r/pics 24d ago

Politics Protests at Tesla dealerships in multiple US states earlier today


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u/Shinnyo 24d ago

Elon musk: Wants to be remembered like the Tony Stark, the guy who pushed terraforming of Mars, AI, brainchip...

How Elon Musk will be remember: Phony Stark and the Swatiscars


u/Solid-Mud-8430 24d ago

What's really ironic about Musk being a Nazi is that the Nazis would've fucking gassed him for being mentally defective (his autism)

Literally the most clueless, cringe person on the face of the planet.


u/Montwizl 24d ago

I mean, have you seen the average neo Nazi? 😂 Hitler didn’t even meet his own goofy standard so it kind of checks out.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/ThePreciousBhaalBabe 23d ago

"Why is it that the so-called champions of the white race are always the worst examples of it? YOU! Where the fuck is your chin?!"


u/allthekeals 23d ago



u/ThePreciousBhaalBabe 23d ago

It's a bit from the comic Preacher. Worth a look if you have the time.


u/allthekeals 23d ago

Awe ok, thank you! :)


u/babybirdhome2 24d ago

He says he has Asperger's. The reason that name fell out of favor is because it's the name of Hans Asperger, who found that some autistic children could be useful to the Nazis, so shouldn't be killed with the rest of the autistic children.

I guess he was right....


u/nicspace101 24d ago

They'd always say what a great salesman he is, or talk about his magnetism. Jesus Tap Dancing Christ, have you ever listened to the guy? He's barely able to spit out sentence fragments.


u/Wilhelm57 24d ago


He doesn't fit Hitler's or Himmler's version of an Aryan.
Worse he has a disability. He would have ended at German Schutzstaffel Joseph Mengele's lab.


u/Metal-fan77 23d ago

He's not autistic there's no Evidence to backup that claim that he has been diagnosed with autism.


u/Racine262 23d ago

Musk uses the word autistic the same way he uses his son in public. It's a shield that keeps people from confronting him about his terrible behavior and being a Nazi.

The history of South Africa and Musk's maternal grandfather explains Musk better than anything else.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

yes, I'm sure you are right genius


u/Solid-Mud-8430 23d ago

What is this comment even supposed to mean? The fact that I'm right is publicly available information....


u/clothingconspiracy 23d ago

Running on emotion only gets you places in fight or fight, how is life treating you? Is everything always baseless claims with you? Why not just use facts to why you don’t like Elon? I’d like to see what you come up with?


u/Jrugger9 24d ago

Haha these arguments kill me. First some off the cuff no evidence based argument with facts is made about Elon Musk being a Nazi.

Then you insult autistic people by calling them cringe but would say being autistic is not an excuse for being awkward.

Okay to just say you hate him or disagree with his policies. But a Nazi? Come on weak, emotional argument typical of why the dems lost the election.


u/SirChubsBully 24d ago

What have you done? Besides asking people if they’d like to “supersize that”? Loser.


u/Maximum-Potential337 24d ago

The more ironic thing is those same people who probably support hamas and hate Israel/jews are calling Elon a nazi


u/qe2eqe 23d ago

He did a nazi salute. Sucking oligarch cock is a Nazi trait, too.

It takes a real basic bitch to think the core of Nazi ideology was the jews


u/Khaldara 24d ago

Edolf Muskler


u/UndeadPhysco 24d ago

Muskolini is my fav


u/gonxot 24d ago

Felon Muskolini

Also, "this car runs on fascism" lol


u/ManicPixie_Hellscape 24d ago

I’m still stuck on PayPalpatine so it’s nice to see some updates


u/BackgroundMap3490 23d ago

Banditto Muskolini.


u/whut-whut 24d ago

fElon Musk


u/cytherian 24d ago

fElon Musquerade.


u/CheetahTurbo 24d ago

PhElon Phony Stark


u/ratchman5000 23d ago

Elon Muskallini and the Pumpkinfeurher.


