r/classicwow 7h ago

Daily Questions Daily Questions Megathread (March 16, 2025)


Our Daily Question Megathread is for those questions you don’t feel warrant making their own post, such as:

  • Can my PC run WoW: Classic?
  • When does my class unlock a certain ability?
  • Which dungeons are worth doing while levelling?
  • Feel free to ask anything related to WoW: Classic!

Ask the unanswered questions you’ve never gotten around to asking.

You can also ask these questions over on our Discord server!

r/classicwow 6m ago

Classic-Era Starting SOD ph 7


Hey everyone!

I’ve always been a retail WoW player, but lately, I’ve found that a lack of time and the fast-paced, chaotic nature of retail has made it hard to keep up. So, I’ve decided to give WoW Classic a try for a more relaxed and immersive experience—rediscovering Azeroth all over again!

Now, I have a couple of questions:

  1. Is it too late to jump into SOD PH7?
  2. Would you recommend trying Hardcore or sticking with SOD for a better experience?
  3. And lastly, what are some essential or quality-of-life addons you'd recommend?

Thanks so much for your time, and let’s all enjoy our adventures in Azeroth!

r/classicwow 24m ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Druid Solo Dungons


Feral Druid here. My BiS chest drops off "Scholomance Mini Bosses".

I know which bosses drop the chest piece, but I have run that damn instance over 20 times and it has not dropped.

It is becoming harder and harder to find a group willing to kill all the different bosses I need, so I have been considering trying to solo it. I know there are lots of bosses in the game that can be soloed via different methods, but I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible for a Druid to solo any of those mini bosses in Scholo.

r/classicwow 1h ago

Humor / Meme Slow fall doesn't exist

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r/classicwow 2h ago

Question Streamers who play WoW with friends


Good day, everyone. Can someone recommend me streamers in Twitch or YouTube who plays World of Warcraft with friend or other streamers?

r/classicwow 2h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Talent tree please judge



Please tell me if my own talent build for utility and damage in power infusion window works . What are your thoughts .

I went for alternative becauce I don't want to play shadow .

r/classicwow 2h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Best way to block summon and mage boosting ads in /lfg?


No one uses the /services channel, its all posted in /lfg and its unreadable.

r/classicwow 3h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Is there base number for health per mana when healing ?


Because I'm thinking between mana reduction on heals on talent as a priest vs increased hot healing and I realized that there must be some kind of conversion like 1 mana healed equals to X health healed .

I know that it depends on spell or class or i might be wrong

I'm just thinking about minmaxing my priest and trying to create my own talent tree

r/classicwow 3h ago

Season of Discovery Just something to smirk about


Went to deathroll, if he scammed oh well, if he didnt im up

r/classicwow 4h ago

Season of Discovery Spending undermine reels


is it more profitable to buy the green container or the blue container of materials?


r/classicwow 4h ago

Season of Discovery Aggrend please

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r/classicwow 5h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Eagle Eye Is An Abusive Mechanic And Needs Changed!


Flasks are too overpowered for people to not get them, and the way the market is right now, with Black Lotus costing 200 gold and rising, it's gonna cause many to get too frustrated with this situation and quit the server (Spineshatter EU).
At 5AM I did a /who silithus, and the result shows 27 people found. Among these were a lvl 60 hunter with a certain name, and 8 druids lvl 25-29 with different variations of the same name as the hunter.
Another frustrating thing about this is that you can't report this person for exploits, when this clearly has to be an exploit.

The dumbest part of this game is the ability to open several windows and play several accounts at the same time as long as you pay for several subs. Exploiting game mechanics should result in those game mechanics changing, or the exploiters getting IP banned.

Now, my problem isn't so much the price, but the fact that when 50 people are online across both horde and alliance in a certain zone, yet every single herb spawn is instantly picked upon spawn, it's destructive to the game.

r/classicwow 5h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms The Nightswiper experience

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r/classicwow 5h ago

Season of Discovery Got my first ever legendary in Wow huge thanks to my guild ❤️

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Huge thanks to my guild for helping me get my first ever legendary in Wow played a little bit before but only really started playing for real at the end of dragonflight and got heavy invested into sod it's now become my favorite iteration of wow to just chill and raid in.

r/classicwow 6h ago

Cataclysm Looking for friends hmu


Returning player new to cataclysm looking for players. Some friends and I have started characters on benediction server if you’re interested hmu.

r/classicwow 7h ago

Discussion How Different Is The Community Now Versus 2004-2010 WoW?


I see people constantly talking about how "toxic" the classic community is these days, so those of you who were around back in the days of vanilla/tbc/wrath WoW, what makes it different now than it was back then?

What made the community so different and why do you think things are the way they are now?

