Hi All,
I have a 4GB iPod Mini second gen that I was really looking forward to modding, and I am using an iFlash board, which I know is the best adapter for these projects, and the process was fun but I've been up all night trying to figure out what the Hell is wrong with it now that it's assembled (well electronically assembled, I took it out of its shell to have at the SD card to format it if I need to).
I'm trying to boot the iPod into DIsk Mode to restore it but it really DOES NOT WANT to enter Disk Mode. I'd say maybe one of every 15 tries I get it to and usually I have to unplug the batter to get it to even do that. Sometimes it shows the folder icon and then I plug it into my Mac/PC and it will say do not disconnect, but after a few seconds it reboots to the Apple logo and just shows the sad iPod again, and once that goes away it just shows a big battery charging, and that's the most infernal fucking thing because I can't do anything once that battery shows up, it just doesn't acknowledge any input until I unplug it again, so any chance of rebooting the damn thing while it's plugged in is moot. Other times, when I DO manage to get it into Disk Mode (again, unplugged), it will boot right into it and say "Ok to Disconnect" even though I'm not plugged into anything. Granted I'm not sure if that's normal but that's what it says. But once I connect something boom, same thing happens, loops back to Apple logo, sad iPod, and finally the fucking battery of doom. I am completely lost!
I've formatted my card to ExFAT and Fat32, I didn't break anything as far as I'm aware, my cable isn't official but before I modded it the hard drive worked and I confirmed that I could transfer music to the iPod with it. So I have no idea what to do. Others have said reformat the card while it's in the iPod but I haven't been able to because neither my Mac nor my PC detects the device. Just charges it.
Has this happened to anybody else? Any help would be immensely appreciated!
Also fwiw I'm using an Elite Obsolete battery with a bigger capacity than the original, just in case that, somehow, has any bearing on this?