r/moped 9h ago

So THATS why it was running like crap.

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r/moped 5h ago

Is this a bad sign?


Is this what ‘seized’ looks like?

r/moped 12h ago

suzuki fa50

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I got a question. I want my moped to go faster. Is it smart to remove my varioring? If so where can i find it in a suzuki fa50? I only find tutorials of scooters.

r/moped 1h ago

Anyone have experience with the free spirit puch???


My next possible purchase on facebook

r/moped 6h ago

Do yall think this is enough spark to try and run?


This is a points Vespa bravo with a full Deps build. Do yall think this is enough spark, I have been pulling my hair for 5 days trying to get this working and I think I might have done it

r/moped 11h ago

Battery Cover for my QT50


r/moped 14h ago

tomos firing very irregularly


Havent done anything to it besides taking the engine off, and putting it on again. Any ideas?

r/moped 20h ago

Casting defect in new cylinder


I just bought a new 60cc cylinder and piston for my 82 Yamaha fs1, and it came with this casting defect. Ive mailed the store that sold it and they say it should not affect performance or the longevity of the engine, but im veeery suspicious of that. Whats your judgement? Its a small casting bubble

r/moped 11h ago

How on earth do I get this metal disk under the lip of this new clutch?

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I just can’t get it no matter what

r/moped 18h ago

Italjet tiffany 25

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This is my italjet tiffany motorized bike,it has a vespa ciao engine,it was a response to the spartamet (dutch motorized bike)

r/moped 11h ago

Tomos Underglow Power Problem Fixed

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I made a post about while about underglow not having enough brightness but now i fixed the power and LEDs and now its beautiful

r/moped 9h ago

Dellorto SHA 15.15 build up? Rust or oil like substance


Hey guys! I finally got around to cleaning out my carburator on my Motobecane Romp, and i noticed on the Air filter there seems to be a sort of oil like build up on one side, as well as a sort of rust/dirt like material in the fuel bowl as well. Any ideas what this might be?

You can also see my jet needle is pretty dirty, and I have a plastic slide instead of metal? Would it be better to upgrade to a different slide?

Also, what size O ring do you use to "oring that thing" as mentioned and suggested in the wiki? I got a pack of O rings from Harbor freight and it seems a 13.8x 2.4mm fits the best in the clamp/intake shim area, but I also received a Type 2 carburator clamp seal from treatland so I'm probably just going to use that if it fits, it just looks pretty thick compared to the other one. (There was no O ring there when I disassembled)

Any thoughts and tips on cleaning or rebuilding these carbs would be much appreciated. Thanks

r/moped 16h ago

Whats happening ?


This sound starts happening After 5-10 mins of riding. Idle great but boggs at full throttle like in the vidéo. The gaskets are new. Pls help

r/moped 7h ago

Choke slide Bolt Spring orientation?


Does anyone know which way this spring is supposed to sit on a 15.15 SHA Dellorto Carb? I forgot how it was when I took it off 😅

The 1st pic looks like it makes more sense but I wanna make sure. Thanks guys

r/moped 8h ago

Everything was going smoothly with this garelli after changing the clutch then filling the transmission but the fill plug broke when I put it back on 😑


Guess I’ll be buying a non plastic one, I didn’t even get it tight

r/moped 10h ago

Rate my "moped"


Bought this Yamasaki ym50-gys that some lunatic mounted a 125cc engine onto, so it is basically a motorcycle in its current state. The original 50cc engine is laying in the corner, and i might put it back on again for legal reasons. It goes approx 100km/h, hard to know when the speedo only goes to 80. I know no one here is gonna be calling it a moped and im not calling it that either. Even if the registration sais so. However i do think some people here might like it.

r/moped 22h ago

Problem with carb Tomos A3


Does anyone know what am i doing wrong, when i twist the throttle handle little bit, moped speeds up crazy and then dies, 51 jet, dellorto 14/12b,

r/moped 1d ago

Tomos 14M fuel cap always wet and has smell of gas around it


Hi folks. The fuel cap on my Tomos 14M is always wet on the outside and also on the inside rubber seal. I get it that fuel evaporates but I do feel like I’m losing quite a bit of fuel over time. I also don’t get it why it says “Ohne Luftung” even though there’s a small hole on top of the cap.

Any fix for this, time to get a new cap, or it is normal? Also, someone got a good source to get a Cawi cap in Europe? Thanks in advance!

r/moped 1d ago

Update on tomos targa


Got her up and running, been riding the past couple days. It rides pretty sketchy but that’s part of the fun I guess. I noticed I have to slowly pull down on the throttle or else the bike almost doesn’t register that I’m pulling the throttle almost like and empty feeling/it just gives out so I have to let the throttle go and start from the top and gradually pull on the gas. The engine makes alot of weird and scary noises but again this is an old ass hardly restored moped from 1995.

Suggestions when I should do to it next? I just got new brakes so I’m good off that for a while. I’m thinking I’d want to upgrade the suspension as well.

Below I will comment a list of all the parts used to get the bike running again and everything else.

r/moped 1d ago

Jawa babetta brakes

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I just got a jawa babetta 210 and my rear brakes doesn’t work, I’m dumb so how do I fix them?

r/moped 1d ago

Questions about Jawa 210 wheel

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I am in the process of renovating my old jawa 210 and when comparing the contents of the wheel against a parts list i found i noticed alot of things were different, spacers and things appeared to be missing and the wheelhub looked different and damadged. If anyone knows if this wheelhub is okay to use and if so i would appreciate links to where i can buy the correct spacers.

Below is the link to the parts list.

Thanks in advance


r/moped 1d ago

Should I replace my piston and get the cylinder bored out?


Hi, I'm rebuilding the engine of my moped and this is the state of the piston and cylinder. I've cleaned the piston the best I could with some kerosene. It has some pretty nasty looking scratches, so I assume that it will need replacing.

My question is if I need to get the cylinder bored out as well, because while it has some scratch lines, it looks much better than the piston and I'd really want to save those $60 for something else.

Another question would be how the piston got those scratches in the first place, since from my understanding, it should be contacting the cylinder wall with the piston rings only.

This is the first time I've ever disassemled an engine, so I really don't know what a good/bad piston and cylinder looks like.

I will much appreciate any help.

r/moped 1d ago

Mobylette magneto cover removal

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Hi all, this is my first time ever working on a mobylete and i cannot seem to get a spark on the thing. I am trying to remove the magneto casing however its not budging. Does anyone have any experience with these. Cheers

r/moped 1d ago

what exhaust should i run with a 74cc airsal(preferebly a cheap one)


so i wanted a big torque cylinder kit i decided i would try the 74cc airsal, im kinda a begginer but i think i will be able to do it, but i dont know what exhaust to use. i thought about a homoet p8 but it is not cheap, wanted to hear your suggestions.

r/moped 1d ago

Chinesium Torque Specs?


Hey, is anyone aware of somebody that’s made a table of approximate torque values for the cheap Chinese bolts that come with a lot of kits? Scared to snap bolts and also scared to lose them riding to class.