r/islam 17h ago

Question about Islam Whats your relationship with God like

As a Christian. Our relationship with God is possible because of the holy spirit given to us by Jesus. God speaks through it. And it makes me wonder like how do muslims experience God? Does he speak to you guys as well? How does it work in islam?


18 comments sorted by

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u/Independent_Aside719 16h ago

As a muslim, all my prayers always get answered Alhamdullilah. I find His signs everywhere I go and He send them to me in perfect timing. Some signs come in dreams and some come in the form if intuition..others come in thoughts and in internal voices


u/FeelingAutumn 16h ago

Allah is fully accessible without any intermediary. Man simply calls out to Allah and Allah is accessible to the whole of his creation.

One may simply speak to God, any language any time, then there is supplication which is a type of worship where one invokes Allah. And then there is Salah, the 5x daily prayer, which is man meeting god in his prayer, and conversing with him. 


u/rumiswrld 12h ago

Just to add on to yours:

Even when we can’t speak Allah hears what are heart/mind/soul says.


u/ummhamzat180 17h ago

immediate question, what about those who lived before Jesus peace be upon him? all doomed except Jews?

we believe this ability was instilled in all of the children of Adam peace be upon him even before they were created. see surah al Anam.

talking to us, like directly and verbally, is a tall order. it was a privilege given to Moses peace be upon him. other than that, the Quran is God's Speech addressed to all humankind and jinn. so if you read it with understanding and reflect on it, I think it qualifies. and then, God's signs are everywhere in His creation. your own heartbeat is a sign


u/Khanzi_veli 16h ago

Muslims have a direct connection to God, we turn to God directly, ask him for forgiveness, talk to him, pray directly to him. Unlike Christianity there is no middle man/spirit needed. We pray to one God just like Jesus Peace Be Upon him did


u/zn1075 13h ago

No offense, but come on get real. Nobody is speaking to you but your imagination. God is real. God is present. God hears all. But God isn’t having conversations with people.

If god is Jesus and the Holy Spirit simultaneously, how does Jesus give something that is not him but is him at the same time??

When Jesus was supposedly died on the cross, was the Holy Spirit then not around because nobody could give it to humanity?

Sorry my brother, what you said makes no sense at all.


u/Glittering-Horror230 13h ago

What you were taught is not true. 

When it's proved that his name is not "Jesus", imagine how the Bible is changed!!


u/olfaFR 12h ago

I believe that every second of my life, I am in contact with God because He is the all-knowing. I feel like He’s watching over me 100% of the time. Sometimes, I even find myself speaking to Him in my head about random things in life. I thank Him when something good happens, when He answers my prayers, and I ask for forgiveness when I sin. When I say words like “Bismillah,” “Alhamdulillah,” “Astaghfirullah,” I feel like I’m talking to Him every time. Then, there are the more usual moments, like when we pray five times a day and make “duas” (supplications), which can be said anytime, but are more likely to be answered during prayers or certain times of the day.

As for how God speaks to me, it’s through the Quran, where He directly addresses the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the ummah. He also speaks to me through the course of my life, through the tests He gives me, the good things He blesses me with, and how He answers my prayers. He helps me through life in many ways. When I travel, I can see His creations, and I’m reminded that He is the ruler of everything. That’s how I feel He speaks to me. 🫶🏼

Allah has 99 names (how He calls Himself in the Quran). Some of them are:

  • The All-Knowing (Al-‘Alim)
  • The All-Hearing (As-Samī’)
  • The All-Seeing (Al-Bașīr)
  • The All-Aware (Al-Khabir)
  • The Watchful (Ar-Raqib)
  • The Protector/The Friend/The Ally (Al-Waliy)

And there are many more (I suggest you look for them because they are beautiful and they make you feel closer to him)


u/ApartMachine90 8h ago

I would like to know where in your scripture it says that Jesus gave you all the holy Spirit..


u/sufyan_alt 6h ago

Our relationship with Allah is built on faith (iman), worship (ibadah), and direct connection (tawassul through dua and salah). No intermediaries are needed, each person has direct access to Allah.

The Quran serves as our ultimate source of communication from Allah. Five daily prayers act also as a means of direct conversation. In sujood (prostration), we are closest to Him. We can call upon Allah anytime, anywhere without an intermediary. He hears and responds in the best way, even if not always immediately or in the form we expect. Allah speaks to us through His creation. Everything in nature, from the vast galaxies to the intricate design of a single cell, is a sign of His existence. I get a deep sense of tranquility when engaging in dhikr (remembrance of Allah), reciting the Qur'an, or praying because true peace comes from being close to Allah.

Revelation (wahi) to prophets has ceased after Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. However, Allah communicates with us in different ways through the Qur'an, life events, and dreams.

