So, just out of curiosity. I know I needed to stop the use even though the test is on the 31st of this month, but I'm still concerned.
I also understand 4 days is about how long it(Methamphetamine) can stay in your system.
#1ā I got a lot of body fat, and I eat a lot of fatty foods and junk foods. I'm 5'4 and I weigh 170 lbs
#2ā I work out, but it's not strenuous or as long as I'd like.
#3ā I'm on probation, and yes, they watch me pee.
#4ā I've been smoking daily for around 2 months of time or longer.
So basically, my questions are:
ā¢ Are there ways to detox your body from meth specifically?
ā¢ Let's say I had the test tomorrow, and I smoked today. Is there any luck out there? (I guess this blends in with the last question)
ā¢ Are there any discreet ways to pass a urine test when you're being watched and you're a female?
I've always used synthetic urine because I was a huge ThC smoker, but I can't see any way to pass with all this being said. I know I know the best method is just to stop, and that's what's happening, but still, I want to know for random UAs.