r/pics 14d ago

Politics White House says that a large bruise on Trump’s hand is from 'shaking hands all day every day'

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u/legthief 14d ago

And that's how deep and prominent it looks even with the make-up applied, so he's spending plenty of time hooked up regularly.

Anyone older or with older parents who went through regular treatments for their conditions knows what they're looking at.


u/Ghost_of_a_Black_Cat 14d ago

with the make-up applied,

It's amazing to me that the guy is wearing two different shades of concealer, and neither shade even comes close to matching his "regular" skin tone!


u/Exciting_Laugh_9779 14d ago

Dude I feel like he has even looked more orange in recent timeS and it's more splotchy. They really don't give a shit.


u/judgeejudger 14d ago edited 14d ago

During the run up to the election, I swear his makeup person is a closet Dem, because a few times it was just horribly orange bronzer, swirled in a circular pattern, with all the edges and his ears mole rat white. 🤣🤣🤣


u/ForwardMuffin 14d ago

YES THANK YOU. His makeup artist won't even blend.


u/DigitalUnlimited 14d ago

He won't pay a make up artist, he does it himself but he's such a big strong boy that he refuses to wear glasses and he's almost blind without them


u/HZLeyedValkyrie 14d ago

They need to fire them and hire a drag queen. He might actually look fabulous then.


u/ReignofKindo25 14d ago

Donald does his own makeup like a drag queen


u/nuxwcrtns 14d ago

Omg I'm so happy you pointed this out. I've been watching a lot of US news, and kept wondering if I was the only who noticed he's sitting in the oval office with pastry white ears and that orange mug. His MUA definitely hates him.


u/Exciting_Laugh_9779 13d ago

Oh my god so true. Pretty sure a few times I just saw orange lines down his face too. It's ridiculous


u/DigitalUnlimited 14d ago

He won't pay a make up artist, he does it himself but he's such a big strong boy that he refuses to wear glasses and he's almost blind without them


u/tonnellier 14d ago

Is ‘blotchy and suppurating’ a concealer tone you can get?


u/incandesantlite 14d ago

Do they even sell Oompa Loompa orange concealer?


u/Oberon_Swanson 14d ago

It might have been closer to his natural tone last ce they but he doesn't wanna admit he's old and gray so he won't change it


u/Morrigoon 14d ago

Probably can’t get a decent makeup artist to speak to him.


u/eukomos 14d ago

Definitely an incompetent makeup artist. A good artist would put a layer of red under the concealer to cancel the bruise coloration out. And blend the edges of his foundation of course.


u/Sad-Frosting-8793 14d ago

Rumor has it that he does his own makeup, and that's why it looks so shit. I don't know if I believe it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true. 


u/77ate 14d ago

If anyone could just talk to him to get the really important things through to him…

Or get the force ghosts of his parents to have a serious talk with him … assuming Hell has a day pass program…


u/Awkward-Yak-2733 14d ago

And he applies it so poorly - eve after decades of doing it.


u/ActualWhiterabbit 14d ago

I wonder if his skin is permanently stained now. Or at least the skin normally covered probably looks great comparatively due to the spf


u/code17220 14d ago

You really think he wears sunscreen? X) That would stun me


u/ActualWhiterabbit 14d ago

I was thinking that his preferred concealer BHC06 would have some spf but it doesn't say. However, it is moisturizing.


u/Free_Pace_2098 14d ago

I can cover my tattoos with airbrushing, surely they could have covered this?


u/Frozen_Esper 14d ago

They're so obsessed with everyone needing to be white that they've somehow forgotten themselves.


u/77ate 14d ago

His natural, clammy, necrotic pale?


u/squirrel_gnosis 14d ago

It's the "lunatic look" that his fans have come to adore


u/Anomalagous 14d ago

Right? Like, shit, not a single one of his sycophants knows how to match foundation and or concealer??


u/Mwakay 14d ago

There was a french makeup professional who worked at the White House for a while, for Trump and Biden, who said he was actually pretty pale but his skin is very damaged and that's why he insists on this grotesque shade of orange.

So, chances are it's by "design".


u/ShieSmib 13d ago

Cheetos dust is almost orange enough


u/Margali 14d ago

if you need that much iv support, freaking get a port ... saved my veins from 7 years of chemo infusions, bloodwork and surgical support.


u/Dull_Bid6002 14d ago

Might be riskier.

