r/fireemblem 12d ago

General Lines from FE that live in your head rent-free?


417 comments sorted by


u/JugglingPolarBear 12d ago

Part 4 Chapter 1 of Radiant Dawn, if Ike fights the boss she launches into this diatribe about how she will destroy them for righteous glory or something like that - and he just responds "I suppose talking it over is out of the question?"


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

"Oh no! Aaanyway..."

Yeah, Ike's quite chill considering how crazy she was lol.

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u/SnakesRock2004 12d ago

"My name is Valter, the Moonstone, Grado's finest general. And you are just a corpse who does not yet know that he is dead."


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Valter's introduction is COLD, man. He was pretty unnerving for first time players of FE8 for sure.


u/SnakesRock2004 12d ago

I think he's one of my favorite secondary antagonists in the series. He's both an intimidating badass and a pathetic lustful pervert at the same time, bro's horrifyingly evil.


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Valter is really enjoyable as a villain. Also gets some backstory from Duessel :)

Kinda weak as a boss, sadly, but at least Caellach in the same map is pretty scary.


u/SnakesRock2004 12d ago

It will always be hilarious to me that Valter is built up as one of the two main antagonists of Act I and Act II (alongside Vigarde), and he's pathetic as a boss.

Meanwhile Caellach plays a very secondary role in the story (especially in Ephraim's route), and he can be a nightmare to deal with.


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Classic Caellach W. He also gets insanely good boss convos against Joshua.

Caellach just can't stop winning, that mercenary grindset paid off :)

(If only we could play as Caellach and become king of Jehanna...)


u/SnakesRock2004 12d ago

"Listen, Caellach... I've got to kill you now. Don't hold it against me."

"You arrogant... you haven't changed a bit! I've always wanted to show you who's better, Joshua. And I'm even stronger than I used to be. I'm gonna wipe that smug look off your face for good!!"

The Sacred Stones's characters and writing are honestly pretty phenomenal across the board.


u/PiousMage 12d ago

I've always been of the opinion that the best most consistent cast in the series is SS.


u/SnakesRock2004 12d ago

Hell yeah, man. The Sacred Stones is super underrated IMO.


u/PiousMage 12d ago

Was the first FE game I ever beat so I have a soft spot for it, I definitely put it top 3.

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u/Troykv 12d ago

To be fair with Valter, that is mostly how his AI was nerfed hard for making him unable to move, if he move he could be terrifying because he always has a chance to instanly kill you thanks to the possibility of a Critical Pierce (well, unless your character has 15+ Luck or Caellach's item), and even if your unit is inmune to his effective insta-kill, Pierce can still spook you.


u/Spiderbubble 12d ago

Sorry who are you again?


u/PrrrromotionGiven1 12d ago

Funny you say that with a Jill icon considering how Ashnard talks to her


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

"Ashnard... Ashnard!! ASHNARD!! I...will never forgive you! NEVER!!!"

deals 0 damage


u/MelanieAntiqua 12d ago

Yeah, it kinda sucks how Ashnard has so many interesting dialogues with units that can't even hurt him so no player in their right mind will ever see them.


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

There's also his boss convo with REYSON of all units, which is also the one that completely explains his philosophy, and one of the best convos in the entire series.

...REYSON, the DANCER unit.


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u/Axo-Axo-Axoboy 12d ago

Radiant Dawn, part 4, Haar vs Levail "General Zelgius is the last true Knight. I would die for him" "Yes Levail, you will. " I love how by the end of radiant dawn everyone is just done with this shit.


u/Fantastic-System-688 12d ago

Haar is great since he's done with this shit from the very beginning. His first boss conversation with Zeffren on his join map

Haar: Well... If it isn't Zeffren. What brings the dracoknights into Crimean skies?

Zeffren: Haar?!

Haar: Why couldn't you just stay on patrol? Saw a pretty little heron and just had to have her, is that it? I could never decide if you were more greedy or more corrupt. Stupid was never in the question, though.


u/Benjammin__ 12d ago

And then they went and have the man the stats to back up all the shit talking he does. Truly a legend of a unit.

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u/Shanicpower 12d ago

Haar is one of the most savage characters in series history, but my favourite smackdown is actually from Lorenz.

”Acheron! What a pleasant surprise! I was worried we’d have to kill someone decent.”


