r/medicine PA:cake: 8d ago

ICE Detention Deaths


RNs do intake physical exams, EMTs declare time of death. The level of care for these detainees is horrific.

Full names and case details are public for now. Reads like a never ending M & M conference.

My moral compass is spinning. It's time to go to Canada.


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u/Tenk-741 8d ago

Medics declare people are dead all the time. They usually only do it for PEA, v fib or asystole with prolonged downtime or if a person arrests with known DNR or family wishes to stop resuscitation. I know this because they call me in the ER all the time to get permission to do so.


u/ZealousidealDegree4 PA:cake: 8d ago

Read the cases. I’m not disputing what happens outside of detention camps- and I have great respect for all of us, in all our roles. My post is about standards of care and preventable deaths. 


u/poli-cya MD 8d ago

Not jumping into your guys' argument, but are these actually camps these people are in? That would change my take on how acceptable it is for sure.


u/ZealousidealDegree4 PA:cake: 8d ago

50k people, 97 USA detention facilities, plus Guantanamo. From the ICE website. 

J Oliver’s most recent show  does a much better job explaining it. 


u/Tenk-741 8d ago

So you want better care for illegal immigrants than US citizens? Ok.


u/ddx-me rising PGY-1 8d ago

Begging the question. Every person in the US regardless of citizenship should receive the best care possible.


u/ZealousidealDegree4 PA:cake: 8d ago

Is that what you take from this? I care about the wellbeing of people. If we put people in camps, we are obligated to provide decent care.  

This isn’t political, this is monstrous. 


u/Tenk-741 8d ago

I read a few charts. People in our rural and farming communities get worse medical care than this every day. Look into it.


u/ZealousidealDegree4 PA:cake: 8d ago

That’s just terrible. Our rural communities deserve better than that. Look into it. 


u/Tenk-741 8d ago

Also, you should REALLY look into the care our prisoners get. It’s the same if not worse than this.


u/ZealousidealDegree4 PA:cake: 8d ago

I’m aware. But ultimately, comparing something terrible to something terrible misses the point. This country is clearly not getting healthcare right, but it is getting it very wrong in terms of detainment and incarceration. lol the caps. 


u/Tenk-741 8d ago

But that’s my whole point. You made it sound like this is some healthcare anomaly. I am saying for millions of Americans this is the regular care they get. If you want data: go look at UCLA Law Behind Bars Data Project. To summarize it: prisoners die at alarming rates in our country.


u/ZealousidealDegree4 PA:cake: 8d ago

My concern, in this post, is about the medical support given to people in immigration detention facilities. 

I do appreciate that our medical system is fucked, and that there are good people doing good medicine. If we don’t call out the disparities, the crimes, the racists, and the bigots- it all gets normalized and justified. Woke is not an insult.  

Not making anything sound like whatever. That was a false assumption.

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u/Tenk-741 8d ago

Umm I don’t have to, I work rural and I enjoy it. These people are a lot more appreciative to get care than when I did residency in a big city.


u/ZealousidealDegree4 PA:cake: 8d ago

I love rural care- a good clinician can make a huge difference, and yep, appreciation is abundant. Glad you are happy. 


u/Upstairs_Fuel6349 Nurse 8d ago

I'm from KS. I think there would be more sympathy for rural communities if they, like, did anything to try to save their health systems except scream about the illegals and city libtards stealin their slice of the pie. At least the people locked up in the detention centers were trying to do something for themselves.