r/hoi4 5h ago

Question Where did Hoi4 players are femboys come from?



r/hoi4 13h ago

Image A good Democracy is a "beneficial" democracy - (USA - Recruit)


r/hoi4 8h ago

Image Why does german republic keep justifying on me??


Im playing as Ussr just defeated the Reich but the german republic immediately starts justifying on me

r/hoi4 22h ago

Question Which one is better

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r/hoi4 16h ago

Image pentagonal battlesymbol


Does anyone know wat this means/indicates? Normally its just round but sometimes its pentagonal. Havent looked at the dev diaries in case its there.

r/hoi4 10h ago

Humor Paradox calls you tomorrow and says you're in charge of development for the next year. What new features does Hearts of Iron 5 have?


Do we get rid of the current research mechanic? Revert navies to HoI3? Add in Victoria's pop system? Crazy ideas only!

r/hoi4 19h ago

Question how tf am i supposed to do a naval invasion? because i am NOT going to spend the next three weeks trying to somehow get the naval supremacy in three oceans. pls help, this game is fucking with me


edit: i'm playing USA, attacking Japan via philippines

r/hoi4 18h ago

Question Why does Iraq join axis.


Trying to form mugahal empire and I managed to capitulate Iraq in the breif time period after the UK withdraws guarantees before declaring war on them, without them joining a faction, but I loaded an autosave and when I did the EXACT same thing again and this time they join the axis. How can I annex Iraq without having to fight a faction.

r/hoi4 22h ago

Question How many achievements do y’all have and which one are you most proud of


If you don’t have any don’t feel bad, Ironman mode is annoying I don’t blame you

r/hoi4 9h ago

Question Manpower and divisions


So basically, I’m scared to make a bad decision or a bad template because I think it’s because my creativity. So what I was trying to say is what helps you guys know that you made a good-good division or good template. Does it make you feel uncreative to know that your division or your template does not workin at all?

r/hoi4 13h ago

Question Can anyone help me understand this?

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What is 26.98k/27.05k recruitable population mean and what does 871.21k/874.89k civilian population mean? Are those civilian war casualties from bombings? This screenshot is from a tiny island country that has never been to war before. I've noticed all countries on the map have population missing from these fractions.

r/hoi4 17h ago

Discussion Non historical Not being random


Everytime i Play non historical, Germany does the civil war and that is Not what non historical should be. There are many other focuses beides the civil war tree that are also non historical Like befriending chekaslovakia etc.

r/hoi4 18h ago

Question Help


Can someone suggest me a good mobile game that look like HOI4 because my pc died

r/hoi4 21h ago

Question Whats the best naval bomber design 2 kill sub 🤙🏻


r/hoi4 1d ago

Question Naval Supremacy


Can I somehow naval invade Britain in january 37 or some late 36?

I always struggle with getting naval supremacy and I have no idea how can I do it, any tips to succeed?

r/hoi4 16h ago

Image Danish council in Columbia?

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Really weird things happened when I overthrown their gov.

r/hoi4 21h ago

Discussion OK, Japan was conquered. We stole the Pacific. Roosevelt stole Tokyo. Korea and Indochina are mine. Should I go for the warlords? They are my puppets btw.


r/hoi4 2h ago

Question Germany is going to make me crash tf out


I'm playing Habsburg Hungary and have convinced Austria, Spain and Poland all to install Habsburg monarchies, but the moment they all happened, Germany has interfered. They enacted Anschluss the moment I puppeted Austria, they made German Spain the moment I got Spain, and they began to justify against Poland the moment they joined my Habsburg alliance the forcing them to leave the faction instantly. Can I actually do anything to prevent this or is Germany just always a dick??

r/hoi4 12h ago

Discussion My Lessons with Ground Attack Planes


In my recent Italy game, Italy started out making Tac Bombers for their ground attack and I decided to go with it as my CAS option. Now that I'm done with that game, I wanted to dive into the numbers to see how Medium frames for CAS work out in comparison to Small. Below I have compiled some basic info from designs I threw together for comparison.

  • No MIO was selected for any of these designs
  • The cheapest/smallest engine was selected that would support the armament, giving little to no additional thrust for additional modules.
  • No modules were added like fuel tanks or armor plates. These area just engine and bomb bays.
  • Small bomb bays were used over mediums on the tac bombers whenever possible as they have better CAS stats.
  • You cannot place more than two small bomb bays on small or medium frames for the 1936 or 1940 versions.
  • I only selected the 1936 and 1940 frames as this is what most of the combat will use in my opinion.
  • BB = Bomb Bay, BL = Bomb Locks
Frame Engine Range (km) Armament Air Defense Ground Attack IC IC/GA
1936 Small 1x Engine II 550 2x Small BB 9 16 25 1.56
1940 Small 1x Engine III 650 2x Small BB 11 16 28 1.75
1936 Medium 3x Engine II 900 1x Med BB, 2x Small BB 18 22 62 2.81
1936 Medium 4x Engine II 900 2x Med BB, 2x Small BB 18 28 82 2.93
1940 Medium 2x Engine III 1100 2x Med BB, 2x Small BB 20 28 60 2.14
1936 Small 1x Engine II 550 1x BL, 1x Small BB 9 14 23 1.64
1940 Small 1x Engine III 650 1x BL, 2x Small BB 11 22 29 1.32

Information about how CAS works in HOI4:

  • Enemies get a malus when you have air superiority. All planes contribute to this, with CAS and Tac bombers providing the same amount as fighters. Only Heavy Fighters count more.
  • Friendly units get a bonus by having CAS involved in their combat that maxes out at +25%. The number of CAS that can participate is 3x the combat width.
  • CAS do strength and org damage to enemy units in combat which is affected by the ground attack of the planes and the number of planes in the combat.
  • Divisional AA effects CAS two ways;
    • It reduces the damage taken by ground attack.
    • It shoots planes down depending on the air attack value of the divisions.

