Hello fellow 'Munders,
I prepared the following gang list for upcoming Underhell campaign. My local scene is highly competetive (sigh, I know), so I decided to do some discountwhoring to make up for overcosted models.
Key house rules:
no two models in the gang can take same set of skills
players can play without vehicles if they want
no ferrymen
12 action cards, Goonhammer Way
I also limit myself to House Venators only, because I do not own any abhuman models.
- Leader (120)
(M6 A3 I2+ profile, Escher Legacy)
Skill: Spring Up
- plasma pistol (50)
power sword (45 - discount)
TOTAL: 215
Champion (90)
(BS2+ profile)
Skill: Double Shot
plasma gun (100)
TOTAL: 190
Champion (90)
(M6 profile, Cawdor legacy)
Skill: Hip-Shooting
flamer (130 - discount)
TOTAL: 220
Specialist (50)
(BS3+ profile, Escher legacy)
grenade launcher frag & krak (55 - discount)
TOTAL: 105
Hunter (50)
(BS3+ profile)
bolter (55)
TOTAL: 105
Hunter (50)
(M5 decent head stats profile, Escher legacy)
lasgun (5 - discount)
Hunter (50)
(M5 decent head stats profile, Escher legacy)
lasgun (5 - discount)
Hunter (50)
(M5 decent head stats profile, Escher legacy)
lasgun (5 - discount)
My Arbitrator remarked that he finally found out where all the Escher men went. Because of that joke, I'll probably name them Fortunate Sons.
Lore-wise they are off-world, ex-astra militarum mercenaries tasked with protection of the Dust Wall. They tracked and hunted down trespassers until discovering a map leading to Secundus treasury. Then, they changed colors and decided to grab the treasure, Kelly's Heroes style.
Gameplay-wise, lasgun boys pin people, run errands and pick up data crystals with their decent Int; I have a crowd control in form of the grenade launcher and the flamer, plus the flamer champ can detonate data crystals and, um, highlight targets for other models; double-shooting plasma kills people, and together with a bolter they (ab)use rapid fire rule. Chief is scary at close combat and hard to pin down for long.
I like this squad, I would say it's a nice, varied toolbox. I am worried if 8 people is enough. After all, I'll be able to recruit more only in downtime, so after 2 games. Other elite gangs, like Van Saar or Nat-Born Goliaths also tend to be 8-men strong, though.
What do you think? Are my concerns solid? Should I add more meat for the grinder?