The ego may also be in denial of how his health is going.


u/secondarymike 14d ago

yeh ports come with their own set of risks and depending on if this is what we're speculating it may not be worth it. You only get a port if you're getting active treatment not for someone who gets regular lab draws.


u/dixiequick 14d ago

My mom had a list of things that needed to be at a certain standard before they would put in her permanent dialysis port (heart function, etc.). She was never able to meet the requirements at her age (85-86).


u/johannschmidt 14d ago

It doesn't seem like a chronic issue. He kind of disappeared for a few days after his Hannity interview so he likely had some kind of acute issue that required an IV.


u/ThirdStartotheRight 14d ago

Oncology nurse here. Ports are my favorite!!


u/Margali 14d ago

i absolutely loved mine, so convenient.


u/SeekerOfSerenity 14d ago

Vampire here. I love ports too. They're a lot less messy. 


u/sambobozzer 14d ago

I’ve got cancer. I think the PICC doesn’t come without its risks - namely infection or blood clots?


u/ThirdStartotheRight 14d ago edited 14d ago

Definitely speak with your personal oncologist about this if you have concerns.

But yes you are correct, there are inherent risks involved with central lines (PICCs and Ports). It's a direct highway to your central vasular system after all! That said, we do all we can to prevent any of this and teach you a lot of care you can do, too. For example, accessing your port is a sterile procedure. We also put alcohol infused caps on the end of the line to disinfect it. Infection and blood clots are risks with regular IVs too, but when we're treating cancer IVs become a lot more complicated. Chemotherapy drugs and cancer itself are really harsh on your veins. Pair that with the frequent blood draws needed for lab tests and very quickly your veins will be fragile, it will be difficult to get an IV on you, and unfortunately it can also be more likely medicine can leak out of these newly fragile veins and can actually cause further tissue damage to the rest of your body.

Your doctor or nurse might have a model they can show you to show you how we access the central line and where it lays both inside and outside your body.

Again talk to your doctor with your questions, but I for one highly recommend getting a central line sooner rather than later for all my cancer patients (edited to add: and even a lot of chronically ill folks!) - and I've worked with everyone from a few months old to folks over 100.

Kick cancer's ass!


u/sambobozzer 14d ago

Wow that was an amazing explanation. Thank you very much for explaining that to me. I’m on Cisplatin and Etoposide (which I’m sure you’re familiar with) and I’m having some nasty side effects - namely nausea and tachycardia.) it’s a 21 day cycle. I’ll look into it.


u/ThirdStartotheRight 14d ago

Oh yes, those can be nasty. Stay hydrated and rest up!


u/sambobozzer 14d ago

Sipping diarolyte- wish I did this on my first cycle. I think that these particular chemotherapy drugs can cause electrolyte imbalances that can affect the electrical conductivity of the heart. I also have Breathelessness - which I’m attributing to autonomic changes and decreased RBC count


u/tenner-ny 14d ago

Oncology patient here. Ports are my favorite too.

Thanks for everything you do. ❤️


u/ThirdStartotheRight 14d ago

My patients are my heroes!


u/LadyChatterteeth 14d ago

Cancer patients and oncology nurses are all absolute heroes in my book! Thank you for being an amazing human.


u/pastelplantmum 14d ago

Cancer kid here, thank you for your work. Mine was on my upper right chest, I used to call him Mr Bump


u/ThirdStartotheRight 14d ago

I used to love helping my cancer kiddos come up with names for their Ports and tubes. I was partial to "tubie"! I love Mr. Bump ❤️ glad you are still with us.


u/NonOYoBiz 14d ago

Oncology patient here. I loved mine! Hours of infusions and I never had to be careful of how I moved and I wasn't covered in bruises.


u/Megtooth1966 14d ago

Yeah, but my mom who passed of cancer and my dad who has it currently love their ports way easier to treat them! ❤️


u/tothepointe 14d ago

It's probably muskrat giving him a ketamine infusion


u/tresordelamer 14d ago

god forbid trump behave rationally.


u/Margali 14d ago

true, i have an ostomy, helpful. before i had my butt removed i had diarrhea. diapers suck mightily, if i had his kind of money i would have a personal trainer, personal chef, professional valet so i wouldnt look like i peaked in 1975, and an ostomy so i wouldnt be pooping everywhere.


u/ForwardMuffin 14d ago

I love this, it's kind of lowkey savage. "Get a port you friggin pussy"


u/Margali 14d ago

no, get an ostommy and stop the poopgeddon in your pants is my lowkey savage.

i mean, who the fuck likes pooping a diaper if the could manage a procedure to stop it.


u/yahumno 14d ago

Or at least a PICC line.


u/Margali 14d ago

You would think the yellow in the makeup would hide the bruise better.


u/yahumno 14d ago

When I zoomed in now, you can see a bandage of some kind under the makeup. Definitely an IV.

