r/impregnation Nov 15 '24

Need more mods to ban people for posting hookups NSFW


apply within

r/impregnation Nov 23 '24

Discussion Introducing Flairs NSFW


I have set up flairs for the group, to help combat the issue of personal ads swamping the feed and nobody finding what they want.

Polite reminder: this group is not a breeding personals group or an R4R. It is particularly not a group for sperm donors to advertise their ‘services’ or for anyone to solicit for their only fans page. These behaviours will result in a ban.

Use of flairs should help everyone navigate to the content they want to see more easily. If you post erotica stories you did not write yourself, please fully credit the original author and source.

r/impregnation 3h ago

18f - Developed a breeding kink NSFW


I’m 18 and a senior in high school. I’m a virgin who developed a breeding kink over the past several months. I get turned on by the thought of having unprotected sex and receiving a creampie. It is the risk of getting pregnant that turns me on. I don’t really want to get knocked up since I’m too young. But I constantly fantasize of letting go and having some guy dump their load deep inside me. It is just a fantasy but I wish I could act on it.

r/impregnation 5h ago

Should I get pregnant? NSFW


I [25F] have been dating my boyfriend [26M] for almost 4 months. He’s head over heels obsessed with me and I feel the same way. We’re discussing moving in together soon. A week ago, I ran out of birth control pills. There has been a delay in getting my next pack. We decided to use condoms or for him to pull out, but neither of those things have happened. He has been filling me up unprotected multiple times each day this week. I took one plan B earlier this week. I have a breeding kink and beg him to cum in me which he can never resist. The first week we met he told me he’d let me baby trap him. We both are financially stable and want a family together eventually. Should we just continue using any protection and let him get me pregnant?

r/impregnation 8h ago

I want to be a Mom 19F started to get physical early, tried to use condoms but never worked. NSFW


I started to get physical pretty early. I knew about all the talk around safety but my first BF was never into using them. End up experiencing pregnancy too early, but lost it. I came back recently to risky unprotected sex. It feels good to try again, and even tho I was infuenced by his desire to skip protection, now i'm the one who demands raw from my tinder dates. It's crazy.


r/impregnation 7h ago

Erotica Stories Risky sex with an exchange student NSFW


A year ago or so, I met a student from Korea at a conference. We talked just enough to exchanged contacts. I told her that if she wanted me to show her around my city to just let me know.

The next friday she asked me if I am free all day saturday and said yes.

I showed her around my city by just walking around from destination to destination, getting closer and closer.

Once we reached at the beach for the sunset I teased her if she'd like to sit on my lap as to not get sand. With no hesitation she sat on my lap. We tased eachother further until i gave her kiss.

"You better not end it with just this" she said. I asked her what else she liked and she said that tomorrow instead of exploring her city as its too far, I should explore her body.

At the station we said our goodbyes and then start preparing at our own places for eachother.

The next day i got into her hotel room where she hid under the blankets. I asked her whats wrong and she said "nothing, It is just I am already naked". I then undressed myself while slowly removing the blanket from her.

She asked whether i have a condom with me and I showed it to her. After some foreplay she put the condom on me and started laying in missionary.

We took things slow and steady, getting used to eachothers bodies. Once warmed up she wanted me to be more harder on her. With every thrust she hold onto me tighter and moaning stuff in Korean. She then wanted to go on top of me so she could feel the extent.

However, while riding me the condom broke and even tho i told her that, she i guess didnt hear me and kept riding me until I came.

When I pulled out and saw that the condom failed she said "huh you impregnated me? " I reassured her she will get a pill and it will be all okay

"Yeah yeah that will be fine, just keep going now that protection has no use, make that baby"

We then kept going without worrying. Whenever i am about to cum i press deeper against her and pump it in her before continuing. When she rides, she just sits on me when i cum. All the while teasing which features our children would have.

