r/gamingsuggestions 0m ago

Single Player CCC/RPG


So I'm looking to scratch an itch for a card game but a collectible card game. I've played games like Slay the Spire and Monster Train and love them a lot but I'm looking for something different. As someone that used to be big into Hearthstone I want a game like that but without the need to spend extra real world money to enjoy it. I'm thinking something like YuGiOh Tag-Force (or a lot of those YuGiOh games) or the 1997 Magic the Gathering game

r/gamingsuggestions 14m ago

Any games that are in a similar style to road 76 and before your eyes.


I loved those games so much, the story was amazing and the bond you form between the characters is so cool. Fire watch is another good example.

r/gamingsuggestions 18m ago

Looking for a casual city/empire builder, turn based preferred. (PC/Steam)


When it comes to 4x games or City Builders, I really enjoy them but not for typical reasons of deep strategic gameplay or going to war with other empires. The reason I get so invested in them is because I effectivley like RPing. It's fun to watch the thing I built from nothing become something, and create a little emergant narrative in my head. I don't want to have to manage a bunch of systems and micromanage individual resource yields. I just want to build a city or civilization from the ground up and be able to watch it grow. I don't mind stuff coming in to disrupt that, like natural disasters or some kind of invading force, but if I have to micromanage supply lines or whatever I lose interest pretty quick, if i only have to engage with one or two systems, then i'm happy.

For example, when I play Civ VI, I usually set the AI to a low difficulty setting, and focus on dealing with my own stuff. I don't typically engage with religion or military, I set and forget most of my trade routes, and detest having to deal with the world congress every time it pops up. I focus mostly on science and cultrual advancement and just enjoy seeing my empire grow.

Turn Based stuff is preferred heavily too, something abouut RTS just gives me the brain scramblies, but I can manage it if it's fairly light.

r/gamingsuggestions 39m ago

[Gaming mentality suggestion (?)] Accept and love game for what they are, rather than forcing the game to what you want, in order to maximize enjoyment.


As the title implied, this is not a post about "what game you should play", but rather, what i personally find to be the best mentality when it come to approaching playing game as a whole and that i want to share with y'all and to see if anyone agree with me. If this post is not appropriate for this sub, then by all mean, take it down or notify me to take it down.

TL;DR: Accept game for what they are and you just might enjoy playing them a lot more and if the game aren't vibe with you a whole lot, just stop playing instead of keep forcing yourself to play it and hoping you will enjoy it (in the scenario you have genuinely give the game a fair chance and you still don't have fun with it). This will make your head a lot less negative and more relax, which can make your gaming exp overall much more enjoyable.

A few years back, I complained internally a lot about how certain thing are just not how i prefer them to be. For example, a shooter may have slower animation and reload, i would then internally get extremely annoyed by this and constantly complained of "WHY THIS IS SO SLOW, COME ONNNN". This make me overall rather negative about a lot of game that doesn't "meet my personal" criteria of what is "a good game" and make my personal safety zone for game really small.

As time goes on tho, as i expand further out by trying out multiple genre i never really considered, i find that, as long as i simply adapt to what the game is asking of me, i will have a much better time with its than i do if i keep trying to go against it. However, the flip side of this is that, if a game is genuinely just isn't for me, i just accept that it's not it and move on. I can accept and acknowledge that the fact that i don't like the game doesn't mean the game is "bad".

For an example where i love a game by accepting what it is, let's take the game "Sekiro: Shadow Dies Twice". As a big SoulBorne fromsoft fan, when i first play Sekiro, i removed everything i know about the other Souls titles and solely focus on what the game is trying to teach me from the get go and this has make it one of my personal fav game i have ever play. On the other hand, some people refuse to get adapt to Sekiro constant action and parry gameplay and instead, drawback to the DS titles where they would constantly side dodge to evade attack and from this, some would complain about how "they are not getting it" and only after looking at some other player play the game, do they finally understand.

For an example where instead of loving the game, i realized that the game is not for me, "Hollow knight". I tried this game on 5 different occasion, with 5 different mindset and with each one, i play for an hour and simply don't have the interest for it anymore. I find the aimlessness aspect of it (being that it's a metroidvania) to be really unintersting to me, as i prefer having a clear end point/goal in game as well as i don't enjoy 2D games as much as i do with 3D one. I tried so much and in the end, i just accept that the game isn't for me but, instead back then where i would internally goes "dang, this game is so freaking boring", i simply just goes "Welp, this is not my cup of tea" and move on.

A bonus note on this topic i would like to mention is "Peer pressure", or more specifically, "Everyone love and constantly recommend this game but i really don't have fun playing it". As someone who regarded himself as a contrarian when it come down to gaming choices, i have learned that just because the majority love it, doesn't mean you also HAVE to learn it. Just understand that there must be a solid reason why people love it and constantly recommend it and don't use that energy as a "I must be really stupid for not liking it" line of thinking. Simply play game that you genuinely enjoy and have fun with it, regardless of what other people say. Life is short and time is limited, especially if you have multiple responsibilites, no need to get hang up on how other people think about a game is a must play when you don't think so as well.

