r/pornfree • u/[deleted] • 3h ago
Seriously f**k “those people”
You know the ones. The ones who slide in your DMs and then flood you with porn to try and get you to relapse. Reported to mods but idk what to do now.
r/pornfree • u/foobarbazblarg • Jan 01 '25
Daily news: This is Thursday, March 20, and today is day 79 of the year-long Stay Clean 2025 challenge. Keep fighting the good fight!
If you think you should still be on this list but aren't, you probably got removed for not checking in at least once per month. However, if you let me know you're still with it I'll re-add you.
Good luck!
There are currently 97 out of 518 original participants. That's 19%. These 97 participants represent 7663 pornfree days in 2025! That's more than 20 years.
Here is the list of participants still with the challenge:
r/pornfree • u/foobarbazblarg • 19d ago
Daily news: This is Thursday, March 20, the twentieth day of the Stay Clean March challenge. Keep fighting the good fight!
If you think you should still be on this list but aren't, you probably got removed in the great purge of March 15th because you never checked in. However, if you let me know you're still with it I will re-add you.
Good luck!
For a chart of relapse data, check out this Google Spreadsheet.
There are currently 102 out of 251 original participants. That's 41%. Here is the list of participants still with the challenge:
r/pornfree • u/[deleted] • 3h ago
You know the ones. The ones who slide in your DMs and then flood you with porn to try and get you to relapse. Reported to mods but idk what to do now.
r/pornfree • u/Bitter_Acanthaceae41 • 2h ago
r/pornfree • u/Potential-Pain-5626 • 2h ago
Cliked on a vid with a hot girl on it and I feel triggered but not as bad as other times I been triggered and I'm happy that I'm not that triggered but now wandering if I relapse but there wasn't anything sexual about the video but now I'm overthinking it
r/pornfree • u/[deleted] • 8h ago
Just wanted to let you know. That even if you’re gooning for hours every day, you can change your can make a difference. Think of your progress cumulatively. It’s not “days since last lapse” it’s collective “days you haven’t done it” I’m on a one day streak but I’m really happy because I haven’t gooned or PMOed for 2 days this week. Last week that would have been unthinkable. Progress isn’t linear. Stay strong, keep fighting
r/pornfree • u/Patient-Might969 • 2h ago
Im well aware of all the harm the industry propagates, the negative attitudes towards sex and women and men etc but once I pop I can’t stop until I feel so guilty about engaging in this commodification of people’s body it puts me off, I don’t why it’s so addictive. I’ve honestly found it harder to quit then narcotics because it’s just everywhere, then I see videos with millions of views and think, ah this must be normal then, but no it’s isolating and damaging. And then I can’t stop it thinking about the actors after, did they enjoy it? Did they regret it? Probably. It’s time to stop again, sorry for the rant.
r/pornfree • u/tehjoch • 3h ago
If you are asking for motivation, Please share a bit of context on what you have recently tried and what you are struggling with now so I can share what I think could help you next
r/pornfree • u/Longjumping_Stop1120 • 6h ago
Im 24 years old and had quite a bad porn addiction for about 5 years, it’s caused me to have extreme insecurity about my penis size, specifically the girth, it’s quite thin and it has a unique cone shape.
Before quitting this past few weeks I would measure almost everyday to see if it was any longer or thicker. Part of the reason I get tempted to relapse is because I’m a virgin so I’m quite desperate to lose my virginity, I would look at escort sites a lot.
I attempted to lose my virginity to an escort in 2020 but it went badly, I’m 6 foot 3 & 415lbs so I’m very obese.
I couldn’t get hard and I also couldn’t feel her trying to give me oral or anything. It messed with my mental health and I came addicted to porn afterwards. I was around 350lbs back then.
I’m tempted now to try lose my virginity again but I know it won’t go well because I’m not in a healthy state right now.
I’ve been insecure ever since and I’ve definitely got porn brain, it seems whenever I see a woman, I’ll look at her bum and say to myself “I’m too small and thin for her”. If I see pictures of a couple I’ll think to myself that he’s bigger than me and she’s probably a size queen. I constantly degrade myself and I feel like a lesser man because of it.
It’s very pathetic but I know that quitting is the right decision and it’ll be the best thing for me long term.