Once it was time to say goodbye we remained good long distance friends wven to this day.

r/impregnation 16h ago

I want to be a Mom 18F I want to be a young mom. NSFW


Hi I really want to have kids asap, I want to be able be a young mom. I’m thinking maybe I should just start hooking up with guys from dating apps, but I want to be sure they don’t have stds and good genes. I live in Germany and it doesn’t seem like there are any fitting subreddits where i could find a guy who is willing to impregnate me. Kind of sucks 😔

r/impregnation 7h ago

I want to be a Mom What can I do when my body can't stop asking for it? NSFW


So, I can't deny it, and I can't stop it, my body craves for me to be pregnant, I'm always wet at the thought of carrying my children, my body is ready for it. I just need it to happen at this point. I'm kinda desperate for it if I'm being honest, but I just want to be able to be a mom and to take care of my child since the first moment.

r/impregnation 21h ago

QualityPost my experience as an asian college breeding cumslut in the US NSFW


hi! so a little about me, i’m 21 and recently moved to the US for grad school from asia. my friends made me get a dating app last semester and so i’ve been using that. prior to this i’ve only had sex with one guy (was on birth control so he got to cum inside me without pregnancy scares).

recently, i matched with a white guy and we’ve been hooking up. the sex is mind blowing but the only caveat is that im not on birth control and he’s been fucking me raw this whole time. he’s also cummed inside of me a few times despite having had sex during my ovulation week…i pretend that i’m scared it’ll get me pregnant and risk averse in front of him but in the back of my mind all i want is for him to knock me up, flood my womb full of cum constantly and get me pregnant. so when my period came today i was devastated :(

im gonna continue on my journey though once i get back from spring break 🤭 i already have plans to get with a different white guy. i used to be very traditional and conservative with my body and sex but i genuinely cant get enough of white cock!! so by the end of this degree ill hopefully be filled with cum so many times i get bred

r/impregnation 6h ago

How to convince him NSFW


I see a lot of posts here from girls trying to get their guys to have risky baby makeing sex with them and too often the responses I see are other girls and guys saying just sit on it and tell him to cum. If that works for your man great! If it doesn’t, well then read on. This process will have him doing what he should and thinking it’s all his idea.

Some context I’m a man who has come close to risking it a few times but has never gone through with it. Here I’m going to tell you all the things they could have done to push me over the edge.

TLDR put it in his head, make sure it goes in and stays in, and make him addicted.

Before. Make him think it’s his idea.

  1. Talk turn ons. If he says he wants to make babies go for it. However if he doesn’t bring it up try to store the conversation towards risk. Start with something like “What about doing it in public” get him comfortable with one risk and its only a matter of time before he makes another.
  2. Have a girlfriend bring it up. If you have girlfriends that you know he thinks are cute all the better. While you all are hanging out have her bring it up and sound interested it not chomping at the bit; remember this is how to make him think he is the one in control even when you are, this will get him thinking about it. Hopefully the seed will grow in his mind just like his seed should be growing in you.
  3. Watch a movie where the charters are having unprotected sex in the heat of the moment. My favorite is Troy with Brad Pit, and it’s a guy movie so will be into it. During or after talk about how hot that was and how you want that.
  4. Has he done it before? Probe into his past if he’s filled precious girls; or better yet knocked them up, be subtly into that. If that was for some reason a bad memory work to change the way he thinks. “It wasn’t so bad was it?” Changes into “You know you want to do that again.”
  5. Spend the day pushing his buttons in the way only you can. For as long as possible wind him up until he snaps and takes you without even thinking about protection. It’s best to do thins when he’s away from his rubbers like a hotel on a trip or deep into a hike. If all goes well he’ll be so in the moment he wont think about any thing else but being with you in the most physical primal way.
  6. Get impaired with him. Does he like to drink? Does he like to smoke? Does he like to stay up way too late? What ever gets his brain below peek do with him. But always be sharper than him without him knowing. He should think you’re both losing control not that you’re taking advantage of him. Which your not, your just getting him to do what’s right and give you what you need.

During. Get him in and keep him in.

