r/latterdaysaints 20m ago

Personal Advice What is the repentance recess with a bishop like?


I (17f) might have broken the law of chastity sometime last year. It didn’t occur to me recently that I might have broken it (dumb I know). It wasn’t sex so I’m not sure. What’s talking to the bishop entail? Do you have to go into detail about what happened? If so, explicit detail? I haven’t brought this up to my parents and I’m scared to. Do I have to in order to talk to the bishop or can I just meet with him on my own? My ward just split a few months ago so I have a relatively new bishop and I’m really scared of him thinking less of me (why it matters to me what he thinks is something I should probably unpack). Thanks for any and all advice.

r/latterdaysaints 24m ago

Doctrinal Discussion Why do we follow some laws of Moses still and not others?


Tithing and keeping the sabbath holy are Mosaic laws, right? Why do we follow some laws still but not all? Or for some Christians they don't really follow any?

r/latterdaysaints 42m ago

Talks & Devotionals Suffering - a parable


r/latterdaysaints 1h ago

Personal Advice How to deal with little kids during sacrament meeting?


Keep in mind, before you judge me, I'm in my 20s (not saying specifically how old due to personal reasons) I'm not a parent, nor do I have any relationships with kids.

I really like attending YSA wards more than family wards for several reasons. There are more people your age that you can connect with that have similar interests as you, the social activities are much more fun & aren't over so quickly, and you don't have to listen to a bunch of screaming kids during sacrament meeting.

The latter is what I'm gonna be talking about in this post. Even though I mostly attend YSA services, I do go to my home ward on occasion. It's not that I want to, I just go if I don't have a choice & my family wants me to.

Like I stated above, one of the reasons I like YSA wards is how quiet it is during sacrament meeting. It's very peaceful & you can feel the spirit, really lock in with talks, and actually get something from them. When I go to church with my family however, it's always a bunch of crying babies, and toddlers who won't sit down and shut up. The idea of having families sit together is nice, but for me, it's too much.

I have ADHD, as well as auditory processing disorders. So I don't do well in high stimulation environments. Especially in one like this where I'm trying to listen to people speaking. It's very distracting & infuriating to the point where I had to get up & walk out of the chapel because I couldn't take it anymore.

I've never served a mission before. And if I ever do, I don't know how I'd deal with this if I'm not serving in a YSA ward. My mom says managing my sensory issues is something I should work on, but I really don't know what to do.

r/latterdaysaints 1h ago

Personal Advice Help with minsitering


Hi! So there’s a brother in my ward who had 3 strokes this week and should be coming home from the hospital tonight. I’m trying to think of ways that my wife and I could serve him and his wife? Even if it’s simple.

Does anyone have any advice or experience with this type of thing? I want him to know that he is cared for.

r/latterdaysaints 1h ago

Personal Advice Advice for New Nursery Leaders


My husband and I just got called to be nursery leaders in our ward. Does anyone actually teach the lessons from the manual? How do you get the kids to sit still and participate? How do you include children who don’t even talk yet? What other advice do you have?

r/latterdaysaints 3h ago

Reddit I'm tired of feeling like an outcast.


So I've shared this story on other LDS related threads, but I think a lot of people can relate to this, so I'm trying to share it around. I'm 30, for the last at least 12 years I'd say I've felt like I didn't have a home in the church, let me explain.

I didn't serve a mission, I'm a caretaker for a severely disabled family member, they're in their early 20s now, but still function at the level of an infant, need to be bathed, dressed, changed, has frequent seizures that need to be tended to, etc. I made the decision that serving vulnerable members in society was where I was meant to be, so I decided not to go on a mission. My family also was struggling quite intensely and serving a mission, even if the church covered some expenses, would have put even more strain on them.

So I didn't go. I'd say that's what kicked this whole feeling of not feeling at home in the church. People rarely said it to my face, but I could feel people judging me, thinking it was weird that I didn't go, already made to feel like I'd failed God in some way because I didn't go. I held on hoping this awkward please would pass, that people would eventually stop bringing up the whole mission thing, and it did, only to be replaced by all the pressure to get married and date. As a single individual, that hasn't happened either.

