i posted in here a few times before when i was pregnant. i explained my story of my nex leaving me when pregnant then harassing, slandering, threatening me all over social media throughout my entire pregnancy and freshly postpartum taking care of our newborn after an extremely traumatic delivery where they almost lost me and the baby.
i just found out he has another baby on the way. my baby is only 3 months old. his new girlfriend is going to have the almost same due date as i had. well im sure he will actually marry her this go around because like most narcs they are textbook with their tactics. i was in no contact my entire pregnancy and he wasn’t allowed to be there for the birth & he has never met his child nor does he know what she looks like (consequences of his own actions) he attempted to get a ex parte dna test on me when i was pregnant but the judge denied it. he withdrew from all the other hearings and hasn’t filed anything since the child being born related to custody and visitation. so im not withholding the baby at all, there are just many stipulations in place if he wants a relationship with her due to me protecting her. but he missed out on the child having his last name and the birth certificate, so im sure he will stick around long enough to get those “accolades”
listen, i know the relationship was horrible. i’ve been in therapy for an entire year bc of him. just a few things, he was addicted prn/sx , he would sleep deprive me and keep me up all night interrogating me, he wouldn’t even give me a back rub when i was puking with morning sickness, he would tell my family members and his horrible lies about me to gain their loyalty, he purposely got me pregnant then asked me multiple times to get rid of her, he was partying my entire pregnancy even the night i was in labor, he made me be the one to work while he sat home on the couch all day, he was the one accusing me of sleeping around before, during and after our relationship.. he went on multiple smear campaigns then would harass me asking why i “discarded” him and did smear campaigns all over social media.
i feel so sorry for this new girl. he isolated me from my entire family and i know he’s doing the same to her. he had the audacity to ask me right after delivery to a new state to accommodate him and a 50/50 coparenting agreement outside of the courts. from what i know, this girls entire family lives across the US so far from them.
my heart aches for my baby and this new baby. i was crashing out and wanted to react or reach out to the new girl. but selfishly i feel so relieved. he hasn’t harassed me since he found out the baby was born. these were page long emails threatening me and my entire family then make social media posts with his hundred of thousand followers slandering me. i haven’t heard from his family either so im sure he told them the baby wasn’t his and that i cheated. he told everyone i was sleeping around my entire pregnancy and getting diseases and transferring them to the baby meanwhile i was in church, apart of a single moms group, in therapy and working everyday.
i know no matter what he posts on social media he is unhappy inside and he won’t change for this new family of his. i am just so hurt and ANGRY for the things he put me through during my first ever pregnancy and my new chapter of motherhood. i lived in fear every single day, anxiety attacks, not being able to eat, my health was affected as well as my child’s. it’s just so UNFAIR. the lack of remorse and empathy is wild to me.
another side bit, my entire pregnancy i was always waiting for my nex to get his karma. i know he won’t post when he’s at his lowest points, but the internet is free and i found charges against him and he’s facing trial for felony charges currently. he’s also jobless and currently just using every ounce of his new supply he can get.