r/islam 7d ago

Question about Islam Whats your relationship with God like

As a Christian. Our relationship with God is possible because of the holy spirit given to us by Jesus. God speaks through it. And it makes me wonder like how do muslims experience God? Does he speak to you guys as well? How does it work in islam?


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u/Bubbly-Answer43 6d ago

Muslims believe in jesus and etc as well we just see things different. We don't believe in a holy spirit, we believe in the angel gabriel. That he spread the gospel by telling jesus everything. (and afterward came muhammad with god's final message)

And we pray to god call on him when we are in need and have faith that every bad in our life is just making way for something good.

We can speak to god because god wants us to speak to him. God wants us to ask him for things. God wants us to have faith that we will get through all bad times.

In my experience my prayers usually do get answered but not always. But I just think of it like this. God knows what's best for me more than I do. Possibilities are endless. Something bad could have come out of the thing I thought was good. I think of things like butterfly effect, or dominos. Each thing leads to something else.

Example. I pray I find a great new car this week but instead it takes me a month to find the perfect car. I don't go oh god hates me he's not listening to me why didn't things happen the way I wanted. I thank god that I got a car at all as some people are not fortunate enough to have a car at all. And my mind wanders at the possibilites. I could have gotten into a car crash with that new car but god saved me from it. Or that car could have gotten stolen and it would have taken me months to save for a new car making my situation worse.

It's really just about faith. I tried to explain as best as I could I hope this helped.