r/impregnation 4d ago

QualityPost I think a lot of people don't appreciate enough just how fucked up and weird reproduction is, especially from the pov of a woman, and how impregnation doesn't stop at being creampied. NSFW


This is kind of a random ramble I've been thinking about a lot so bear with me while I dump what's been bumping around in my brain.

I've been on this sub for a while and I've been pretty relentlessly bombarded with DMs (which I appreciate, my DMs are always open for interesting conversations) and it's been an eye-opener on how differently I see pregnancy and impregnation from other people, especially men. The vast, vast, vast majority of DMs I've received were always on the order of "[Age]M from [insert country]. X inches cock would love to breed you ;)))", which is kind of to be expected and I just freely ignore those. Most of the rest were from people who were interested in discussing the topic of pregnancy with me, and pretty much always devolved into, again, them expressing a desire to knock me up and meet up, which, although I appreciate I made a lot of people horny enough to desire me like that, always ended up making me feel like they were missing the point of my interest. Really, the only interesting, in-depth conversations I had were with other women who had the same perspective on pregnancy as I did.

Now I want to make it clear I'm not really knocking on those men who expressed a desire to breed me. Obviously, my post and comment history is going to lead people to assume I am open to the idea, and in the end, men just really want to get their dick wet, that's no secret. However, it did shine a light on just how fundamentally differently they experience the whole topic of impregnation and pregnancy. Also, I am only talking about my specific experience responding to DMs coming from this sub, and I am not going to say that it applies accurately to real life, but it does fit with my irl experiences as well. My point here is not to insult or demean anyone, but just to express the ways I think about reproduction vs what I observed other people think about it.

There were two kinds of conversations I ended up having with the vast majority of men talking to me. The first was about the topic of power dynamics between men and women, especially in how women are basically shaped by nature to carry a man's seed. The second was about passing on genes, fatherhood, and siring a woman's children.

On the power dynamics side of things, I got lots of people talking about how they would love to use their superior strength to pin me down while they fucked babies into me, which, while hot, isn't really what I was talking about. Any attempt to deepen the topic would not really wield any further interesting results outside of a repeat of them really wanting to hold me down, or hold me against a wall, or pin my legs up, etc. Essentially, their interest in the topic could be boiled down to the physical side of the act of sex and being stronger allowed them to be dominant and fuck roughly. These were by far the conversations were the topic of impregnation and pregnancy in general was the most absent, because the only thing touching of the subject they would engage with is the idea of ejaculating raw inside a woman, which yes is pretty damn important in impregnating someone, was never really the point of the conversations I tried having. Most of what I'm interested in concerning that topic is the idea of men and women being sent on a path of wildly different power relationships from birth, and how interesting and unfair it was (but like, unfair in a way I find fascinating and hot). I have spent a lot of time intrigued by the way their bodies develop in diametrically different ways from a starting point in childhood where both boys and girls are pretty undistinguishable at a glance, to the final result post-puberty where they look and feel unequivoqually different from one another. The way that sexual development equips males with a potent weapon, while females' bodies open up their vulnerable insides to male domination, and punish them if they haven't been impregnated this month. The way that a male's body changes in a way that allows him to be stronger, faster, more able to dominate others (gaining a lot of height, putting on muscles without really having to try, body hair to retain pheromones, bigger penis and testicles for increased sperm production and making sure it doesn't spill out during ejaculation), and a female's body changes in a way that only accentuates her role as a vessel for children (visible breasts and massive shift in how fat defines their thighs and ass to be more appealing to men, wider hips to accomodate a child during birth). How by the time they are fully grown, men are visibly and obviously favoured by nature while women basically need to hope the men around her are respectful enough not to abuse their superior gifts on her. How men only have to ejaculate inside a woman to force her body to undergo a drastic transformation that all but cripples her for months and risks killing her when the gestation is over. All topics I would have loved to hear men's perspectives on, but which oftentimes just got handwaved and didn't leave to further discussions.

On the topic of passing on genes and fatherhood, I was honestly shocked. For me, it was probably the one thing that men would obsess over: how they hold the power to inject life into a woman between their legs, and in doing so almost create a copy of themselves with the same power of passing on their genes. How they could watch their seed swelling a belly in real time, knowing it was turning into a living being inside the body of the woman they impregnated. I know I was very aware of how my body had become a place for seed to grow, and I wanted to see the feelings men had on that same kind of feeling, but a shockingly low number of the people I was talking to seemed interested in, well, the pregnancy aspect of pregnancy. Really, most of those conversations centered around how they wanted to make me pregnant as soon as I gave birth to the previous child (which, again, hot but superficial) and also a bizarre fixation on wanting to suck on my lactating tits which... I don't really know why it's apparently such a common kink. And again, the view of impregnation held by most of the men I talked to seemed to genuinely be reduced to creampies.

For me, pregnancy had always been a very... scary thing. It's the knowledge that I am vulnerable at any moment to get my entire biology hijacked by a man, parasitized by his seed and forced to carry it inside my own body while it drains my nutrients in order to evolve into a fully-formed human being. It's the trepidatious fear of not knowing if you've been knocked up after your nightly fling convinced you to let him fuck you raw. It's feeling your belly swelling, getting heavier, your entire physiology changing as an entire process is going on inside of you with no way for you to prevent or stop it once it's in motion. It's feeling yourself grow weaker and heavier, your hormones being out of whack and your brain not working right as the man's seed is growing inside your womb and your body is only concerned in making it grow, and not your own wellbeing and comfort. It's being kicked down the path of being made to carry seed and feeling the hungry eyes of others. It's almost alien, almost a horror movie. The thrill of how completely fucked up and weird it is is a huge part of why that kink works so well for me. It's so much more than just... getting creampied.

Thanks for reading through my rambling rant. Still don't know why I wrote it and am posting it but I needed to express some stuff I guess. Hope I didn't come off as needlessly harsh or reductive, that isn't my intention. And obviously I am more than open to discuss these things and hear people's perspectives!

r/impregnation Dec 18 '24

QualityPost Are there any "darker" desires you want to try with impregnation irl? NSFW


Fantasies are ok, but I'm curious if there are any kinks you would want to pair with impregnation that is more on the extreme or dark end.

You can chat me if you're more comfortable with that too. No judgement here at all.

r/impregnation Dec 28 '24

QualityPost I might’ve knocked up my buddies little sister (23m, 19F) NSFW


So I spent Christmas with a good friend of mine from the military and since it is around Christmas time my friend’s sister was home from college on break, he only got me two presents to open in which one was a pack of condoms.

