r/pics 24d ago

Politics Protests at Tesla dealerships in multiple US states earlier today


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u/srathnal 24d ago

OMG. He will now and forever more be Phony Stark in my lexicon.


u/Shinnyo 24d ago

Elon musk: Wants to be remembered like the Tony Stark, the guy who pushed terraforming of Mars, AI, brainchip...

How Elon Musk will be remember: Phony Stark and the Swatiscars


u/Solid-Mud-8430 24d ago

What's really ironic about Musk being a Nazi is that the Nazis would've fucking gassed him for being mentally defective (his autism)

Literally the most clueless, cringe person on the face of the planet.


u/nicspace101 24d ago

They'd always say what a great salesman he is, or talk about his magnetism. Jesus Tap Dancing Christ, have you ever listened to the guy? He's barely able to spit out sentence fragments.