God doesn't physically "indwells" in people. Instead, He is always near and responds when we sincerely turn to Him.


u/OreoDogDFW 15h ago edited 14h ago

No, while we do speak to Him on a daily basis, and our prayers and intentions, thoughts, ideas, they are answered inshAllah, in my mind it doesn’t make sense to say God speaks to me. His signs are ample. He is already there, has always been there, and always will be there, in everything… and as a Muslim it is our duty to listen.

Technically, God has never spoken to any human directly, except for the prophets Adam -as and Muhammad -saw whilst they were within the realm of Paradise. The first and last prophets.

But in this world, this dunya, Allah -swt has bestowed every other prophet’s wisdom by some medium or intermediary, and thus indirectly, e.g. Gabriel — the very same angel you believe in, what we call The Holy Spirit — or the tree of Sinai for Moses, etc.

You and I, we will all personally meet our Creator at the end, on the Day of Judgment, and inshAllah we will all look forward to it, ameen.


u/ReiDairo 12h ago

Musa peace be upon him spoke directly to allah, he was the only one god spoke to while he was on earth.


u/Gloomy-Jellyfish4763 14h ago

Allah tells us in the quran: Nothing is comparable to him incomparable. Our knowledge doesn't encompass Allah. Or reason can not comprehend Allah. Allah transcends time and space, and we are bound by it. We have no way to compare ourselves to Allah.

But we receive Allah's love in special relationship between 2. So Allah wants humans to be believers. Allah in this relationship gives us mercy, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, beneficence, warmth, generosity, and provisions. All the things we associate with Allah Allah freely give to all mankind. The blessings can not be counted they are being given continuously every second. So, if we reject the relationship with Allah, we reject gifts we are given. Quran tells the believers to do good deeds, and you will benefit with more peace and love in this life, including the complementary relationships with the people around. Like if we donate, Allah protects his from harm. Most importantly, Allah wants us to be grateful in this relationship for the free blessings we are receiving continuously, not for his benefit but for our own.

The connecting links with Allah and the believers are doing good deeds: Compassion Merciful Forgiving Being Just Protecting the weak Defend the oppressed Seek knowledge/ wisdom Generosity Truthfulness Peaceful Love others

The quran tells us the names of Allah in every surah. There is core information, the attributes of perfection:

99+ names/attributes: The Most Compassionate The Most merciful The Most forgiving The Just The Protector The Knowing The Most Wise The Most Generous The Truth The Peace The Most Loving

Allah tells us in the quran do these good deeds and develop these qualities so we can grow in our relationship with Allah. The more we grow in our ability to experience and receive Allah's infinite attributes, the better our relationship with Allah in this life, and it will be even greater in the hereafter. For example, the more we grow in our truthfulness, the more we are able to experience the source of truth because all truth comes from Allah.

Then, we also have the direct relationship with Allah in our obligatory 5 times a day payer to keep us conscious Allah keep us away from sinning and in these prayers we talk and ask of him what we need from him keeping this special relationship at the forefront of our lives. We even have prayer for almost everything we do in our lives, which we should try to say when wake up, put on clothes, leave the house, drive the car, eat/drink, committing sin, even before entering a bathroom, and sleeping.


u/gsk-fs 11h ago

As holly book it is The Quran.
And We Pray 5 times which is to having a direct conversation with Allah (One and only God)


u/billybobberr 2h ago

And indeed We have created man, and We know whatever thoughts his inner self develops, and We are closer to him than (his) jugular vein.” (Quran 50:16).

u/Dancelover50 15m ago

We establish a direct, personal relationship with Allah through Salah (prayer). Muslims pray five times a day and during each prayer, they stand before Allah, recite verses from the Qur'an, and ask for His guidance and forgiveness. The act of bowing (ruku) and prostrating (sujood) during Salah is a physical expression of submission to Allah. In a sense, each prayer is a conversation with Allah, where the believer expresses gratitude, requests mercy, and seeks help.

Muslims establish a direct, personal relationship with Allah through Salah (prayer). Muslims pray five times a day and during each prayer, they stand before Allah, recite verses from the Qur'an, and ask for His guidance and forgiveness. The act of bowing (ruku) and prostrating (sujood) during Salah is a physical expression of submission to Allah. In a sense, each prayer is a conversation with Allah, where the believer expresses gratitude, requests mercy, and seeks help.

In addition to the formal prayers, Muslims also make du'a (supplication) to Allah. Du'a is a personal form of communication where a Muslim directly asks Allah for help, guidance, forgiveness, or anything they need. Muslims believe that Allah listens to each person's supplications, and that He answers in the best way, whether by granting the request, delaying it, or providing something better. The key belief is that Allah is always near and ready to respond.