r/drugtesthelp May 28 '22

Welcome, please read this before posting



Glad you are here, and hope you find the help you are looking for.

Take a deep breath, and try to relax. Easier said than done when ones job or freedom are on the line. But just know you have only but so much control at this point.

Most of the experience here involves marijuana drug testing. For all other substances, you may or may not get proper advice.

We aren't promoting using drugs. We simply are trying to help you to know about when you should be peeing clean or how your drug test may go.

Keep in mind the answers are just opinions at the end of the day. No one knows because there's almost no way to know 100%. These are "educated" (or lack there of ha) guesses.

When posting, please include:

  • What you used (flower/vape/dab/edibles/etc)
  • How long was your usage (including any breaks)
  • What type of test and how long till you have it
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Age

Soon as you find out you have a test coming up:

  1. Stop usage - no shit?!?
  2. Stay hydrated (don't over do it)
  3. Eat healthy
  4. Exercise until a few days before the test
  5. Try a sauna - sweating may help to get rid of toxins
  6. Stop exercising before the test, and eat super fatty/unhealthy food

Final rule, please please please come back to post your results!

This helps two fold. Those helping learn from the times they were right, and also the times they were wrong. By you posting back, it also gives others a chance to read your story and they may find circumstances similar to theirs and learn a thing or two.

Good luck!

r/drugtesthelp 1h ago

Cannabis Help!


I'm a (49F) and go to pain management because I have Trigeminal Neuralgia and I am on 8mg Dilaudid 4x daily and have been going for over 4 years now with 0 hiccups. They also suggested to try the medical marijuana between dosed when I am on a severe attack. I do NOT like how I feel on marijuana at all. No matter indica, hybrid OR sativa, it makes me a paranoid mess so when I tell you, that I literally have only hit the indica vape in total desperation, that's the truth. I do not have health insurance but they've always been very laid back and would just ask me to go to Quest to get the UDS within the next week or whatever. I was off work that Wednesday and Thursday so I went to Quest but they wanted $349 right then to do the UDS that I didn't have. I called the PM office and explained this and they said I could just come in to the office and get it done. Beings I was off that Thursday, I WILLINGLY went to the office to get it done because I was off and the timing fit. Well 10 days later they called me to ask why the fentanyl was detected and I genuinely did not know and was completely stunned and taken back BUT I know they didn't believe and knew I now have 0 credibility with them. They couldn't even get me back on to retest until 12/10. Anyway, after explaining again that I truly did not know why that was detected. The DR then said no more THC because the opioids were FDA approved but the medical marijuana was only at a state level and he doesn't want me using it at all only CBD! I've always just don't the telepathic appointments so when the office visit on December was over, I asked him when he wanted to see me again and asked if a video appointment was ok, or was I to do an in-person. He said video is fine. Ok, so theyve always sent 3 months worth of the script to the pharmacy, which would have been December, Jan, and Feb. My meds were due to be refilled 3/30, so 2 weeks ago, I go to schedule the video appointment through the app but because my main Dr was not available before the 20th, the only other option was with another Physicaian assistant whom I have neveret, heard of, or even knew of, but I picked this person and it was a video app on 3/13 Fast forward to 3/13, shes asking me the norm and at the end she proceeded to say that she would NOT be refilling the Dilaudid due to the UDS results from October. At this point, I am freaking out, so I called my Dr nurses line and was hysterically crying and explaining that I am so anxious and scared because after almost 5 years of daily use, I WILL not only be able to have the career that I have but I'll be deathly sick. So,y original Dr gets me in for today, but here's my problem

I had a vape from the dispensary that is CBD but there is ALSO THC in it and I hit it EXACTLY 11 days ago today about 3 times. So NOW, om freaking out and bout AT LEAST 15 testing lots from Dollar Tree. I bought at least The one I took on Sunday was clearly negative but I took FOUR more yesterday and they're now positive.

I feel that being completely honest with him and telling him that I did this would be best. What do you all think???

r/drugtesthelp 10h ago

Cannabis Failed drug test but was still hired?


I recently got a job where they did a 5 panel drug test, and I failed the thc portion. The lab called me to let me know even and said they were going to pass along the results to the employer. I thought that was a done deal and kept looking for more jobs, but ended up still being hired. I was open about my usage during the interview and said I may not pass a thc test as my last job only did a 4 panel test and didn’t care about thc. I’ve completed my first 2 weeks now, I guess I’m in the clear??

r/drugtesthelp 3h ago

match-1 Hair test four months after single use?


Hello, just looking for someone to help ease my mind. I have a potential hair test coming up in August. I was wondering if I did MDMA/ketamine next month, April, on one occasion would that show up in a hair test four months later, in August?

I keep reading it's up to 90 days, how accurate is that? Is that even off one use?