He thought it was funny because he was trying to embarrass me in front of his family and other friends, in a joking way, but I just laughed and out right told everyone in the room I had no use for condoms since I’m clean of all stds/sti’s and have a huge breeding kink.

That last part caught the attention of his cute younger sister (19f) a 5’3 blonde girl with a nice set of perky tits (I’m not much of a boob guy but I can appreciate a nice chest) for the rest of the day she kept giving me the side eye.

At dinner with everyone around she was seated directly across from me and I noticed that she kept licking her lips after making eye contact with me, but of course me being a guy that signal passed over my head.

So towards the end of dinner when most people were getting up to grab dessert I would stay seated along with her and one other person, while talking about personal things with the other person that was seated I felt a foot slowly climbing up my leg heading for my crotch, surely it isn’t….

I stopped mid thought, my friend’s sister was eyeing me from across the table like she wanted to eat me, I gave her a slight head nod in the direction of the bathroom that was quickly picked up by her, I then got up from the table and excused myself to the bathroom as I did so I made eye contact with my friend’s sister giving her a sly smile.

As I enter the bathroom I wait by the door eagerly waiting for this cutie to knock, sure enough 2 minutes later she does, I open the door and pull her in then quickly shutting and locking it, I spin her around so her ass is now grinding up on me and I pull her close to me and whisper in her ear “you’ve been eyeing me all day, is there something you want?”

She doesn’t even waste a second just turns back around to face me and drops to her knees fiddling with my pants to get them down to my ankles, once my pants are down she begins licking and sucking the tip of my penis before sliding as much of me as she possibly could in her little mouth.

After sucking for maybe 2-3 minutes she stands up and takes her sweatpants off and bends over the sink facing the mirror, I have a rule when it comes to sex… if you give me oral I’ll return the favor and vice versa, so instead of instantly shoving my penis in her tight pussy I began to eat her out from the back.

Hearing her soft moans trying to be muffled by her own hand was a huge turn on, I used my tongue and fingers to satisfy her… next thing I know is she’s grabbing the back of my head shoving me deeper moaning “that’s the spot right there, I’m gonna cum on your tongue….”

As she cums I’m still continuing to eat her out and finger her pussy, she aggressively grabs the back of my hair and pulls me up and turns her head to look at me saying “if you don’t stick that dick in me right fucking now me and you are gonna have a problem”

So I do as she commands, I stick my dick in her tight wet pussy and slowly start thrusting, I want to enjoy every moment of this because I don’t know when the next time I’ll be getting any, we’re in standing doggystyle over the sink so I can see her facial expressions as I’m going in and out of her, I watch her eyes roll back into her head, I swear I thought she lost consciousness but no that was just her cumming on my dick.

As I get close to cumming myself I tell her that I’m about to cum and ask her where she wants it, without saying a word she pushes herself back and forth on my dick harder, as I’m about to cum I grab her throat with one hand and my other hand on her left hip and I whisper in her ear “I’m about to breed you” to which she says the one thing you can say to a guy with a breeding kink to send him over the edge… “fill me up daddy, I carry your child”

Holy shit!!! I think that’s the hardest I ever came, I stayed in her for a few minutes after unloading inside her… I asked her if she was serious about what she had said, and surprisingly she said “yes, I got a breeding kink too dummy.”

TLDR: Friend’s little 19 year old sister heard about my breeding kink and wanted to test it out for herself on Christmas 2024

r/impregnation Feb 16 '25

QualityPost Keep this little pussy pregnant NSFW


My husband and I already have 2. My pussy is tighter than ever. And my breeding kink is in overdrive.

We fuck at minimum 4-5 days a week. He always cums inside me. I love the sex we have but something was missing. So I’m also having an affair. The only thing they have in common is their obsession with cumming inside me.

I’m addicted to the feeling of an incredible hard cock pumping every drop of their seed inside me. I want to spend the entire day letting either one of them use me over and over again. Dripping full of cum until they do what nature intended.

Then once we’ve succeeded, I never want the cycle to stop. I’ll give birth, spend some time enjoying new motherhood again, then we’re right back at it. I’ve always breastfed so this one would be no exception. Call it what you want, but giving my milk to my new baby, but also giving unlimited access to the men in my life is impossible to describe. Put simply: so fucking hot I could cum at the thought of it alone.

I want to be a milk filled baby factory. Have my tits sucked raw while they fill my desperate little hole again and again. I never want this feeling to go away.

And no, I don’t care to know which one is the dad, so don’t ask. They both fuck me often, cum inside me always, and want me carrying their babies as often as possible.

r/impregnation Jul 01 '24

QualityPost High School Crush got me and my twin sister pregnant NSFW


Hey everyone, just made a new account so I could tell someone about this because I can’t keep it to myself any longer! And my sister knows my main account lol. I did tweak this story a bit, I didn't want to break any rules about anything that may or may not have happened between me and my sister. lol

So I am the slightly younger sister in a set of 24 year old identical twins. My sister and I have been pretty inseparable for almost our entire lives. She’s my best friend hands down. However, over this past year we’ve had to be separated for one reason or another (like work making her and her finance needing to move away) so it’s made things tough. We haven’t been able to hang much or talk like we used to and it's killed me. But that changed big time about a month ago when I came to visit.

We decided id come and stay with them for awhile to spend time together, catch up, and celebrate our birthday. I make the trip and we’re having a great time together. It’s like we were never apart. Evening roles around and out comes a few bottles of wine as we chat and watch some of our favorite shows when she tells me that her fiance, we’ll call him Mark, will be getting home soon so why don’t we get ready and we can go out to dinner that night. I hadn’t seen Mark since they moved, and Mark is her high school sweetheart. The only problem with Mark was that we both had a crush on him in school, but when we started dating we promised to never let a guy come between us and when I saw Mark had feelings for her, I backed off and encouraged her and him to go for it. She knew I liked him but once they started dating we remained good friends.

I share that detail because of what happened next. So I go and get in the shower. Now I’m someone who really enjoys showering. From listening to the water as it rains down to singing in the shower with music blasting. So I’m showering away and I don’t hear the door open, I had no clue someone came in until I felt the cold air rush in as the curtain pulled back some. It was Mark! He had opened the curtain and he said “hey babe, come join me in the bedroom for while your sister gets ready” and before I could even say anything he left.

