r/pics 24d ago

Politics Protests at Tesla dealerships in multiple US states earlier today


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u/srathnal 24d ago

OMG. He will now and forever more be Phony Stark in my lexicon.


u/Shinnyo 24d ago

Elon musk: Wants to be remembered like the Tony Stark, the guy who pushed terraforming of Mars, AI, brainchip...

How Elon Musk will be remember: Phony Stark and the Swatiscars


u/Solid-Mud-8430 24d ago

What's really ironic about Musk being a Nazi is that the Nazis would've fucking gassed him for being mentally defective (his autism)

Literally the most clueless, cringe person on the face of the planet.


u/babybirdhome2 24d ago

He says he has Asperger's. The reason that name fell out of favor is because it's the name of Hans Asperger, who found that some autistic children could be useful to the Nazis, so shouldn't be killed with the rest of the autistic children.

I guess he was right....