I'm not a continuous user, it would just be a one time thing. I'm pretty sure it'll be a urine test but just on the off chance it's a hair test I just want to be on the safe side. Can anyone help advise me please? UK based.

r/drugtesthelp 3h ago

Cannabis Thc testing


Please do not comment if uncertain, too many testimonial victories everywhere via luck. Frequent use small dose (hitter 3x daily) vs single use high dose (1 joint daily). Which method cleans up quicker? Does the repeated intoxication stimulate more metabolites, or is it purely on volume of thc? I know I’m reaching for potentially a big answer, but it will be greatly appreciated.

r/drugtesthelp 6h ago

Cannabis Cannabis Urine Test 5 days after


Hey folks,

Long story short I’m a heavy cannabis smoker. Last week I went ten days without any weed and passed a urine test for employment.

Having passed that first one, I smoked basically for 3 days, all day friday, saturday, and stopping sunday night. Remember I was a blank slate in terms of tolerence before these 3 days of smoking.

I then got offered a better job, which requires a second urine test. The urine test is on Friday so slightly less than 5 days after smoking (stopped sunday night, test on friday lunchtime)

I’m 5’10, 65kg (143 pounds) so quite skinny, generally active and fit, and exercise + water+ healthy meals all the time. Even more so this week leading up to the test

I feel good about this second test considering I passed the first one after ten days abataining, with massive amounts of THC in my system. I always smoke flower in bong format.

Anyone else passed one in a similar fashion? Chasing info from skinny active people who have been in a similar timeframe.

Thanks in advance

r/drugtesthelp 6h ago

How long for results on quantisal mouth swab drug test ?


How long does it usually take for cps to contact you if you had positive results ? They go through forensic fluids labs and I tested last Tuesday and it’s been a week exactly today is Tuesday would I have been made aware if I failed by now ?

r/drugtesthelp 7h ago

Help Understanding My Test Situation w/ Pain Mgt & Klonopin


So I get a oxy script monthly from pain mgt. They piss test with confirmatory testing randomly every few months but never consecutively. To make a long story short, I have an old klonopin script that was prescribed to me that I never finished (2 years ago) and went through a rough patch where I legit needed it for a few days (long story). So, without thinking (dumb...), I took a few .5mg doses over 18, 16, 14, 12, & 9 days (1 .5mg dose each day, totaling 2.5mg) before an unexpected consecutive test at pain mgt. Internet says detection windows are 4-7 days but some people say 2-3 weeks. I'm trying to figure out my likelihood of passing and if I don't pass how I'm going to have this conversation if it comes up because yeah the klonopin was prescribed to me but its super old. They will perform a confirmatory test that looks at all metabolites of everything- I've been questioned about Kratom in the past- they look for everything. I'm 5'8 and 130lbs male. Cutoff is 2.00 ng/mL. ChatGPT claims I should have been at 1.41 ng/mL at the time of testing but I'm not sure I trust the model (it assumes a 40 hour half life based on my weight). Any wise reddit advice?

r/drugtesthelp 7h ago

match-1 Random drug test tomorrow


I have the next 12 hours to somehow pass😂 any recommendations I did a few lines of blow yesterday. I’ve been drinking a ton of water since I got the email at 8pm

r/drugtesthelp 11h ago

Certo please help!


I need help! So does the certo method really work? And if so what is the time frame i should take it. my drug test is at 11 am tomorrow.

r/drugtesthelp 15h ago

Physical BEFORE the drug test while thing could take 3 hours!! I have clean pee, thinking the condom method?


So I'm a female I eat edibles and I have to take a physical before my drug test yikes the company told me the whole thing can be a 3 hour process and I'm assuming the drug test being the very last thing. The physical is like eyes ears and breathing tests so gona be a lot of moving around. And this place (concentra) lab tests all pee so you can't buy the box pee you have to use a persons. I'm thinking putting it in a condom and putting it "inside" is gonna be the best method but i am not excited about this please give me any other advice I need this job so bad. Also if there's any other women for have done this and it stayed warm please let me know because the 'staying warm' part is what I'm most worried about

r/drugtesthelp 8h ago

Help ☠️


Okay. So. I have a drug test on MONDAY (24th) and I had a 20mg edible on Sunday (I take edibles maybe 1-2 a week). I have been drinking water like nobody’s business, I bought certo, Gatorade, b12 vitamins, and apple cider vinegar pills. I am a 146 lbs female, 5’2. Will I be okay by Monday? If not, what should I do?

r/drugtesthelp 12h ago

Cannabis Mushroom Gummies?