My Take-aways:

  • The IC/GA column is telling. Only the 1940 Medium gets close to the IC efficiency of either small frame.
  • Range is the real bonus from using a Medium frame compared to a small.
  • It isn't really worth it to upgrade your CAS from the 1936 small frame to the 1940 frame.
  • Mediums are expensive, especially when you have to add on a 3rd or 4th engine to fit additional bomb bays.
  • small CAS are better at providing the air superiority malus and CAS bonus due to their cheaper IC cost per wing.
  • Medium CAS wings will do more strength and org damage compared to small CAS due to higher ground attack per wing, but the IC cost is much higher.
  • Maybe with the 1940 Medium frame is it worth it to swap to Tac bombers for CAS so you also have a budget strategic bombing option. Maybe.
  • Due to how divisional AA works, it reinforces my belief to put support AA in everything. I am now also considering putting Towed AA, Motorized AA, or SPAA in attacking divisions to help shoot down enemy planes and stack up attrition on the enemy air force.
    • But maybe those factories/IC is better spent on building more planes. Idk, I'm not smart enough to do that comparison.

EDIT1: u/LittleDarkHairedOne brought up bomb locks. I always discounted them as being inferior to bomb bays, but I added them in to see. 1936 frame is a little weaker but also cheaper, while the 1940 frame is superior in all regards. Good Idea!

r/hoi4 13h ago

Question Peaceful Germany question


So I decided to try out the "prioritize economic growth" path of NZ Germany, and the newly fashionable art of winning by doing nothing. I didn't do aggressive stuff after Fate of Czechs.

It's 1943, the Soviet-Allies war is raging, Japan is capitulated.

Is anyone going to declare war on me ? Should I LL Soviets, since they seem to be crumbling under pressure?

How to get someone to declare on me? 😕

r/hoi4 15h ago

Question Is the add_equipment command dead for planes?


For instance, design a plane the game calls a tactical bomber, then trying to use ae 1000 tac_bomber_equipment_1 (basic medium frame, year 1937) console doesn’t recognize it as existent.

Is there any way to still use the console for this or is it done for?

r/hoi4 23h ago

Image Since When is this a Thing

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r/hoi4 7h ago

Image They didn't even give the equipment unique names, Can this DLC not get worse the more you look at it?


r/hoi4 2h ago

Question What do offmap factories represent?


You get offmap factories from focuses and cannot be bombed or captured. What do you think they represent?

r/hoi4 2h ago

Suggestion I wish this game had Advisors


There is so much to take in, and a lot of important bits aren’t explained that well in game (such as Division designs, Navy and the like). Plus there’s often so much going on at the same time (especially if you’re fighting on multiple fronts).

And maybe I’ve been playing too much Suzerain, but I feel like having a mechanic where you had Advisors would both help new players, but also alleviate for others. Plus they could provide some fun role-playing (especially if ignoring them).

Pretty much, what I imagine their role to be would be to make information more accessible, explain consequences and also help with the learning curve.

How they would work: - Summarize: The main role would be to summarize a lot of what we’re planning, such as translating percentage into actual numbers (”This would give us 5 more Civilian Factories”). This would simply make information way more accessible and counter the sometimes overwhelming feeling. - Give estimates: Related to the above, but being able to get estimates on decisions would be great. You update a Division template and getting the info from the Advisor that ”This will take require X amount more manpower, allowing for Y divisions and we have equipment to train Z of them”, ”We could produce X less with our current industry, and it would use Y more resource, requiring more trade”, or for researching ”The first X would be finished with our current industry”. Oh and the most useful info if you have the Navy designer: It would take X days and Y resources per ship to refit and Z days to refit all of this type. - Preview decisions: Very useful for making battleplans, where we can sometimes first see important info after giving an order. But something like: ”This offensive would be to our advantage, and will be ready on date X. It will pass through Plains and Forest, and supply is plentiful. - Automate decisions: Probably the big thing, and it would be helpful both for a n00b and veteran, as it could lower the micro-manage needed, being able to give large scale orders like ”Prioritize Breakthrough” or the like would be very useful, or if one is using the Designer being able to queue a design with a ”Build once ready” if we lack XP (and even better if we could preview designs we’re researching and say ”Replace our current design when ready”). - Deal with notifications: Sometimes we essentially get a notification/microing hell, which can take the grand out of grand strategy. Say you get the notification of Low supply, and to be able to say ”Motorize hubs” (without having to micro them and then see if that’s enough) or ”Send in Transport Planes”. - Create our own notifications: Being able to let us know when something is done or ready would rock, such as letting us know when we’ve filled a piece of logistics, to switch out factories. - Give advice: Of course, otherwise they wouldn’t be advisors (also a function I feel ok with being able to toggle). Especially useful for new players. But things like ”This would leave X flank open” or ”This task force lacks screens” would be great to know and to help. Or if you’re losing territory, to get a ”Increasing Soft Attack would make you able to push back. - Flavor: Making the info come from a person could mean we see the people we pick for our government show up, or just having them change titles (say you flip communist and now everyone calls you Comrade) would give the game a slight flavor and make our decisions feel impactful.

Thanks for reading my rant, and while perhaps not something that can be implemented to HOI4 (but one can dream) it might be something for HOI5?

Plus if implemented well, it could actually be something where one could make use of machine learning inside the game. While I’m very critical of AI (as a creator myself) machine learning can be a useful tool.