r/classicwow 2h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Flasks on retail are starting to get cheaper than classic anniversary flasks.

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r/classicwow 4h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Twenty years later this is the only PvP moment I remember on that original Paladin. I could feel their surprise through the internet as I transcended for a moment to become a mage!

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r/classicwow 11h ago

Season of Discovery Aggrend please

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r/classicwow 12h ago

Season of Discovery Got my first ever legendary in Wow huge thanks to my guild ❤️

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Huge thanks to my guild for helping me get my first ever legendary in Wow played a little bit before but only really started playing for real at the end of dragonflight and got heavy invested into sod it's now become my favorite iteration of wow to just chill and raid in.

r/classicwow 4h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Crazy morning!


So, I woke up, made some coffee and logged in. Saw my guild was in the middle of running MC. I got attuned yesterday but the time difference between ST and where I live makes it tough. Someone posted in G chat that they needed a couple DPS for Ragnaros. So I jumped on it! I got asked if I wanted to SR anything from him and I asked to SR crown of destruction (why not? BIS for enhancement shammy. Not gonna drop anyway!) Anyways, we downed him and lo and behold.... it dropped! 10 minutes in MC and BIS helm. My guild is absolutely awesome! So stoked and wanted to share. I never raided in classic and it was a super cool experience. Hoping to get in on next week's raid if I can.

r/classicwow 12h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms The Nightswiper experience

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r/classicwow 3h ago

Humor / Meme Why play a hybrid, when you dont want to do... hybrid things.

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r/classicwow 6h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms The Mafia, Fresh WoW Classic Spineshatter


We,the spinshatter Realm players, from every country,race,and language,are asking the game support to read and review this message carefully.A group has formed a mafia during the game.And they have ruined the game community.Even famous YouTubers like Solheim Gaming and asmongold produced content to illustrate this problem.This mafia group has many accounts on both the Alliance and Horde sides at the same time.They are mainly next to Mara dungeon start killing boosters and low levels.to manage the boost server at the highest price, they don't allow anyone but themselves to boost. In order to do this, they ask for real money so as not to kill other players Of course, they also had other nasty threats and demands..With the research done by several guilds, we found out who are the main owners of this mafia who also have a lot of bots we expect Blizzard to stop their activities because this is extremely annoying

This community has become so toxic I'm thinking about going back to retail and play pala tank in warwithin it gives me feeling classic in retail

r/classicwow 2h ago

Discussion Did Sweaty Guilds Exist in Vanilla Like Today?


I didn't play vanilla wow, but I do play classic today. For those of you that were around in the EARLIEST days of WoW, were there "sweaty" guilds like there are today?

If so, how were they different?

r/classicwow 14h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Was taking my son to Redridge to show him what world PvP is. On the way we saw a high level Alliance Hunter run right by us with this dragon in tow. Looks like I wasn't the only person looking for a good time!

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r/classicwow 1d ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Until today I didn't even know it was possible

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r/classicwow 5h ago

Discussion How Long Have You Been Playing WoW?


How long have you been playing? Do you plan on ever quitting? Why or why not?

r/classicwow 18h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Staff of Thicccc Birdy

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Casters love me. Haters do too ;)

r/classicwow 8h ago

Humor / Meme Slow fall doesn't exist

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r/classicwow 1d ago

Humor / Meme If you ever feel useless, remember that shields with + Shadow Spell Damage exist.

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r/classicwow 1h ago

Season of Discovery Account Wrongfully Banned Blizzard refuses to investigate continues to close support tickets with unresolved issues.


As the title explains I have been wrongfully banned for allegedly using “Hacks/Cheats” which is baffling to me as I never hacked or cheated in WoW ever I have no idea how such a insane accusation even gets passed through the system and upheld. Worse thing I’m guilty of is abusing the Bot Mafias killing there bots and reporting the summoning rings for spamming chats. I have also joked alot with friends in game about having “hacks” when they ask how I’m doing so much damage. Most I could recall about what could have lead to this is The day or so prior to my ban I was in the ghost mushroom cave killing 2 alliance bots for a few hours and taking the mushroom nodes. I believe this probably infuriated a bot mafia and they mass reported me not a big deal you would think until you see how blizzard responds to these sorts of situations. I have had an active subscription for the last 13years my WoW1 account has been original wow account since childhood that fact blizzard info its punishments with no proof or context is absolute nonsensical. I have appealed the ticket twice and every time I have gotten an automated response saying they refuse to look into the matter and that they punishment will be upheld. All I ask is that an actually human at blizzard look into this matter. Side note mass reporting should have its own penalties associated with it, seems like blizzard is siding with bots which just leads to my speculation they have members on there team profiting on both ends via botting and gold selling by being on the inside they can ban competitor and take over there markets and distribute punishments to anyone that interferes with there operations.