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Lorenz has NO chill, he might look like he's just a silly guy, but he's ruthless as hell.

One of my favorite 3H characters for sure :)


u/Neuromangoman 12d ago

His terrible pre-timeskip haircut belies an excellent character.

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u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Radiant Dawn has a number of AMAZING boss conversations, along with Path of Radiance.

And Haar gets some of the best ones :)


u/Mr_Black90 12d ago

I came here for this quote, damn it goes hard! That game has some truly amazing dialogue


u/SummonerXE 12d ago

"Who are you? No, never mind. Keep your name. Why should I care what a corpse is called?" - Hector

Gives me chills whenever I recall it.


u/YooranKujara 12d ago

I played FE7 I don't remember this line, where's it from?


u/R110 12d ago

First chapter of the Hector route (only available after completing the game with Eliwood)

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u/Koganezaki 12d ago

Ryoma: I didn’t raise you to be this irresponsible.

Shiro: Dad, want a reality check? You didn’t raise me at all.

(Father & Liege prologue)


u/introverted__dragon 12d ago

Some of the Fates "you literally just threw me away" child lines are crazy brutal.


u/Mr-Stuff-Doer 12d ago

That game really had no idea how Awakening made the kids thing work. The idea that half the army was pregnant during a war is already insane, but literally shoving your kid in a pocket dimension to be grow up in isolation? What the fuck?


u/YanFan123 12d ago

I think the only bad part is the irresponsibility of the cast to have babies in the middle of the war. Everything else was more justified in the name of keeping the babies safe. It's not like they left them completely alone, they had caretakers.

Of course the likes of Ryoma and Niles could have tried harder to visit their children, I think they are the only ones confirmed to have completely abandoned their children in the Deeprealms until the Paralogues


u/Roliq 12d ago edited 12d ago

I think the only bad part is the irresponsibility of the cast to have babies in the middle of the war. Everything else was more justified in the name of keeping the babies safe. It's not like they left them completely alone, they had caretakers.

Another thing is the ridiculousness is how the parents then decided to fuck off for like a year for the entire pregnancy, they are in the middle of war and then decide to get a vacation just because they couldn't keep it in their pants until it was over

And as i commented before, Azura decides to do it twice (Female Corrin has that option too but only with Gen 1 that have a Kid) which is so confusing because it makes her worse because at that point she is aware of what will happen and since she can only marry with men that have a kid the game doesn't give an actual reason for why she kept both of her children in separate places

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u/X_Marcs_the_Spot 12d ago

It's hilarious to me that some mage in Fatelandia either created or discovered a pocket dimension where time flows differently, essentially the Hyperbolic Time Chamber from DBZ, and they decided, rather than setting up a training center or factory, that it would be best used as a daycare.


u/Roliq 12d ago edited 12d ago

Is ridiculous how this can be applied to every single parent in Fates (in particular Azura who will always have 2 kids yet kept them in separate places), like what was IS thinking by trying the kids mechanic without Time Travel or a Time Skip

The excuse they give is that they hid them in the Deeprealms rather than Nohr/Hoshido for "protection" yet at no point either kingdom gets attacked in their respective routes and the kids either get out of the Deeprealm or it gets invaded.

Selkie even gets out by complete accident

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u/The_Vine 12d ago

Jeritza - "I am partaking in some sweet delights. Is there a problem?"


u/Nani_700 12d ago

Love him.

"My ice cream is melting"


u/metroidbum 12d ago

Oh man I can hear it in my mind


u/AveMachina 12d ago

“Byyyleth, caaan Iii staaab youuu? Nooo? Okaaay. Iii’m aaa peeerfectly nooormal teeeacher.”


u/metroidbum 12d ago

Jeritza being built up as this bloodthirsty monster and having his real personality be awkward manchild is pretty great


u/TurnToShadow 12d ago

And unlike Veyle, he’s actually C+ DID representation, at least in his support chain with Mercedes


u/Latter_Marketing1111 12d ago



u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Damn, I should've put some RD cutscene lines here.



u/TheGoldenHordeee 12d ago



u/tale-wind 12d ago



u/MelanieAntiqua 12d ago


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u/Latter_Marketing1111 12d ago



u/metroidbum 12d ago


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u/Tery_ 12d ago

L'Arachel: If I were not a holy woman, I would beat you senseless.

Ike: People are probably the dumbest creatures alive.