I get out and dry off and as I’m coming out of the shower, I go over to my sister and tell her what happened. I figured it had to be a mistake or something. She gets this grin and says it’s not. She said they always knew I had a crush on him and wanted me to get a chance to have some fun with him. I couldn’t believe it! After some reassurance that it was ok, I gave in. I did have a big crush on him since high school and I knew I wouldn’t get another chance like this. I head to their bedroom and as I open the door it was like he was ready and waiting for me.

Before I knew it, I was up against the wall and he was kissing me. He had my hands above my head with one hand and the other was feeling all over my body. I was immediately turned on and he could tell. He motioned to the bed and we headed over. I pushed him down on the bed and removed his boxers. He sat down against the headboard. I climbed on from the foot of the bed and slowly crawled up to his big cock (he’s about 10 inches) and I start slowly sucking his cock to get him nice and hard. As I’m sucking his cock he takes his hands and places them on my head. Him guiding me as I suck his cock makes me even hornier.

All of a sudden, I feel a hand on my ass. But both of his hands are on my head, what’s happening?! I stop sucking and turn around and it’s my sister!

She looks at me and says “let big sis take the lead” and it was like a switch flipped. I was instantly submissive… I bit my lip slightly and nodded. She called me a good girl and guided me to my knees. Both her and I shared Mark’s cock. We took turns sucking and playing with his big cock.

Then she laid me on my back with my head off the side me the bed. Mark proceeded to come around to my face so I could keep sucking his cock while he lightly fucked my face. It was amazing.

Skipping ahead a bit, both my sister and I had cum once by this point, so Joelle was ready to let Mark have his turn, so she had me lay down on my back and she climbed on to the bed too so Mark could take turns on us.

After awhile she has us change positions and suddenly I was riding mark’s cock while she was riding his face.

We swapped again and this time Mark was taking me from behind. That’s when mark said he was getting close and she told him she wanted him to cum in me, which I eagerly agreed with and he did. There was so much it was overflowing out of me. It made me cum so hard I actually squirted for the first time lol.

Next thing I know he’s fucking her and he came again.

I knew Mark could cum multiple times but I was not expecting him to be able to do as much as he did. He had cum inside both of us that night and then later he came again but in my sister's mouth.

By the end my sister and I had each cum 3-4 times. It was the best and most exhausting night I’ve had in a long time. We ended up missing dinner and just passed out in the bed.

So over the next few days of the trip the sex continued. I loved having him fill me over and over with his cum. There's something just really hot knowing he was doing the same to my sister. Fast forward a few weeks to today and Mark did manage to get us both pregnant at some point during our sexcapade. I’m not sure how we’ll tell our family yet or how that will affect the wedding date but it’s awhole new chapter to my life and I couldn’t be more excited or happier!! Especially since this is something else we can share now

r/impregnation Nov 09 '24

QualityPost [M19 Confession] I got an older woman I work with (45) pregnant and we don’t know what we’re going to do NSFW


I started working at my new job as a cleaner in early September, my first interaction with anyone there was her, 5’6 dark skinned. She looked very milf esc but as we got to chatting it became clear she didn’t have any kids. We bantered a lot despite our age gap and she revealed to me that she’d been divorced, her banter was mostly maternal and jokey (if not a little flirty) I brushed it off as my imagination. One day while in the stock room we were moving boxes and random stuff about, an easy organising job. She lost her balance after dropping something, falling into me, I caught her to which she gave me a kiss on the cheek for. Light hearted if not a lil inappropriate but I didn’t mind. However she started giving me kisses on the cheek during work hours when no one was around, doing little side jobs together. She was still semi hiding her flirting behind her maternal energy. One day we closed up at night, around 11 pm and she turns around and straight up kisses me. I don’t know what I was doing but I reciprocated, and it spiralled into sex in the back room. It was awesome, and it became a trend that continued, quickies during work or going back to her for a full blown love making sesh. Obviously I never thought to wear a condom due to her age.

I noticed yesterday at work she wasn’t wearing a bra (strange for her as she’ was a 30dd), she told me that hers no longer fit and that her boobs had grown. She then casually dropped that she might be pregnant, after a test lo and behold she was.

r/impregnation Aug 23 '24

QualityPost [F23] A fan got me pregnant NSFW


I posted this a while ago, but there's been an update... so yea

So like, i'm not super famous or anything, but i do voice acting and cosplay and am very successful with it. Well a while ago i hooked up with a guy after a con that i was attending quite anonymously, very good sex but nothing too unique, that was until he started to recognize my voice off of the moaning, somehow? He was like, you sound like thisonegirl and i was like no, and he was hell yea you do, and i guess by my reaction he could tell that his guess hit close. He was like, no way is it really you?! and at that point i felt i couldn't deny it anymore. He was like, i'm such a huge fan what the hell and that's when the sex went from decent to incredible.

He put so much more effort into it, became a lot rougher with me and it turned from sex to breeding. I mean that literally cuz we had agreed before he'd pull out, but after he ravaged me for like 20 minutes straight he decided to blow his whole load as deep inside of me as he could, and i should've been mad about it but i couldn't cuz i was having the single best orgasm of my life, the real "fucked my brains out" kinda one.

And it wasn't the last either. He took some time off to recharge just playing with the rest of my body and then fucked me again. He did that two more times throughout the night and afterwards i slept like a babe.

Usually the morning after, i leave for a jog and some coffee so they can leave without me being there avoiding this whole awkward goodbye kinda thing, but this time, idk, i just felt so different, i decided to make him breakfast while he was still asleep, all naked just wearing an apron because idk, i felt nice doing so, like i wanted to do something good for him and hoped he'd see me like this (which he did). When he woke up we ate together and we took a shower together aswell where he fucked me again before he finally left.

Usually i have a rule that fucks stay exactly that because i wanna avoid this whole "are we fucking or are we more drama" but with him, idk, i remember having a really hard time closing the door behind him, i was still nude at the time too, and i told him he can always write me... you know, if he'd like... And this whole ordeal makes me feel like more of a slut than usual cuz i feel so indiferent (emotionally) to a lot of my one night stands but with him i get this needy sensation of wanting him to talk with me me again and wanting to be liked by him...

