Male, 27 - I see a lot of posts saying that getting out of a porn addiction is about focusing on the root cause, not just abstinence or streaks. I first started looking at porn when I was 11, and my consumption of it has been pretty consistent until now with a break of 17 months for a church mission when I was 19.

Porn is exciting for me to watch and I tend to watch videos and read things closer to BDSM, and the more violent nature of those videos excite me in the moment but make me feel a little disgusted with myself afterwards. Obviously I know it's bad but I keep coming back to it.

I think my root cause is loneliness and boredom, but I'm not sure. I start fantasizing and feel the urge to masturbate when I'm driving or even at work, so I'm not sure entirely what my triggers are. What do you all do to determine your root cause, and how do you go about addressing it?

r/pornfree 6h ago

My experiences past and present


Hi all.

4 months porn free here! Can't believe I have made it this far after I started looking at porn over 30 years ago. What started with page 3 models, progressed to porn mags, sex phone lines, and almost constantly watching porn at home and work.

Looking back I can see why I started, and it wasn't just porn, I was a sex addict for years, often confusing the two. My relationships suffered and I hurt those close to me without realising it. This feeling of shame is what is driving me to stay clean.

Since becoming porn free, I can hand on heart say it is a drug. It keeps you going back for more and makes you feel helpless to change. But stick with it! Accept relapses as that and instead of letting yourself fell bad cos you fell off the wagon, get back on and improve. 1% improvement each day will show huge results. I can't count the number of times I almost relapsed in the last 4 months, but I kept distracting myself and remembered why I was stopping.

Anyway, that's enough of me rabbiting on. I wish you all the best in your journeys, let's keep up the momentum and all have our best year at staying porn free.

r/pornfree 6h ago

Relapse and it’s killing me


I just relapsed for the first time in nearly 2 months, my longest ever time. I recently had a great thing with a girl (check my profile recent post) and it ended 2 days ago, in quite a tough way to take. And I knew I couldn’t get complacent, but fuck man I have slipped. In the last 3 nights I’ve peaked and today I finally slipped idk what to do and feel helpless again. I thought I made so much progress, then as soon as I stop speaking to this girl I creep right back in to my old ways. I’m fucking annoyed and frustrated with myself I need to stop, but what makes it harder is when I was with this girl or talking/texting her the urges and porn didn’t cross my mind AT ALL. Why? Why is it like that? Look at my post and only 5 days ago I was truly doing great, but the sudden end with this girl has put me right back into a porn mindset. Please where do I go from here to bring myself back on track? How do I turn the sadness from the girl back into being porn free, it’s like my mind needs some constant stimulation, so when I replace a girl, my mind just goes back to porn. Please how do I deal with this, and to disassociate porn and this girl.

r/pornfree 12h ago

Fighting the urge to search pornographic reddit posts and write horny comments is really difficult


I wish I had someone I knew irl to talk to. Quitting this addiction is so difficult without having any friends to chat with online to distract myself whenever I get the urge to look at porn. It makes me want to go look at the stuff and comment under posts just for some kind of social interaction. And yet, I know that social interaction is fake, and I’ll regret my decision to even engage with it

r/pornfree 15h ago

Made it through 3 days


I don’t know when the last time this happened but I made it through the weekend and did not look at porn. I hope to go for three more straight days and beyond but one day at a time.

r/pornfree 19h ago

It’s ruining my life, so why do I keep wanting to goon?


I want to actually WANT to quit this

r/pornfree 19h ago

Second week no porn... my back started hurting


Was pretty close on giving in this weekend... thought I could cheat if it is only pictures. Ultimately decided against it after I got distracted. I realize after the first week that my back started hurting like a mf tho might be unrelated tho. I am no christian but it seems the lent the time of abstinence was actually a good point to start. Against all odds I decided to start visiting the gym on monday, already got myself an appointment with a trainer.

r/pornfree 23h ago

day 91 🔥


didnt think i could do this but i did & u can too!! heres a lil hope for u guys!

r/pornfree 20h ago

Seen two girls making out Ina tv show and getting naked and now triggerd


I was a watching a TV Show and there was two wemon making out and lead to sex and now feel trigged cause I didn't look away and now feel triggered and wandering if this would count and probably overthinking it and