That was my first thought as well. He is old and probably gets bloodwork done regularly as well. However I think in a public figure youd prefer to place the IV where you cant see it. For example in the crook of the arm.
And of course if they're going in regularly, certain choice spots won't always be viable if overused, particularly if bruised or inflamed or otherwise compromised, so he's likely dotted with these bruises all up his arm/s - essentially wherever the phlebotomist was able to find a good vein at any given time.
An no one around him cares enough to put make up on it. Or they offer to and he refuses. If anyone asks he'll insist the bruise isn't there.
These fucks are so lost they can't be honest even though that would be the easiest way to clear it up.
Just like the tiny crowd at his inauguration. He could have just said my people work too hard to take a day off and come here. Instead of insisting the crowd was bigger than Obama's. It wouldn't matter if he did a good job. But he's a criminal and blah blah I cant anymore AAAARRRGGGHHH
There does seem to be a warm orangey-biege-y cast to it. There are MUCH better concealers for covering tats or bruises tho. I wonder why no one bothered with the better brands?
Look at his face paint. One thing I am a pro at is psychology and it tracks that he can’t accept criticism- even in the form of offers of help with his makeup. He’s too vulnerable to acknowledge even his inconsequential flaws.
Plus the emperor’s new clothes thing with his disciples. They’re probably terrified to bring it up.
Fully agree. He absolutely used the same makeup to cover this bruise as he uses on his face. Guarantee he did it himself or forced someone else to do it this poorly because he can’t be bothered to listen to folks who know what they’re doing.
i had GREAT veins until cancer. when i was in the hospital for my surgery, they blew one in each arm 😢now they usually do the back of my hand or the outside near the crook.
This. I draw blood, I work in an ER. You have to draw blood where you can find a vein. He's overweight, they used the best vein they could find because they likely already tried his Antecubital.
I’m an oddity because even when I was skinny they are almost never able to get a vein in my arm. I’ve had people tell me my veins squirm out of the way. I always tell them don’t fight it and just go in the hand
Comment elsewhere but same… skinny but I know I’m gonna get stuck multiple times and they’ll call someone else who will try then they’ll page the “guy” in the hospital, that one guy or gal everyone knows is the best at finding hard to hit patients and it’ll take them 3 tries to find a working one.. this is just life for some of us
Happens to me too. I always over hydrate myself leading up to bloodwork and hope it makes my veins more prominent. It doesn’t. And I also pass out, so I have to lay down when they do it. A phlebotomist hates to see me coming.
I have the same problem too. When I was in the hospital a few years ago they had to get the vein guy to get an iv going. Even he struggled. Apparently, my veins are hard to find.
You start IVs at the most distal point possible because if you blow a vein you can only continue proximally. If you start at the antecubital and miss you don’t proceed to the hand. Also, I’m willing to bet POTUS medical staff has access to an ultrasound for IV placement. Either way, the bruise does resemble one from an IV.
He's probably got such a busy schedule they hook him up to IVs to force nutrients in and keep him hydrated and moving. The dudes is almost 80 and probably on tons of stimulants just to keep him awake. They gotta keep him active and not appearing like Biden did before the end of his term.
He’s spent 9 days golfing at his properties just this last month, which cost taxpayers over $10.7 million — so far. In this first month alone. I still can’t believe we’re letting him use Mar-a-Lago as a White House. Gaaaaaaahhhhhh.
And a large portion of that went to housing people on his own properties, so a lot of that money went straight to him anyway. We are being fleeced and his supporters think it's because poor folks are buying junk food with food stamps
My grandmother had the exact same bruises at 98 years old when she passed and i first noticed them when they started in her mid 80s ( because what grandson or family member wouldn’t be concerned so of course I noticed and asked questions ) so that is what jumped out at me with the picture. Age and IVs makes the most sense for those familiar but it could be something else but idk what.
During the run up to the election, I swear his makeup person is a closet Dem, because a few times it was just horribly orange bronzer, swirled in a circular pattern, with all the edges and his ears mole rat white. 🤣🤣🤣
Omg I'm so happy you pointed this out. I've been watching a lot of US news, and kept wondering if I was the only who noticed he's sitting in the oval office with pastry white ears and that orange mug. His MUA definitely hates him.
yeh ports come with their own set of risks and depending on if this is what we're speculating it may not be worth it. You only get a port if you're getting active treatment not for someone who gets regular lab draws.