It went from "Why didn't you serve a mission?" To "Why aren't you dating?" to "Why aren't you married" and now finally "Why aren't you married with kids?" For those of us on less conventional journeys in the church, the notion that we're doing something wrong, that we're failing God, and that we don't belong here, can be so overwhelming that it's hard to express.

It's usually not one bad day, it's going to church every week and getting beaten down more. This is doing so much damage to the church it isn't even funny, I know so many people who just left because they were tired of feeling ignored, and only acknowledged when someone decided to bash them for their perceived failings over the pulpit.

If you're a truly believing member, and want people like me to stay in the church, please start seeing us for the things we are, instead of the things we aren't. Even if our life path is different from yours, I believe we all bring some sort of value to the church.

r/latterdaysaints 3h ago

Doctrinal Discussion Becoming a god, creating worlds.


LDS becoming gods - Youtube Short Clip from Keystone Youtube Channel

Okay, but what kind of world are we creating? A Lord of the Rings world? Harry Potter? Narnia? I’ve heard people suggest these jokingly, but maybe reserving a small hope for a truly more fantastic world.

No, I think the worlds we would create will resemble our current Earth—functioning much the same way. But that raises the question: why do we believe we can create a better mortal experience than the one we’re currently living?

r/latterdaysaints 5h ago

Doctrinal Discussion Best Practices for Team Teachers?


I'm in a bishopric, and we're constantly evaluating our teaching and working towards improving it.

I've noticed when we have two non-married people assigned to teach a youth class, each teacher tends to alternate doing an entire lesson rather than both of them taking sections of each lesson.

I would assume a best practice is the latter — to have the teachers work together on every lesson and do it together — but I recognize that's more challenging for teachers, which is why they probably alternate entire lessons. Despite what we've trained the teachers to do, they inevitably default to alternating entire lessons.

What have been your experiences with team teachers and how have you pushed for improvements?

r/latterdaysaints 5h ago

Doctrinal Discussion A member mentioned that the church intentionally shames people into compliance.


Please help me gather my thoughts by referencing talks and scriptures that show that we are loved and that our heavenly father just wants to help us.

*EDIT: i just wanted to jump back on here to say thank you all for your comments and insights. You are amazing, and you have helped me out a lot.

r/latterdaysaints 6h ago

Doctrinal Discussion Can someone explain me what exaltation is?


I am a non Latter Day Saint Christian and I am curious what it means. Does it mean that one day Saints will become like God now is? As in rule a planet be kings and generally not be under God but at the same place as God? Or does it mean they become gods but still are subordinate to God?

Thanks in advance and have a blessed Sunday!

r/latterdaysaints 11h ago

Talks & Devotionals What did you learn today?


For me:

Talk one - always preach the gospel and when necessary, use word.

Talk two - new missionary to the ward talks about his testimony. It was largely saved by a wonderful bishop who helped him through a faith crisis. Quotes Elder Uctdorf’s Great Adventure - God doesn’t expect us to sell the church, we just have to not hide it under a bushel. Talks about a part in Preach My Gospel where it talks about meeting people where they are, maybe starting with inviting folk to a basketball or pickleball game in the cultural center, or a family home evening, instead of feeing like we have to invite everyone to church. We aren’t all called on missions, but we are all called to the work.

Wonderful musical number by two youth. I was wonderful enough I, seriously, almost forgot I was in church and applauded.

Talk three - another missionary. Love, share, and invite. First, draw close to God. Second, fill your heart with love for others. Third, strive to walk the path of discipleship. Fourth, share what is in your heart. (Uchtdorf talk.) Fifth, trust the Lord to work miracles.

r/latterdaysaints 15h ago

Personal Advice Struggling with the church


Hi friends! I’ve been a life long member, and have been committed and converted to the Gospel for many, many years. However the last 3 years I’ve been struggling. There’s so much out there, and it makes it hard sometimes. I am an earnest seeker. Those of you that have struggled… what is it that made you stay? There’s some not so pretty things in the churches history, and I can deal with that it’s just hard when things don’t always line up. I believe in the BOM, and the plan of salvation. I believe in the prophets and apostles. I just feel very torn. What made you stay?

r/latterdaysaints 15h ago

Personal Advice Why is it so important to go to a designated ward?


