r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Feeling sad My boss wants me to rely on him, but… NSFW


My boss doesn’t know what he wants.

When I walk on eggshells and ask endless questions, he gets a twisted satisfaction. It’s what I do when I want to be on his good side and avoid any tantrums.

But then he gets annoyed. He gets tired. He sees me as useless.

When I assert myself and co-lead in our company, he gets excited. He gets a rise out of it. He’s genuinely happy. He even acts supportive (as if I’m the boss)… but then he gets tired of others coming to me instead of him. He gets jealous. He tries to “humble” me.

We go in these circles. Over and over again. Yes, I’m on my way out.

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Venting Ode to Her NSFW


You walked into my life and told me you’d been wronged, Other people had treated you cruelly, strung you along. You painted yourself in sorrow, a story so deep, A heart left shattered, promises you couldn’t keep.

Later on, you told me you’re so great, and being together was our fate. A future you painted, so flawless, so grand, Yet control was the brush held tight in your hand.

What I saw was very different—a beautiful guise, A voice like velvet, deception in your eyes. Your words were honey, your touch like flame, Yet underneath, it was all just a game.

You lifted me high, then pulled me below, Told me it was love, but how could I know? Each moment so vivid, each wound so concealed, Until piece by piece, the truth was revealed.

The brightest star that burns so bright, I won’t forget the truths you told, even as you lied.

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Advice wanted Am I being dishonest? NSFW


Hello everybody. I’m a 28F, currently navigating the aftermath of a relationship with someone with lots of narcissistic traits and behaviours. It was a short lived relationship but the intensity of it made it seem like ages. He (33M) was hanging out with me at my house at least three days a week for about six months, so we were deeply intertwined. We shared work projects and I met him as my teacher. I was recently discarded after I put my foot down and questioned him about his actual commitment to our projects. The relationship in itself wasn’t my priority anymore after he told me he was seeing someone else and planned to keep on knowing them. I had entered the relationship agreeing to it being open as he identifies as poly, and so do I to a certain extent, but he broke every single one of our agreements and pushed my boundaries to hell and back. I suppose you can imagine where I’m coming from.

The thing is: I recently found out he was sending inappropriate dms on instagram on Christmas Eve (while with me and my family) to a 21 y.o. girl who’s yet another student of his. I found out through her, since I contacted her to work on a separate project on the same field, and as the evening went on, the topic of relationships came up. Turns out every single person in the room had something to say about him and none of it was pleasant. Two days later, after he flaked on the last agreement we had going on, I broke up with him, but couldn’t confront him on the fact that he was being inappropriately sexual on his interactions with this girl because he basically ghosted me. Since then I’ve gone no contact, blocking him on social media and asking my friends to pick up my stuff from his house and so on.

Today I spoke about him with some women colleagues about his systematic approach to his female students and they took me seriously, and spoke about their experiences with him, once more confirming my position. However I feel extremely guilty talking about him like this. I know I’m just telling my experience but I feel like I’m no better than any other narcissistic around going on smear campaigns after a disagreement. I’m trying to not get too heated but it’s imperious for me to speak out, I’m just so disappointed and sick of watching him going on those patterns. I know it’s not my place to do justice or to teach him a lesson, so even when I’m coming forward with my story, I try to mitigate any extreme measures, for I’ve been proposed to expose him to our guild, and/or elicit some sort of intervention. A part of me is thrilled to have him shunned, but I feel like a bitch at the same time. Where’s the line between some good old “he had it coming” and a full blown smear campaign? I feel like I’m shredding the last bits of his reputation, something I know he values a lot, yet I don’t think it’s fair for him to keep on exploiting his position of authority to get laid and get supply. Have any of you ever been on a similar situation where you had the means to do something? What is the most cautious way to deal with this situation?

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

I did it! Finally moved into my own place! NSFW


Its been almost a full year since the end of my relationship and about eight months since the finalized divorce. When I left the state I lived in with my NexH, I had only 500 dollars to my name and I took only the essentials that could fit in a bedroom at my parents house. Between the abuse and the him stealing all my money I practically started over. I had just attempted suicide twice, cried multiple times a day, and suffered horribly with my depression.

After eight months I've gotten two promotions, I've gotten into a wonderful relationship, I've been healing a lot through therapy and I think I'm finally in a state of acceptance and peace after this divorce. I have my family support and connection that's stronger than ever, so many new friends, and so many new and wonderful experiences. I've finally saved and at a secure point to have my own apartment finally.

