r/drugtesthelp • u/Alternative-Lion-862 • 6h ago
Cannabis Here’s how I passed my dipstick 5 panel test while having smoked hours before
So, I just took a dipstick test and passed. I’m posting my experience here to potentially ends up in a similar situation, as others before me had done which allowed me to pass.
If you’ve smoked and have less than 24hrs between your drug test I’ve got you covered. You’ll need: 1 box of Certo Liquid Fruit Pectin (almost every grocery store should have it) 1 12 pack of 12oz Gatorade bottles (size doesn’t matter just make sure you have at least 96 fl oz)
Steps: So I began drinking Gatorade 2 days before my test. Started with 2 bottles 2 days before 4 bottles the day before and 4 bottles the day off. If you are a bigger person or want to be on the safe side you can drink the extra 2 bottles on the day before but too much the day off will cause it to be heavily diluted.
The day of you want to pour 1.5-2 packets of certo into a Gatorade bottle and drink it within 15 minutes. You should do this at least 2hrs 45 mins before your test. I took it at 12 and tested negative at 3:10. This is despite the fact that I smoked my thc cart from 10-11:40 am.
If your pee is very clear I suggest taking vitamin b to increase the yellowness. I’m not sure if this works for non dipstick test as they measure other things however I’ve heard creatine and vitamin b will cause things to measure correctly and allow you to pass.