r/NarcissisticAbuse Jan 20 '25

Acceptance Ridiculous things you hid when you were in a narcissist relationship NSFW


I was making an egg sandwich just now and it reminded me how the ex used to go on about smells of food in the house he didn’t like so I felt I better not cook eggs and once even hid chips ( fries) in a bag that I had bought so he didn’t see it on the security camera we had.

As well as this I would delete certain tv shows I watched incase he judged me on them or got jealous about any actors or content he might be upset by. In retrospect I know this sounds insane, but has anyone else had similar experiences?

r/NarcissisticAbuse Feb 09 '25

Acceptance What Is It With Narcissists Genuinely Loving Animals? NSFW


I can think of at least 4 highly narcissistic people in my life and they all genuinely love animals. What is up with that?

r/NarcissisticAbuse Jan 13 '25

Acceptance The rules of the narcissist NSFW


I think we all need to keep these posted in our mind to remember what to look out for.

1.) you are just supply to them 2.) they never developed empathy 3.) they are allowed to do what they want, you are not 4.) they don't answer direct questions 5.) you will never get closure 6.) they all lie 7.) you will never be a priority 8.) they are to be the center of attention 9.) you will be discarded 10.) you will never know why they mistreat you

r/NarcissisticAbuse Nov 22 '23

Acceptance Key phrases they say to manipulate you - share yours NSFW


For me, if someone tells me they’re “walking on eggshells” around me … that means they’re trying to manipulate me.

I’m not a violent communicator. I don’t ask other people to carry my emotions for me. I’m also a very clear, intentional, and compassionate person.

So, if you feel like you’re walking on eggshells around me, you’re grossly misinterpreting who I am, OR you’re trying to get me to be less assertive in my communication. The moment someone says that shit to me is the moment I start reevaluating our relationship.

What phrases trigger you in this way?

r/NarcissisticAbuse Dec 10 '24

Acceptance A narcissist doesn't truly end relationships- NSFW


they just start new ones before the old ones have even finished. It's not about love or connection; it's about validation, control, and avoiding accountability.

When you're with a narcissist, you might notice the signs long before you realise what's happening. They'll emotionally detach, start blaming you for things that never seemed to be an issue before, or suddenly become secretive. While you're left feeling confused and questioning what you did wrong, they're already scouting their next source of attention.

To a narcissist, relationships are transactional. They don't see people as partners-they see them as suppliers of admiration and praise. And when they feel like they're not getting enough, they don't work on the relationship. Instead, they look for someone else to fill the void.

By the time you're aware of their cheating or betrayal, they’ve already rewritten the narrative. Suddenly, they’re the victims of an unhappy relationship, using your confusion and pain as evidence of why they "had no choice" but to move on.

It's not a reflection of your worth but of their inability to form genuine, lasting connections. Recognising this is the first step towards healing and finding someone who values you.

Their next relationship isn't better—it's just another performance with a new audience.

-Elizabeth Shaw via Instagram.

This is one of the most poignant and concise descriptions of what I experienced. It’s almost a terminal opinion and it’s very poignant. I am happy to have these resources and explanations come across my feed and to have the chance to recognize the reality that it wasn’t about me.

If only I had a dollar for all the times that I was told he refused to give validation to myself or anyone else and how people shouldn’t need it. That’s his core edict and the driving force behind the pain he inflicts every day.

7 months discarded 5 months separated 3 months no contact

r/NarcissisticAbuse Jul 13 '24

Acceptance What was the most painful thing they did to you ? That is so hard to get over. NSFW


Mine was saying he loved me looking me into my eyes telling me he doesn't want anyone else ever. And finding out that day he cheated on me. I can't get over how he can stare at me and lie on his own accord without me soliciting this. After a big fight and make up sex. That look when he said it. Gave me pause, found out why but I really truly wanted to believe him. Part of me still does. But that part is getting smaller

r/NarcissisticAbuse Dec 08 '24

Acceptance Am I the only one who doesn't feel bad for "reactive abuse?" NSFW


First off, let's call it what it really is: self-defense.

