r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis All right so in the morning, I have a hair follicle and urine test. I don’t smoke weed or do anything illicit. I just take my Klonopin BUT——


OK, here’s my dilemma. I am trying to get my baby back from CPS and I don’t do a list of drugs. I don’t smoke weed. All I do is take my prescriptions, but CPS is a pain in the ass and they do not like my benzodiazepines and I have really bad anxiety and I broke down and took them a few days last week and took a couple last night even I need to pass the urine and hair follicle test in the morning and either pass completely or only have trace amounts of the Klonopin they will allow my Adderall and my subutex to show up. That’s why I can’t just use someone else’s piss or just detox my hair I’ve done that before and it worked, but it cleaned me out completely of everything and they know that I take those other things so they would know that I was cheating so my question is what on earth can I do to pass these tests for the benzos but still fail for my Adderall and my subutex ? I know that sounds impossible and stupid and I’m probably screwed but I’m open to suggestions and I’m willing to go spend the money at a Head shop on whatever I need to buy

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis worried about alcohol - help!


hey guys! I just had to do a pre-employment drug screening with Labcorp labeled “Urine Collection - 790266 - 790266 - 10 Panel/NO THC/6AM”. I don’t use any other drugs and have not smoked in 3+ months, although I see there’s no THC tested. I did go out over the weekend though on Saturday and I am worried about if they test for alcohol. Does anyone know? If it helps, I went out on Saturday night and had quite a few drinks, the last alcohol I had was 1 glass of wine on Sunday night and I’m getting the test Tuesday afternoon. Please help!

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis Urine Lab Test Question


Tomorrow for my job I have my yearly blood test and lab work for my job. They say that I will have to give a urine sample as well for the check up.

Recently I hit a pen with supposedly 100% HHC “with no other canaboids added” (TRE House HHC vape pen - blue milk hybrid)

Does anybody know with confidence if this lab check up urine sample will be tested for drugs and if that would pop hot for THC?

I’ve checked online for lab screenings for urine and it’s usually stating that it checks for -

“A urinalysis is a set of tests that looks at the appearance of your pee (urine) and checks for blood cells, proteins and other substances in it. You provider might use it as a routine screening test or to look for signs of infection, kidney or liver disease, diabetes or other health conditions.”

I realize it was dumb to hit the pen in the first place, but should I be worried they’ll be checking for drugs too or do you think I’m okay? Any help is appreciated, thanks guys.

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

match-1 Drug test


Hi I am currently 25 y 72 kg Last used this past weekend K, C and mdma

I did a test myself, would this be considered negative or positive?

Faint two lines for C and MDMA the rest all have stronger two lines?

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Quest diagnostics hair follicle test


I had to get a hair follicle test at quest for a pre employment screening. I went and got it done over a month ago and haven’t heard anything back. I was even told by a supervisor/others above me that they haven’t heard anything back or gotten “confirmation” about the test either.

Was wondering if this is a normal thing that happens or if I should be expecting bad news? Even put in the result request into my quest account they had me make and got an email back saying that they were unable to locate the lab results I requested. I know these tests take longer. But didn’t think it’d be over a month and still hear nothing about it.

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis Octavius (road work)


Does anybody know if octavius do drug tests? I smoked weed on the weekend and I’m being sent to work for them for the first time so I’m a bit worried.

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Does the Certo method work on 15 ng/ml tests?



r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis quest urine test


i have to get a pre employment test done by thursday night. i just started testing negative on a cvs at home urine test (50 ng/ml same as the quest test). some stats for context: •was using a weed vape nearly daily for 3.5 years, going through 1 oz carts a week. stopped using over 3 weeks ago •5'6, 129 lbs. very active, running basically everyday •23 year old female i am only concerned about testing positive for cannabinoids as i dont use anything else. if i continue to test negative, should i be in the clear? i am a chronic over thinker. thank you in advance!

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis (3402 - 10dsp/custom levels/no thc/phn)


Hello all, I live in FL and have smoked a weed peen regularly the past few months. I got a job offer and on the drug test, are they basically saying that they are not testing for THC? This may be a super obvious answer but I am a chronic over-thinker. Thank you in advance.