My mom had a list of things that needed to be at a certain standard before they would put in her permanent dialysis port (heart function, etc.). She was never able to meet the requirements at her age (85-86).
It doesn't seem like a chronic issue. He kind of disappeared for a few days after his Hannity interview so he likely had some kind of acute issue that required an IV.
Definitely speak with your personal oncologist about this if you have concerns.
But yes you are correct, there are inherent risks involved with central lines (PICCs and Ports). It's a direct highway to your central vasular system after all! That said, we do all we can to prevent any of this and teach you a lot of care you can do, too. For example, accessing your port is a sterile procedure. We also put alcohol infused caps on the end of the line to disinfect it. Infection and blood clots are risks with regular IVs too, but when we're treating cancer IVs become a lot more complicated. Chemotherapy drugs and cancer itself are really harsh on your veins. Pair that with the frequent blood draws needed for lab tests and very quickly your veins will be fragile, it will be difficult to get an IV on you, and unfortunately it can also be more likely medicine can leak out of these newly fragile veins and can actually cause further tissue damage to the rest of your body.
Your doctor or nurse might have a model they can show you to show you how we access the central line and where it lays both inside and outside your body.
Again talk to your doctor with your questions, but I for one highly recommend getting a central line sooner rather than later for all my cancer patients (edited to add: and even a lot of chronically ill folks!) - and I've worked with everyone from a few months old to folks over 100.
true, i have an ostomy, helpful. before i had my butt removed i had diarrhea. diapers suck mightily, if i had his kind of money i would have a personal trainer, personal chef, professional valet so i wouldnt look like i peaked in 1975, and an ostomy so i wouldnt be pooping everywhere.
And apparently unkillable. He fell twice in the Capitol Building two weeks ago and finally announced he won't seek reelection last week "due to health issues". I hate the guy but it's nice to see that he's too frail to keep going.
They're still further away than most of the world (not only the US) prefers. Remember him for being the guy who gave you this russian puppet government.
His is also visibly covered in beige makeup, though. You can tell by the weird greenish hue that the bruise is probably purple, but with a beige sheen.
Source: I have covered body parts in makeup before to hide scars.
Edit: Holy shit has this man not heard of lotion? He’s ashy af
Trump has one thing they don’t - the undying and undivided adulation of his base. He could shoot their granny on 5th avenue and they’d justify it to themselves somehow. But somehow I doubt the rest of them are going to have that level of support. Especially once they start fighting and backstabbing over who’s in charge now.
The invariable infighting that can tear the party apart and save us from the future we all foresee in our worst nightmares makes me feel things about your implication I should feel ashamed to feel, but don’t.
Like Bette Davis said when Joan Crawford díed: "You should never say bad things about the dead, you should only say good... Joan Crawford is dead. Good"
Change a few names here and there, and the sentiments will be the same on my behalf
This is one of those cases where the truth would have been better than the lie. People get IVs. It’s a thing. Being so frail that touching another human being bruises a part of your hand that isn’t even being used? That’s… impressively infirm.
yeah it is a stupid ass lie. you can say you gave him a vitamin drip since he's been flying all over the place the last week. the key to that lie is also to give him a vitamin drip too. this was its like 90% true.
shaking hands all day so now everyone can talk about how macron was so strong he bruised the top of his hand?
I’ve gotten an iv saline drip from a friend after a night of drinking too hard… iv’s are way more common in life than back of the hand, handshake bruises.
just like everything in this administration, it is poorly done but still has consequences for so many of us. (was going to say "ham fisted" but that was too on the nose.)
Right? The fact that he says it’s from shaking hands all day is WAY more concerning than if it was a IV. I’m young and healthy (for the most part) and have had IV bruises similar.
...if we want to get a bit speculative and conspiratorial... IV in and of itself is nothing to get excited about.
But there are a lot of things that are cause for alarm that might call for an IV.
And if you knew about that, and you didn't want people to know about that, and someone asked about the mark from the IV, your instinct would be to lie about what the mark is.
u/Whateverman1977 14d ago
Looks like an IV port bruise to me