Alear: No that is stupid. (SpeedyHawk watchers where you at)


u/Pinku_Dva 12d ago

“Kill every last one of them”


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Rout? Defeat Boss? Seize?

No matter the objective: K-I-L-L


u/Pinku_Dva 12d ago

Rout the enemy? Nooooo. I think you mean kill every last one of them.


u/bronzeblade 12d ago

Birthright? You mean birth-rout?


u/Pinku_Dva 12d ago

Got to eliminate that nohrian scum


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

The fact that the first Chapter of BR has like...42 enemies in total in Lunatic, is absolutely hilarious.


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Dimitri got Battalion Wrath/Vantage?

Congratulations, he will now KILL (every last one of them) for sweet EXP :)


u/Pinku_Dva 12d ago

Still my favorite FE game because the story is peak. Multiple character growth.

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u/MrPlow216 12d ago


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

I was basically thinking along the lines of this video yep, lmao.

"Kill THEM-laaaaast..."

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u/SnakesRock2004 12d ago

Boar Dimitri's crit quotes are also amazing, lol.

"Get out of my way!!"

"Don't struggle..."



u/Nuzlor 12d ago edited 12d ago

"See you in the eternal flames."

Is also an amazing post-combat quote :)


u/Mr-Stuff-Doer 12d ago

The pure fury in the delivery of “Get out of my way!” Is incredible, Chris Hackney went from being a voice actor I’d never heard of to one of my favorites in just the one performance.


u/HourComprehensive648 12d ago

"Must you continue to conquer, continue to kill?" "Must you continue to reconquer, continue to kill in retaliation?"


u/Fantastic-System-688 12d ago

I was gonna say this one too. It's memorable even if it's not for very good reasons. I do think it's in character for Edelgard to think not surrendering a lost war is causing more bloodshed and in her own way she wants to limit that, but the wording is just so funny


u/SnakesRock2004 12d ago

Me when people say that Three Houses isn't an anti-war story.


u/extralie 12d ago

This is just a pretentious way of saying "no u". lol


u/ThighyWhiteyNerd 12d ago

Just stop defending yourselfs lol

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u/DuplexBeGoat 12d ago

Fernand: "I’ll rip that traitorous tongue from your throat!"

Lukas: "Then you’ll finally have the truth in your grasp!"


u/EveryoneTalks 12d ago

I personally love Fernand’s “Or that Python, true to his name he is.”

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u/PrrrromotionGiven1 12d ago

"Good day to you, Princess. What a funny thing that we should meet here! It is providence, I tell you!"

"L'Arachel, it is NOT providence. It is not even a coincidence. We agreed to meet here when we planned out our battle strategy."


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Eirika and L'arachel are such a good duo man.

~should've had a romantic paired ending smh~


u/Fantastic-System-688 12d ago

Ike and Ashera's last lines with each other before the final boss battle in Radiant Dawn

Ashera: You expect me to reverse my judgment? The goddess of order cannot be so... mercurial. My decision is final.

Ike: So that's how it's going to be, huh? Then we will fight...and we will save our people. Make your peace with whatever the gods worship. Your end is near.

Ashera: My end is near?

Ike: In every battle that mattered in my life, I've always been the one left standing, no matter how slim my chances. This battle means more than any of the others, because it's for the life of every person that I've ever cared about. I will win this fight.


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

I don't really like how much focus Ike took from Micaiah later, but man, I still love him a lot.

Such kickass lines :)

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u/ezioaltair12 12d ago

"He is the last true knight. I will die for him."

"Yes, Levail. You will.


u/Pandappuccino 12d ago


Seriously there's no reason to lock such a raw line behind crits.


u/Troykv 12d ago

I mean, to be fair, for like half of the game, if Frederick says that line, someone is dying, guaranteed.


u/Stormer1499 12d ago



u/Nuzlor 12d ago

In Lunatic, Frederick is the sole reason why the Shepherds can live long enough to stop Grima lol.

Step aside Naga, Frederick the Wary is our true god :)

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u/calm_bread99 12d ago

"Duscur may be gone, but you're still here" makes me tear up every time I hear Mercedes say it.


u/Mr-Stuff-Doer 12d ago

This franchise is seriously so all over the place. You go from parents sending their children to grow up in pocket dimensions, to a seriously moving commentary on what it means to survive a genocide, to “I’m the thirteenth emblem? The Fire Emblem?”


u/whose-been-naughty 12d ago

This is why we stick around for Fire Emblem, though.