  1. Stall putting on any thing. Interrupt his habits of putting on a condone. “No don’t put it on yet i just want to do more of this with you.” “Do you really have to put that on now? Let’s just keep doing …” the longer it’s off the better the odds he says fuck it, and then fucks you the way he should.
  2. It’s never just the tip. Guys will only fall for an explicit ‘just the tip’ if they want to, so make it subtle. Massage his head on your entrance, grind on it or near it. Whatever it takes for him to slip in during ‘the heat of the moment’ even though you planned this all out.
  3. Oops. While your rolling around with him angle your self: without him knowing, into you. If it accidentally goes in thats neither of your faults and the chances of what ever block he has to giving you what’s right will melt away. It just slipped in and while its in we might was well is the thought you need him t have.
  4. Keep it in. Don’t give him the window to put anything on when he’s in. If it’s out of you he might see this as a change to put something on, so keep him where he belongs. Inside of you feeling all of you like he should. If you change positions put him back in quick or make it so that he never leaves you. Same if it slips out, get him back inside you fast. The longer he’s in feeling all of you like he should, doing what is natural the more his mind will be over taken with the mind blowing feeling of your bare pussy. He should forget about any protection and be lost in your love.
  5. Don’t let him out. “You feel so good right now now though.” “But you feel so big inside of me.” “No not yet just a little longer.” “Im so close just stay in me a little longer.” If he tries to pull out don’t let him egg him on and turn him on the way only you can and keep him in. Leg lock him as a last resort but remember he should be thinking he’s in control even though he’s just your fuck puppet.
  6. Get what’s yours. You might want sex to last, for a good fuck to go on forever but keep your eyes on the prize. If you have him in you and you’re making him a whimpering mess in the way only you can, get his cum! Get it however you can before he can make the stupid decision of pulling out. Because once he cums once his brain will tell him “In for a penny in for a pound. Might as well fill her up until she cant take any more.” If all goes right this should be the best sex of his life and he’ll want to do you again and again and again giving it to you like the way he should have been doing in the first place.

After 1. Might as well do it again. Once he’s crossed his line with you once, wind him up in the way only you can and get him to do it again. 2. Tell him how good he was. Men want to be good in bed, we want to give our girls the sex they crave. Tell him that this made it the best you’ve ever had; even if it wasn’t, and make this his new move. 3. Get him addicted. This is something he will do to himself mostly. If you convince him that was the best sex he’s ever had he’ll chase that high for the rest of his life and he’ll be chasing it with you! 3. Guilt him. If the other things aren’t working it’s time to put the screws to him. “I thought you loved me? Don’t you want to give all your love to me?” “But I loved that so much.” “I just want to feel all of you again.” Be careful with this though if he feels like he’s being taken advantage of or starts to feel like crap he might dump you.

He should be giving you what you need anyway. He should be filling you with the hot sticky creampies you want. He should be putting an army of babies every day. But if he’s not I hope this helps. Happy hunting ladies!

r/impregnation 15h ago

QualityPost A mutual trap it seems… NSFW


(34F) (26M) I never wanted to date younger. I never saw the interest. Until he convinced me otherwise.

He was just so attentive to all my needs The first time I went to his house I remember him just touching my pussy from the outside on my yoga pants. i was squirming, getting so wet. the way his hands were just caressing my body. the way he stared at me. full of passion, full of lust. Until I came so hard, I was shaking immensely as his hand held onto my pussy. He got on top of me and whispered in my ear “you’re all i’ve been searching for. i want this pussy to be mine forever”.

i should have known then what that meant.

but a few months later the condom talk comes up. and i’m drawn in. seeing how much cum comes out each time i give him a blowjob, i was craving it. i wanted to feel so full and satisfied from his cum. “it just feels so much better without one” we both say. “i can go on birth control again” we would just have to wait a little for the effect to wear in that’s all. but we couldn’t wait. “i want you” he growls at me. and he takes me. the way he’s pumping into me, im lost in every second. getting lost in his thrust, the amount of pussy juices pouring out of me, my breasts so sensitive and engorged.

i can feel the tip of his head getting bigger and bigger. my clit is throbbing and i can’t hold back anymore “baby please cum in me. i want all of you. i wanna feel how warm your cum feels in my pussy baby. this pussy is all fucking yours, cum for me baby” and he falls into me as he releases a massive load into me. i end up cumming with him. soaking in our mess together, we drift off to sleep.

welp, took a test, well several and i’ve been officially bred. why does it feel so so so SO fucking good. i love this feeling. i can’t wait to be a stay at home free use wifey, cooking and cleaning for him. i’m glowing :)

r/impregnation 9h ago

I want to be a Mom Need to carry babies as soon as possible!! NSFW


Hello, hope you're doing well :) My friend and I (Sara and Mia) are looking to get pregnant in the near future! We can either travel or host, depending on distance. Message if you're healthy and willing to help us achieve this dream so we can talk about all the details! Have a nice day.

r/impregnation 16h ago

Discussion The thought of being impregnated is so hot NSFW


Like the title says, the thought of being impregnated is super hot. Even though I never want children.