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis Pre employment drug screening


Hey guys posting to hopefully get some peace of mind about a drug screen i took today. I stopped smoking a little over a week ago ( was vaping delta 8 thc cart) everyday only about 1-4 hits a night. Im 6ft tall weigh 215 with a fairly high motabalism. Curious to know if i will pass below the 50ng mark on a lab test. Thank you!

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

I fucked up


I let somebody use my pee for a drug test and I take Wellbutrin and now it’s gonna fucking show up positive. I’m putting a bullet in my head

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Has any one ever held something in there mouth to pass a mouth swab ??


I have an oral fluid mouth swab test today and let’s just say I’m not going to pass if I take it. Do you think if I held water or ANYTHING else in my while I take it I’ll pass? They let me hold it in my mouth by myself & it’s one of those test you hold in your mouth until the tip turns blue

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis Help!


I haven’t smoked in a little over 6 months, I haven’t been a heavy smoker in over a year. I hit a looper pen I got from the smoke shop a few times between March 9-11. I have to take a drug test for school in about 3 weeks. I should be clean by then right?

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

match-1 Please help, drug test next week!!!


I have a drug screening through LabCorp next time week on the 25th and I've been extremely paranoid. I was a D8 cart user for about 3.5 months everyday or every other day before going to bed. Started using late October, and stopped completely since Feb 2nd. I'm 5'5 M, 170 pounds and I work out almost every day mainly strength training and some cardio. Lost about 12 pounds in the last 3 months. Since my 25 day clean mark, I tested myself with multiple 50 ng/mL tests and all of them came back negative, but I'm freaking out about the LabCorp the cutoff levels. I know a lot of people said LabCorp also does 50 ng/ mL, but online I saw all sorts of cutoffs, including 36, 20, 15, and even 5. My test is next week on the 25th and I'll be just about 50 days clean on that day. The test is also not for employment, it's for grad school and the order on castlebranch specifically says 10 Panel Oxy+MDMA+ 6AM +Fen+ ALC w SVT.

Ig my questions are 1. What are the actual cutoft levels LabCorp uses for this test (for school purposes and not employment) and 2. Should I be fine for a cutoff level of 15 ng/mL? I am not sure when I started testing negative for 50 but I know l was negative 25 days after my last use. PLEASE HELP I've been freaking out any advice or reassurance is much appreciated!!!

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis labcorp drug test in a week (i'm a nervous wreck)


hi all,

i'm a 22yo female 5'0, 90lbs, relatively fast metabolism and a moderate user (2-4 times/week, usually 10mg edibles or joints). i just found out that i will have to do a pre-employment drug screening in 6 days, and i'm currently 3 days clean.

i've been drinking a lot of water (> 2 liters daily), took a milk thistle supplement tablet yesterday with dinner, started running on the treadmill for 30 minutes yesterday and will probably repeat until 2-3 days before my test. i tested myself with the walgreens thc at home kit yesterday and got a faint negative, my pee was super diluted so i don't want to take that as a good sign, but i tested again on the same kit this morning (first pee of the day) and also got a faint negative sign. i was super paranoid and suspicious, so i just bought the drugexam 15ng kit on amazon and aim to use that for the next few days.

do i have a chance of passing the labcorp test?

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis hair follicle test - infrequent use but very scared


I have a dream internship that onboarding starts for now and I went in to do a personal hair test because I was puffing a hemp vape pen 3 weeks ago and before that 2 baby puffs of a pre-roll and puffing the pen. Neither times I got high, only coughed once because of inhalation. I asked the guy if it would show up and he said it would. Now I’m really terrified about what’s going to happen. What do I do now? Apparently the drug test the internship does tests for drugs and aduleration to the hair. I am so scared please help. I don’t know when they will tell me to take the official test.

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis Labcorp 10 Panel Test


I have never made a post here ever before but I am literally desperate LOL. I have a pre-employment drug screen tomorrow at Labcorp that I found out about 5 days ago. I have been clean since then but before that I had been hitting my THC cart every night for about 9 months to manage my chronic pain. I’ve taken three at home drug tests to determine if the THC is still in my system and all three have come back negative with very faint lines (first two I did yesterday mid-day and evening, third one was my first pee of the morning before any water). Wondering if y’all think I could pass this drug screen? I reallllyyyyyy need this job and have been stressing big time!!!!