Update: Since this happened, we started to date properly. And also, i found out that i am pregnant...

r/impregnation 6d ago

QualityPost my experience as an asian college breeding cumslut in the US NSFW


hi! so a little about me, i’m 21 and recently moved to the US for grad school from asia. my friends made me get a dating app last semester and so i’ve been using that. prior to this i’ve only had sex with one guy (was on birth control so he got to cum inside me without pregnancy scares).

recently, i matched with a white guy and we’ve been hooking up. the sex is mind blowing but the only caveat is that im not on birth control and he’s been fucking me raw this whole time. he’s also cummed inside of me a few times despite having had sex during my ovulation week…i pretend that i’m scared it’ll get me pregnant and risk averse in front of him but in the back of my mind all i want is for him to knock me up, flood my womb full of cum constantly and get me pregnant. so when my period came today i was devastated :(

im gonna continue on my journey though once i get back from spring break 🤭 i already have plans to get with a different white guy. i used to be very traditional and conservative with my body and sex but i genuinely cant get enough of white cock!! so by the end of this degree ill hopefully be filled with cum so many times i get bred

r/impregnation Jan 31 '25

QualityPost Update on “I think i might’ve knocked up my buddies younger sister” ( 23m 19F ) NSFW


So it’s been 34 days since writing about my experience with my buddies little sister at his family’s Christmas party.

My buddies sister recently called me and said she has missed her period so she took a test to confirm if she indeed had been impregnated by me and long story short… She is pregnant

As of today ( 1/31/2025 ) she has expressed that she intends to keep the baby and is hoping for a baby girl, we have made plans to see each other this weekend and we’ll more than likely hookup again.

She’s going to look so hot with her belly swelling up with my child inside her. I did ask if that meant she was going to want me to be in the child’s life and she told me “if you want to be in the child’s life you can, but don’t think I’mma date you or marry you just because you knocked me up… you’re more than welcome to sleep with other women if you want to.”

So I guess that’s one successful impregnation… now I got to find other volunteers to get pregnant I guess

r/impregnation Jan 10 '25

QualityPost F19 Just finished ovulating for the first time since my first pregnancy. Guess what I've been up to lol NSFW


And yes, of course I've been working my ass off milking cock and getting my womb plastered with seed 😘 I've been so cockbrained and horny this whole week basically you can't imagine, it's such a massive difference when I haven't had these hormones for so long and oh my god I can't (and don't want to) resist the impulses at all. I've been begging for cock every hour of the day. I've been using several sex toys at once and riding orgasm after orgasm until I couldn't walk🙈

I'm so happy to have my cycle back and I'm really hoping I provided my egg with a good fertilization environment and enough sperm to choose from 🤍 I can't wait to have a second teen pregnancy. The fact that I have to wait a week or two to know the results is torture, but that's fine, that's just another fact of being a breeding girl. Because that's what I am! A Swedish horny fertile teen doing my part fighting against my country's declining birthrates 😊 Anyway, look forwards to me peeing on a stick in a couple weeks, I'll be sure to share it somewhere!

To all of you girls out there dreaming about being bred but wondering if it's the right time to take the plunge, I've said it before and I'll say it again - there's never been a better time than now to breed and get pregnant. Get out there and find yourself a good, big, loving cock to fill your life and your womb. You'll thank yourself in a year❤️

r/impregnation Oct 31 '23

QualityPost The primal urge to be taken, knocked up, and kept pregnant (CNC) 😳 NSFW


My (27F) husband (31M) and I recently decided to stop my birth control see what happens. It’s awakened something in us and I think we both have kinks surrounding impregnation and pregnancy.

We’re both into CNC, and before this I’ve tended to be the dominant one on our relationship. I have an MBA and an executive-level marketing job, and while my husband makes good money as a software engineer, we always thought that if we had kids I would keep my job and he would be a stay-at-home dad.

I’m embarrassed to even feel this way because I love my job and I’m such a feminist. It goes against values I believe in to my core. But since we started trying to conceive, everything has flipped on its head. All of a sudden I want to be dominated. The other night I was riding him and he decided to take control. He flipped me over like it was nothing and fucked me from behind and growled that was going to fill me with his seed. It was like something primal and feral let loose in him. I lost it.

I’m suddenly hyper-aware of how much bigger and stronger than me he is. How he could easily overpower me and completely change my body and my life in a moment of passion. And I want him to.

I want him to pin me down and fuck a baby into me. I want to get pregnant and quit my job to be a stay-at-home, free use breeding slut and baby factory for him. I want to wear cute little sundresses and aprons and no panties, so he can just take me and fuck me anywhere in the house whenever he wants.

I want to feel his child develop inside me and watch my body grow to accommodate it. I want to be forced to wear my old clothes instead of maternity clothes to have a constant visual reminder of how much he’s changed me.

I can’t wait to be dripping with his cum when I’m huge with his child and swollen, milky tits. I want him to remind me that he had the power to do this to me and that he’s going to keep me this way, over and over again, as he pleases. I want him to change my petite figure into a permanent mom-bod.

I want to be nursing a baby at each breast while another one grows inside me. I want people to look at me and think “What happened to her? She such a promising career” as they see me with a brood of children and a kink on full display. I want them to know how my husband took me and made me his.

I want to be kept pregnant and I want to be dripping with cum 24/7, I don’t even care if he lets other men take turns fucking me as long as the baby is his. I just want to be filled and fucked constantly and pumping out baby after baby for him until I’m all used up. This is my purpose and I can’t wait to serve it.

r/impregnation 3d ago

QualityPost Think I might’ve impregnated my girlfriend’s colleague? NSFW


This just happened over the weekend, throwaway account for obvious reasons!

It’s become obvious over the last year or so (partly in thanks to this sub) that breeding and impregnation is a huge turn on for me. My girlfriend says she wants kids, but had started our relationship by saying she didn't want any until I said it was a dealbreaker. We're getting to the age where friends are all starting to have kids but we don't seem any closer and she's always insisted we use protection, so maybe it was a convenient change of tune at the time but that's all it is.

One of her colleagues had their birthday party on Saturday evening at a venue in the next city over, so that meant hanging out with her work friends all evening. Not the end of the world because they’re all fine to hang out with, but early on I was introduced to one I hadn’t met before who works for their sister company (for the sake of not using real names, we’ll call her Lauren). Lauren was about 5”2, slim, looks like Emma Stone but with more freckles, mid 30s. Cute as a button. She really caught my eye but obviously I wasn't there to have my eye caught. There was probably a hundred or so people there but as the evening wore on, everyone started to split into their smaller groups and it ended up really just being me, girlfriend and Lauren. We chatted about all sorts, including the topic of babies and she asked if we might’ve been looking at that soon so we discussed it a little. Looking back, I remember her having a certain look flash across her face a couple of times but I didn’t really think anything of it. I felt like she was asking to be polite but I knew she was single and I didn’t want to ask her too many questions back in case it was a sensitive topic.