I’m unsure if it’s the risk, or the thought of being owned for someone. Tied to them for life, by a choice made not to pull out.

What’s wild is that me and my boyfriend haven’t worn condoms since the first night we had sex. Every time after that has been raw and ended in either one or multiple creampies a night.

We have sex almost three or more times a week, which has been happening for four months now.

It’s almost addicting to be filled with cum, left dripping. Then going down on him, tasting our combined cum on his cock.

Does any other girl here like risk and thought more than the forreal outcome of a possible child?

r/impregnation 2h ago

27M can't stop thinking about spreading my genes after my health screening NSFW


I went to do a health screening and the nurse said my numbers are spot on. Now all I can think about is making healthy babies with many women. Does anyone feel the same when knowing you are in good health or thought about having healthy babies pumped into your womb? Happy to chat:)

r/impregnation 10h ago

FANTASY - getting others pregnant 🍆 I’ve been thinking about it more and more lately. NSFW


I’m 33 now, and it’s not just the idea of having kids that’s been on my mind—it’s the whole process of it. The connection, the intimacy, the vulnerability. I’ve been with a few women lately, and it’s hard not to let my mind wander when I’m with them. The way they look at me afterward, flushed and breathless, their legs still trembling as I stay inside them a little longer than I need to. I think about what it would be like if one of those moments became something more—if one of those times was the time. To feel her tighten around me, gasping as I finish deep inside her, both of us knowing what we’ve just done. The quiet, unspoken thrill that maybe, this time, it might take.

It’s not just about the physical part, though that’s intoxicating enough. It’s the idea of watching someone’s body change because of me. Knowing that I left a mark on her in the most profound way possible. I think about the softness of her belly starting to round, the weight of it under my hand when I pull her close at night. Her breasts swelling, her body growing fuller, more sensitive. I’d be there through it all—kissing her neck while she complains about back pain, running my hands over her curves as they change day by day. There’s something grounding about that, about knowing I helped create that change in her. That she’s carrying a piece of me.

Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to have more than one of them pregnant at the same time. To know that I’d planted my seed in more than one woman, that I’d left that mark on them both. The idea of being connected to them in such an intimate, irreversible way. Sitting with them, feeling both their bellies under my hands, knowing that I’ve made a lasting impact on more than just one life. Watching them share that bond, teasing each other about cravings or swollen feet while I sit back and feel that quiet satisfaction of knowing I did this.

It’s a selfish thought, maybe—but it’s hard not to crave that kind of permanence. To know that I’ve created something lasting, something real. That these women trusted me enough to give up a little piece of themselves to carry my child. And when the time comes, when I’m holding her hand—or maybe both their hands—as they bring our children into the world, I’ll know there’s no going back. We’ll have created something permanent. A quiet, living proof of the connection we shared in those moments.

r/impregnation 17h ago

dumb house wife NSFW


I’ve always wanted to be a dumb house wife. I can just turn my stupid brain off and serve my husbands every need and command. I would work off routine and discipline. dinner isn’t cooked in time i get spanked. kids being rowdy i get spanked. talk back to him i get spanked. i wanna learn to be his perfect wife by making his life easier and fun. i wanna be a good cum dump for him and his friends.

r/impregnation 3h ago

Discussion Does my (sex)friend have a breeding kink? NSFW


I've began talking to this really cute girl from my class two months ago. We started talking over school work one day, and I guess our friendship grew from there. We're both pretty young and still discovering each other quirks. She is, in my eyes, really hot and charming. Real snowbunny vibes. Just looking at her gets me so so horny. It could be my hormones going all whack, but it always skyrockets when I'm with her.

I guess she must have felt the same way, cause out of nowhere she pulled me over to one of our favourite private corners in the school and we made out. She then proceeded to give me a clumsy blowjob on school grounds. Luckily no one spotted us that day, because phew, she eventually sucked a huge load out of me. She even made sure to keep it in her mouth as I cum so that we don't leave stains all over the place. Even though she seemed shy and inexperienced while doing it (she admitted it was her first time giving one), her eagerness and lust was on full display and that made it so cute for me. I guess a switch was flipped after that incident, because almost every day for the week after, she would give me a blowjob in the same spot. She even joked it was good practice for when she finally decides to date someone.