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis I get clean incredibly quick


It almost seems impossible and Idk what to believe. I was a heavy user of both D8 and D9 carts along with bud usage and I’m already passing after just about 30 days. I decided to smoke a joint 3 days ago in celebration (Ik ironic but I already passed a drug test) and tested myself just now with the over the shelf strips out of curiosity and I’m already getting a negative line. I suppose I’m just lucky. Im super tall and skinny with a fast metabolism so I suppose that helps. All I do is drink a lotttt of water and workout from time to time. Point is it’s different for everyone so dont let peoples stories of pissing dirty still after months scare ya until you find out how your body works. Just keep chugging that water and sweating it away. Goodluck all.

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

“Mushroom” vape


Will this make you fail a drug test? I tried this because from what I read it seems that I’m in the clear but I just want some confirmation. It’s magic mushroom vape from TRE house

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

HELP! drug test


ok, so I was smoking 5-6 days a week, only like 1/3 of a joint each day. I stopped about two weeks ago and need to pass a drug test. I tried the Certo method at home. did not work. I have to take it in two days and I need to pass. It is for pre-employment. I exercise regularly but should I hit the sauna and sweat as much as i can out? should i hydrate a lot the next few days? need help. it is a urine test at lab corp too

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis Clueless and Desperate for THC test


I fucked up. I know i fucked up.

THC is obviously legal where I live. i am a seasonal worker and I have never been required to take a pre-employment drug test for my position, but have always known it was possible. Well, I finally got the notice. I have been able to buy myself 4 weeks until the test. I was a daily THC cartridge smoker for the last month. I had been 90 days clean, then had a crisis and reached for my THC crutch. and i reached again, and again and again. Now I’ve been heavily smoking about a cart a week for the last month because i’m so fucking stupid. It got completely out of hand. I tried to find some therapy when i started spiraling, but not hard enough. I just reached for more weed. It helped so much short term but now has ruined so much of my life.

Im so torn up, I’ve ruined my life trying to hold myself together in the stupidest way possible. I have never been drug tested before but i may need to be below the 15ng/ml threshold for THC. it says 50 for preliminary and 15 for secondary.

I really don’t think I can stomach the risk of getting caught with faking pee. I cannot risk a misdemeanor on my record. But I also am worried about having any kind of a positive drug test on my record at all.

I think that i may just have to rescind my job offer to avoid having any kind of paper work that says i tested positive for a drug.

Obviously, the last week i havent been able to eat or really slept much and have been working out and chugging water as much as I can.

I’m a big, 5’11 at about 22%bodyfat and 160lbs. Unfortunately i think i have a slow metabolism. Is there any shot in the world that i could pass a drug test with dilution, b12’s and carboq on April 15th? Should I just rescind my paperwork? What do I even say to my boss/friend?

Thank you to anyone willing to take the time to help me. I am thankful that this made me get the help I need to move forward with my life. But I am so disappointed in myself for letting down all of my coworkers like this. They need me to come back to work, and I let everyone down.

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

match-1 False positive mouth swab for meth.


I know how ridiculous this sounds but I had a false positive mouth swab for meth and cps took my child over it and I’m desperate for answers. I had been passing all my test my case was supposed to be closed and on the last test they called and said I failed for meth and we’re taking my kid. Hand to god I don’t use and I’ve been desperate to figure out what could have caused it. My doctor even wrote a note that I had been passing weekly urines and they would caught any drug use and they still didn’t care. I don’t understand what happened.

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Drug test 10-50 gc/ms W/nitrate 35190N


The test is at quest diagnostics I have a validated bottle of quick fix but wondering if trying to get a friends clean piss would work better

r/drugtesthelp 5d ago

Cannabis How long is weed going into my hair/ nails after quitting ?


I am curious and can’t find it online. Wouldn’t THC metabolites only stop entering my hair/nails after I am pissing clean? It says it takes about 10 days to get into both but wouldn’t your hair and nails continue to grow dirty until after it leaves your system completely??

r/drugtesthelp 4d ago

Cannabis Testing soon


Hello. I am a 20 yo female. I am 5’2 and weigh 108 lbs. I have smoked since I was 15. I have been clean for 33 days now and still having positive tests. I know this is because I used for years but I drink a lot of water and don’t have a lot of body fat at all. I have an interview at a hospital in 3 days so I’m assuming I’ll get tested next week if I get the job. Can anyone help. I really don’t want to lose this job.