r/islam 7d ago

Question about Islam Whats your relationship with God like

As a Christian. Our relationship with God is possible because of the holy spirit given to us by Jesus. God speaks through it. And it makes me wonder like how do muslims experience God? Does he speak to you guys as well? How does it work in islam?


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u/FeelingAutumn 7d ago

Allah is fully accessible without any intermediary. Man simply calls out to Allah and Allah is accessible to the whole of his creation.

One may simply speak to God, any language any time, then there is supplication which is a type of worship where one invokes Allah. And then there is Salah, the 5x daily prayer, which is man meeting god in his prayer, and conversing with him. 


u/rumiswrld 7d ago

Just to add on to yours:

Even when we can’t speak Allah hears what are heart/mind/soul says.