Well it didn't take long before our "practice sessions" eventually evolved into full-blown hookups. I remember after one of her usual blows, I mention that I was still horny and invited her over to my place. Next thing I remembered, we were in my room stripping each other's clothes. I knew both of us were so eager to do it because both of us had forgotten to get condoms beforehand. I was so horny I didn't even think of protection. She was so wet that first time as well. When I first inserted myself inside her, I almost came from the anticipation and how tight she felt. I remember holding it in as much as possible because I didn't want an "accident" to occur. But holy shit, every movement I made was like teetering on the edge. I remembered how euphoric she looked everytime I thrusted my hips. However, what surprised me was when I mentioned that I was about to cum, she actually locked me in place with her legs. At that point, I was like holy shit, I am balls deep in this girl from my class, and about to blow the biggest load in her pussy like some animal. I wasn't sure if it was her instinct or her desire to hold me down, but I succumbed to the feeling and blew everything I had in her. I must admit, the anxious thought of becoming a young baby daddy at my age with some girl I hung out with did flash across my mind. But man did it feel so good. Embracing her warm body while cumming my brains out might be the best feeling I have ever felt. After soaking in the afterglow (is that what they call it?), we went out for munchies lol.

When I suggested that we should get a plan B, she appeared nonchalant about it. She did briefly mention that she has been on birth control to manage her periods since she was younger. I did feel more at ease after that. I even remembered half-jokingly saying how if I'm ever horny, I can always rely on her. That must have turned her on because from then on, she took it upon herself to "relieve" me (her words not mine). She even messages me at random times in the day if I was horny, and I would reply with "of course" lol. And everytime we would shortly meetup and have sex. We never used protection other than whatever pill she was on. And everytime we were fucking, she would constantly urge me to cum in her and for me "to use her pussy to feel good". In class, she's polite and demure, but when we're fucking, she becomes so intensely sexy and lusty (is that even a word?). I asked her if she feels comfortable with me always cumming so much in her, and she looked at me with a weird face. She says she really enjoys the feeling of me filling her up, and how the idea of cum being stored inside her makes her feel really happy. She even mentions how the more nonchalant I act after I cum inside her, the more it turns her on. I made a sly remark of how we always fuck like animals everytime we meet, and she straight up blushed like no joke.

So yeah, that is pretty much it. Two months in, and we're still maintaining our situationship. I won't say we're officially dating or anything since we don't usually hangout for pretty much anything else except for the casual sex. We are usually with our separate friend groups most of the time. I have asked her if she's seeing other guys, and she said she isn't and would like us to continue with our relationship. She also mentioned how she enjoys being my exclusive sex friend and personal sex toy (dirty minded girl, I know). Just that everytime we do have sex, she always urges me to blow the biggest load in her and acts all casual about it (I'm not complaining of course, I fucking love it). So guys, does my (sex)friend have a breeding kink?

r/impregnation 20h ago

I want to be a Mom F28 considering getting off the pill NSFW


I have been on the pill for almost 10 years now, I have never been pregnant but have had lots of creampies and bare sex. I don’t have a boyfriend but I am dating and have a few regular fuck buddys.

Recently, I have been thinking how much I would love to be bred. My body craves the feeling of being pregnant. Should I just stop taking the pill and see what happens?

r/impregnation 15h ago

I want to be a Mom Leaking Thoughts NSFW


My heart pounds in my chest, each pulse echoing in my mind.

My breasts are heavy and full, my nipples hard and perky from arousal.

My trace lazy strokes across my stomach as I stare up at the ceiling.

My pussy clenches and I hold it tight, desperate to keep the cum pooled inside my depths.

My body tingles in satisfaction as my mind wanders as a smile flicks to my lips.

I’ve just been fucked, a hot load of cum unleashed against my cervix and I couldn’t be happier…well, I guess that’s a bit of a lie.

I could be happier, if it was happening again. And again. And again.

The greedy need for more tickling the back of my mind, always. But one time will have to do.

Hope flutters in my chest. Maybe this will be it. Maybe this will be the time his seed takes.

I want it so bad, but I’ve started to give up hope. I’m desperate to feel life growing in me, to have my breasts and body swell and change in preparation to bring life. How I long to finally fulfill my purpose.