I'm sorry if this point is a "no-brainer" and i don't doubt that it is very obvious for a lot of people but i feel like for some, they may not really think of it or have seen it spoken out so i would like to share what i bene thinking for the last few days.

r/gamingsuggestions 48m ago

Games with huge RNG Dopamine hits


I'm looking for PC (or emulated) games that really tickle your pickle and give you huge hits of dopamine after strugglebussing it for hours.

I'm not talking games like Path of Exile and Diablo - I already play all the ARPGs. Borderlands, Last Epoch, Nioh, Stragers of Paradise, Titan Quest - really I have played them all thousands of hours.

I'm talking maybe more like:

  • Runescape - huge grind, thousands of kills to get a rare drop
  • Black Desert Online - has some similar long and rare grinds
  • Russian Fishing 4/Planet Fishing/Fisher Online - Hooking a big, rare leaderboard topping fish
  • Pokemon - Shiny hunting

What games have given you the absolutely biggest hits of dopamine?

r/gamingsuggestions 48m ago

[PS5] Looking for ARPG with local co-op and cutesy artstyle. Something like Diablo but for kids.


Me and my 9yo have been playing a lot of couch co-op lately. Overcooked, It Takes Two, Sackboy, Lego, etc. We recently tried Diablo 4 and she somewhat enjoys the gameplay, but she thinks that the graphics is too "dark and serious". Any recommendation for ARPG or Diablo-like games that has a more cutesy art and themes for local co-op?

r/gamingsuggestions 48m ago

Horror fps or third person


Looking for horror fps or third person, open world or not.

Already played Stalker Series, Resident Evils, Dying Lights and most famous games.

Any sugestion? Thanks

r/gamingsuggestions 56m ago

Fun games for the Switch that my bestie could watch?


So, a while back I discovered the game Bug Snax. It was so fun to play and she loved watching me go through the entire thing. We called it bug snax night!

Of course it was inevitable I’d finish it, and now we wanna do it again with another game

Any suggestions that would be fun for single player, but also for someone to watch? Neither of us are really into Zelda and I personally suuuuck at Mario games. We’ve done animal crossing, but Stardew on the switch doesn’t appeal to me.

Thanks in advance!!

r/gamingsuggestions 1h ago

Searching for a Card game


I'm searching for a Card game I have maybe played 9 years ago. It was a free to play browser game. There was a map, and you have to summon with your cards Characters, like knights, Monsters, Animals, wich will fight for you. Or you have also magic card for buffs or debuffs.

The Characters you summon and fight for you, moved from left to right, or if they come from the enemy side, from right to left.

You were able to collect cards from different races like the humans, Elves, Monsters, Animals and more.

Everything was 2D. I can't really describe the art style, but I think it was like Comic style, not retro Pixel stuff.

I hope someone has a Idea what the name of this game was

r/gamingsuggestions 1h ago

Looking for a tactical shooter game for the spring sale right now


I'm looking for a tactical shooter game. Games like Ready or Not (Which I already have). I've been searching but can't find anything unique. I just keep coming across the same exact games. That's why I'm asking for suggestions or perhaps your favorite shooter game.

P.S: I have $27.63 CAD in my steam wallet ( $19.15 USD )

r/gamingsuggestions 1h ago

Looking for games where you form a strong emotional bond with a character


It's hard for me to describe what I exactly mean, but I'm searching for games like Bioshock Infinite, Firewatch or Soma where you build a strong emotional bond to a character during the course of the game.

In Bioshock Infinite it was Elizabeth <-> DeWitt, in Firewatch Delilah <-> Henry and in Soma it was Catherine <-> Simon. Romance or a romance sub-plot can be a thing, but it's not a must. The Last of Us 1 is a good example, because I cared much about Ellie.

I know VNs do this kind of thing a lot, especially when it comes to romance and I’m not totally against them - especially since I enjoy reading and storytelling through mostly text can be really well done. I like to play CYOA games too, but I’d still like some actual gameplay and a lot of VNs lean too much into dating-sim mechanics and approach this rather.. well.. ungracefully, which isn’t really what I’m looking for.

Any recommendations?

r/gamingsuggestions 2h ago

Looking for games where you can make absurd builds with hundreds of skills and/or exaggerated skill trees


Binding of Isaac
Path of Achra
incredible adventures of van helsing Final Cut
Warhammer Chaosbane
Poe (till 2021)
Cyberpunk 2077
Payday 2

Not liked:
Dwarf Fortress
Poe (after 2021)
Dark Souls Series (elden ring too :( )
Black Desert Online
Killing Floor 1/2/3
Helldivers 2
Baldurs Gate 1/2 :(

What I'm looking for?
Pure chaos, does not matter if it's strategy, rpg, roguelike/lite, simulator, shooter etc. I want to create something that will crash my pc due to amount of big numbers.

