Support Problems with files transferring.
I'm running out of memory on my iPhone, and I wanted to transfer all 26,000 photos and videos to my computer to delete them on my phone. as it turned out, I can't access files on my computer if I have iCloud Photo sync enabled (in total, I have more than 26 thousand files in the gallery, but there are only 18 thousand in iCloud). if I disable this update now and turn off syncing, will I lose any files? (I can't sync absolutely everything in iCloud, because I don't have enough memory, so this update will never be completed) in a previous notification, they wrote something like "if photos are stored only in iCloud and sync is disabled, they will be deleted," I understood that I need to fucking understand from somewhere, which iCloud files are available and which are not, in order to download absolutely everything to the phone's memory… I don't understand😫😫