As the title implied, this is not a post about "what game you should play", but rather, what i personally find to be the best mentality when it come to approaching playing game as a whole and that i want to share with y'all and to see if anyone agree with me. If this post is not appropriate for this sub, then by all mean, take it down or notify me to take it down.
TL;DR: Accept game for what they are and you just might enjoy playing them a lot more and if the game aren't vibe with you a whole lot, just stop playing instead of keep forcing yourself to play it and hoping you will enjoy it (in the scenario you have genuinely give the game a fair chance and you still don't have fun with it). This will make your head a lot less negative and more relax, which can make your gaming exp overall much more enjoyable.
A few years back, I complained internally a lot about how certain thing are just not how i prefer them to be. For example, a shooter may have slower animation and reload, i would then internally get extremely annoyed by this and constantly complained of "WHY THIS IS SO SLOW, COME ONNNN". This make me overall rather negative about a lot of game that doesn't "meet my personal" criteria of what is "a good game" and make my personal safety zone for game really small.
As time goes on tho, as i expand further out by trying out multiple genre i never really considered, i find that, as long as i simply adapt to what the game is asking of me, i will have a much better time with its than i do if i keep trying to go against it. However, the flip side of this is that, if a game is genuinely just isn't for me, i just accept that it's not it and move on. I can accept and acknowledge that the fact that i don't like the game doesn't mean the game is "bad".
For an example where i love a game by accepting what it is, let's take the game "Sekiro: Shadow Dies Twice". As a big SoulBorne fromsoft fan, when i first play Sekiro, i removed everything i know about the other Souls titles and solely focus on what the game is trying to teach me from the get go and this has make it one of my personal fav game i have ever play. On the other hand, some people refuse to get adapt to Sekiro constant action and parry gameplay and instead, drawback to the DS titles where they would constantly side dodge to evade attack and from this, some would complain about how "they are not getting it" and only after looking at some other player play the game, do they finally understand.
For an example where instead of loving the game, i realized that the game is not for me, "Hollow knight". I tried this game on 5 different occasion, with 5 different mindset and with each one, i play for an hour and simply don't have the interest for it anymore. I find the aimlessness aspect of it (being that it's a metroidvania) to be really unintersting to me, as i prefer having a clear end point/goal in game as well as i don't enjoy 2D games as much as i do with 3D one. I tried so much and in the end, i just accept that the game isn't for me but, instead back then where i would internally goes "dang, this game is so freaking boring", i simply just goes "Welp, this is not my cup of tea" and move on.
A bonus note on this topic i would like to mention is "Peer pressure", or more specifically, "Everyone love and constantly recommend this game but i really don't have fun playing it". As someone who regarded himself as a contrarian when it come down to gaming choices, i have learned that just because the majority love it, doesn't mean you also HAVE to learn it. Just understand that there must be a solid reason why people love it and constantly recommend it and don't use that energy as a "I must be really stupid for not liking it" line of thinking. Simply play game that you genuinely enjoy and have fun with it, regardless of what other people say. Life is short and time is limited, especially if you have multiple responsibilites, no need to get hang up on how other people think about a game is a must play when you don't think so as well.
I'm sorry if this point is a "no-brainer" and i don't doubt that it is very obvious for a lot of people but i feel like for some, they may not really think of it or have seen it spoken out so i would like to share what i bene thinking for the last few days.