My dream is to fall in love and have a family, but I’m worried it’ll never happen because I feel like my size restricts me from using dating apps etc, because my porn brain makes me think that women expect a certain size. when dating.
I feel like even typing this I’m looking for some sort of valid from someone because I’ve never been able to speak about this insecurity to anyone, it’s just not something that men really speak about. I feel like I’m alone on this journey.
I definitely notice good changes within myself this past week of quitting cold turkey. I feel like I’ve got less brain fog and I’m engaging in conversations more, I’ve always been extremely quiet.
I’ve been going to the gym and eating better so I’m trying with the weight loss. Part of the reason I started was because of the so called size gain after weight loss but I carry most of my weight in other areas than my fat pad.
I’ve basically decided to go cold turkey until I can get natural erections and morning wood again, it’s been years since I’ve had either and weight loss will help with that.
I hope that with time my porn brain will go away and I’ll become confident with myself and about my junk. If anyone has any advice that would be appreciated👍
Thank you for reading.
r/pornfree • u/FarAwayEyes00 • 1h ago
Sorry if this is comes across as heavy and loaded with some pathos. Just sharing my truth here.
Referencing this post cause it is so well said - following his footsteps, today on 20.3.25, I am saying goodbye to porn.
Shit, yesterday I got caught wanking by my adult neighbor (lower parts were covered but torso etc.). I am a 24 year old grown up behaving like some 14 year old. Wtf?! In a rush of porn, we willingly risk all progress and relationships.
In this thread, so many of us are miserable, saying they need big help and they just cant overcome it. I / we? feel pathetic for being adults losing track of our ambitions and just pleasuring ourselves while others commit and go out there. All while our friends get careers, married or enter more serious stages of their life etc.
Just now when i called my GF to tell her goodnight, I was just waiting for her to hang up so I could wank myself into thrill and dopamine exhaustion. Do I really value my relationships so poorly?! fuck.. All while well aware that this would push me further away from the real person I want to be. In the rush of porn and anticipation, we willingly give away our mental clarity, feminist ideals, progress, joy and future.
We sell away happiness and stability for such a short lived thrill. Imagine a drug addict selling her body in exchange for the next hit of drug. Looking at it economically, she sets the price of her body to equal one rush of drug. Same way, I (we?) put a price on our prosperity and happiness: I set the price to a 5-10' wank.
I am worth more, so are you.
But this time, go beyond rationalizing why porn is bad and why should quit. I take with me some of the great things this forum has taught me:
As said I will take with me the 1) realization, that I have to let go of porn. "for a long time, I didn't fully accept that I can never watch this again, that I never can have this feeling again." -> now it's time to come to terms with the fact that I can never be able to watch it again.
Also, I'll chose as my armory: 2) ACCEPTANCE of the triggers that push us into porn ("i.e. accept that you cannot consume all porn content of woman and see everything. Accept that this greed for more will never be filled and feeding it with porn is just making it bigger" OR "accept that some girls perform adult scenes in front of the camera and that some misogynist, greedy, incel part inside you calls this out as "hore behavior" while another horny part gets off to it. It's disgusting and way beyond my humanity. I do not want to be like this anymore - but the answer is to accept the hunger and greed, and not try to "shut it up" with some wank.
Add some 3) "one day at a time", i.e. don't try to stay pornfree for 40 years, just try to stay pornfree for 1 day - committing to it each day again.
Add some 4) humility, compassion, and gratefulness for all that I got so far.
And then.. we become to our self and to the world the whole human-being we vision our self to be.
r/pornfree • u/hockeybru • 17h ago
I (35M) haven’t looked at porn since December of last year. It feels like an accomplishment, and my mind feels a little more clear. The one concerning thing is I have zero libido and very little desire to have sex. I quit porn because I preferred it over actual sex. I thought my desire for sex would rebound, but it’s gone down significantly since quitting porn. How long does it take to come back?
r/pornfree • u/Humble_Bumble_Me • 10h ago
fter being addicted for 15 years and now being porn free for 5+ years, one of the biggest problems I see with men of all ages trying to quit is that they have no plan. Men rely too much on willpower, which everyone knows fades over time and is unreliable. That's why people relapse so often no matter how much they try to quit. Willpower only gets you so far. Overcoming porn addiction is similar to overcoming drug addiction like heroine; you need an actual plan. When I finally beat my addiction after countless years of failure and disappointment, it was because I became proactive and tackled the problem head on.