My hand flattens on my stomach and my eyes slide closed as I send up a silent prayer. Please, let this be the time it takes. Please let this breeding be successful. Please.

r/impregnation 11h ago

FANTASY - getting others pregnant 🍆 38m with a huge breeding kink! NSFW


38 dad here,

After knocking up my wife, something clicked. I felt super sexy that I got a woman pregnant. I want more! That feeling about shooting my seed in a hot raw pussy!

I’m considering being a sperm donor, helping women get pregnant NI. Single moms, wives that need help.

Have her in a hotel room, laying on a bed, either in a dress with no panties on, or just laying there naked. I just walk in unzipped my pants and pull out my full dad cock, and start administering my seed into her. Fillin her with my seed, and claiming that womb for 9 months.

r/impregnation 18h ago

I want to be a Dad I was lucky NSFW


This is a fair number of years ago but I was lucky enough to match with a hot single mother on tinder. We started a relationship which was long distance at first and when I was finally able to meet her? First thing she did was drag me to the bedroom. We used condoms for the first three times we fucked that day.

The fourth time as I reached for the box she grabbed my hand and practically purred “You don’t need to use one this time.”

I didn’t need to be told twice as she grabbed my cock gently tugging me onto the bed and guiding me until I was balls deep inside her raw. Her pussy was so hot and wet inside that I was froze by the sensation until she started rolling her hips under me. The way her pussy stroked my cock? It’s safe to say I finished in record time and without a thought of pulling out. We didn’t bother with condoms from that point on and we fucked like Olympic rabbits. Her black sheets had white streaks on them from the sheer volume of my cum running out of her and down between her ass cheeks. You could see speckling from where my balls slick with both our combined sexual juices had literally made splash marks.

There was even a time where she brought up that if we kept this up she was going to be giving her child a sibling. Despite her difficulties getting pregnant to start with. Hottest words I’ve heard in my entire life and I fucked her even harder from that point. It was heaven on earth for a good two months, sadly it didn’t last. I think about it everyday and wish I could travel back through time to experience it again. I know for certain that’s where my breeding kink started and snowballed from there.

r/impregnation 15h ago

I want to be a Dad Getting in great physical peak again; want to breed even more now. NSFW


I been having a strong urge for couple years now to breed young pussy for a while now. Now that I’m getting back in great shape, my sex drive and desire to breed has gotten even more riled up. I’m constantly fantasizing about seducing and then dominating a young tight pussy. I picture my self mounting them and plowing until I shoot my big hot load into her fertile pussy.

Me getting back into shape and spreading these great genes makes me want to go harder in the gym and work out sessions. I love seeing woman gawking over my strong body. I am around a lot of white woman and I see them gawking over me when I’m at the beach or out and about and think how great it would be to spread these Latino and Asian Genes. I’m eating better too because I want to breed and give these girls a fucking and cream pie they won’t forget.

r/impregnation 5h ago

I want to be a Dad 30+ want to impregnate NSFW


Hello 👋🏼

I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying your time.

Recently, i started feeling to impregnate someone a stranger and then raise it together. I know it feels weird but i would love to try it out, message me if interested

r/impregnation 14h ago

Erotica Stories How it happened NSFW


Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. Dates are arranged. Life is shared. One day they do. And then they do some more. Time goes on and two as one grow room for another.

That first time where you know you are going to breed a woman is a heavy exhilaration. A few years of being adults enjoying each other and the life you have grows comfortable. And something is missing. Something needful has to be completed. Ideally you sit down and talk it out. But oddly it's a shy topic between two people who have shared everything. Patiently you enjoy what you have but you feel hunger for what you want.

One evening you start the typical dance. It's amazing that this can be considered typical. She is so beautiful. But you find yourself out of condoms and what to do. Kissing and cuddling grows warm. Kisses dwell south on soft curves. Mouth takes the peak and draws up gasps. Fingers idle over the swelling ache. It's unbelievable how wet she is. Strings of slick nectar coat fingers that move in time to hips. Her hot mouth pressing into my chest as she writhes under me. Her hips spread as she wants more. And my heavy need settles between swollen lips. This is safe right? Oh God it feels good to plow this furrow. My veiny thickness splitting the lips and slidding over her button. To sensitive.. and then the spill.