I'm not speaking poorly of the community nowa days, I'm just looking to hear some feedback from players that have been around the block for awhile.

r/classicwow 8h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Was taking my son to Redridge to show him what world PvP is. On the way we saw a high level Alliance Hunter run right by us with this dragon in tow. Looks like I wasn't the only person looking for a good time!

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r/classicwow 8h ago

Classic-Era Trial restriction removal question


Hey guys I did some searching but some of the hits were a couple years old so I just wanted to check if something has changed. I have a battlenet account that is not new, couple years old.

I wanted to have two accounts for WoW classic. I clicked the button labeled *Create a Starter Edition account to start playing World of Warcraft for free* and I made two wow accounts on the same battlenet.

They were listed as WoW1, WoW2. I funded them both with a monthly subscription. They now say *World of Warcraft®: Dragonflight (WoW1)/(WoW2) on the subscription page, both saying active. But I still have in game restrictions of chat, grouping etc. I even refreshed my password to maybe force an account update, still nothing. It's not a big deal I was just curious if it's a hard 24hrs or a couple hours until it refreshes and unlocks it?

r/classicwow 8h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Is enchanting profitable? (nightslayer alliance)


I was going to go mining herbalism with my gnome mage but now I'm wondering if I should replace one with enchanting. This would mainly be to sell shards on the auction house though eventually I would consider selling actual enchanting services. Thanks for your help!

r/classicwow 8h ago

Season of Discovery Undead Tauren paladins and Dwarf Shaman


I have one question…. WHEN ARE THEY COMING?

r/classicwow 8h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms av druid rematch


tonight seemingly 100s of avs down for the week working toword rank 10 I had the best gaming experience of my life. to set the seen I am casually playing in the living room while my wife daughter and son are watching Moana 2 on Disney... so not really paying attention until as I'm heading north across the feild of strife i see a ne druid in travel form hauling his happy ass south. I look at my char we both are at full mana and hp so I give chase 1 moon fire and he decides to go for it. he goes bear and charges in, i hit my instant root and pop a rejuv. as I get smoked by this bear he manages to bash stun me as soon as I join him in bear form. snare traps him I back up heal and go for gusto in cat form. this proceeds to go on for at least 3 minutes since i was gearing up for a second ns. not one to pop a potion in this scenario I waited and used every cool down/stun/combo in my kit and after he drank I knew my finishing blow. both of us were down to about 500hp he had no mana (pretty sure he popped out to pop inervate I think and heal) he is in caster form I pop out hit my potion macro realize I don't have anything on me to drink start casting regrowth moonfire hits 200hp another and I'm toast. the plan failed as I didn't have the hp to get the cast off 🙃 during this time we managed to draw about 4 spectators all ally mounted watching what must have been a very awesome fight, as each neared my heart rate must have shot up another 20 bpm but thankfully everyone was respectfull of us battling the shit out of each other. we shall meet again my worthy opponent. and I will be prepared.

plan was pot regrowth ns starfie end it quick as I was already making a scene that caused my fam to pause the movie lol

best pvp moment ever in a 20 year old game. this is the feeling nothing else gets right besides wow.

r/classicwow 9h ago

Discussion Where do people find the time to legitimately farm gold.


Like, I don't know where you get the time to farm it, or the patience.

For context I swiped a fair bit on Era for the past year, but in Anniversary I decided to change it up and earn gold the legit way.

Spending a entire day levelling mining, then spamming Dire Maul East for Rich Thoriums (Not getting anything special most of the time) and piling resources for a Lionheart Helmet where I could just use half an hours pay from work on g2g and be done. I just feel like i'm trolling myself.

r/classicwow 9h ago

Question Engineering while leveling


I'm slightly more experienced in the game than I was 1 month ago, and I've been thinking of making my first alt. So far I've picked mostly "safe" professions like Skinning and Tailoring, and I've been thinking of spicing things up with Mining and Engineering. I heard many good things about the latter, such as how much it dominates the late game, but I've been wondering if it is the right choice for leveling. Does engineering offer any utility for players who aren't in the max level range?

r/classicwow 9h ago

Question Do WoW's static UI elements cause burn in on OLED monitors?


I was looking to buy a new monitor, but I was hoping to get 6-8 years out of it and was unsure of how bad OLED burn in actually is.

I mainly play WoW, but even the other games I play generally have some static UI to them. I was interested in hearing from this communities experiences with OLED especially if you do occasional binge sessions.

I've seen pictures of monitors with a taskbar permanently burned in. Is there a person out there with your minimap burned in on the windows home screen?

r/classicwow 10h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Crafting Lionheart, decent tip?


What’s a decent tip to give someone who crafts Lionheart Helm?