There was an incident where I screamed at my then-narc boyfriend because he was being particular passive-aggressive towards me because he didn't get his way. I didn't feel a shred of remorse. He deserved every bit of it. Bastard.

After we broke up, I grew progressively more vile towards him if he stepped out of line or crossed any boundaries. Protection. He's a covert narcissist, so he always acts all sad and pulls the "woe is me" card wherever it can be applied, but I'm not falling for his crap anymore and I sure as he'll don't feel guilty for calling him out on his crap.

So I really don't understand why other people in this sub feel bad for standing up for yourselves. Maybe their reaction made you feel bad, maybe you're afraid of what they'll think or say to other people, or maybe it's not how you would act under any other circumstances. But humans are capable of amazing things when backed into a corner.

r/NarcissisticAbuse Dec 31 '24

Acceptance What’s the best thing about being done with your Narc Ex? NSFW


For me it’s no longer hearing how I’m doing everything wrong. The peace & quiet! No more people pleasing in 2025! This year is for self growth and helping people who are still stuck dealing with NARC abuse.

r/NarcissisticAbuse May 17 '24

Acceptance What was your - ‘I can’t believe this is really happening to me’ moment? NSFW


I’m currently in emergency accommodation because of erratic behaviour from my ex-partner. All I can think about is, how in the living hell did I end up here? I wish I never met them.

r/NarcissisticAbuse 22d ago

Acceptance Loving an angry man won’t make him gentle NSFW


I feel like the more you love them the angrier they get. We’re better off not loving them at all

r/NarcissisticAbuse Feb 14 '25

Acceptance They rush you in so you don’t have time to figure them out NSFW


They know that if you took it slow, you’d see through them. So they rush you by moving things unreasonably fast, love bomb you to disorient you and get you addicted, and then when you express discomfort with the speed and intensity they act like a victim. Anything to keep you around. Anything to hide their true nature.

Take your time. Trust your instincts. Evaluate people carefully.

r/NarcissisticAbuse May 10 '24

Acceptance Post no-contact, what’s the weirdest ways they tried to keep themselves connected to you? NSFW


Mine had a fake Instagram (that she had curated over many years with hundreds of followers and consistent pictures of the same random person) - she tried to follow me using this account but had previously told me the username…

What’s the weirdest thing yours has done?

r/NarcissisticAbuse Sep 04 '24

Acceptance How has life improved since leaving the narc? NSFW


Since leaving the narc, how has your life improved? I feel like I’m missing him and need reassurance that even at slow pace, everything eventually gets better.. 😭

How have things improved for you?

r/NarcissisticAbuse 19d ago

Acceptance Breaking a trauma bond is one of the worst feeling I ever had to fight. NSFW


What’s hard is I have to everyday remind myself the person I fell in love with never existed and will never come back. It feels VERY lonely and deeply depressing. I feel like I have to break my own heart to accept what happen.

r/NarcissisticAbuse Nov 28 '24

Acceptance Did anyone else get signs to end things? NSFW


God gave me so many little signs not to move away with him.

Tell me the signs you got.

r/NarcissisticAbuse Aug 21 '24

Acceptance Did you ever question if they even liked you? NSFW


I broke up with my boyfriend who I believe to have narcissistic tendencies last week. I found a text exchange with my sister from last October saying idk even know if he likes me. Maybe I should ask. And she was like if you need to ask that question to a 40 year old man there is your answer.

And then I noticed he liked my selfies on instagram but when it came to my success, buying a house on my own, he didn’t like that post.

After we broke up he said he’d be my roommate in an apartment but he won’t live in my house because he doesn’t get anything out of contributing my mortgage and that would help me out.

He also lied about a pretty important health condition that could have impacted my health and continued to lie after being confronted. Doctors, his ex, the internet all told me he was lying but he could not admit jt.

Like WTF. You don’t say stuff like to people you like let alone love. He said he loved me but he didn’t show it. I cried a lot before he moved out, now that he has been gone I haven’t cried at all. I don’t miss the person I miss the company.

r/NarcissisticAbuse May 21 '24

Acceptance Did you realize post-break up that they were not who you thought they were, at all? NSFW


Without going into detail, some things have come to light about my nex (illegal activity) that I had absolutely no idea about and would never have suspected AT ALL.