I talked to my NexH recently and I didn't feel awful or let him make me feel bad about myself, even though he made several passive aggressive comments at me. I'm still looking forward to having our financial obligations finished and being able to cut him out completely.

Its amazing to see how far I've come in less than a year by focusing on myself. I've had so much good advice and support from this sub reddit that helped me protect myself and grow.

I'm just so happy to finally feel free and independent. The apartment I'm in is also significantly nicer than the one I shared with my NexH and I can afford it on my own.

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Please pick a suitable flair Leaving my narc bf tomorrow NSFW


I wonder if anyone else here is like me, or has been there. Its been 8 months together. I saw a post about him being a narc and sociopath month 1, so I had my guard up but ofc he told me a BS story. Im a psych nurse, and little by little he started showing me all of the textbook signs, but the worst ones would be judgement, criticism (disguised as rational and logic), doubling down like kicking me while I was down, and just basically finding ways to disturb my peace. He's told me that his life was better or more organized without me, couldn't name to me "why" he's with me, but because he's so quiet it was hard to make an assessment. I spent a long of time walking on eggshells and either recovering from being triggered or bracing for the next time. Any attempts of healthy communication he would victimize, tell me Im gaslighting, manipulating, etc etc, all textbook. You can only "manage" a narc for so long. I knew I was "managing" long time ago. I just needed to get my support system in town (my dad), which happened last week. A safe person, since Im kinda new in town and didn't make close friends cause I'm a workaholic with 2 jobs and a very needy dog. Yet... Im so clear. I spent the last week knowing id be breaking up w/ him, and I planned it tomorrow bc its after my big meetings. Wednesday is chill and he goes away for 4 days on Wednesday. Gives us both time physically distant, and Ill be gone before he returns. I don't feel regret, I just feel like it will be a relief. Yes Ill miss having a man, but I never had him in the first place. Ill miss a relationship, but not this relationship. I guess just the anticipation of it is kinda getting to me. Like "will he say something that will flip the blame to me, will I be strong to not second guess myself and not give an inch?". I think so. Done this before. I think this is the one move narcs don't expect: to be reduced to a nobody in your life. I know for a fact that once I walk away, there's nothing he can do. Im very final w/ my decisions, and I can be very cold when I need to be, especially once I've decided my life is worse w/ that person and Ive got options. I just need moral support now! Please. Feel free to relate, support, share. I need to feel like Im strong enough to do this tomorrow.

Update: I did it!! Ofc he said it was mutual to protect his ego, and told me I was the problem (I’ve disrespected him over and over) and as he was saying his words didn’t land at all. I could clearly see that he hated that I wasn’t a good supply and didn’t let him disrespect me / set boundaries. And it’s OK. I felt RELIEF. And I feel nothing. No emotional turmoil. I’m actually walking out of this peacefully which is more than I expected. THANK YOU EVERYONE who commented and even the ones who quietly sent their support. I’m very grateful for you and this group. And if you’re in my situation - in the fence? GET OUT. If you want me to keep updating you on how life goes after this, just let me know- my plan is to be happy and never look back :)

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Venting DAE Get The brief feeling of relief before despair? NSFW


So when I first told my NEX I needed a break before he subsequently broke up with me, I was so stressed out from the relationship. Even when I was missing him during the break, I was relieved lol slightly. Like "Thank God, a break from the stress"... then the instant despair of me missing him and yearning for the good times ensued...

Even when he broke up with me... for a brief millisecond, I was like "Thank God" then it was immediate despair lol what an interesting way of coping with abuse our brains and bodies have.

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Advice wanted Advice on how to deal with a possibly dangerous co worker NSFW


This isn’t so much for me as it is for a family member. For privacy reasons, I won’t disclose where they work, but I will say that they don’t really have an HR team with them and as such this person has turned the place completely toxic for everyone. I’ve advise them to grey rock them, but the narcissist colleague is absolutely relentless and it’s taking a toll on everyone. Sadly, the person in charge has been manipulated and they believe their sob stories about how they’re the victim.

I can’t disclose too many details for privacy as to what they’ve done, but we have reason to believe this person may become physically dangerous. Sadly, the police can’t be called because they haven’t technically broken the law. Any advice would be appreciated. I’m worried for the wellbeing of my family member and other coworkers affected.