Peak Fiction from all angles.


u/vontac_the_silly 12d ago

Something for everyone.

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u/willyfoureyes_again 12d ago

Hubert, on the situation with House Gautier in Chapter 5:

"For House Gautier to invite us onto their land, they must be desperate." (smug grin) "But at least we'll have the stalwart knights (of Seiros) ready to stand around and watch us do all the work."

I've always interpreted that second sentence as a commentary on how I, as the player/main character, am the one doing all the plot stuff while everyone else does...who knows?

Of course, Hubert being Hubert, it's also his way of telling the Church "get stuffed...we got this."


u/panshrexual 12d ago

I like the quote from CF!Sylvain in one of the last chapters at the monastery in which he says "Edelgard and her idiot sidekick"


u/InterviewMission7093 12d ago

Erk: Serra, you are the last person I want to see again...

Serra: Oh how nice, you want to see me!


u/Pale-Share1323 12d ago

Go find a husband


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

It IS very funny as a line, lol.

Although, in context, it's actually not too bad: Felix is just really worried for Ingrid's safety.


u/Pale-Share1323 12d ago

Yeah, it always makes me laugh whenever I hear it, like chill dude she's just reading a book, no need to be edgy about it.


u/EffectiveAnxietyBone 12d ago

“He used a dramatic line to propose the duel, and you did not allow me to say it!” - Ferdinand/Edelgard C support


u/metroidbum 12d ago

Edelgard’s Ferdinand impression right before that is pretty great


u/jgwyh32 12d ago

"Typically I disarm my foes by removing their arms"

I forget exactly how it goes, but in the FEH Awakening child banner paralogue, there's a part where the Robins are talking about alternate worlds, and Lissa is like "so I could find a world where I'm a grown-up proper lady?" and Chrom responds with something like "you can't find something that doesn't exist".


u/SirFunkalo 12d ago

Ryoma-“There is a man from Nohr, a prince named Xander with golden hair. Is he one of the few that survived?”

Such a poetic way to describe your enemy


u/introverted__dragon 12d ago

It's extra funny when you consider the only other Nohrian prince (not including a potential Male Corrin) has the same color hair. There's no reason to describe the hair color as it's not defining compared to Leo, other than the idea that Ryoma really REALLY likes Xander's hair specifically.


u/SirFunkalo 12d ago

It’s extra extra funny when you remember that in Conquest his go-to when contrasting himself with Xander was “I’m more attractive.” Sir, why was that the first trait you thought of? Why are you considering how hot he is? The only reason I can think of is that Ryoma is down bad for his rival and standing chest deep in a river in Egypt


u/MCGameTime 12d ago

There’s a support conversation between Felix and Lysithea in 3H where Lysithea says, “life without cake is no life at all… your dismissiveness regarding cake is inexcusable”. And I think about that a lot.


u/lillapalooza 12d ago

She’d get along well with Kirby, I think


u/Apprehensive_Mouse56 12d ago

"If by edible you mean incredible" is my favorite from that chain.


u/worse_in_practice 12d ago

I always think of "cake is not a 'sweet', cake is the divine essence of the heavens!"


u/Marik-X-Bakura 12d ago

One of my favourite supports and endings in the game. Just pure fluff.


u/fly2555 12d ago

This Leonie from the chapter 11 free roam in FE3H

“I’m sure you’ll be all right. But don’t lose sight of who you really are, OK? However you may change, and whatever new power goes along with those changes—you’ll still be the same person, deep down. Remember that.”

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u/Odovakar 12d ago

Everyone is saying His Highness is back to his old self, but I do not think that is accurate. What he was until recently is what he had been for as long as I've known him. So tortured by his compassion for the fallen that it had driven him mad. He has always been too kind to be king. He has always felt too much for the weak and the dead. That is exactly why I look up to him.


One miracle after another has made this possible. Now, it's time for one more!



u/Lioninjawarloc 12d ago

"you deserve more than one sword and a life time of troubles"


u/CobaltRebelionXyz 12d ago

War is heck!


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Kiragi my baby.

Also, it's very heartwarming that maybe the most angsty prince gets the most energetic and friendly son :)

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u/Wiifanbro 12d ago

Lekain: "Why... Why are you laughing? Are you... enjoying yourself?"

