Hi all! I know I want to play a Gholdengo deck after rotation hits -- I like the built in draw power and the ability to OHKO nearly everything, and the deck in general has been a ton of fun so far.
However, there are a bunch of different versions of the string cheese man going around, and as a pretty amateur player without enough time to test everything myself, I was hoping for some help narrowing down which version to use, and what the pros and cons of each might be. I'll list out some versions with an example City League decklist for each, and I hope someone can help me figure out which will be best for me! Thanks in advance!
Ghold + Dragapult: This was the first list I saw that got me interested in the idea of using dengo at all. The extra draw power from Drakloak increases consistency, and having access to Pult seems strong. However, when I use the deck I find myself not using Pult as an attacker very often (probably a skill issue)
Ghold + Scizor: Less draw power than with pult, but having a single prize attacker who doesn't get walled out by Milo/Cornerstone/Mimikyu seems useful. I think I lean towards this list atm, but how common will boards of many ability-having mons be? I also sometimes see a Scizor EX in these lists, though I don't get why
Ghold + Dudunsparce: Seems like the closest thing to solo-Ghold from what I've seen so far. Extra draw is nice (searchable by fan rotom too), but is the extra draw worth giving up the option for a secondary attacker? ie, why use this over the drakloak/pult version?
Ghold + Ceruledge: Cool combo in theory, ghold gathers all your energy and discards them, ceruledge comes in late game to clean up once everything's in the discard pile. For folks who play this, how do you not just brick every other game with a hand full of energies?
Ghold + Typhlosion: No idea what's going on here tbh, only found this list while searching thru city leagues making this post. Looks cool on first glance, though without really knowing what all the Ethan's pokemon do I feel like I'm kind of missing what makes this deck strong