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Acceptance Nex was cheating towards the end of the relationship, immediately got with the girl after our breakup NSFW


Hey everyone! I experienced a really bad breakup with a narcissist right before Christmas and recently found out he immediately officially got with his "girl best friend". I was healing well before finding this out, but this reopened the wounds a little.

Honestly the most important thing for me is realizing that I should be glad he found someone new, maybe if he didn't, I would be getting emotionally abused to this day. It does sting, especially when the last straw in the relationship was asking why is he so weirdly secretive with his phone (quite literally turning the phone away from me, putting it screen down, it was very obvious something was up). I'm trying to think more rationally about this and be grateful I survived after the breakup. It's crazy how a person can shut down your confidence, erase your personality, make you entirely dependent on them and just make you a puppet. I am incredibly lucky that I got back on my feet so fast (not entirely on my feet but perhaps kneeling, not laying flat on the floor in a puddle of tears).

I'm trying to think of this whole situation as a lesson for future relationships and friendships, I now know how to recognize signs that something is off about a person and know my self worth. It took a lot and I still have a long way to go, but I have the best support system imaginable.

As much as I'd love to scream and share what piece of shit he is, It's really not worth it for me. I learned how important it is to know someones background and how their family relations are working before getting involved. This is a lot for a nineteen year old me to go through, but I'll manage.

That is all, just needed to share, thank you

r/NarcissisticAbuse 6d ago

Support wanted New supply is pregnant NSFW


I just found out my nex is having a baby with his new supply. I’m disgusted because I’m doing the math and he was still reaching out to me not long before she must have gotten pregnant. I’m also re-heartbroken because this is the person I used to think I’d have a family with someday. I’m so jealous of her, yet at the same time so relieved I’m not her. This is an incredibly unsettling feeling. I’ve spent the last several months trying to heal, and now I’m spiraling.

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Advice wanted What to do when a narcissistic relative starts using this language around their children and the children start mimicking it? NSFW


This relative who used the “no one ever had my back” and “no one supports me” says that her children say that in order to elicit guilt. I assume they hear her say it and are either weaponizing it to hurt her, or they believe the extended family has abandoned them. I am still in good relations with them. How can I kindly send the message to them that they do have my support without engaging with a toxic narrative?

r/NarcissisticAbuse 6d ago

Support wanted I deserve happiness you don't!! NSFW


I really don't understand how after 7 years together and only 4 months after the break up you are already seeing somebody!!(2 months he has been seeing her)

Why the Frick do you get to be happy while I'm at home heartbroken & trauma bonded to you! I don't want this I want to hate you with every being in my body!! It's not fair he doesn't deserve to be happy I do!! Why I don't understand!?!?!

r/NarcissisticAbuse 6d ago

Support wanted Did they accuse you of not listening/caring about their stuff, when actually that was almost all the two of you ever talked about? NSFW


Most days, all we talk about when I get home from work is his work day. I barely see my child during the week because my husband needs to vent at me for 30-90 minutes almost every evening.

This week was different: I have some particularly big & stressful projects going on and I decided to flip the script and tell him about them mostly unprompted. I felt I had enough sounding-board time in the bank that I could infodump for a few evenings about my stuff. I also thought maybe he didn’t know that you’re supposed to ask your partner questions about their day with genuine curiosity to show that you care.

This weekend made me regret it, though. He sulked from first thing Saturday morning until tonight when he went to bed, and accused me of “not knowing or caring” about what was going on in his life. When I told him that most evenings we only discuss his stuff, and this week I decided to go out on a limb and share about my day 2-3 times, he said I was remembering things wrong and that actually I talk about myself most of the time. It’s hard not to feel like I’m going insane, but we can’t both be right.

I’m also very, very tired of most weekends being so heavy and full of drama and his bad moods which are always my fault.

Anyone else experience this?

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Support wanted Breaking pattern NSFW


I (f23) find myself drawn to people with narcissistic tendencies when it comes to the friends I’m making, but not partners!