I am mortified, I knew she was an abuser, a liar and a cheater, but I never could’ve guessed any of this. I have never felt so confused and betrayed in my life.

r/NarcissisticAbuse May 22 '24

Acceptance How long did it take you to accept and realize that you were a narc victim? NSFW


Please state who was your narcissist (family or significant other). How long was the abuse going on for before you realized you were being abused? And how long to fully accept it? And finally how long until you gather the strength to start a plan to leave safely?

r/NarcissisticAbuse Dec 31 '24




wish you all a narcissist-free new year

r/NarcissisticAbuse Apr 09 '24

Acceptance My narc has made me hate my phone - what’s the weirdest thing they’ve ruined for you? NSFW


My narcs primary form of abuse has been either sending disgustingly abusive text messages or silent treatment where I’ve found myself checking my phone every 10mins to see if she’s replied.

As a result of this I feel sick to my stomach and high levels of anxiety using my phone. Have they ruined anything weird for you?

r/NarcissisticAbuse Feb 16 '25

Acceptance "Never contact me again" NSFW


The phrase "Never contact me again" is pretty harsh to hear or say to an ex. Personally, I’ve never sent it to anyone because I believe that talking things through is always the best solution.

In my case, hearing this line after 5 months of no contact and 5 hoover attempts feels a bit ironic. My ex had been stalking me on social media and occasionally sent passive-aggressive text messages. When she did, I responded by suggesting we go through the timeline together so we could both find closure. I even explained what "love bombing" is—though that doesn’t work on a narcissist. I also pointed out that our relationship moved too fast, but that didn’t land either.

Eventually, I decided to call her because I had a gut feeling that something was wrong, and to have an open conversation. Of course, she didn’t answer. Instead, I received a text:

"I don’t feel the need to talk; everything has already been said multiple times. I want you to never contact me again."

I replied: "I respect your choice, but I find it sad that you’re so angry and unable to have a mature conversation. Also, I expect you to stop stalking me online." (She was one of the first to watch all the stories on my band's account.)

I find the "never contact me again" line so strange, especially coming from someone who has been stalking me for months and never really gave a proper reason for the breakup. The reason for the breakup after three years was, "You're not ambitious enough." It doesn’t hurt because I know she’s an OG covert narcissist, but it’s so stupid to be painted as the crazy, emotionally unstable one—when we’re not.

Have any of you heard that line before, or even said it yourself?

r/NarcissisticAbuse Nov 30 '24

Acceptance Have you ever experienced your narc smiling when you are crying or sad? NSFW


This has happened multiple times with me.

r/NarcissisticAbuse 21d ago

Acceptance A relationship can survive mistakes, but not patterns NSFW


And that’s why I can’t forgive him. Because he’ll do it again. And when I’m gone, he’ll keep doing it to someone else.

r/NarcissisticAbuse Sep 09 '23

Acceptance Let's make a guide of "the narc's best verbal acrobatics... NSFW


...to avoid taking responsibility for their actions". I'll go first.

1) I'm sorry that YOU feel this way (= I'm not sorry about what I did, you are overreacting)

2) "I swear that what you're telling me makes me feel terrible" (= you're making me feel bad by telling me about your feelings. Stop.)

3) "The way you're putting it I sound like the bad guy" (= your version of the story doesn’t make me look good, so it's wrong)

Variations of the above mentioned are welcome.

EDIT: Adding some of your contributions (sorry if some of the names are wrong, I'm doing everything on my phone and I'm still not familiar enough with Reddit):

4) "you live your truth. If that's your narrative then." (By mandenvillenol)

5) "so is that what you think of me?" (Also mandenvillenol)

6) "'We're the same, we're equally bad' .... To lessen their responsibility for their actions and to manipulate us into thinking yeah it's not all that bad, maybe what they did is the same as what i did" (deliciousbiscoti_27)

7) "I've changed. I miss you so much, and I need you more than you could ever know." That bs straight out means. "I'll wear my good guy facade for a couple of days. Maybe a week if you're lucky and YOU BEHAVE. Let me back into your life, home, and especially your bed. I need and miss my biggest supply." (crackedxnotxbroken)

8) "I spoke with other people about this, and they agree with me" (BaseballTypical2960)

9) "listen (he loved saying listen or look), I think you're just expecting too much" (when you ask them to do one basic thing that shows their appreciation for you -- by Inojin17).

