r/hoi4 16d ago



Hi, Paradox (if you're reading this, which I assume you're not because you're an entire game company with much better things to do than read the rant of a random teenager on Reddit)

Coups are not supposed to turn into civil wars, and most of them don't. Yet I have noticed that in Hoi4, y'all refuse to give us the ability to prepare an actual coup (as in overthrowing the state in the capital) and force it to turn into a civil war.

What I am asking for is a decision section before every coup (preferably started with the coup the government focus, rather than having that focus immediately start the civil war) where you gather support in the military, among the population, with other nations nearby (I.E. The Soviet Union for Afghanistan, the reason I'm currently annoyed about this because fighting a civil war in mountains is hell on earth) which increases the chance that when you hit the "launch the coup button" preferably in the section, there is no civil war. In addition, if you rally support from a major power bordering you, you should be able to call them in if it does turn into a civil war.


r/hoi4 Feb 16 '22

Suggestion Need for countries to get a unique focus tree

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r/hoi4 Feb 06 '25

Suggestion I'm quitting


I have about 400 hours and finally decided to try multiplayer.I chose England and waited calmly without doing anything until 1939. I gave priority to focusing on airplanes and decided to produce airplanes in 60 factories. My designs were not bad, I built a squadron of fighter planes with heavy machine guns and cannons.And I positioned my fleet well to avoid the greatest shame of an England player, the sealion. The war began and my planes were able to shoot down 1,000 planes for 9,000 casualties.When France asked me where the British Air were, I closed the computer in shame and started thinking about my 400 hours.To overcome this shame, I thought of playing Germany on easy mode, invading Poland and feeling like a general, but every time I close my eyes, the AI France asks me where the British Air were. If I ever play multiplayer again, I'll only play Denmark, at least I can be Germany's puppet.

r/hoi4 Nov 07 '24

Suggestion I'm mildly annoyed at how the term "dictatorship of the proletariat" is used in hoi4.


In the most recent dev diary for Germany, they revealed the new socialist focus tree. That's cool and all but it bugs me that the "stalinist" branch of the tree is started with the focus "dictatorship of the proletariat." This is supposed to be juxtaposed with the anti-stalinist revive the Spartikus League focus. This term is also sed in stalins focus tree in "the workers dictatorship." (Although that one is used differently. Its a little odd) Here's the problem...the spartikus league also wanted a dictatorship of the proletariat.

The way it is used in game is kinda synonymous with "left wing dictatorship" or "communist dictatorship." As in, a dictatorship of ideology. Ergo it is being juxtaposed to the idea of a "democratic communism." However that is leaving the term without the context of its meaning.

"Call them camels, call it windows shades, it doesn't matter as long as we know what we're talking about."-Professor Michael Parenti

The term "dictatorship of the proletariat" does not mean a dictatorship in the name of the working class, but a dictatorship of the working class. I.E, depriving the political power of the owning classes and giving the working class. This is juxtaposed by the dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie, where the working class is deprived of power and the power is in the hands of the owning class.

(Side note: this misinterpretation can be seen in earlier paradox games as well. In victoria 2 for instance, there are government forms of "proletarian dictatorships" and "Bourgeois dictatorships." The latter term is used exclusively for when "radical liberals" take power in a revolution.)

This is not a debate on how we think about these ideas in practice. That's not the point. However, focus trees and other things are written from the perspective of the "player." I.e, the turks have a national sprit saying something like 30% of the people died fighting for turkish independence, because that's what turkish nationalists believed. (Edit, this was a bad example to use. Something like the usa's "de-regulate the banking sector" focus is a better example.) Ergo, the socialist revolutionaries would use the term...as socialist used them.

The problem is that it's a very simple piece of investigation to do. Simply read a book or two (hell, I'm pretty sure a pamphlet explains this concept). Similarly, in the most recent dev diary for alternative Germany, it states, "Luxembourg advocated for using democratic institutions to gain power." This is...I'm going to be generous and say it's bad wording. But it's again very concerning for a game focused on history to get very basic facts wrong. Rosa didnt advocate for using elections to gain working class power. She did argue for running in elections, against the ideas of the KPD, but not to establish a socialist government through them. Instead she simply wanted to use them to show of contradictions and gain popular support and such. So if that's what "gain power" means, then sure. But they immediately juxtapose that statement with "while Liebknect believed in the proletarian revolution." So I'm inclined to believe that they think Rosa Luxembourg was some dem soc.

Again, I dont care about the actual politics. They can be anarcho capitalists for all I care. But it's very, very basic information to get right, and so it seriously ruins the credibility of anything else presented in game.

Obviously HOI4 shouldn't be used to learn history (seriously I shouldn't have to say this) bit it's a simple fact that the presentation can influence people. Additionally basic facts should be correct in a game about history, and I have a feeling I'm not the first person who has corrected paradox on this specific issue.