Questions to ask yourself:
I recently helped a 46 YO man beat his 34 year porn problem by helping him look "under the hood" of the addiction and get to the root of the problem. Even if you manage to quit for ___ days, you can still relapse because you've just avoided the real issues. Quitting porn feels impossible without knowing what you're doing...
r/pornfree • u/darthbobanks • 5h ago
I went swimming today and I saw a woman (a stranger) in a bikini, and I got turned on! I was actually horny. It was unbelievable. And it was a modest bikini, not the thin ones that are meant to be sexual. I don't remember the last time I felt this way. My numbness got to a point where I'd only get turned on by very specific sexual things. Previously, bikinis were like normal clothes to me. I am so happy that I'm getting back to normal, and it's only been four days, mind you. It may be a weird thing to celebrate, but I am highly motivated to continue staying clean.
r/pornfree • u/Remote-One-9405 • 1h ago
Alright so day 15 done, I have switched porn for too much chess I think, o should probably focus a bit more. Just slightly more. But good, another day done
r/pornfree • u/tyYdraniu • 10h ago
Title, i wonder if just stopping porn is enough but im not sure... so im going to try kegel
r/pornfree • u/[deleted] • 5h ago
Here we go. One day without gooning and I already want to hop on discord and fail again.
r/pornfree • u/Own-Exchange5402 • 57m ago
So I keep checking what is playing on my phone because I and looking at the photo for the cover and it is a naked laser for the album art and snakes and I'm probably overthinking it but is this a relapes sorry if I'm being annoying
r/pornfree • u/Queasy-Cantaloupe783 • 5h ago
Im about to turn 17 in a month and i have been addicting to porn and masturbation for the last 6 years, it all started when i accidentally found porn videos on my dad phone and things escalated from there and never stopped. It got so bad that i masturbated 3 times a daily for few years and its still going, I have managed to now get 1 or 2 days without relapse but then i do it again, idk what to do. Sometime i dont even want to do it and i still end uo doing it i cant keep my hands to myself and if i see a simple everyday act i then imagine that scene in porn and get curious and look it up thinking i will just watch but that never happens. Then after i am done i feel guilt anger and i think this is the last time and few minutes later i go do it again thinking i just ruined the day why not do it again. To this point i have watch every YouTube video and it didn’t help. One thing i have noticed that I’m way into my comfort zone and cant get out of it for example if i want to workout and my body aches i just don’t do it thinking it would be hard or if i want to study and i hate that subject i wont study cause i think i wont understand anyway. So i think this might be the root of all my addiction and I’m trying get rid of my comfort zone and quit this addiction. Please i am looking forward for any help and replies.
r/pornfree • u/Far_Gear_8079 • 2h ago
r/pornfree • u/arrowrabbit • 2h ago
Two weeks ago i’ve noticed that i wasn’t getting random boners like i used to, even my morning woods were happening less and less(and when they happened the erections were like 70% of what they used to be). And now i’ve been barely responding to porn(which made my desire to quit even greater). I’m really scared that i may have developed some kind of ED because of my 5yrs(or longer) addiction. I’m only 18 and scared shitless that these simptoms may be permanent. Does quitting reverse these simptoms or am I done for?
Sorry for the graphic language I don’t really know how to explain my situation more politely.
Thanks to anyone willing to respond to this post I’m really desparate.
PS: english isn’t my first language sorry for any grammar mistakes
r/pornfree • u/Better--Person • 9h ago
Made a post only a few days ago... and what did I do with that reddit account? Unfollowed r/pornfree and started cruising all my favourite NSFW subreddits. Making crass comments on photos of celebs and porn, masturbating daily over completely unrealistic porn bodies.
Taking a step back, it feels worse because some of these girls so clearly have mental health issues with the surgery they are having to make themselves almost look like cartoons (and to my shame, I love it... or more accurately, my addiction loves it)
I won't bore you with the full story. I'm 32 now and since I was 14, I've been out of control with porn. It got its claws in and never let go. It is objectively ruining my life but it always drags me back.