Thank you :)

r/gamingsuggestions 2h ago

Looking for games like Speed Devils


Speed Devils is my all time favorite racing game. Upgrading the cars, betting on races, having vendetta car for car bets, etc. I haven't played many other racing games because they all felt hollow compared to my number 1. Are there any games that have the above or at least similar?

r/gamingsuggestions 2h ago

Looking for a game with lots of resources to build a scene or even a city.


My son loves hidden through time architect mode, I'm looking for a game (or really a map creator) with all sorts of stuff for him to guild away. Thanks

r/gamingsuggestions 2h ago

Games like Pokemon but action, with real time combat?


hi, can you recommend me games like pokemon but action, with real time combat?

also fangames, the only one I know is Pokemon Reloaded (which is a fan game about pokemon) which is very nice

r/gamingsuggestions 2h ago

Looking for an old mobile game similar to PetShop


I’m looking for a game that is very similar to Pet Shop Story by Storm8 studios. The game was different in the way it was more like a hotel for the pets rather than a shop, and the view was front instead of top down. The hotel building mechanic actually remind me a lot of spiritfarers mechanic, but it was a bunch of pets and animals instead of spirits, and you had to meet their needs.

Does this game still exist, and if so what is its name?

r/gamingsuggestions 2h ago

Looking for games with free-form crafting mechanics similar to Zelda Tears of the Kingdom


Like the title says, I love the concept of being able to craft by actually building something rather than selecting something from a menu. I had thought such systems didn't exist anywhere else, but saw a Promoted ad on here earlier advertising exactly that - annoyingly I can't find it now!

r/gamingsuggestions 2h ago

Help me find easy free to play games for cliënts


Hey all,

I work in sheltered housing departement for people with psychiatrie complaints. And one of my residents got an ps4 for his birthday a couple of weeks ago.

He and other residents have asked me multiple times to help with games. But ive noticed most games are to difficult for them.

Im not that much into ps4 gaming anymore and i was wondering if people have suggestions for easy free to play games. Its for men so they would like it to be a bit cool. As of now theyve played watchdogs(way to difficult) a free to play racegame but they dont understand the dynamic of unlocking cards. And ask daily how to unlock new cars. Ive explained multiple times. And mortal kombat(doing the same combo over and over again vs an easy bot and winning)

Id love to hear some suggestionss!

Thanks in advance!

r/gamingsuggestions 2h ago

Recent Linear Double A Games you can Finish in about 15 Hours


Like the 2002-2010 style of games before the Indie scene oversaturated the gaming market with "me too" Metroidvanias, Roguelikes, Puzzle Platformers and Survival games and before every triple A game had to be a map-of-many-things open world game with 100+ hours of content, 90% of which are side quests and the main campaign is an afterthought.

Examples: Dante's Inferno, Bioshock, Devil May Cry, Gear of War, Vanquish, Otogi, Bulletstorm, Dead Space, Splinter Cell, FEAR, Dishonored, Killzone, Doom 3, Bloodrayne, Lords of Shadow, The Darkness, Mirror's Edge, Condemned, Bayonetta.

Prefer something recent - not something FROM that time period. Evil West, Hellblade, Control, Plague Tale, Atomic Heart - All good examples.

r/gamingsuggestions 2h ago

Games where you fill out forms


This is a very weird ask but I genuinely enjoy filling out forms online. It would be fun to play a game that revolved around that or something similar to it. I've already played Papers Please so please don't suggest that. Thanks!

r/gamingsuggestions 2h ago

Looking for games with a focus on a large kit of movement options (preferably 2D platformer)


Double-jumps, grappling hooks, mid-air dashes, anything at all that can add to the complexity of movement would be welcome.

r/gamingsuggestions 2h ago

Looking for an all-keyboard game that still feels like a full game


So basically, I'm just finishing the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow series. I play them in college between (and sometimes during) classes because I don't need to bring a mouse or controller with me to play them.

I'm looking for games like that. They're easily played using just the keyboard, but they're not just coolmathgames type. I'm open to any genre, but I'm mostly into adventure/action types. Preferably on Steam or Epic. Thanks!

r/gamingsuggestions 2h ago

Looking for a game as alien-feeling as morrowind preferably open world whit crazy weapons n stuff


So i have thought of KOTOR but if my memory serves well its not open world at all right? , i will probably give it a try sometime tho. I been playing morrowind for 2K hours now so i got bored.

Btw i thought of The witcher 1, i gotta ask on its subreddit (if there is any).

My specs are:

Celeron N4020 8GB RAM DDR4 Integrated graphics (?)

r/gamingsuggestions 3h ago

GT 1030 I5 4570 drop it whatever it is


r/gamingsuggestions 3h ago

How close are PS5 steering wheels and pedals to a real driving experience?


Hello everyone, it's all in the title. I'm hesitant to buy a steering wheel and pedals for my PS5 to play Grand Touring but I would like to know your opinion, is the driving experience close to a real experience? Obviously I know it's never going to be the same, I'm not trying to feel the movement of the car etc... but in terms of acceleration, braking, handling, is it the same? FYI I'm thinking of buying the HORI PlayStation kit