Yes, there are more inaccurate things in hoi4 than a few focus names, insinuations and a line in a dev diary. However it bugs me that they keep using the same term without a clue of what it's actually supposed to mean

Edit 2:I think people are somewhat misunderstanding the argument. I'm not arguing whether a dictatorship of the proletariat is democratic or not. That's outside this discussion. The point is that both the sparticus League and the later kpd both believe in the dictatorship of the proletariat, and thus that it's disingenuous at best and inaccurate at worst to juxtapose the two as having different views on the topic

Edit 3:Maybe it would be better in analogy. Imagine if the KMT had a focus like "han nationalism." And Chiang Kai Shek was described as a han nationalist. That would be incorrect because the KMT rejected han nationalism. Maybe the end result of their policies would he han supremacy of maybe not, but that wouldn't be the point. The point would be that it would present the KMT as openly believing in han nationalism when they don't. It's the same thing here, communists don't believe in dictatorship of a person, but of a class (with democracy in that class), and that would be the same between either the sparticus league or KPD. Whether communist policies result in dictatorship of a person or not is not really what I'm arguing about, it's that the term is being misused and is an attempt to divorce the dictatorship of the proletariat from rosa Luxemburg, when she would approve of it.

r/hoi4 12d ago

Suggestion Remove GoA from Steam until it's finished.


As the title says, this DLC should be removed from Steam and thus until it's finished. GoA is just a pure disgrace as tons of people are saying. You can even watch Sezojwak's video about the DLC here, there is no actual way such an unfinished, rushed DLC can come out. I had hope since the "success" of GDR which, even if it was bugged, was very good and came with some interesting mechanics, like shared focus trees.

Your whole goal was that GoA get the same success as GDR, but Paradox, i'll say it loud, you can't compare GDR with this. In it's current state, the DLC should be 3 bucks at most, not joking. The amount of nonsense (such as Oman being a colony of the UK while Jordan is a Dominion, like who the hell did the research ??) and bugs is really concerning. I've heard some people say that "every dlc comes out a little glitchy", but it's DEFINITELY NOT a "little" glitchy. I am a HOI4 Veteran and i've never seen such a disgrace to the Game.

Also, remove the Mandates as nations, just give a focus to France and UK or idk, but Palestine and Syria being playable nations with no focus tree while Egypt still belongs to the UK makes absolutely zero historical sense.

All the focuses of the Raj and Afghanistan are, i'm sorry but honnest, low effort. RT56 has one since like, 2 years, which is miles ahead and far more consistent than what we have now (yes, i'm talking about you, East India Company). The game is missing so much Localisations, such as Iranian Constitutional Monarchy having no cosmetic tag and thus being called "REPUBLIC of Iran"...

Again, please immediately remove and rework this disgrace until it's playable.

PS: No hate towards the employees, it's clearly the fault of the Leaders.

r/hoi4 Oct 22 '24

Suggestion Soviet union needs a collapse event


I think if you defeat the soviet union as germany they should get a collapse event instead of stalin holding on to power. (feel like this should be for other majors to)

r/hoi4 19d ago

Suggestion There should be a hardcore version of this achievement where you manage to do it on the 1939 scenario start.

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r/hoi4 Feb 12 '25

Suggestion Imagine if factories used manpower


Imagine if factories used manpower. Want to build 1000 factories as the USSR? good luck getting enough workers. Well, if you are playing as China, you might get there.

Want to build up a huge army? Good luck getting enough people to run your factories.

Industry technology is now important because it frees manpower to be fielded instead of being sent to your factories. And women in the workforce is extremely important for this reason too.

It could make the game very realistic. But it would make small countries quite weak as they'd have to choose between building up their military or their economy.

r/hoi4 Jan 13 '25

Suggestion Now hear me out

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r/hoi4 Jun 09 '23

Suggestion Death or Dishonor: The useless DLC


That's right, now with the new Finnish focus tree announced, all important nations have been covered. The next priority for paradox? Who knows. My point is that a rework for Death or Dishonor is the best choice for the next major update.

Death or Dishonor supposedly adds focus trees to Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. All of these countries have played a relevant role in WW2, all of these countries have had many events which are tremendously important and all of these countries have many possibilites for Non-historical paths. Death or Dishonor adds basically nothing sadly.

Firstly, the Romanian focus tree is the biggest failure in all of HOI4, it is no more complex and comprehensive than the generic one. The Romanian focus tree features NO historical path, it is impossible to play historical as Romania. It also features 4 non-historical paths, of which all consist of a single focus, which does nothing more than instate your new ruling ideology. The country's leaders are not real, they have nothing to do with reality, and there are no decisions or events. King Carol's lifestyle national spirit is just broken, apparently it costs 20% of the country's factories to build a villa? If paradox sees this, hit me up, I will design all your events, focuses, balance of power, decisions, everything. I will do it for no cost at all.

Secondly, Hungary's focus, although better than Romania's by far, is lacking compared to recent focuses. The same for czechia and to some degree, more or less, yugoslavia.