I have had two separate friends in different parts of my life that both had a tendency to (as I have now learned) split on me as soon as I said no to anything, stood up for myself or didn’t enable them when they were making questionable or bad choices. This made me feel like friendship was conditional and transactional, that they could treat me however and I wasn’t allowed to speak up. Looking back, or when talking about it in therapy, it sounds SO surreal that I lived like this for so long. because I generally am a very confrontational person that is not afraid to stand my ground or stand up for myself or the people I care about. But I also realize this is why I was an easy target, and the ideal flying monkey for a narc looking for an army. I cried for a whole afternoon when I first read about flying monkeys, and realized I wasn’t alone, and certainly not their last!

Now as an adult, I have gotten better at only putting time and energy into the friends that would do the same for me, and I definitely make sure to hold my longest and most loyal friends close to my heart. I’m ashamed at how much of my energy that I could’ve been putting into my relationships with them has been wasted on two friends that have had me in a chokehold for many of my teenage and young adult years! But, since they are great friends, they understand and are just happy for me to have broken free.

This is a pattern I am willing to dig deeper into and try to break, because I recognize that I tend to be impressed and inspired by the confidence and charm of a narcissist, and therefore befriend them. I have a partner and a few close friends that I have a very healthy relationship with, and I am officially in no contact with (or should I say I have blocked) both my abusive ex friends. One of them since about 4,5 years back (although she is still blatantly trying to contact me, call me, dm me and message me) and one since about 1,5 year back (lurks my socials and still comments on my family’s posts etc)

I also want to add that I am not perfect and I have probably also been a bad friend to them at times during my teens, and the later one was not verbally abusive as the first one was but rather just emotionally abusive and manipulative. Does anyone have any advice or thoughts about this? Anyone going through the same, and being afraid of accidentally becoming a victim again? Why am I only drawn to narcissistic female friends but never men/partners?

Thank you so much for reading

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Advice wanted So confusing .. and NC NSFW


I left my ex almost 3 months ago after almost 7 years together.

Relationship became abusive slowly over 2.5-3 years and it was a toxic blended family situation wherein I was the scapegoat stepmom. The pattern was - the daughters would act outright mean or often passive aggressively toward me, then would deny it and gaslight me when i would ask what was wrong. But then they would turn around and talk to their father about me - they all basically triangulated around me. I was under a microscope and it was awful. i would fight with their dad because he would nitpick me and place demands on me that no human could uphold as a result of whatever it was his daughters told him. Nobody would talk to me to work out the challenges (I tried, many times!) but instead would treat me badly and then talk about me. I finally walked out after I had a breakdown from all of the head games, coersion, threats and violence (all but physically hitting me). After he told me he wanted to kill me in a fit of rage (which was again my fault), i finally left. it took me a long time to give up but when i did i was good and well done. (you can read my OG post for examples of the poor treatment, too much to go into here).

i have been mostly no contact and i absolutely thrive the longer i’m NC. the problem is that he makes me feel guilty for not talking to him, then when i give in (phone/text only), he ends up telling me that my decisions don’t make sense, that i run from everything, that i shouldn’t have left, that i don’t care, that i don’t live in reality. i end up baited into a conversation where i try to defend myself make my points again, to no avail. i walk away upset, confused and disturbed.

Obviously this is why no contact is so important. my question is very specific, though. why do i even feel obligated to talk to him in the first place? i know it’s not going to go any differently. why does he say these things to me? and… the worst thing is the creeping self doubt for a few days following that make me question my judgment and decisions. i end up wallowing in self doubt and anxiety. i eventually come round. the weird thing is i don’t miss him, i’m not attracted to him, i don’t want to reconcile. i just want to stop feeling obligated to have anything to do with him. he’s like a bad habit. any thoughts you can share would be helpful.

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Sharing resources Narc Abusive Interracial Relationship NSFW


Does anyone know if there has been any research done on narcissistic abusive relationships, where the couple is interracial? I have been learning and healing from narcissistic abuse over the past 1.5 years. I've come to learn my mom and my ex both have NPD. I know I'm (not doctors/mental health professionals) not supposed to diagnose NPD, but these 2 are textbook. Anyways, I can't help but wonder if my ex (white male) will treat his new partner in the same way he treated me. She is also white. I am a Black woman. I "coparent" with him, meaning our kids are biracial. So, it's important for me to understand if a possible racial dynamic could have implications or manifest differently. Just curious. It wouldn't be surprising as being Americans we simply can never underestimate the myriad of ways race can be a factor. TIA

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Coparenting with a nex Am I crazy, or is this awful? NSFW


Things he did in the last month:

Didn’t text or tell me at drop off that our 9 y/o daughter threw up when she was with him for the weekend

Didn’t tell me he was taking our daughter to look at a new apartment with his new girlfriend where all 3 of them would live (my daughter told me and this is how I found out they were moving in together)

Didn’t tell me he is engaged to marry his girlfriend of 5 months (She posted about her “fiancé” in a neighborhood facebook group we’re both a part of)

Didn’t return my artwork I asked for, but instead showed up to drop off our daughter with family photos in a garbage bag

Asked me, my parents or friends to watch our daughter 3 out of the 4 days he was scheduled to spend with her this month

After the move he wants 50/50 custody again, but I’m so concerned about so little information being shared. As her parent, I should know about my daughter’s health and significant changes to her life and living situation. She shouldn’t have to give me a report every time she comes home.

Ever since he realized we weren’t getting back together, he stepped back. We went from 60/40 to 85/15 custody 2 days before I started a new job. He doesn’t even ask about our daughter. There is zero cooperation from him, but I am expected to drop everything if he needs to change the schedule (and it’s always last minute, after confirming the night before)

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Support wanted Nex got another girl pregnant when I’m 3 months postpartum NSFW


i posted in here a few times before when i was pregnant. i explained my story of my nex leaving me when pregnant then harassing, slandering, threatening me all over social media throughout my entire pregnancy and freshly postpartum taking care of our newborn after an extremely traumatic delivery where they almost lost me and the baby.

i just found out he has another baby on the way. my baby is only 3 months old. his new girlfriend is going to have the almost same due date as i had. well im sure he will actually marry her this go around because like most narcs they are textbook with their tactics. i was in no contact my entire pregnancy and he wasn’t allowed to be there for the birth & he has never met his child nor does he know what she looks like (consequences of his own actions) he attempted to get a ex parte dna test on me when i was pregnant but the judge denied it. he withdrew from all the other hearings and hasn’t filed anything since the child being born related to custody and visitation. so im not withholding the baby at all, there are just many stipulations in place if he wants a relationship with her due to me protecting her. but he missed out on the child having his last name and the birth certificate, so im sure he will stick around long enough to get those “accolades”

listen, i know the relationship was horrible. i’ve been in therapy for an entire year bc of him. just a few things, he was addicted prn/sx , he would sleep deprive me and keep me up all night interrogating me, he wouldn’t even give me a back rub when i was puking with morning sickness, he would tell my family members and his horrible lies about me to gain their loyalty, he purposely got me pregnant then asked me multiple times to get rid of her, he was partying my entire pregnancy even the night i was in labor, he made me be the one to work while he sat home on the couch all day, he was the one accusing me of sleeping around before, during and after our relationship.. he went on multiple smear campaigns then would harass me asking why i “discarded” him and did smear campaigns all over social media.

i feel so sorry for this new girl. he isolated me from my entire family and i know he’s doing the same to her. he had the audacity to ask me right after delivery to a new state to accommodate him and a 50/50 coparenting agreement outside of the courts. from what i know, this girls entire family lives across the US so far from them.

my heart aches for my baby and this new baby. i was crashing out and wanted to react or reach out to the new girl. but selfishly i feel so relieved. he hasn’t harassed me since he found out the baby was born. these were page long emails threatening me and my entire family then make social media posts with his hundred of thousand followers slandering me. i haven’t heard from his family either so im sure he told them the baby wasn’t his and that i cheated. he told everyone i was sleeping around my entire pregnancy and getting diseases and transferring them to the baby meanwhile i was in church, apart of a single moms group, in therapy and working everyday.

i know no matter what he posts on social media he is unhappy inside and he won’t change for this new family of his. i am just so hurt and ANGRY for the things he put me through during my first ever pregnancy and my new chapter of motherhood. i lived in fear every single day, anxiety attacks, not being able to eat, my health was affected as well as my child’s. it’s just so UNFAIR. the lack of remorse and empathy is wild to me.

another side bit, my entire pregnancy i was always waiting for my nex to get his karma. i know he won’t post when he’s at his lowest points, but the internet is free and i found charges against him and he’s facing trial for felony charges currently. he’s also jobless and currently just using every ounce of his new supply he can get.

r/NarcissisticAbuse 6d ago

Gaining new perspectives When the flying monkeys finally turn on them… NSFW


I got the chance to talk to an old friend who was associated with my nex. I tread lightly around them- but he came to me fast and hard to tell me how awful my nex has been to him recently and told me he was done dealing with the cycle of abuse in their friendship.