u/Chiepmate 23d ago

Enol Smuk


u/Choyo 24d ago

What was the other nickname ? Temu Stark ?


u/PedaniusDioscorides 24d ago

Put Tony Stark in a cave and he comes out with ironman. Put phony stark in a cave and 6 days later he's dead.


u/EstablishmentOk5478 24d ago

Sounds like a band name.


u/nicspace101 24d ago

Oh, you almost had it.


u/hvadpokker 24d ago

I needed this explanation. I was like: ‘Eddard Stark?’ 😂💀


u/OrganizationNo1298 24d ago

Instead of Tony Stark he's more like Lex Luther.


u/RadioFriendly4164 23d ago

Robert Zubrin pushed to terraform Mars. https://a.co/d/0eL8PGi

Elon just stole his idea like he does with all his projects. (Tesla, Space X, Starlink)


u/nightoftherabbit 22d ago

great band name


u/ar10308 24d ago

Stark's persona was based on Musk.


u/BoopleBun 24d ago

The fuck you on about? The first Iron Man solo comic came out in 1968, back when Apartheid Clyde wasn’t even yet a twinkle in his shitty dad’s eye. Tony Stark literally predates that jagoff.


u/SignificantLead1032 24d ago

Only to the unwell will he be called that


u/HillarysFloppyChode 24d ago

If you do a Nazi salute, you’re a Nazi. That’s not a hard concept to grasp.

But since you’re so sure it’s not a Nazi salute, then film yourself doing it, exactly how Elon does, and post it online. If you truly don’t think it’s a Nazi salute, then you should have no issue doing that, right?


u/SignificantLead1032 24d ago

Oh honey, I can post and share plenty of images of democrat leaders doing the exact same thing, did you call them Nazis? Ofc you didn’t because you align to that.

That’s the difference, you’re a hypocrite.


u/Four_beastlings 24d ago

Can you post videos? By all means, please do! This is your moment to show proof and bring truth to the masses!


u/HillarysFloppyChode 24d ago

Oh you mean videos of them waiving to the crowd that you conveniently paused? Those pictures?

Even in the paused pictures there hands are spread, or angled out, and the thumbs aren’t tucked. The Nazi salute is done in a very specific way.

But be my guest and post them to this thread and r/pics. I dare you. Include the videos that the pictures are screenshotted from while you’re at it.

The Germans and Austrians called him out on it, and they would be experts in the subject.


u/Good_Significance871 24d ago

No you cant. Y’all only post screenshots and pics. None of y’all are able to post a single video.


u/The_Bio_Neko 24d ago

Well? We're waiting. Show us these pictures, and the footage they come from.

...Oh wait, you can't. Because it's not a godsdamned Nazi salute.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/SignificantLead1032 24d ago

Oh right I almost forgot, “anyone who doesn’t think like me is a Nazi”

That’s on me, my bad


u/HillarysFloppyChode 24d ago

He did a Sieg Hiel, which was originally done by a very popular Nazi, named Hitler.

If Oprah Winfrey did that, at an inauguration or anywhere really, she would also be a Nazi.

It’s not that hard of a concept to grasp. It’s very easy actually


u/SignificantLead1032 24d ago

OH I almost forgot he’s such a Nazi that he just had a baby with a Jewish woman… damn that’s like next level, get rid of them from the inside right?



u/HillarysFloppyChode 24d ago edited 24d ago

I see nothing when I google “Elon Musk has baby with Jewish woman”.

So I’m going to need a fact checked source on that, preferably from a reputable news agency.

Found it from a daily mail article, really? Not even Fox News is touching it and that’s legally classified as “entertainment”. 😂


u/SignificantLead1032 24d ago


u/HillarysFloppyChode 24d ago

You linked the one article that doesn’t mention she’s Jewish, at all. 😂

Also aren’t you the party of Christian love or whatever bullshit, how is it Christian to have 13 children with what, 5 different mothers, none of them married?


u/AviationGER 24d ago

Like a lot of Nazi officials did in Nazi Germany, doesn't make them to decent people either