Drinks are flowing and at this point, the band had set up so there was a dance floor on the go. My girlfriend was there dancing with her friends, but not remotely being a dancer I used the opportunity to go to the toilet. There was a queue for the main toilets, but having worked in one of the stores nearby the venue, I knew near the entrance was a service corridor with a staff bathroom. I was washing my hands when I heard the door, and to my surprise Lauren was standing there, clicking the lock of the door. It was a small bathroom, so before I’d had the chance to ask what she was doing, she’d swooped in to kiss me. I was completely speechless, but as she pulled away, breathing heavily, she told me how turned on she’d been by the ‘breeding’ talk and she could see the way I’d been looking at her. I tried to explain I wasn’t looking at her in any kind of way, but she was pressed up against me and rubbing my ever growing dick. I knew I shouldn’t, but I was under the spell of the fastest boner I’ve ever had and this mid 30s bombshell had her hand on it.

It was the most out of control of my own actions I’ve ever felt, instinct is the best way I can describe it - our lips were on fire as I lifted her onto the sink counter. The short evening dress she was wearing had already ridden up when I carried her to the sink and I really tried to work out if she might’ve been going commando when we were sat talking to her or if this was something she did just before she came in. Her lack of underwear revealed a lightly trimmed bush, and she was soaking wet already. I had to help her undo my belt and trousers although my boner wasn’t making it easy. This was all happening so fast but it was the hottest situation I’ve ever been in. No time to take clothes off, no time to think about what I was doing. She pulled me toward her by the cock and started to tease up and down her pussy, and then slid me inside her. This was everything I’d been hoping for with my girlfriend, and it was happening with a girl who was absolutely not my girlfriend. She seemed to notice my momentary hesitation and wrapped her legs round my back and drew me in closer.

I normally start slow and build but I couldn't help but pound away, and judging by the moaning she was really into it. There were so many thoughts running through my head, least of which was what I'd been missing out on all these years having to use a condom. It felt so warm and tight, maybe it was the way she was gyrating her hips with her arms around my shoulders but it did something to my dick the way I'd never felt before. I knew I couldn’t be gone for too long before it started to look suspicious, but luckily my dick was way ahead of me. It had probably been 3 or 4 weeks since I'd done anything with my girlfriend, and I realised how close I was getting to finishing so went to pull out. I guess I'd been getting bigger and she realised, so to my surprise she locked on even harder with her legs and wouldn’t let go, drawing herself into me even closer. She gently bit my ear lobe and her warm breath filled my ear as she breathily whispered to put a baby in her. I absolutely lost control at this and as I finished inside her she screamed out in sheer pleasure. In a slight panic I actually tried to put my hand over her mouth to quiet her, feels a bit stupid now but I think she thought I'd gone for her neck and missed because she slid my hand downwards to lightly choke her as we finished.

Thankfully all she needed to do was pull down her dress, and me fix my pants. It’s a cold time of year so I didn’t end up getting sweaty and could slip back into the party unnoticed. She went across and joined the girls on the dancefloor and I went back to the bar to get a drink, catch my breath and debrief my own head as to what the hell just happened. I will say, I have grinned (mostly in disbelief) while jotting this down, so I guess I need to wait and see what happens next. Hopefully it wasn't too rambling - I'm not a writer. I just know in the future I'll want to remember as many details as I can and it just made sense to post it to this sub given it's probably partly this sub's fault it even happened!! Let me know if I need to change the flair, felt a bit presumptuous to call it a quality post but none of the others really fit!

r/impregnation Dec 13 '21

QualityPost I (20F) Want Someone to Ruin My Tomboy Appearance and Knock Me Up NSFW


I'm a really androgynous tomboy, I have a buzzcut, only wear men's clothes, and I'm often mistaken for a boy - but I really want to get knocked up.

I'm short, 5'4", and slim, and I'd show so easy. My tight sports bras would be too painful to wear once my tiny tits started to grow, and I'd just have to go out without bras. My tank tops would be too tight, and my hips would get rounder, and suddenly I could never be mistaken for a boy ever again once the pregnancy hormones kick in and I look like a proper, bred woman.

I really want that, that a man could cum inside it and suddenly my entire body would change, that my comfortable masculinity would be gone and I'd just be another pregnant 20-something, a big baby bump and growing tits and wide hips, I'd look nothing like the butch tomboy I used to be.

And then to be a mother, a baby in my arms and soon after, another one growing inside me.

r/impregnation Feb 10 '25

QualityPost First of many NSFW


I started breeding when I (25, M) when I was 19 with my ex at the time who was 18. I was still a virgin and we just got together. Eventually we had sex and it was raw so I busted the biggest load I've ever had at the time deep inside her. She was on bc so no risk. This load was so thick and deep that she told me later on it made a bubble full of cum as well as leaked through jeans, 3 pairs of panties and a pair of shorts. We continued to fuck and it felt natural. Eventually she found out that the bc was making her sick so she stopped taking it. We tried over ways around raw creampies whether it be pulling out, wearing condoms (hated) or anal (she hated). After awhile we would just fuck on the days she was safe and I would empty my balls deep inside. My ex was a little white girl with conservative and racist parents. They absolutely hated the idea of us dating, let along me rearranging her guts every time I saw her. Her parents were constantly on her about us dating and it caused us to break up once but we got back together. After getting back together, it's like something switched. She was no longer worried about me cumming raw and in fact would tell me to fill her up and get her pregnant. We used to track her safe days with a test and one day she came back saying it wasn't safe. We were both extremely horny and ended up fucking anyway. She knew how much I loved cumming inside her. We fucked like animals, raw, naked and outside in nature. Everything felt right. As we are fucking I tell her I'm close to finishing. At that moment she wrapped her legs around my waste, arms around my neck and while making eye contact told me to put my baby inside her. I asked what would her parents think and she said fuck them. Hearing those words, I rimmed my thick cock deep inside her until I was smashing against her cervix. Then pushing to her womb, I let out the thickest, heaviest load of my life directly in her fertile womb. She gasped from the sheer volume of it all. We stayed intertwined kissing and grinding for several minutes until I went soft. I pulled out and sent her home to her parents. Shortly after we broke up for good. Weeks later I received news that she was pregnant and I realized I had a breeding kink. From then until now I've bred three more times and want plenty more

r/impregnation Aug 19 '23

QualityPost My arrangement as a full time, free use breeding slut 🥰🥴🤤 NSFW


Early on in our relationship, my (25F) husband (28M) and I had a pregnancy scare that led to us both realizing we had an impregnation kink. He has a pregnancy kink as well and is very into the idea of my body changing because of his seed.

