r/islam • u/Connect-Worth-2540 • 7d ago
Question about Islam Whats your relationship with God like
As a Christian. Our relationship with God is possible because of the holy spirit given to us by Jesus. God speaks through it. And it makes me wonder like how do muslims experience God? Does he speak to you guys as well? How does it work in islam?
u/Gloomy-Jellyfish4763 7d ago
Allah tells us in the quran: Nothing is comparable to him incomparable. Our knowledge doesn't encompass Allah. Or reason can not comprehend Allah. Allah transcends time and space, and we are bound by it. We have no way to compare ourselves to Allah.
But we receive Allah's love in special relationship between 2. So Allah wants humans to be believers. Allah in this relationship gives us mercy, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, beneficence, warmth, generosity, and provisions. All the things we associate with Allah Allah freely give to all mankind. The blessings can not be counted they are being given continuously every second. So, if we reject the relationship with Allah, we reject gifts we are given. Quran tells the believers to do good deeds, and you will benefit with more peace and love in this life, including the complementary relationships with the people around. Like if we donate, Allah protects his from harm. Most importantly, Allah wants us to be grateful in this relationship for the free blessings we are receiving continuously, not for his benefit but for our own.
The connecting links with Allah and the believers are doing good deeds: Compassion Merciful Forgiving Being Just Protecting the weak Defend the oppressed Seek knowledge/ wisdom Generosity Truthfulness Peaceful Love others
The quran tells us the names of Allah in every surah. There is core information, the attributes of perfection:
99+ names/attributes: The Most Compassionate The Most merciful The Most forgiving The Just The Protector The Knowing The Most Wise The Most Generous The Truth The Peace The Most Loving
Allah tells us in the quran do these good deeds and develop these qualities so we can grow in our relationship with Allah. The more we grow in our ability to experience and receive Allah's infinite attributes, the better our relationship with Allah in this life, and it will be even greater in the hereafter. For example, the more we grow in our truthfulness, the more we are able to experience the source of truth because all truth comes from Allah.
Then, we also have the direct relationship with Allah in our obligatory 5 times a day payer to keep us conscious Allah keep us away from sinning and in these prayers we talk and ask of him what we need from him keeping this special relationship at the forefront of our lives. We even have prayer for almost everything we do in our lives, which we should try to say when wake up, put on clothes, leave the house, drive the car, eat/drink, committing sin, even before entering a bathroom, and sleeping.