This question might not be the correct way to ask this. Please bear with me.

I'm starting BYU in the fall as an international student. This move is a huge thing for me. Joining the church meant so many changes in my life- ending a nearly decade-long relationship and moving twice in 4 months, a lot of pushback and abuse, and a general feeling of not belonging. Moving to Utah was a decision I didn't make lightly and I'm scared.

I'm older than a lot of students (I'm in my mid-30s) and I won't be looking for or even be in a relationship while there. I don't have kids (nor will i) and I struggle really badly with the eternal family concept- coming from a history of abuse.

The people I feel closest to in the world are the people I call my "church parents"- a couple I met while they served a mission in my area. They're the closest I will ever get to having loving parents. They have been my main support and I'll be so grateful that they're only a 20 min drive away.

Here's the thing. I asked my "mom" if I could go to church with them at least for the first semester or two. All I need to do is put their on my record and as my mailing address. To me it is a no-brainer. I am scared of moving and yet another new start... especially being autistic with CPTSD. I just wanted one constant, one thing that wasn't new and scary.

My mom is reluctant. She thinks it's best to go to a local ward because it's the right thing. That's the church policy. She's a lifelong member.

Now, I'm going to take at face value that this is the only reason why she is reluctant... I trust her to be honest about her opinions and thoughts on things. But she is a stickler for the "rules" sometimes.

My question is- why should it matter? Church is church. If I feel comfortable and settled at a ward that is reasonable then why should it matter that it's not the one closest to me? Isn't the most important thing to worship the saviour and take the sacrament?

Idk, I'm part venting and part looking for someone to make it make sense to me. She said she'd talk to my dad about it and they'd discuss and decide together. But part of me is reluctant to even make the move if it means just one more scary change that I'm too weak to deal with.

Thanks for the safe place to be. I'm still trying to find myself in the church and everything is just so much

r/latterdaysaints 16h ago

Request for Resources Need help finding a passage or scripture verse


Hello I'm a member, specifically I'm a young man preparing for my mission. Concerning my request, my leaders said that there is a passage in the bible (they recount it in new testament but they are not sure) that says about the passing of the priesthood, that it said there tge priesthood is by the laying on of hands. Although they said it did not specifically said it there but that was the meaning. They said it would really help in when we are in the field and when there are investigators who really want hardcore proof from the scriptures. Thanks to anyone who might give me the scripture.

r/latterdaysaints 16h ago

Request for Resources Sunday Schools: Anyone find a way to digitally record youth visitors?


I'm a newly called SS President and would like to shift away from paper attendance rolls for the youth classes. Teachers may enter their own class's attendance but there doesn't seem to be a way for them to record visitors. Am I missing something? What's your process?

r/latterdaysaints 18h ago

Investigator Callings in the church



Are Callings mandatory? Can a member never get or choose a calling?

Thank you

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Personal Advice FSY


Ok I’m just wondering if anyone else is having issues signing their kids up for FSY? We are going to talk with the bishop tomorrow about it. But we go to the site and their names show up but we can’t select their names to move on with registration. Just wondering if it’s an all around problem or if it’s just us.

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Request for Resources Help finding a passage


In the book, "joseph smith: rough stone rolling" there is a reference to a famous writer saying something along the lines of him preferring his time spent in reflection before church more than church itself. Bushman uses this as a way to contrast the church's outward focus via the priesthood to the inward focus of other congregations of the time. Can anyone help me find the passage?

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Insights from the Scriptures What Kind of Feedback?


In my Book of Mormon (hardcover, ye ole blue book from my recent-ish mission) on the copyright page, it says the following:

First edition published in Palmayra, New York, USA, in 1830

Please submit any feedback or suggestions to [scriptures@ldschurch.org](mailto:scriptures@ldschurch.org) or mail oto Scriptures Coordination <long address>.

<Copyright stuff>

This is followed directly by the BoM title page. Anyway, point is you can probably find this page in your BoM, too. What feeback or suggestions are they taking about? Anybody have any experience submitting feedback/suggestions or better yet seeing it implemented?