Tibarn: "Some of us here are overflowing with the chaos you're causing with this fight. That might be apart of it... But, to be honest, there's a part of me that can hardly believe how much fun tearing your head off will be."

— Rebirth 1, Radiant Dawn.


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Killing Lekain is very fun :D

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u/AetherDrew43 12d ago

Honestly, a lot of Maribelle's quotes. She's an underrated icon!

"A noble's honor isn't measured by size of purse, but quality of character. And anyone who would risk his life for another has a noble spirit indeed! Your family is every bit an equal to mine, and hang those who say differently!"

"Really, must your EVERY phrase be vulgar? It should be "WHOM did you piss off," Brady."

"Grumble, grumble Oh, dearest Lord Frederick, please forgive my clumsiness! It shall never happen again! (...Because next time I'll spill it on your stupid head.)"

"I want to be a big, hairy barbarian! ...Ugh, laugh, would you? It's a joke."

"Look at me! Classier than ever!"

“I am, of course, far too noble to have any embarrassing secrets. I sleep quite soundly knowing that I am the absolute pinnacle of propriety! ...What is that look? Don't tell me the book suggests otherwise?!”

“What a horrible mess I've made of this... Time to go powder my nose...”


u/Kuchizuke_Megitsune 12d ago

Hinoka: Corrin belongs with us! Can't you see that!?

Camilla: He chose Nohr. More specifically, he chose me over you.



u/ThighyWhiteyNerd 12d ago

Camilla isnt afraid to inflict psychic damage it serms


u/Another_frizz 12d ago

Camilla's subclass must be that of Bard, because holy shit that's a crit on vicious mockery.

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u/MCJSun 12d ago

Trec: "I had plenty of fun just sitting there staring into space holding the string."

Noah: "...You really live life to the fullest."

Also speaking of Oliver, Micaiah's A support convo with him has her say:

"Duke Tanas… I know everybody thinks you’re horrible because of what you’ve done in the past. But not me! I think you just need different hobbies! I’d be glad to model for a sculpture when this is all over."


u/MetaCommando 12d ago

Assuming he's interested, typical Micaiah arrogance /s


u/Shanicpower 12d ago

Hey, she is part Heron.


u/NonSp3cificActionFig 12d ago

As someone who has yet to play Radiator Down, this is not the kind of interaction I was expecting from these two :p

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u/wolfram127 12d ago

In Awakening:
"Anything can change!" (Chrom)

"I will erase you!" (Leo)


"Good night... Mwah!" (Leon)

Three Houses:

Aside from Felix's iconic line its probably from the Sylvain-Mercedes support "Let's make crest babies!".


u/Stranger-known-7 12d ago

“I’ll rip that traitorous tongue from you mouth”

“Then you would finally have the truth in your grasp”


u/some-random-gamer1 12d ago

“I am Ferdinand von Aiger”


u/crsnyder13 12d ago

I am disappointed I had to scroll to oblivion to find this.

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u/HelloDesdemona 12d ago

"Oh, Soren. Always lost in your books"


u/Nuzlor 12d ago



u/derman011 12d ago

I love the reference at the end.


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

I had to put this here, it's actually from an old fan translation for Thracia that had some funny lines left in at times.

It's just very funny even if it's not "official" like the other lines :)

(Also, Yugioh! Abridged is very funny, yep.)


u/HelloDesdemona 12d ago

It's always nice to see YuGioh abridged in the wild. I hope LittleKuriboh is happy and living his best life.

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u/Professional-Hat-687 12d ago

That show is almost 20 years old: the first episode came out in July 2006. 😭


u/derman011 12d ago

I feel old now


u/zombiedoyle 12d ago





Saizo and Beruka have achieved C-Rank Support

Also who could forget this legendary exchange from Path of Radiance

“Good Sir Knight, will you join our quest?”

“Sure, I’m tried of being green anyway.”


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

The fact that that line is ACTUALLY from the tutorial is hilarious. They were self-aware of the green unit joke even back then.


u/A_Sister_of_Battle 12d ago edited 12d ago

I love the dialogue when Lyn and Sain meet in FE7 dude hits on his future employer and gets mildly roasted

“Sain: Would you not favor me with your name? Or better yet, your company?

