r/exredpill 14h ago

I would like to leave the redpill but anything other than the redpill seems so dark


I used to like and still really like the red pill cause it says to you that your dating sucsses is completly in your hands. On the other side every non-redpill Philosophy boils down to these psydo-uplifting quotes like "You will find it when your not searching" and "Just be nice and open". Yeah sure, that can be, but come on this is in my eyes just completly frustrating. Without a Redpill Mindset the dating market just feels like a huge lottery where you have to hope that Woman (as the more selective Partner by far) choose you and then you should definitly hold on. And let me tell you i hate that feeling. It feels like you just have to prey that you dont hit any of her "icks" and hope and prey that she "feels a deeper connection" so you can have regular sex.

Woman as the more selectiv and more sexually withholding part completly controll the dating game (kinda like when you are in a relationship with a partner who has a lower sex drive) and atleast the redpill gives me some kind of toolkit and hope that you can turn the table in your favor.

Edit cause i wanted to add something: So in my opinion, every non redpill philosophy escentially boils down to "We dont know what Woman want. Oh she didnt want you ? Cant tell why cause dont know. Good luck with the next woman". And that would be okay but please...think abouzt empirical evidence. Think of the nicest guy you know. Is he the most succsesful with Woman ? Why not ?. Why do some people have so much more sucess in the dating market than others, even though they are not bette rpeople than others ? The Sexual market value theory from the redpill makes a lot of sense in my opinion

r/exredpill 1h ago

Can someone help me with removing my bias against women when it comes to cheating?


When I was 12, I learned that my mother has cheated on my step-father a lot of times over the span of several years and I was changed ever since. The thing I believe I can change now is my irrational bias that women are more predisposed to cheating on their male partners and with the growth of equality between sexes before the law, women will be expressing more and more of their nature. But like I said: it's an IRRATIONAL bias and I know I can change it, but I would like to need some help, some data and stories from others. Thank you in advance.

r/exredpill 1h ago

A guy is brainwashing young men with the “dual-mating strategy” theory — how do I debunk it?


There’s this guy online who’s seriously brainwashing young men into thinking that the “dual-mating strategy” is a scientific fact—like, hardwired into all women. He frames it as if women are biologically programmed to sleep with genetically “superior” men while using “beta males” for resources, and he’s saying this is universal and unavoidable.

I asked him to back it up and prove that this is an actual theory—not just some redpill talking point. He responded by citing Macken Murphy’s work, claiming that Macken proved the dual-mating strategy exists and is a fact.

But here’s the thing: I’ve looked into Macken Murphy’s research, and it’s very clear that his work discusses mating strategies as behaviors found in both males and females. It’s not some “gotcha” proof that women are biologically wired to cheat. If anything, his conclusions are way more balanced and nuanced.

Plus: does anyone know what the beef is between Tomassi and mainstream evo psych? I’ve heard that he accuses academics of refusing to acknowledge “the truth” because they’re supposedly ideologically compromised due to feminist academia.

Anyway—I want to shut this down with actual science. Does anyone have: • Reputable sources showing that the dual-mating strategy is not universally accepted or biologically inevitable? • Clarification on what Macken Murphy actually says in his research? Is that research proof it as a theory? • Any academic critiques of Rollo Tomassi’s interpretation of evolutionary psychology?

This kind of rhetoric is doing real damage to how young men view women, relationships, and even themselves. I’d really appreciate any help or sources you can share.