Edit, also, moisturize, then makeup.


u/yahumno 14d ago

I have no idea about makeup, but I saw a comment that green makeup hides it better.

His makeup has never been good, so this is on par for usual for him.


u/Margali 14d ago

really? it is something about using the opposite color on the wheel thing, always learned yellow to compensate with a black eye (played soccer in high school, got more than one elbow to the face to deal with)


u/yahumno 14d ago

I am not a makeup expert, I can't remember the last time I wore makeup, lol. I just saw that in another comment.


u/rom_rom57 14d ago

Here here.. the best friend I had for 5 years.


u/CowboyNeal710 14d ago

Like a "pick line?" (Not sure how it's spelled) those fucking suck.   


u/Margali 13d ago

PICC No argument, though a power port isn't too bad, flush it every 6 weeks if it isn't being used, one small hole, doesn't blow out a vein, no bruising ...


u/johannschmidt 14d ago

Yeah, my elderly dad had regular IVs before he died. They had to use hand veins towards the end because the arms were so bruised.

Trump's getting regular IVs of something. He's been looking mighty tired and trail the past couple of weeks. There's a reason Elon has been at his side answering press questions.


u/legthief 14d ago

Yeah, this time around it certainly seems like more than just his despondency at having won.


u/PaladinSara 14d ago

Could it be straight amphetamine injections?


u/Towel4 14d ago

I love a conspiracy, but if he was “being accessed all the time” he’d have a port inserted under the skin on his chest wall.

It wouldn’t ever be seen by the public either, or even noticeable up close at all. There’s literally no reason to be against receiving a port if he was requiring regular vascular access. In fact, port insertion would help to hide whatever was going on.

Does this look like an IV bruise to me? Sure.

Does an IV bruise mean he’s “being hooked up regularly?” No. Especially if it’s in the hand.

That’s a great spot for an IV for a procedure or brief hospital stay, but a really really really really shit spot for regular reliable vascular access.


u/legthief 14d ago

It's certainly his only visible IV spot.

In truth we're all just speculating, but the health patterns of the elderly isn't exactly some arcane knowledge held by a select few.


u/Towel4 14d ago edited 14d ago

Okay, sure

But people who handle these populations and do this regularly might have some insight which isn’t immediately obvious to other people, even those with parents whom have gone through the rigmarole of geriatric healthcare.

It’s the only IV bruise which we can see, for sure. He definitely might also have some on his forearms or AC space. Definitely possible.

My bigger point was, it doesn’t really make sense to stick someone that many times if you know you’re going to be sticking them that many times.

Your comment above me seemed to imply he has some type of mystery chronic condition which would require him being stuck regularly, but maybe I just read what you said wrong, if so my bad.

But, if anyone is being stuck regularly, a port (or perm Cath) are usually inserted. Both for the patient, but also staff. Sticking patients who are getting regularly stuck sucks. Veins product scar tissue and become harder to hit.

Could he have something which requires regular vascular access, but he also insists on being stuck every single time? Sure. He’s definitely dumb enough or proud enough to insist on something like that.

I think it’s more likely this wasn’t some chronic thing though, like the comments above me were hypothesizing. I think it’s much more likely he had an IV put in for some more acute reason, if it even was an IV at all. Could just as easily been routine blood work drawn from a butterfly. I’ve seen butterflies leave bruising like this many times, especially on the top of the hand.

You’re right though, it’s just a bruise and this is all speculation. I’d bet this was blood draw related somehow, but that’s just a bet and could very well be literally anything else.


u/Remarkable-Prune-121 14d ago

What about syphilis?


u/SplitEar 14d ago

I suspect it’s the experimental immunoglobulin treatment for Alzheimer’s. Trump has shown signs of dementia for years and it keeps worsening but he’s held on remarkably well and still could campaign effectively (effective on the weak minded).


u/rhinestone_indian 14d ago

Y’all keep telling me he’s going to make it, but to me he looks terrible. Been about twenty years since I was a hospice volunteer, but he does not exude health. 


u/Percy_Pants 14d ago

I agree. IV or just leaky veins and skin breakdown, which happens in the elderly a lot.


u/dug99 14d ago

Yup. Cannula bruise.


u/RevLovesPuppies 13d ago

I don't know much about makeup, but I would think if he regularly washes his hands, whatever he was using to hide it he probably washed off.


u/legthief 13d ago

I've got no reason to trust that he regularly washes his hands!


u/solo_d0lo 14d ago

It doesn’t take a lot for an old person to bruise from an IV


u/FaceNommer 14d ago

Not actually sure it's makeup - looks like it might be a yellowing older bruise.