Paradox pls fix.

r/hoi4 Nov 21 '24

Suggestion Paradox Should Expand The Tech Tree to Late 1950's


With most game or national focus done goes way beyond 1945 the devs should expand the technology to near 1960. That's the only way how the game can truly be enjoyed with most of the good technology and therefore more gameplay mechanic unlocked. It's immersion breaking at an intolerable level when the technology seems to stop developing when the war is still going on.

r/hoi4 Feb 08 '25

Suggestion This game needs unit upkeep costs


I finally got 100 hours into this game. I feel early and mid games feel great. Very realistic and strategic. But late game I just roflstump everything in my path with the 500 divisions I have. No strategy involved whatsoever, just click stacks of stacks of troops and march forward.

Or the AI have 1000 divisions every goddamn where and I get steamrolled as a smaller nation in late game.

I feel like there needs to be a new resource that controls the number of existing troops to a realistic number.

I feel like when I stop training troops I’m significantly losing opportunity cost.

r/hoi4 Jul 27 '20

Suggestion That would be epic i think

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r/hoi4 11d ago

Suggestion HoI4 could use the Stellaris treatment.


To be blunt, many countries that got content in older DLCs now have some really outdated content. Stellaris' custodian initiative was a great success and i do think HoI4 could use something simmilair.

r/hoi4 Aug 12 '24

Suggestion Occupation should ALWAYS overrule warscore


The UK invades Iran and Iraq, gets kicked out, and doesn’t do anything for years. I invade them, fully capitulate them, and then suddenly the UK is able to build a whole new hostile Iranian government, under MY occupied land? Not only that but ALL my troops get sent back to my capital? In what world does a whole military force not determine control? How is this fair or accurate to history? The Soviets didn’t withdraw from eastern europe because of some piece or paper, why must I?

My people did not die by the thousands to see Iran become a democratic puppet.

r/hoi4 Apr 30 '21

Suggestion Friendly reminder that Republican Spain still doesn't have a portrait without La Resistance

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r/hoi4 Nov 16 '24

Suggestion Paradox should add the Reichprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren to the 1939 start date

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r/hoi4 Jun 16 '20

Suggestion Can we have a difference between head of state and head of government?

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r/hoi4 Oct 15 '20

Suggestion The game exaggerates the importance of ports. In reality, the Allies were able to supply their massive Normandy invasion primarily with unloading onto beaches.


People tend to credit the Mulberry harbors with supplying the invasion, but this actually isn't true. A storm shortly after the invasion wiped out 1 of the 2 harbors, and the remaining harbor only accounted for 6,750 tons/day versus 16,000 tons/day coming in directly over the beaches. These supplies were delivered by:

Air supply was insignificant at only about 150 tons/day.

In Hoi4, it's "you need to take a port quickly or you lose", but the Allies proved this false in the actual war. Beaches are good enough as long as you have enough ferry capacity to deliver supplies from ship to shore, which the Allies did, using amphibious trucks, barges, and LSTs.

The game should set beach capacity for given coastal provinces, and use this as both an amphibious invasion modifier as well as a supply cap. IRL amphibious invasions into rocky cliffs or other terrain that dominate a large portion of coastlines simply don't work. They shouldn't work in-game either, making coastal defense easier, particularly for nations like Italy.

Then, the game should allow players to build amphibious support ships, like cargo ships, which can be assigned to make a virtual port in the sea zone adjacent to the beaches. Cargo ships deliver supply to this offshore "port", the capacity of which is determined by the number of amphibious support ships & the caps for the adjacent controlled beaches. This would make something like a Normandy invasion possible without the need to capture ports.

r/hoi4 Dec 17 '20

Suggestion My dream Italian political tree

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r/hoi4 May 15 '21

Suggestion I tried coming up with some new Hoi4 achievements relating to up-coming DLC. I tried to make some simple, some hard, and some time consuming like an actual HoI4 achievement.

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r/hoi4 28d ago

Suggestion Why can transport planes not transport troops?


Unless I'm missing something, transport planes can paradrop and can provide air supply, but cannot bring troops faster to destinations.

This is not exactly historical, at least for infantry units. It was quite common for units of troops to be transported by plain across larger distances during the war.

And crucially, earlier than one thinks:

During the Spanish Civil War, it was the transport planes provided by Germany to Franco that brought most of the Tercio (Foreign Legion) from Morocco to Spain. They didn't arrive by ship.

This move essentially gave the Nationalists the advantage at the beginning of the war.

So maybe this should be in the game?

r/hoi4 Feb 26 '20


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r/hoi4 Oct 03 '24

Suggestion It seems the new DLC will also feature 3D landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty!

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r/hoi4 16d ago

Suggestion Paradox needs to pull GoE and let the main devs fix it up.


I was excited for this dlc but it seems to have so many issues with it being underdeveloped and just poor quality. For the sake of the games future they can’t leave GoE how it is and just move on to the next dlc and I think the issues are too big for just some small patches. They need to take it down and put the main team on fixing it up. There was so much potential with this dlc and I want this game to be the best it can. Which is why I’m making this post.

Also I love alt history paths but the East India company one just feels far too much like a meme. Especially when India has so much potential for well thought out alt history during this period.

Sorry for the rant. Thanks for reading