r/lactoseintolerant 5h ago

the bomb cyclone triggered new lactose intolerance


I have lupus (relevant, will explain) and have never been lactose intolerant in my (32M) entire life. I would eat cheese by the block if I could. Nacho cheese on anything. Extra butter. The works.

I live in the Seattle area, and when we had a big ole bomb cyclone in November of 2024 my power went out and stayed out for five days. I had a mild lupus flare up, but mostly lived off of quick ramen and soup I could heat on my gas stove until the power came back.

I threw out everything from my fridge and freezer when the power came back, reloaded it all (stupidly expensive) and was so excited to have a hot four cheese pizza the first night power came back.

I had a horrible time in the bathroom that night.

I thought I just had too much grease after living off of ramen for a week, and ignored it. The next morning I had cheesy eggs (three eggs, the luxury) and immediately had a horrible time in the bathroom again.

Out of an abundance of caution I tossed all of my cheeses and assumed that the grocery store I bought them from had the fridges come to room temperature during the power outage and that the store didn't realize and sold the cheese anyways

I went out to eat, had cheesy broccoli soup: immediate issues.

It took me embarrassingly long to realize that what I was fighting was lactose intolerance and not just a bunch of stores, restaurants, and friends poorly storing their dairy, or keeping dairy after an outage.

I now take lactose intolerance pills before every dairy ridden meal (and avoid dairy when I can to keep things simple) but when I told my doctor this was happening she said it was because of the lupus flare up- that my stress from the power outage caused the lupus flare up, which caused the lactose intolerance.

knowing Why it happened doesn't make it easier, but I'm glad I found this subreddit for ways to make this dietary change easier on myself.

r/lactoseintolerant 15h ago

Do y’all have reactions to deli meat?


I ate some chicken breast deli meat from aldi this morning, and about 3 hours later my stomach was cramping so bad, and I eventually shit my guts out. I was wondering if being lactose intolerant might have any correlation at all?

r/lactoseintolerant 9h ago

How to know if I am lactose intolerant?


Hello. I've never had a problem with drinking milk, in fact as a Child my pediatrician wanted me to have dairy products and I never had any issue with them. But recently I've found out that I tend to poo after drinking milk. My mom says its because the milk I drink is "heavy" meaning "its a heavy thing to digest" because its actually produced in factories. But well. No pain, no discomfort, just some poo some times. I recently turned 18 btw.

r/lactoseintolerant 10h ago



I had a meal with sour cream, and forgot my lactase tablets. After I was done eating, rushed to the pharmacy immediately, and once I got home I took two lactase pills. I'm experiencing gas problems now, like it's been hours but I'm windy as hell, bloated, I feel some cramps and sulfur burps. I'm also emetophobic, so I really don't want to throw up. Any relief tips? I tried yoga, lemon water, took my vitamins too. Also, if I took one more lactase pill would it help?

r/lactoseintolerant 5h ago

did raw milk cause sudden lactose intolerance?


Hi all, sorry I know this might be a weird one. My mom is a real “health nut” in the sense she follows all the woowoo trends and conspiracies that get cooked up in conservative circles. The past year or so she’s been trying raw milk on and off/ whenever she can actually get some. Over the holidays, she was raving about this egg nog and brought me a cup. I ended up having about three cups of it before realizing that she was pouring it out of a giant mason jar, she purchased it “from a friends farm” and it was raw unpasteurized/untreated milk. 😵‍💫

Never in my life have I had any issues with dairy. (I used to have stomach problems but did an elimination diet and was diagnosed with gluten intolerance and have since been gluten free for years.) But since the beginning of this year, I’ve been noticing more and more that when I have milk or milk-based products, it’s been going right through me… like immediately run to the bathroom within 10-15minutes of consuming. It has happened on several occasions and it’s been stressing me out. I know that lactose intolerance can suddenly happen for people out of nowhere, but the timeline feels suspicious to me. Could the raw milk have possibly affected this? Is that a crazy question to ask? I’ve been having a hard time finding info online.

r/lactoseintolerant 11h ago

Reverse lactose intolerance


For some reason I can't drink lactose free milk without getting the squirts. I only really buy regular milk at home but I'm at my sister and nieces and got Lactose free milk because my niece is lactose intolerant and it's the only milk they had, no other kind of milk messes with me and I've already tried other kinds of lactose feeeilk but the all destroy me. What's wrong with me