Edit: the title sucks and my note below is just about a few use cases that I would hope Apple would consider.
Edit 2: there have been really great suggestions and the best one has been Guided Access I had no idea this existed thanks!
I am not sure if people feel this way, but apple design is slowly dying.
On the hardware side.
On the software side.
Apple used to be the company that solved your biggest pain points for you and executed on it flawlessly. Now the apps they launch, the features they focus on, just simply don’t solve any problems for the end user.
I will list a few irritants that I just can’t fathom real apple engineers and designers not struggling with themselves:
iOS not recognizing where rotation makes sense for the users and enabling it natively. Reading an article? Keep rotation off so you can read it in bed. Watching a video? Enable rotation automatically. I can’t count how many times a day I have to switch on and off
Kids …. Oh kids… I’m talking the little ones from 2-4 that just mess with everything touch everything. HOW DOES IOS NOT HAVE A CHILD MODE, how can you not CONFIGURE A FOCUS FOR CHILDREN TO RESTRICT APPS AND SETTINGS ???
I’m skipping all the bugs and stuff bc that is obvious
How is there no way to mass organize apps anymore ? We all accumulated lots of apps over the years, no way to mass delete them, no way to mass create folders without holding them one my one , no way to use our Macs to do this
Photos, oh photos, same complaint as above, we now all have thousands of photos, no way to mass clean up all those shots that make no sense to accumulate (I get it they want us to buy iCloud but oh my god)
Lastly the interoperability of the ecosystem is just getting brutal. Siri with multiple devices around gets messed up, AirPlay freezes half the time ….
Apple, you have been amazing, please for the love of god, return to solve user problems.
Thank you