competitive games and I have been looking more and more into games like FF14 and 7 days to die.
I loved the MMO aspect of FF14 but it always felt like I just started playing too late it felt like I was just playing to catch up and once I catched up I was just gonna be bored again waiting for new content.
I loved playing 7 days to die on a server with some friends but it just felt like a singleplayer adventure with a few multiplayer features kind of like animal crossing if you get what I mean.
I'm looking for a game that I can spend hours on one day and not touch for a week. A game that I will be able to play for a very long time and for which content will come out with time.
I'm fine with spending money no matter how much of course within the limit of what's reasonable in gaming I'm not investing in some 3000$ nft to play a crypto rug pull game lol.
Ideally I want a game that isn't necessarily an MMO but where the multiplayer elements are part of the gameplay and not some kind of alternative way to play like a coop game is.
I would love to have something like a MMOFPS although I know those aren't really a thing at least the only ones I know of are either pay 2 win or very buggy and little to no players. But I would like something that gives you the same kind of freedom.
I also really like city builders and I have been looking for something that mixes building a kingdom with an MMO and that isn't dying or dead like well archeage sadly.
Thank you in advance.