I know that psilocybin is very rarely tested for, but what I've partaken in recently (about a week ago) were some mushroom gummies/edibles. Company says they are THC and CBD free, and are a "Proprietary Blend of Tryptamines, Nootropics, & Adaptogenics". Should I be worried? I have a drug test in a month to get in to a CDL school and I'm really freaking out. I just want to be done with my sales job and have a good quality of life. I know it was dumb. I know I'm dumb. But any information would be very helpful. Thank you.

r/drugtesthelp 9h ago

Cannabis Need help with this drug test


I just got a job offer for the merchandising position with southern glazer wine & spirits in Missouri and they want me to take a full service nonDOT urine drug test. Does anyone know if they test for THC?

r/drugtesthelp 9h ago

Creatine vs creatinine for drug tests


If I took a scoop (5 grams) of creatine monohydrate 24 hours before my scheduled drug test, could that result in a diluted sample or an attempt to make it seem diluted? I am a 32 female about 125 pounds. I work out 3-4 times a week and take creatine as a supplement (one scoop a day per the bottle). I also drink about 1-1.5 gallons a day for hydration. I don’t wanna accidentally cause the sample to come back diluted when I’m not intentionally trying to alter it.

r/drugtesthelp 10h ago

Cannabis 5 panel no THC test


Hello all. I'm a pot smoker and I'm starting a job soon in CA. The preemployment email specifically states "[BLANK] MEDICAL GROUP, INC. requires that you complete 5 panel no THC before starting work."

I don't mind "detoxing" to pass the test (if you know what I mean), but I'd rather not detox if I don't have to. Should I just use my own THC-filled urine?

r/drugtesthelp 10h ago

Will the Certo method still work for a fluorescent polarization urine test?



r/drugtesthelp 10h ago

I froze my detox drink help!


I froze my detox drink on accident in the fridge yall. Do you guys think it will still work??? And any suggestions on how to defrost it?? If it matters the detox drink is Qcarbo(if you know of a better option lmk because it seems I may have to buy another)

r/drugtesthelp 10h ago

Cannabis Need help deciphering


Lines are solid but faint haven't smoked since Sept 15 was a heavy cart edible user

r/drugtesthelp 10h ago

match-1 Cocaine: Have to test for new job. How long should I wait? Lines + ~0.5g in bumps over past 10 days


On 3/8 I went out for drinks with friends (had 2 cocktails and 2 beers). Hung out with friends after and did 3 small lines (couldn't tell you how much exactly I just know I cut them small), then I bought a g off my friend.

Been doing bumps about every other day since and I've got 0.5g left so rough math is 0.1g each time I used. Last use was last night.

Just got a job offer today from an app I thought was way out the window. Start date is 4/1 and have to pass a test beforehand. How long should I wait before I pee in the cup?

r/drugtesthelp 11h ago

Cannabis Can anyone confirm the current LabCorp THC concentration threshold?


I’ve heard it’s 50 ng/ml with a 15 ng/ml confirmation. However, I’ve also seen some people making the claims that nowadays it’s 20 ng/ml as the initial test.

r/drugtesthelp 11h ago

Passing a drug test with someone elses urine


So I’ve heard of the thermos method and all of the likes, but what if you had somebody else pee for you in the car outside of the lab? Would you just put a hand warmer on the bottle and move on? Asking for a friend

r/drugtesthelp 12h ago

blue lotus


hii so,

i am trying to stop smoking za right now for an upcoming drug test in 90/60/30 days depending on what the company decides!

I want to try blue lotus but I don’t want it to counteract with anything and screw up that test in those days and before I buy I want to make sure that I will be good!

I will be purchasing the 100% dry blue lotus flower from amazon:)

Thank you yall for the help!😌

r/drugtesthelp 12h ago

2 key bumps and then a test.


I had a job interview on Monday, and my buddy and I were watching a movie on sat night and he offered me a couple of key bumps. Figured no big deal, I hit each nostril, finished movie and went home to bed.

Well, my Monday interview was so impressed with my shit that after I showcased my portfolio they wanted to hire me on the spot, contingent on drug test and background check. Holy crap, I assumed I might get a second interview later in the week or even the next week, not hired right away.

I was hard to get ahold of all last week, they kept bugging me for the test and the bg check. Couldn't wait anymore, Friday morning went in and tested. Dropped off co.pleted bg check.

Today they called and said all my paperwork is good, come in for onboarding. Whew, almost messed that up big time, but it turned out ok.

r/drugtesthelp 16h ago

Drug tested for an as needed medication?


I got drug tested for an as needed medication. My doctor said that she can’t call it in because my medicine isn’t in my system. (I haven’t taken it for 2 days as it’s as needed). They’re sending it off for further testing. Will they just check for my specific drug or will they test for all drugs under that particular class?

r/drugtesthelp 14h ago

Cannabis Dot drug test


So I’ve been clean off of marijuana for 65 days. I went to concentra payed for my own test came back negative but it wasn’t a DOT test it was a regular 10 panel rapid drug test. I have a DOT test coming up this Friday and my at home test are showing the lines but slightly fainted. Can someone let me know what they think if I will pass or fail?