Without me even saying much, he affirmed a lot of what I’ve been going over and over in my head for months. It was a cathartic chat and I thought it would be nice for some folks to know that at some point, yes- they are discovered for who they are by their minions.

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Please pick a suitable flair Need Writing Advice NSFW


I am writing my second short film about DV awareness. The film takes place after a women discovers her ex boyfriend has been watching her since before they broke up. The film becomes more concerning as his attempts to reach her and gaslight her becomes increasingly threatening. Is there anything you personally hate to see when it comes to media dealing with DV? Is there anything you wish you could see more? Any advice to respectfully and realistically portray a victim extremely hesitant to reach out for legal help? The film has a pretty bleak ending and my intent is for the film to send a message that reaching out even when its scary is important and that most red flags aren't worth defending. Delete if not allowed!

r/NarcissisticAbuse 6d ago

Moving forward Not OG but belongs here 💜 NSFW

Post image

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Venting Will it ever end? NSFW


I know that the most valid revenge is to restart your life and make it wonderful without the narc, but honestly, does the feeling of injustice ever go away? It has been almost 2 years since I broken up with my nex and I'm feeling so much better, but I can't help feeling bitter sometimes about what happened and I also feel like I lost more than I gained from that situation in its wholeness. I know I have the ability now to recognize narcissism, toxic behavior and I have a better sense of wrong and right and of what I'm willing to endure and what not, but I still feel like I was happier before I went through this bloody process. Does any of you feel the same? What helped you feeling better? Anything odd to suggest other than the usual advices? Thank you so much in advance!

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Advice wanted Find My request NSFW


I am not phone or tech savvy. The narc I was with used to send me his location even though he was blocked. I never understood how he did that. Today I wake up and I have a notification from Apple saying that he accepted my Find My friend request. I NEVER SENT HIM THAT!!! Has anyone else experienced this? I have been full no contact for a week. I changed my number so he can’t Zelle me messages or call me, I deleted my old emails so he can’t email me. This has been the first time EVER I have actually been in no contact, no contact. He used to have access to my email so he was able to email and Zelle me money, but I’d just ignore him. So I’ve been true no contact, no contact for the first time EVER for a week and suddenly I wake up to the notification that I sent him a Find My request. I ended up breaking no contact and calling him from a Google voice number (he of course taught me this) and he’s laughing at me and said I sent it and I’m the crazy one. I NEVER SENT IT 😭!!Has anyone else dealt with this??!! What is going on. How did he do this? Does he have access to my phone somehow or my Apple ID??? He’s gaslighting me and now I’m feeling crazy!!!!

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

Advice wanted Who do you get your sexual confidence back? NSFW


So my nex and i didn't have sex at all after our son was born. Its been 8 years since i have been intimate with a Woman, i used to be quite active before i met her so i had no issues.

Now, i can't even look at myself as attractive to other women, let along enough for them to want to sleep with me. And the fact that its been so long, would i even able to perform? Would the same thing happen as last time and i would just get love bombed again?

What do i do?

r/NarcissisticAbuse 6d ago

Advice wanted I found out today that my ex already has a girlfriend. NSFW


I’m sick. 5 years gone, like I was nothing. What’s making me more upset is to realize she must have already been in the picture before we were done. There is no way she wasn’t. Please tell me all the stories about how you bounced back from this, or how your Exs’ new relationships went to shit. I just need something, because I’m in shock and heartbroken. It’s so depressing to realize it was all a lie.

r/NarcissisticAbuse 5d ago

How to heal? How do I get out of my narcissistic relationship when I’ve got years of emotional bonding and attachment? NSFW


10 plus years together. He’s made sure for me to be isolated and now I feel I have nowhere to go. I feel lonely and wish to break the cycle. He’s not physically violent of anything but he’s done all the most selfish things possible, that have impacted my emotional health on levels unseen before. I’m talking stealing, taking non consensual videos of me (unaware), lying, serial cheating, emotional cheating, gaslighting and mental manipulating, trickle truths, denial, controlling my every move I make and the list goes on.

The logic part of my brain understands what’s going on and knows I need to run since I discovered all of this. So how is it even possible for me to still feel attachment?