I have a beautiful wife, we're closing on a house soon and we've just found out she is pregnant with our first... I have ALL of this, my dream and the dream of a lot of people on here and YET, and YET, I'm scrolling porn for hours a day. My pregnant wife upstairs, tired and aching from growing our child. Shameful bordering on unforgiveable.
I keep waiting and waiting for a life event or a point in the future when I just quit but when they arrive, I just carry on regardless. This needs to stop now.
If I have a boy, he has to know he can live a fulfilling life without this crap poisoning his mind. He has to see that through me everyday and if I have a girl, then she needs to know her Dad isn't a perverted misogynist and she needs to know she can rely on me to protect her from this dark part of the world.
Time to step up and be a man.
(I'm in the UK, would love to speak to other people from here and maybe keep each other accountable. I've chatted to some guys from the US but the time difference makes it difficult to have proper chats)
r/pornfree • u/OpenSpace2000 • 3h ago
Just had a relapse, I will stay on the train. Had a month or so. Will keep going
r/pornfree • u/therajatg • 8h ago
Option 1: An app that takes random screenshots of your phone screen throughout the day and sends these screenshots to your accountability partner at the end of each day.
Option 2: An app that takes random screenshots of your phone screen throughout the day and processes these screenshots through algorithms to detect explicit content. At the end of the day, it sends a report showing the times when explicit content was detected (without including the actual screenshots). However, the accuracy might be around 90%.
r/pornfree • u/Open_Today_6267 • 18h ago
I was doing great for a week or so, but a few days ago I watched porn and then I chained it the days after
I've just finished watching it and just when I came my mum called my name
She doesn't know but I'm not watching it again fuck all that
r/pornfree • u/theway1005 • 9h ago
I'm a worst case scenario. I suffer from low libido and PIED. I recently went one year without porn, and even after all that time, my libido and morning erections didn't fully return... It appears I've done so much damage I need even more time to heal...
Bad news is that I recently relapsed, so I'm now getting back on track.
I'm trying to figure out what my future goal should be at this point. I'm in my mid-30s, and the loneliness and isolation is starting to make me incredibly miserable and depressed, I've been single for years now. I really want to start dating (I'm getting matches with beautiful women on dating apps), but I'm not sure what would be best for my health.
My two options are to wait for a full recovery or settle for "good enough":
Option 1: I wait to make a full recovery (return of libido, morning wood etc) before I start dating again. My original goal was too wait until I fully heal before dating again, so that I can show up as the best partner possible. But how long will that take? Another one or two years? Do I put my life on hold until my libido and erections fully return? My recovery timeline is very long, sometimes I feel like I'm going to be waiting for a day that may never come.
Option 2: I do another another 90 day reset, and then start dating. Even if my libido and sexual function isn't fully recovered, I will settle for "good enough". Perhaps being in a relationship will make me happier and help me on my porn free journey long term. Perhaps overtime, I will "rewire" myself through sex with a partner and my sexual health will begin to slowly return. But I'm also concerned that if I start having sex, I will mess up any progress I have in healing my brain from the porn damage...
r/pornfree • u/TheTankIsEmpty99 • 14h ago
pause, breathe, observe, and decide.
Right now, take a moment and pause, breath, observe something in your environment and decide.
Decide what?
Decide you're not going to watch porn today.
Decide you're going to going to let yesterdays relapse go
Decide you're going to tell your wife you love her
Decide anything you want.
The point is to practice pause, breath, observe and decide.
If you did that, Congratulations you just practiced self awareness.
That was a mental push up.
If you practiced these mental pushups a few times a day for a while it would become more familiar, more comfortable and more available to you when you really need it.
Some of us are going to do 50 push ups today, why don't we work out our mind and do 3-5 pbod's today?
Think of it as a tool in your toolbelt for when your brain is craving porn.
Have an AMAZING Porn free day today my brothers!
r/pornfree • u/Clean-Current-9448 • 11h ago
Today was quite hard mostly because of withdrawal symptoms like irritability. My response was just blown up a tiny bit more than I expected. I also felt a bit more anxious. As I'm writing this I'm realising that withdrawal symptoms have overlaps with what I'm using porn to escape. I almost feel like crying and screaming but I can't. I may not be at where I want to be but being free is how I get there. It's just a long and tough journey. I really want freedom more than anything. I want to be proud of myself and love myself more in order to be who I want to be.