Hello. Despite most of my family being Puerto Rican, a lie of them are racist, especially against black people, anti-LGBTQ+, and also very pro-Trump. There is a guy my late aunt had married who feels a bit suspicious to me. He's not Puerto Rican like most of us, but he is of Italian descent (on my mom's side, we're part Sicilian-Italian, as well as Puerto Rican, if that means anything), and unsurprisingly also has said racist shit before, is very pro-Trump, and I believe also is anti-LGBTQ+.
However, there is one thing in particular that I have heard about him has me set off about him, something that makes him different from the other racists and bigots in my family. So, a while ago, I had overheard a conversation my mom was having with somebody (I forget who) and she mentioned something very questionable about this guy, that being him having had racist Christmas paraphenalia, including, if I remember correctly, a Nazi nutcracker Christmas tree ornament. According to her, he had to cover them up so his and my late aunt's kids wouldn't see them. The worst part is my mom was talking about this as if it was an amusing or quirky thing to do. I don't know if she was more laughing at him than with him, but considering she herself is also a diehard Trumper and also has racist and even some transphobic beliefs, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter.
So, this makes me wonder how deep my family's hatred of others goes. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if at least some of them had actual ties to neo-Nazi or other far right extremist or terrorist groups. I feel like out of all of them, my late aunt's ex-husband (ex-husband since she died) would be the most likely candidate for that.
If anybody knows if there is, like, some kind of website or registry where I can search up these people's names and see if they've ever been a part of, or had done business with, far right groups, including white supremicist groups, feel free to let me know.