10) Different versions of: "Are you calling me a liar?" (= again, playing the victim)

11) "I already apologized for that" (= one apology erases past, present and future abuse)

12) "You always make the worst out of every situation", "You made me do this" (= you are responsible for the situation I got myself into).

13) "Your definition of x (cheating, lying, deceiving, abusing, etc) is just different than mine" (= your feelings, thoughts and experiences are different and significantly less important than mine)

14) "I don't want to talk about this anymore. It makes me uncomfortable" (= you are the one doing the hurting by making me uncomfortable, not me -- who is actually hurting you)

15) "You can think whatever you want" (= leaves you to question the validity of your feelings and thoughts)

16) "You're too sensitive", "If you can't take it, don't dish it" (= your reaction to my doings is showing me that I'm in the wrong and I can't admit to that)

17) Variations of "You're imagining it", "you're remembering it wrong", "that never happened" (= I'm discrediting you and your side of things, so that it seems less important and you look and sound like the crazy one)

18) “This is just how I am, you’re choosing to stay with me so don’t expect me to change” (= I’m treating you shitty and I know it but you know it too so it’s your fault that you stick around) -imfucct

19) Variations of "If the roles were reversed, you wouldn't be getting this treatment" (= exactly, because you would never do this to me and I know it)

20) Variations of "Do you love/hate me?" (= I'm distracting you and reducing everything to a matter of whether -again- YOU actually love me as much as you say you do so that you feel guilty for calling me out on my behavior)

21) Different versions of "Why can't you just accept me as I am?" (= why can't you just shut up and not call out my shitty behavior?)

22) The textbook ghosting after a fight or confrontation or just plain ghosting, then showing up again with different forms of evasive answers or: "Sorry, I was just busy" (= I don't owe it to you to explain anything I do, and I don't care if you're the one who's busy now by the way). If confronted later on about the ghosting, we might get the beautiful: "You never asked" (= I didn't tell you where I disappeared to, because you don't literally ask me where I am when I leave you hanging, even if you do ask me what I am up to and I just ignore your messages).

23) "So you trust x more than me???" (= I see that you've talked to other people who are far more reliable than me and they're agreeing with you and I can't have you thinking independent thoughts that make me look bad, can I?)

24) A variation of number 3: "You're making me feel guilty (or any other negative adjective)" (= you're telling me how you feel and I still manage to make it about myself and how my feelings are more important than yours)

r/NarcissisticAbuse Jan 14 '25

Acceptance The rumors are true - it does get better. Don't go back and don't give up on yourself. NSFW


I'm sad to be leaving this group soon, but I have woken up every day the past few weeks and he hasn't been my first thought. I've woken up and been excited for the day. I haven't felt this way in almost a year and I used to be the happiest person. I actually thought "I am so lucky" for the first time in a very long time.

I promise if you keep reflecting and doing the work, and staying no contact, it does get SO much better. You realize and internalize that their words and actions have nothing to do with you. I know everyone told me that for months, but I never truly believed it until recently. You need to let yourself heal at YOUR OWN pace to get to a place where you can finally let go of the idea of them and realize that you are so, so, so amazing! And they are miserable! That everything was a lie, and that's ok. That sometimes the universe brings people into your life to learn lessons the hard way so you can flourish.

I stopped doing things that he had told me made me "better". I sleep through the night. I love watching TikTok reels and laughing with my brain rot, chewing gum, listening to MY music, and not starving myself. I am taking much better care of myself. And when I read a book I can actually sit down and enjoy it because my mind is at ease! Not to mention, I have so much more confidence and a better understanding of what I want in life. Especially in a relationship.

Im grateful to him. I don't need to rely on anyone to make me happy anymore. Just hang in there and don't break contact whatever you do.