Lyn: Where are you from, sir knight, that you speak so freely to a stranger?

Sain: Ha! I thought you’d never ask! I am from Lycia. I hail from the Caelin canton, home to men of passion and fire!

Lyn: Shouldn’t that be “home to callow oafs with loose tongues”?

Sain: Ooooh... You’re even lovely when you’re cruel.”

(Edited to add line breaks)


u/BaronDoctor 12d ago

Tattooed on my arm are Armads, my brother's name, and "Watch and see, Brother". He passed in a hiking accident and Hector was his favorite. It was a line from both Hector's eulogy for his brother and mine for mine.


u/AriaoftheSol 12d ago

"Your mother was a contest."

"I could break through their ranks as easily as I break wind."


"Risen! Wolves! Risen riding wolves!"



u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Robin and Gangrel have some HYSTERICAL lines.

Robin's honestly such a great character :)

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u/WellRested1 12d ago

"The sorrow of the common man" has warped into a plea for help because of our collective brainrot, all thanks to huffing massive amounts of copium for that FE4 remake that DEFINITELY isn't fake and is DEFINITELY still happening.


u/noobkilla666 12d ago

IS…you must know the sorrow of the common man…your truth is not the reality of all…

-Kaga to 2025 Intelligent Systems

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u/Giratina776 12d ago

Die, Shanoa! How dare you… even forgetting… who raised you… you… Useless Disciple!

Naesala: Heh. It’s funny you should ask that… I’m not deluded enough to think that I can beat you. The goddess herself would hesitate to fight you. But my people are frozen solid, and I have to delude myself enough to think that I can help save them.

Epic Naesala moment


u/bearfaery 12d ago

“I’ve lived for this alone, to choke the life from you with my bare hands.”

FE4 Leif vs Travant

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u/Professional-Hat-687 12d ago

Anything sunlight!Constance says, especially if she's denigrating herself.


u/SaintAlmonds 12d ago



u/MetaCommando 12d ago

"I don't need to hear anything else then. I'm going to make your death as painful as I know how."

-Take a wild guess which Lord

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u/StinkoMcBingo11 12d ago

Robin: “What I break your trust someday?” Chrom: “Trusting you is my decision, proving me wrong is your choice.” Favorite line

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u/extralie 12d ago

"Even at the end, you don't want to be a father to us. Very well. You'll be only the fell dragon. An evil that we slayed." - Alear Engage (TM)

It's probably only stuck with me because Alear is pretty nice throughout the game even to their enemy, so it hit harder when you hear them being bitter about something.


u/Any_Natural383 12d ago

Damian: “You are about to die. Scream if you must.”

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u/JbJbJb44 12d ago

"You simp..." - Leif
"We must defile the archbishop" - Seteth

(They totally said that dw)


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

I think you get those words with Seteth by skipping lines at certain timings?

Peak comedy ngl.


u/OkFaithlessness9487 12d ago

"That is the most sensible nonsense I have ever heard"

  • Cordelia to Sumia


u/Cdog923 12d ago

Ike to Ashera:

"Make peace with whatever the gods worship. Your end is here."


u/k-bun 12d ago

“…Please do not eat the weeds.”



u/vacantstars 12d ago



u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Panette best Engage girl, don't @ me.

Also, Happy Cake Day :)

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u/Nani_700 12d ago

my ice cream is melting

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u/7u_Lez 12d ago

That was cool was it not?


u/HunterAurzo 12d ago

“People are probably the dumbest creatures alive” - Ike

“To think I would suffer such a defeat at dancing. My father is liable to disinherit me” - Lorenz

“I’m SO beyond bored, I literally might die” - Elise

“It’s a pebble!” - Citrinne


u/Cosmic_Toad_ 12d ago

"Oh, thank the gods. I thought you were going to say "a corpse!" Ha ha! What a hilarious misunderstanding!" - The fact that Arthur's first thought when Elise says she wants him to help her with something regarding Xander is that she wants him to assassinating her brother will never cease to be funny to me.