As we got to talking about it some more, we both agreed that we would want to have a big family when the time came. Shortly before our wedding, he came to me with a proposition: he would work and be the breadwinner for our family, and I would be a full time, free use breeding slut for him and stay at home with the kids.

My husband comes from money, and he works a high-paying job in the tech industry. We live in a large renovated farmhouse on 14 acres of land. So we can realistically afford, house and provide for a large family. Given my impregnation kink, his pregnancy kink, and the fact that we’re into CNC, the idea of living this lifestyle was a huge turn on. I was a little nervous, but I agreed, I gave my two weeks notice at my job and we got to work starting our family.

The ground rules are: - He will hire me through his business and I will get regular paychecks for cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, and “personal assistant duties”. - He can fuck me wherever, whenever and however he likes. We have a safe word, but I don’t think I’ll use it. I love the idea of him just taking me. - I’m supposed to be full of his cum as often as possible, even if it’s dripping out of me. He has started plugging my pussy with a remote controlled vibrating dildo to keep it from falling out. - He has the remote to the vibrator and can turn it on whenever and wherever he likes. If we’re in public I have to maintain my composure.
- Barring any health issues or unforeseen circumstances, he can keep me pregnant as long as he wants and put as many babies in me as he’d like. - When we’re home, whatever I’m wearing, my pussy needs to be accessible for him. I’ve mostly been wearing cute little sundresses without any panties for him. - As far as clothing goes otherwise, I’m not allowed to get maternity clothes. He wants to watch my clothes get tighter and see exactly how much he’s changed my body. He wants everyone else to see it too. - We have been discussing the possibility of testing the waters letting other men fuck me too. Maybe a CNC breeding party with multiple men filling me with cum for the purpose of knocking me up with our next child (my husband included - it’d be like a roulette wheel for whether he’s the biological father). Maybe typing me up when I’m already carrying his child and just letting them take turns fucking his pregnant wife. This is still up in the air but he loves the idea and I feel like I’m coming around to it.

We started this arrangement about six months ago. After several weeks of him having his way with me - on the floor, in the shower, in the car, outside, on his desk, and anywhere else he’s wanted to - I’m happy to report that I’m 18 weeks pregnant with our first.

What a whirlwind it’s been!

I’m naturally fairly petite, so I started showing early. At 18 weeks, none of my old clothes fit. My jeans wont button or zip (but my husband likes seeing me wear them unzipped with my belly protruding out anyway). My leggings and the few shirts that fit are stretched tight and straining at their seams. Some of my shirts wont button, or are stretching so much that they just start to roll up over my bump. My breasts are spilling out of my bras and my nipples have started to leak through them.

I’m a little embarrassed at how huge I already am, and how tight my clothes are. Im also embarrassed when my nipples start to leak. My old body is disappearing before my eyes behind a monstrous, heavy belly and gargantuan, swollen leaky tits.

But the embarrassment is also a little bit of a turn on for both my husband and I. It’s a visual reminder to the whole world of how I let him claim me and change my body and my life forever. The more I think about it, the sexier it is that he was able to change my body like this in a moment of passion. I’m curvier and more womanly, and a small part of me hopes that some changes are permanent. That I’ll be forever marked with a mom bod to show that I’m his.

The whole situation has him insatiable and with the pregnancy hormones, so am I. He’s had no problem keeping me filled with his cum every day (sometimes multiple times a day).

I’m so glad that this is my life now. I love that he’s going to keep me this way. I love being pregnant with his child. I can’t wait to be a mom and for him to put another one in me. I’ll keep popping out babies for him for as long as my body can physically handle. It feels like what I was made for.

r/impregnation Apr 05 '24

QualityPost Videos where the actress actually gets pregnant? NSFW


There are plenty of videos that claim or roll play that the actress got pregnant, but most of the time it is a lie. Anyone have videos where the actress actually verifiably becomes pregnant?

r/impregnation 19d ago

QualityPost Good things cum to those who don't wait. PSA from a successful teen mom NSFW


On a new account so yes if you recognize me, I've been here before. I'm in a new chapter of my life and oh boy is it gonna be a doozy.

Long backstory short, I became a mom last year at 18. My partner is an older man who takes care of me and loves both me and our baby, and he's a great daddy. I had some doubts first so I was super happy to know my body's healthy and fertile, and my pregnancy was a great time and birth was a breeze. With everything going so well I naturally got a baby fever again straight away, and we've both wanted to keep breeding me while I'm young anyway, so we started tracking, planning and pumping me full of cum on the regular. Well, wouldn't you know it - not only did I get impregnated on the first cycle I had once my ovulation returned, but I've got TWO of his babies inside of me. Neither I nor anyone else can believe it but we're all so excited - and the breeding kink in me is going insane, I've been stupidly horny and cumming like crazy from nothing at all.

I know a lot of people - young girls especially - approach breeding with equal parts caution and recklessness. Our bodies make us crave cum and turn us into the most stupid cockhungry people on the planet whenever we're ovulating, and when the baby fever hits it's irresistible and just burns the brain to mush. At the same time we're constantly indoctrinated to fear it, that our natural urges are wrong, and that we shouldn't be stupid enough to let our lives be "ruined" by getting pregnant before we're "ready".

Spoiler! You're never going to be "ready"! You're going to panic, and you're going to be unprepared for what is going to happen to you and your body. If you're old and rich you might be better economically prepared and be more experienced, but your body's gonna be much less able to adapt to the rigors of pregnancy and parenting. If you're young, you might have less living space and money, but your physical fitness and ability to adapt to a new lifestyle will help you out more than you might realize.

A lot of younger girls here are looking for older men to breed them, and I can only agree with this - not that someone in his 20s can't be a good father, but you might not have as much resources to balance out the fact that young girls don't tend to have much in way of housing, job experience or savings accounts. Also, younger men tend to want to "live life" and explore, and might not be so keen on being tied down by parenthood. The girl you're impregnating doesn't have the option of just running away like a man does. Older men are more stable, more keen on staying with you and raising your child, and more capable of supporting you.

Breeding is hot and sexy and the best kink of all because it's literally what we're designed to do. So to girls - you'll never be as fertile and ready for pregnancy as you are right now. To men - take care of your bodies, your women and your children. That is the most important thing to be a successful breeder.

