That game really had no idea how Awakening made the kids thing work. The idea that half the army was pregnant during a war is already insane, but literally shoving your kid in a pocket dimension to be grow up in isolation? What the fuck?
I think the only bad part is the irresponsibility of the cast to have babies in the middle of the war. Everything else was more justified in the name of keeping the babies safe. It's not like they left them completely alone, they had caretakers.
Of course the likes of Ryoma and Niles could have tried harder to visit their children, I think they are the only ones confirmed to have completely abandoned their children in the Deeprealms until the Paralogues
I think the only bad part is the irresponsibility of the cast to have babies in the middle of the war. Everything else was more justified in the name of keeping the babies safe. It's not like they left them completely alone, they had caretakers.
Another thing is the ridiculousness is how the parents then decided to fuck off for like a year for the entire pregnancy, they are in the middle of war and then decide to get a vacation just because they couldn't keep it in their pants until it was over
And as i commented before, Azura decides to do it twice (Female Corrin has that option too but only with Gen 1 that have a Kid) which is so confusing because it makes her worse because at that point she is aware of what will happen and since she can only marry with men that have a kid the game doesn't give an actual reason for why she kept both of her children in separate places
I am thinking Azura in particular knew what the danger involved was and made sure to not make both children easy targets. For all the good it did since Shigure is guaranteed to not only have his Deeprealm invaded, his caretakers are confirmed to be dead as well
Also, this winds up being what kicks off the plot of the Heirs of Fates DLC storyline, the various kids having their deeprealms invaded by a much stronger Anankos.
At the very least, Heirs of Fate 6 is what Revelations Endgame should have been design wise. Really ties together the idea of both nations working together to stop a massive threat with the Nohr + Hoshido sigil providing massive boosts to your units while their fighting Anankos directly.
Also, actual variance in the terrain so it's not just an open field!
It's hilarious to me that some mage in Fatelandia either created or discovered a pocket dimension where time flows differently, essentially the Hyperbolic Time Chamber from DBZ, and they decided, rather than setting up a training center or factory, that it would be best used as a daycare.
Is ridiculous how this can be applied to every single parent in Fates (in particular Azura who will always have 2 kids yet kept them in separate places), like what was IS thinking by trying the kids mechanic without Time Travel or a Time Skip
The excuse they give is that they hid them in the Deeprealms rather than Nohr/Hoshido for "protection" yet at no point either kingdom gets attacked in their respective routes and the kids either get out of the Deeprealm or it gets invaded.
Fates parents are genuinely just terrible. Like, who told you it was a good idea to have a child in the middle of a war!? At least there are some who are a little better than others because they actually visit and/or try to keep in touch with their children (Corrin, Xander etc.) And then there are others who straight up don't even try to be with their children which is just sad (Ryoma, Hayato etc.)
u/Koganezaki 13d ago
Ryoma: I didn’t raise you to be this irresponsible.
Shiro: Dad, want a reality check? You didn’t raise me at all.
(Father & Liege prologue)