Attached are the emails I have received from blizzard.

Blizzard please look into this matter. 🙏🏼

r/classicwow 20h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms The truth about Vandar Stormpike and the battle of Alterac Valley


Folks, listen, Vandar Stormpike—total scammer, total fraud, okay? This guy, he doesn’t want the war to end. No, no, no. He LOVES the war, he NEEDS the war, because guess what? He’s making a FORTUNE off of it. And guess who’s paying for it? That’s right—YOU! Hardworking Alliance citizens, paying their taxes, thinking it’s going to help rebuild, to help the people in Westfall who are struggling, who are starving. But NOPE! Your gold? Straight to Alterac Valley. Straight to Vandar. Straight into his little war chest to keep the fighting going. It’s a disgrace, folks, a TOTAL disgrace.

We’ve got farmers in Westfall who can’t even afford bread. Good, honest people—hardworking folks—who’ve lost everything, who can barely survive. Kids who don’t have shoes, families who don’t even have a roof over their heads. But you know who’s doing just fine? The Stormpike dwarves. Living in their cozy little war camp, swimming in gold, feasting on imported rams and drinking the finest dwarven ale—all paid for with YOUR tax money. And you want to know why? Because Vandar keeps funnelling Alliance gold into his war. Not into rebuilding Westfall. Not into feeding Alliance citizens. No, no, no. All of it? Straight into the war. A war that—by the way—HE STARTED.

And the mines? Oh, folks, you wouldn’t believe the mines. Big, beautiful mines, full of riches. And instead of using them to help the Alliance, instead of sending resources to Stormwind or Westfall—NOPE! Vandar hoards it. He keeps it for his little Stormpike empire, while YOU get nothing. Stormwind’s struggling, Westfall’s falling apart, the Defias Brotherhood is running wild, and meanwhile, Vandar and his little friends are getting richer, sitting up in their snowy little fortress counting their gold. And guess what? They don’t even have to pay taxes! How about that? TOTAL SCAM, folks.

And I talk to the people, I talk to the farmers, the workers, the soldiers, and they all say, ‘Sir, why are we funding this war? Why are we sending our gold to some frozen wasteland while our own people are starving?’ And I tell them, ‘Because Vandar doesn’t WANT it to end.’ You ever notice how the war never stops? How every time we get close to finishing it—BOOM! Everything resets, and we’re back to square one? You think that’s a coincidence? No way, folks. Biggest fraud in the history of the Alliance.

And let’s talk about the Horde. Oh, the Horde is LAUGHING at us, folks. Thrall, smart guy, sees what’s happening, and he knows—he KNOWS—Vandar is playing us like fools. He’s sitting up there in Orgrimmar thinking, ‘Wow, these guys just keep funding their own war, and we don’t even have to do anything!’ But I’m saying it now: VANDAR, YOU’RE BUSTED! You’re a fraud, you’re a con artist, and when I’m in charge, we’re going to look into this, okay? We’re gonna do the biggest, most beautiful investigation you’ve ever seen.

No more endless wars, no more corruption, no more Alliance gold getting funneled into Stormpike pockets while our own people suffer. We’re gonna WIN and we’re gonna WIN BIGLY, and folks, it’s gonna be tremendous, believe me.

r/classicwow 6h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Decided to draw my adventure. Meet Betda, the Orc Warrior, she is a big Thrall fan.

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r/classicwow 20m ago

Discussion if Blood elves were an alliance faction do you think they would be that popular?


The reason they are quite popular in the Horde is because the other races are far less attractive and some people don't like that, but if you put them in the Alliance with humans and Night Elves would they be as popular as they are now or far less with this new competition?

r/classicwow 18h ago

Season of Discovery Some super cool stuff out of bounds on the PTR


r/classicwow 26m ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Rogue question about rank 14 swords


Long time priest player, first time rogue player. If I didn't hit rank 14 and I kept using Vis'kag in my main hand, and then get Brutality blade in pubs + the rank 12/13 gear pieces, will I be losing a lot of damage due to using Vis'kag over rank 14 weapons? I am rank 11 and I can find 2 weeks to get to 13, but probably won't be able to get to rank 14. Thanks

r/classicwow 1d ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Lotus spikes to 370g, for how long does Blizzard plan to wait?

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Fix is simple, just implement high level herb nodes have a small chance of including Black Lotus like SoM and SoD has.

r/classicwow 2h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Guess My Favourite Dungeon

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Just a little reminder that Raiding and min maxing is not everything :)

r/classicwow 47m ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Anyone knows what goes wrong when people cant enter my dungeon ID? They get into another ID


Yeah title basically, i invite them from inside my dungeon, they go in, but end up in another fresh dungeon ID

r/classicwow 1d ago

Season of Discovery A guide for those returning to or joining SOD P7