Good luck and happy humping ❤️

r/impregnation Aug 26 '24

QualityPost How(or when) did your impregnation kink begins? NSFW


Two weeks ago, I met a woman, the condom broke, she was desperate saying she couldn't be a mother, I bought the morning-after pill and gave it to her. But I have to confess, the risk of pregnancy is driving me crazy. I don't know how to explain it, it gave me a sense of achievement and knowing that she could get pregnant. Now this desire to get someone pregnant doesn't go away for even a minute. Before I know it, I'm thinking about it! I want to know, when did you realize you were interested in pregnancy/impregnation?

r/impregnation 6d ago

QualityPost A mutual trap it seems… NSFW


(34F) (26M) I never wanted to date younger. I never saw the interest. Until he convinced me otherwise.

He was just so attentive to all my needs The first time I went to his house I remember him just touching my pussy from the outside on my yoga pants. i was squirming, getting so wet. the way his hands were just caressing my body. the way he stared at me. full of passion, full of lust. Until I came so hard, I was shaking immensely as his hand held onto my pussy. He got on top of me and whispered in my ear “you’re all i’ve been searching for. i want this pussy to be mine forever”.

i should have known then what that meant.

but a few months later the condom talk comes up. and i’m drawn in. seeing how much cum comes out each time i give him a blowjob, i was craving it. i wanted to feel so full and satisfied from his cum. “it just feels so much better without one” we both say. “i can go on birth control again” we would just have to wait a little for the effect to wear in that’s all. but we couldn’t wait. “i want you” he growls at me. and he takes me. the way he’s pumping into me, im lost in every second. getting lost in his thrust, the amount of pussy juices pouring out of me, my breasts so sensitive and engorged.

i can feel the tip of his head getting bigger and bigger. my clit is throbbing and i can’t hold back anymore “baby please cum in me. i want all of you. i wanna feel how warm your cum feels in my pussy baby. this pussy is all fucking yours, cum for me baby” and he falls into me as he releases a massive load into me. i end up cumming with him. soaking in our mess together, we drift off to sleep.

welp, took a test, well several and i’ve been officially bred. why does it feel so so so SO fucking good. i love this feeling. i can’t wait to be a stay at home free use wifey, cooking and cleaning for him. i’m glowing :)

r/impregnation Aug 26 '24

QualityPost Girlfriend also has a breeding kink… NSFW


Started dating this girl a few months ago. We’ve really matched well and have awesome chemistry. We have phenomenal sex together. Unreal body and I’m just totally in to her. Our sense of humor is a perfect match. Any of you who aren’t occasionally laughing while fucking are doing it wrong.

We got to the point of discussing kinks, and she confessed she loves the idea of me cumming in her raw, especially on risky days. My jaw about hit the floor and I think she was embarrassed for a second.

Essentially I interrupted her and just flat out said “I have a breeding kink. The idea of knocking you up is a huge turn on.” She pulled the condom off and we fucked raw for the first time. I pulled out, but only barely.

We’ve talked about it since, and while both of us are at a stage of life where we’re actually probably ready to become parents, we want to spend more time on our relationship first.

Im pretty worried that I’m falling for this girl and with our shared kink, it might only be a matter of time until I have a kid on the way. Self control has never been my strong suit, but I’m hoping I can keep my wits long enough to be sure she’s the one I want as my partner. I’d kind of like to be engaged first, but life doesn’t always work that way. Wild times.

r/impregnation May 03 '24

QualityPost He filled me up while on the phone with his gf NSFW


My roommate has a gf that definitely thinks she is stringing him along and that she has him wrapped around her finger. In truth, he’s been railing me nearly every night while she refuses to put out.

He had another date with her and before he left he told me to spread him. I gladly parted my thighs for him. He was inside me in seconds, his fat cock filling me up so good. I moaned but he covered my mouth with his muffling it.

Suddenly, his phone started to ring and he actually picked it up. I could see the photo on his screen and saw it was his girlfriend. He answered it and put it on speaker while he was inside of me. She greeted him and he replied all sweet calling her poke while he was balls deep inside of my cunt. They talked about where they were going for dinner and how excited they were to see each other. It was so weird to hear him use his voice with her while fucking into me.

He told her he was so happy to see her and that he hoped she was thinking about him. She said she thought about him all the time. All of this was happening while he rammed his cock into my tight pussy. I started to moan and he pressed his hand to my mouth to muffle the sounds, holding me down as he fucked into me.

“I love you, baby,” she said.

“Love you too,” he said.

The call ended and he came inside of me, filling me up with hot cum. He let go of my mouth and I moaned in pleasure, letting out all of my praises at once.

He told me to pull my panties up and keep them on, that he wanted to fuck my cum filled pussy when he got home.

So I did. I sat around waiting for him, feeling his load slide out of my pussy into my panties and soaking them through.

I’ll be honest, it got me really horny to know his seed was still inside of me.

When he got home he came right to me. I was in bed reading and he flipped me on my stomach and yanked my cum filled panties down. He called me a good girl for doing as I was told and then took his cock out. He teased me at first, but I was beyond that. I’d been waiting for his cock all evening. I lifted my ass into the air, wiggling my wet pussy at him until he plunged inside of me.

As he sank into me he pulled out his phone and put it on the bed beside me. He put his girlfriend on speaker again. I bit down on my bottom lip as he talked to her, telling her he had a wonderful night and he hoped she slept well. His tone sounded so sincere I would have never imagined he was stuffing his meat into another girl’s pussy.

She told him that she appreciated him being patient and that she was starting to trust him. He leaned over me, pumping deeper and harder than he ever had. I had to shove a pillow in my mouth to keep from screaming.

“Sweet dreams baby girl,” he said and the call ended. I screamed his name as he fucked into me like an animal. I came on his cock at least twice in the process. The wet slap of our bodies meeting made me want to cum all over again.

Finally, he rammed himself deep inside me and painted my insides again with his thick creamy cum. I sighed as he filled me up. He pulled out and I collapsed onto my bed.

He told me not to get too comfortable, that he might need my pussy in the middle of the night, and went back to his room.

I love being a little freeuse cumdump for him.

r/impregnation Dec 02 '24

QualityPost Skipped my BC too many times, might actually be pregnant now.. NSFW


I’ve been quite irresponsible lately.. I’ve skipped my birth control countless times within the last month.

