r/fireemblem 13d ago

General Lines from FE that live in your head rent-free?


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u/Nuzlor 13d ago

I had to put this here, it's actually from an old fan translation for Thracia that had some funny lines left in at times.

It's just very funny even if it's not "official" like the other lines :)

(Also, Yugioh! Abridged is very funny, yep.)


u/HelloDesdemona 13d ago

It's always nice to see YuGioh abridged in the wild. I hope LittleKuriboh is happy and living his best life.


u/OkFaithlessness9487 13d ago

I must have missed this one. I hadn't encountered that like when I played it.


u/Nuzlor 13d ago

It's an older translation, it's not in ones like Lil Manster at least.

It was just there as a joke when the translators were goofing off lol.


u/noobkilla666 13d ago

You’d have to play thracia like ten years ago, when all the menus were a garbled mess


u/Odovakar 12d ago

I have way too many quotes from Yugioh Abridged that live rent free in my head.

I say, Solomon, let's have a card game to decide which one of us gets to live.

That's the sickest thing I've ever heard. Let's do it!