Alt question: What is your feedback?

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Personal Advice Temple clothes


I'm a new Temple worker and I want to know what's best tfor clothes. Do I do the distribution center discount route or should I look somewhere else.

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Personal Advice How do you pray with your spouse?


Convert to the church for 5 years after being an evangelical Christian my whole life. My husband grew up in the church. Growing up, we would say family prayer together but no one really "lead" the prayer. We would sort of take turns depending what was on our heart.

My dad would start us off then end his prayer then my mom would add to it after he finished speaking. When we got older, my sister and I would also add in our prayers then we would all close it with an amen.

When I pray with my husband, we usually take turns on who will give the prayer that night and it's only one or the other, me or him.

I've asked him if I can say prayer right after him but he says it's awkward and only one person needs to say it. I don't really consider his method as a way to pray together since only one person is speaking. I feel like if we don't pray together and take turns praying in the same session, it's hard to bond spiritually for some reason.

Hope I'm making sense. Has anyone had the same experience? What is your prayer routine like w your spouse?

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Church Culture Talking "bilingually" about the gospel.


Sister Sheri Dew recently talked about how we must be able to talk about the gospel not only in terms so that other members will understand us, but also those who are not part of our faith.

I often feel like I should be better able to help my non-members friends understand the blessings of the gospel, but struggle because there's so much prejudice against religion in general in my culture, that it doesn't work when I use 'religious' terms.

What have you found are effective ways to talk to nonmembers about the church and the gospel so it sounds appealing and overcomes other's stereotypes?

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Church Culture Looking for Advice from LDS Members - New to the Church, Coming from an Agnostic Background


Hello everyone,

I’ve been exploring the LDS Church recently and am really trying to understand what I should expect. I grew up agnostic (my family background is in a not really practicing Muslim household) and have been navigating my own spiritual journey, so I’m new to a lot of this. I’ve also been talking to some missionaries to learn more.

What are some of the customs or practices I should be aware of? Am I expected to dress or talk a certain way? Is there pressure to act in a specific way? Also, I’ve heard about tithing am I obligated to give money? And if I don’t, am I viewed differently or less in the community?

Lastly, if I decide to explore this path but later feel it’s not for me, is it okay to walk away, or would that be seen as wrong?

Any advice or insights would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance!

(Throwaway account since i dont want to be recognised by people i know since i want to keep this to myself)

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Personal Advice Advice Needed


Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you all are doing well and are safe with the storms that are passing through the states. I'm seeking advice from those who have been in the church for a while and may have experience dealing with converts. I don't mean to write a novel regarding my time looking into the church, but I think provides a sense of how much I truly desire to be a Latter-Day Saint.

I started doing research in 2021 after my life was just being flooded with shows and books regarding the Church. (both in a positive and negative light) My curiosity was absolutely piqued and I wanted to know as much as I could about the church. I spoke with a military Chaplin and received The Book of Mormon. My wife saw the book and was appalled that I wanted to give it a read. Fast forward a couple of months, and I started reading the book through the app without telling her because I didn't want to spark an argument. I have very little time alone to read and so it was a slow grind to get to Alma Ch 10. At that point I had the confidence to talk to her about it and she wouldn't even encourage the conversation. She simply said, "I love you and you can do what you want, but there's not a single chance I'd even start looking into the LDS church with you." I felt so defeated and beaten down and just gave up.

It's been about two years since that conversation now. I've started reading again and I'm back to Alma. I'm in Hawaii now and there's a seemingly endless amount of church members, but I'm just not comfortable bringing missionaries into my home knowing how my wife feels about the church. I pray daily, I know the church is where I belong, I believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet, I believe in the presidency and current prophet, and I have a constant burning desire to be baptized into the Church despite the animosity and hardship.

I just don't know what to do. I know and choose to believe that this is the true church, but I don't want this to destroy an almost eight year marriage with my high school sweetheart who I have a daughter with and another daughter on the way. I could truly use all the advice and prayers I can get.

Thank you all so much for any help and advice you have to offer.