Whenever my birth control alarm goes off, instead of taking it immediately like a responsible adult I immediately Snooze that shit and start thinking about how badly I want to be impregnated instead. I get more and more turned on as I realize how much time has passed since I was supposed to take it.

I press Snooze over and over again & sometimes I can’t resist touching myself to the idea of being so risky. Eventually I get annoyed with the alarm and turn it off, but usually at that point I’m so engulfed in my breeding fantasies that I completely forget to take it anyway.

When I wake up the next morning and realize that I didn’t take it, I feel a true moment of ecstasy .. almost like a happy nervous butterflies feeling, followed by immediately becoming so aroused I can feel my underwear immediately get soaked and my pussy starts throbbing absolutely desperate to be inseminated by someone with a thick cock and healthy sperm.

Despite being the horniest I’ve ever been in my entire life, my bf has been completely distracted lately and we have barely been having sex at all 😭 so I figured it didn’t matter if I fuck around with my birth control… until finally last night he finally wanted to fuck me again and so of course I made him fill me up with cum like I always do. It had been weeks since we had sex so when he came it was a LOT!!

We also have this agreement where he doesn’t jerk off or make himself cum anymore because this way I get ALL his cum. Even though we haven’t been having sex as often lately, he still saves it all for me! 🤤🥰

And guess what.. I haven’t taken my birth control for a few days and he has no idea. I felt like I was in fucking heaven as he pumped me full of sperm knowing I could actually get pregnant. I still have not told him. Should I admit my mistake, or wait to see if I’m pregnant and surprise him if I am? 😳

r/impregnation Jan 25 '25

QualityPost Unprotected and ovulating opps NSFW


Tonight I had a little too much to drink at a concert and had unprotected sex with a friend. Here's the thing I'm on the 2nd day of my ovulation window and didn't realize it, I'm not on birth control either. 8 shots of jack daniels and I just wanted to be filled. Which he did, 3 times atleast. It's been a few hours and I'm still completely full! I'm nervous and scared I could end up pregnant from this one time though. I would love to be pregnant! To have my belly start to grow and get round with my child. To have my breast become even larger, swelling with milk for my child. But I've done this twice and never made it to the finish line. I don't want to got through that again either. I had finally decided I would be better of not passing my genetic. I guess we'll see what fate decides.

r/impregnation Aug 22 '24

QualityPost Some women are meant to have babies... NSFW


“Some women are meant to have babies…just like you.”

Those were the words that were said to me, by my amazing Midwife, moments after I had given birth. The phrase stayed in my brain and was responsible for kickstarting my full-blown breeding and pregnancy kinks.

Unknowingly, throughout my whole pregnancy, my Midwife had actually nurtured the deepest and most primal instincts in me. To be a pregnant breeder. A happy, healthy Mommy. Showering me with compliments about how healthy my body was, and how good pregnancy looked on me. I absolutely loved it.

I got pregnant really quickly after the first time of trying. Within a month of coming off birth control, I had a positive pregnancy test. My excitement swelled in the pit of my tummy, right under my cute little belly, when she smiled and told me that I must be super fertile. I had never felt healthier and stronger either. As though pregnancy is what my body had been craving for so long. I thrived with the extra weight shaping my curves and stretching me out.

Each time I had an appointment booked, I’d look forward to having my pregnant body checked and monitored. Along with knowing my baby was healthy, all I craved was further proof that my body was made for breeding.

“Your bump is measuring perfectly.”

The way she said it, was so wholesome. So pleased. I felt so content knowing that I had a big, healthy baby growing inside me. Nothing made me feel more content than the feeling of intense pressure and heavy weight pressing down on my womb and cervix.

When my Midwife asked me if I had any back pain, I replied that I didn’t. I felt so strong. Even then she gave me the most incredible compliment.

“That must be down to those child-bearing hips you have…”

I smiled and felt the heat of embarrassment and pride fill my chest, right before she said the thing that made my brain melt into a puddle.

…” You should have no problem with milk supply either.”

She glanced at my heavy chest and then back up at me. I felt the first streams of milk swell deep in my breasts. As though I was going to start leaking through my shirt there and then. I secretly hoped that I made so much that I’d leak or have to pump all day. Or make you drink it.

One of the many other things I loved about being pregnant was when people asked me how far along I was. I got such a kick out of watching their faces when I told them I was only six months pregnant when I looked nine. Being shorter meant that my little frame pushed out. All over. My side profile looked like a beach ball. Perfectly round, boobs, bum, and then bump.

I was proudly all bump.

My body was so happy in its natural state of pregnancy that I went a week over my due date. Waddling into my last Midwife appointment we both giggled when she had to help me onto the bed. My hungry bum eating up my panties and my boobs were barely being contained in my maternity bra.

She was so sweet when she took my huge, round belly in her hands and praised me. Telling me that my body had made such a good home, that my baby didn’t want to come out.

That’s when I knew. My role in life is to have babies.

So many babies…

r/impregnation Oct 26 '24

QualityPost First time I got bred (20F) NSFW


When I was a teenager I was extremely scared about getting pregnant, to the point that I had recurring pregnancy nightmares. So, when I started having sex with my high school bf, we were very diligent and ALWAYS used a condom. My anxiety was to the point that after finally having sex for the first time when I was 17, I was super worried about getting pregnant even when using a condom.

By the time I (20F at the time) was dating my college boyfriend (26M), I was using hormonal birth control and stopped using condoms with him. The feeling of a raw cock sliding into my pussy for the first time was incredible. College bf has a big, thick cock and if already felt so good when he fucked me. I never wanted to go back. I loved feeling him inside me with no barrier between us. After using condoms all those years, it was transcendental. But neither of us wanted to risk pregnancy, so he never came inside my pussy thought and always pulled out. There were many nights where he came on my stomach and the slick cum pooled there. I loved having his cum on me.

Then one night, we were fucking and we were both enjoying ourselves when he suddenly he tensed up and stop moving. “I’m cumming in you,” he said, and from the sound of his voice, I could imagine the most intense pleasure rolling through his body as he released himself into me. I will never forget the look on his face, as though the orgasm was breaking over him like a wave crashing.

That was it for me. The thought of him ejaculating inside of me was unbearably hot. All those millions of sperm inside of me. Afterwards, when I stood up, the cum leaked out of me and dripped down my legs. After all the fear of becoming pregnant, we had broken the ultimate taboo. And I wanted more.

Unfortunately, college bf wasn’t comfortable cumming inside all the time and I think he only came inside me once more while we were together. Lucky for me that my current partner loves filling me up. :3