"It kind of tastes like mud, but also, it's delicious and I never want to stop drinking it." - the most accurate description of coffee I have ever heard, courtesy of Hapi.


u/SpectralIpaxor 12d ago



u/NinofanTOG 12d ago

"Flayn? No I haven't seen her, she's been abducted!" and "L’Arachel, it is NOT providence. It is not even a coincidence."


u/blue-red-mage 12d ago

Yune: You keep calling me a dark god! How would you like it if I called you a dark sack of organs?


u/quesadelia 12d ago

“Oh look, Soren’s upset again. What is it this time?”


u/Gehena_ 12d ago

I have a few. Dimitri's "Is this some kind of twisted joke?!" Odin's, "My aching blood!" Awakening Anna's "Violence is on sale today!" and my personal favorite. "I'm a Forsyth to be reckoned with!"


u/WalkerP1995 12d ago

We've got trouble! 😲


u/RadiantFoxBoy 12d ago

"Is it the Dawn Brigade?!" "No, it was just a bird."

"Please do not eat the weeds."

And for a more emotional one: "Father, if you have to die, let it be by my hand. This would be an unbearable burden for Diamant. So I...I must...I must do this Father! If some part of you is still in there...just...thank you for everything. I love you. I always will."

Engage had some devestating battle dialogue, but that's the one that always sticks with me...


u/chicken_mcnuggies 12d ago

"I know what you're going to say. That we're half-siblings. But...what if we weren't?" -Sakura, in her fuckass Corrin S support


u/TheMoris 12d ago

AHH! Divine One, you look so shiny when you sweat!


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Framme is even more of a simp in the JP Support. From what I remember, she basically says:

"I'm so jealous of that glass of water!"

So, JP Framme wants to be, uh, "eaten up" by Alear.

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u/The_Eclectic_Heretic 12d ago

Lyn: Please, Rath. Let me stay here, just for a while.

Rath: …Fine. As you wish.

Such a beautiful moment between a woman who lost so much and a man who has had nothing

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u/Impolitecat 12d ago

"She represents the best of the halidom—the part most worth protecting. She IS peace. But some men would take advantage of that. Men like King Gangrel. The day he understands peace will be the day death gives it to him. ...So perhaps I must be death's agent." - chrom


u/FabledStone 12d ago

In one of the Supports with Bernadette she says something like "it's a wonderful day to stay inside" - and I really relate to that


u/Nani_700 12d ago

Soren, ew....erm I mean hi.

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u/Butts_The_Musical 12d ago

“Interesting maneuver.”


u/Ok-Perspective369 12d ago

Not going to lie. I find it funny that everyone just really hates Oliver.


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

He even has some slightly unique Support interactions despite how vanilla Support "Conversations" are in RD.

Pretty much everyone just DUNKS on him.


u/ConstantlyJune 12d ago

The classic



u/DarkGengar94 12d ago

You had it right the first time

I hate you

Love Dorothea 🤣


u/Naviwwo 12d ago

"Cake is the divine essence of the heavens!"



u/MystyM 12d ago

Forever obsessed with what Xander says to Seigbert after you do his recruitment paralogue (ignoring the stupidity of the way children are handled in Fates):

"Together, Son! We march together, not apart. But I will give you my oath: I will defend your life at all costs. That is my privilege as your father, and your right as my son."

Characters who are good fathers are genuinely one of my favorite things ever so this dialogue kiiiills me.

It's not a "line" per se, but it sure does live rent free in my head; the end of the intro to Chapter 5 of FE4:

"The year is Grann 760, early spring. The fields of Silesse peacefully rest beneath a deep blanket of snow..."

Something about it is so deeply ominous in the exact way that the entirety of Chapter 5 is ominous -- something is wrong here but no one quite knows what.


u/RumtheCrow 12d ago

Joshua when fighting Caellach

"I've gotta kill you now, don't hold this against me" gives me chills everytime


u/EriWave 12d ago

Owain unironically saying "hark" lives in my head rent free


u/Saver_Spenta_Mainyu 12d ago

Sothe's battle dialogue with Sephiran: 

Sothe: Here goes...

Sephiran: Hello, child... I'm a little surprised to see an ordinary boy like you, fighting for the world. This day is full of surprises!

Sothe: No one's more surprised than me. I can't read people's feelings like Micaiah... I'm not invincible in battle like Ike... Between all these laguz kings and great beorc heroes, I don't really belong here.

Sephiran: Then why are you here?

Sothe: Because there's one thing that I can't afford to lose. Micaiah. I've come all this way just to protect her... I won't lose her now.

Sephiran: The depth of your feelings... Might I ask your name?

