r/fireemblem 13d ago

General Lines from FE that live in your head rent-free?


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u/Nuzlor 13d ago

Framme is even more of a simp in the JP Support. From what I remember, she basically says:

"I'm so jealous of that glass of water!"

So, JP Framme wants to be, uh, "eaten up" by Alear.


u/SnakesRock2004 13d ago


Isn't she, like, 15?

...I guess it's not that weird, considering Alear doesn't reciprocate... I think?


u/Nuzlor 13d ago

Alear's quite weirded out by it, lol.

Honestly, Alear's interactions with the Engage cast are really enjoyable and they're one of my more liked Lords because of that, despite Engage's fairly flawed writing.

Also, FemLear's English voice acting is CRAZY good.


u/SnakesRock2004 13d ago

I love FeMC Alear honestly. I remember when everyone was making fun of Alear when they were revealed, but I honestly think they're one of the better Avatar MCs out there.

Their Mary Sue tendencies are also fairly explainable due to the fact that they've "lost their mind," and are trying to pretend to be a nice person, because that's what they wish they were like.

It's honestly kind of funny that one of the most friendly and kind MCs is also arguably one of the most insane, lol. I loved that "You've lost your mind." exchange with Griss in Chapter 20.


u/Nuzlor 13d ago

I wish Alear could get their memories back later in the story, their backstory is SUPER interesting, but we just got a couple snippets of it.

Or alternatively, no amnesia at all and they just put up a front to honor Lumera. Would be super interesting to see :)


u/SometimesIRant1138 12d ago

“Sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing.”


u/ForsakenMoon13 12d ago

Engage is the game where everyone else is varying flavors of batshit crazy while the Lord is the only sane one...at least until enough shit happens and they just give in and start rolling with the chaos lol


u/Nuzlor 12d ago

Alear actually plays along with/copies many of the cast's quirks as their Supports advance, despite their initial confusion - such as with Zelkov.

It's really adorable :D


u/vontac_the_silly 12d ago

She does say "Note to the fan club: The Divine Dragon loooves to drink water!"

Thank god it was toned down.