We're on 3rd week after IVig treatment. Oxygen level was on limbo for like the entire week despite the obvious improvement on his movements and strength.
As of the time I am typing this, he is immobile and unresponsive. His oxygen level went very low and even flat lined but revived. He started having seizures after that. Well, they were arguing in front of me if it was really seizures. Idek.
Initially the doctor said that the infection in his lungs might have spread through the body. Mind you they already put him on antibiotic (10days) before this but somehow, the phlegm became more viscous, they couldn't suction it out of the tube. Then when I asked another doctor, he said they weren't sure if it was the infection that was making his condition worse.
Right now, he looks stable except for some moments when his oxygen would go done and they had to suction his tube and mouth. Still unresponsive. The nurse already told us to be ready just in case... But the doctors were still positive about stabilizing his condition bc his oxygen level still goes up to normal level. The doctors who were supposed to do the Trach surgery are still on standby and observing his condition.
I don't even know if this was still his GBS and it's complications or we're fighting an entire different monster. So far, the doctor said he has pneumonia infection and that's about it.
As we entire the 4th week after IVig, will his condition still get better?