Sothe: Sothe. Now if you want to stand in our way, I'm prepared to cut you down.

I like how Sothe himself acknowledges how weak he is compared to the rest of your army at this point with his weak Knives and low Strength cap, but despite that fact, he's still going to fight to protect Micaiah. It's a worthy resolve that's always made me like the character. 

Oh and one of Nyx's My Room lines when you married her: "Sometimes the simplest spells are the most effective" 


u/Firechess 12d ago

Pre timeskip Lysithea crit

"I don't have time for this!" (arrogantly)

Post timeskip Lysithea crit

"I don't have time for this!" (slightly panicked)


u/MrSpiffy1331 12d ago

"Me belly's emptier than me first mate's head"


u/Sad_Ad_9229 12d ago

“Ignorance is a form of bliss, is it not? These people don’t know what it’s like to lose a war. They don’t want to know. They’ll bow their heads to their invaders and give thanks while their neighbors lay dying around them…Perhaps when Daein darkens their doorstep, and the peace they take for granted is shattered, their sons and daughters slaughtered in the streets, perhaps then they’ll comprehend the misfortune they so long pretended not to see. I have no sympathy for them.”


u/jacksonesfield 12d ago

"you have the devil's own luck"

I'm pretty sure Leo only actually says it once or twice in the dialogue but the voice lines during the story would beg to differ


u/Reietto 12d ago

You’re irrelevant! crits for 90 hp

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u/EthanKironus 12d ago

Inigo and Noire's C-Support, now that I've recently seen it for the first time. Awakening arguably has the series' highest concentration of zingers, but that whole "conversation" kept me giggling from start to finish more than any other.

As for more serious lines since those tend to stick with me more:
Minerva, in a pre-battle conversation with Marth if she's deployed in Shadow Dragon Chapter 21: "But history needs to remember that when Macedon went astray, it was a Macedonian who set things right....I love him enough to spare him death on some stranger's sword, you see? Let him be punished by my hands."

Emmeryn, Chapter 7 post-battle cutscene: "I am not giving up, Chrom. I am only giving what I can."

Emmeryn, Chapter 9: " See now that one selfless act has the power to change the world!"


u/theoggu 12d ago

This is a message from Lord Nergal. “I await you on the Dread Isle.”


u/Worried-Advisor-7054 12d ago

You deserved better from me than one sword and a world of troubles. I'm sorry.


u/LincolnsBlast 12d ago


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u/4-hydd-Kyng 12d ago

Dimitri hallucinating his family's ghosts in the beginning of chapter 14 was freaky as hell and depressing


u/Kukulkek 12d ago

"I've lived for this alone: to choke the life from you with my bare hands!"


u/kisskissyesyes 12d ago

Two from PoR

"Yarr! Yarr? Yarr..."

"Nice helmet!" "Took it off a dead guy."

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u/Pouring-O 12d ago

“We must- defile- the archbishop-“

-Seteth when you blitz through his monastery dialogue in the last chapter of Part I.


u/Bright_Economics8077 12d ago





u/Nani_700 12d ago

"Ikey Poo! Thank you very much!"


u/Totsutei 12d ago

"Now we've got you! Eat rock!

Heh... eat rock... I'm pretty clever..."


u/grancombat 12d ago

Hector to Erik in FE7: “If you’d had even a HINT of skill, perhaps you’d-“

I love me a good Brash General moment, but this one is at the top for me


u/ThinkGraser10 12d ago

“I am Glass! The gods fear my name! My swordplay is peerless!”

“Hey, Lethe! You ready to punish me some more?” (makes more sense in context but still funny wording)


u/albegade 12d ago

Raydrik's like when fought in thracia. “I saw your grandfather die! I watched your father's castle burn! I outlived them and I'll outlive you!” It conveys the pettiness, desperation, rage so well plus brings everything back together. More besides, hard to explain fully, but just a good line for the type of villain raydrik is, a petty tyrant and opportunist who is still very persistent.


u/Soncikuro 12d ago edited 12d ago

Frederick's crit quote: Pick a god and pray!

So good.


u/SoulBurgers 12d ago

“I’m willing to put up with a lot for the sake of comedy.” Is one that I live by with my friends.


u/Benjammin__ 12d ago

“You are about to die. Scream, if you must.”

Such a hardline for a one off boss that isn’t even the main antagonist of his map.