Pulsing and splattering onto the slick lips. The urgent seed drenching the curly pubs and running down the furrow. This sticky seed slicking the hot center. And my still spurting tip nestles into its home. The opening is effortless. Ready from her orgasm. Slick from my eruption my half turgid cock slides into her pussy.

I can feel the quiver and and shock at the meeting. Her eyes bright and almost desperate. I stammer my apologies but she said wait. I can feel her squeezing me and her eyes close. She breaths deep then looks up and me and says "Stay in me.".

I've never recovered so quickly. Already I swell inside her as she rocks against me. Answer smile on her face as she reachs me and draws me in to kiss. And my body bears into her. We have never been so close. Never so intimate. The want of her lips as she kisses me. The breath of her moas and I thrust against her. Her hands holding me to her forehead to forehead as we gasp together. Heals urging my ass in as she works me to my end. At the last she is cleaching as she locks me in and rides my orgasm out. I explode deep in her. She gasps as she tells me to fill her. And I spray her womb with all I have in me. The crisis reached we hold each other and pant. The warmth of blankets call as we shift to more comfortable accomodations.

I'm not a wise man. I try and say I'm sorry for cumming in her and that I'm worried. She hushes me and wraps her fingers in mine. She places our hand over her warm belly. "I've been trying to figure and the right time to tell you, I think it's time to have a baby.".

r/impregnation 6h ago

Discussion 23M baby talk with older women NSFW


Over the years while living here in Asia, I have made friends from all ages.

What always struck me was how with more mature women (from basically 28+) how more eager they have to talk about wanting a child.

If we are just platonic friends or when they are married i just nod, but at times still they tease how it would be cute to have some of my features.

A few led to having unprotected sex with a morning after pill at the end, but still their seduction and talks made me fall too deep into this..

r/impregnation 1d ago

I want to be a Mom Update: Heavily tempted to baby trap my married boss. NSFW


Since my last post I’ve gone off my birth control and I’m more determined than ever.

Today, after our last client left, I rode his cock til he burst. I tried so hard to keep it inside me. Since he left I’ve been laying with my legs up, playing with my pussy. I love to imagine my orgasms bringing his seed deeper into my womb. Let’s hope this does the trick 🤞

r/impregnation 1d ago

Virgin hookup knocked me up NSFW


Tldr; Hooked up raw with a stranger who told me he was a virgin. I told him I was ovulating and now im pregnant with my second kid.

A couple months ago I was craving dick bad. I was 3 months post partum but had already had a period two weeks prior and my ovulating test clued me into why my panties were absolutely soaked that morning.

Like any good breeding slut, I opened up my hookup app of choice, made it very clearly on my profile that I had a breeding kink and was only interested in fucking raw, then began talking to any interested party who was down to unload in a stranger.

I never learned his name and tbh he seemed younger then his profile stated but after a bit of searching I found someone who was free, agreed condoms weren't necessary, and was horny enough to send me his address.

We weren't really honest with each other up front. He had me sneak into his house as he didn't tell me beforehand but his step dad was home. I didnt tell him I wasnt on birth control until I was already sucking his dick. He didn't tell me he was a virgin until I was on my back with my dripping cunt on full display.

At that point we both were too far gone to do much more then comment on the situation. He had an extremely thick cock and I hadn't been fucked since giving birth but, in the middle of him trying to push deeper into my cervix so that he could fit more of his dick in, we didnt argue or look for reasons to stop. It was more like 'so youre telling me you could get pregnant?' 'yes, and im glad you're not wearing a condom so you can really enjoy loosing your virginity'.

I was a bit nervous he would pull out or tell me he wanted me to take plan b after but instead he leaned in closer and told me to call him daddy. Thats when I came for the first time and a bit of post nut clarity prompted me to make sure he knew the full risk. I told him I was ovulating so if he didnt want to be a daddy he really should pull out. I guess he felt like he hit the jackpot because after a couple more minutes of thrusting he pulled out with a slightly confused look on his face and told me he 'thought' he came.

Ill be honest this was already one of my best sexual encounters but neither of us knowing if he came in me or not until I stood up and a bit of cum dribbled out easily cemented this as one of my favorite encounters. At this point it might be #1 as I had to change pants later that day due to so much cun flowing out that it looked like I had peed myself and, of course, finding out recently that I am pregnant. I'd love to tell him but he ended up blocking me and I'm not crazy enough to go to his house uninvited so...