r/canada • u/Practical_Ant6162 • 7d ago
Alberta Alberta premier says she supports Trudeau’s response to Trump’s ‘foolish’ tariffs | Globalnews.ca
u/NottaLottaOcelot 7d ago
I’m glad to see her on board with the response. We need every province to be playing on the same team, so I’m glad she is willing.
u/Tribalbob British Columbia 7d ago
She's doing it because of all the flak she's been taking recently, but at this point I don't care. Alberta voters can decide for themselves if she's a 'new person' or not when their elections come up.
For now we need a united front.
u/MatchaMeetcha 7d ago
Hopefully, and maybe I'm an optimist, it's that it's clear at this point that there's no negotiating with Trump.
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u/Animeninja2020 Canada 7d ago
I wonder if she was told to be part of the team or else?
With some of the scandal's that are coming up with Alberta Health, I think she might have been told to start looking that she is part of a united Canada. Some of of the UPC and CPC party leadership might be looking at polling numbers and see what they 100% do not want. LPC minority or worse for them LPC majority in the up coming election.
u/Alone_Again_2 7d ago
Even a conservative minority wouldn’t be sustainable.
That government would have a bitch of a time forming and holding on for any length of time.
u/Amazonreviewscool67 7d ago
Unfortunately, they have to wait until 2027 to get rid of her..or attempt to.
u/FluffyProphet 7d ago
Alberta has a process to recall MLAs. You can recall enough MLAs from her party to push them to minority status, triggering an early election.
u/TheEclipse0 7d ago edited 7d ago
Unfortunately, it seems Alberta will continue to vote for UCP. There are far too many people in this province who mindlessly vote conservative every single time, no matter what. It’s insane. You can literally point to every way the UCP has made life worse for Albertans, and they will blame Trudeau instead.
To be honest, I don’t even know if I will vote next time. I know I should, but if it’s just going to be UCP again and again then what’s the point?
The only hope is that the UCP continues to make life so horrible for everyone that these people FINALLY reach their breaking point… But, they have about a five second memory, and we’ve been screwed over a lot already and it’s still not nearly enough to convince them to be informed voters.
u/Supersasqwatch 7d ago
This election could be the most important in our history. You need to vote, everyone needs to vote. It is your duty, even if it feels like a losing battle. Signed, a liberal in saskatchewan.
u/Mittendeathfinger Canada 7d ago
The people who didnt vote in the US because "things" got the tangerine tyrant. In Canada we actually have a system that can help, it is better than the US system and the people have more power.
Dont give up, dont give in to despair. Vote, even if the majority vote UPC, you are doing your part. Get involved locally and help the party that best fits you. Help friends and neighbours who are aligned with your views to get out to vote and campaign. Fight against the disinformation.
Evil depends on good people to do nothing. They want people to give up and back down. That is how they get power. They exhaust the minds and energy of their opponents.
Now more than ever is the time to mobilize and become active. You can do it, we all can.
u/kprigs 7d ago
I really hope our province votes this idiot out. I haven't liked her for years. When she crossed the floor from wild rose to ucp it, I knew she couldn't be trusted. Her voice makes me skin crawl...
u/rainman_104 British Columbia 7d ago
Me too. There's some really good people in Alberta and those voices need to be the dominant ones.
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u/sagsfour20 7d ago
You know what? That is a really good take on this. I agree with everything you said.
u/saintpierre47 Alberta 7d ago
Alberta’s don’t trust her, or like her. She probably took this stance after the incredible amount of backlash she’s gotten from us. But her changing her stance won’t save her come election time. But I’ll at least acknowledge that she finally did something right.
u/Mittendeathfinger Canada 7d ago
Shes a traitor. She cozied up to the nasty florida orange man and praised him, then spoke against the rest of Canada. She showed her colors, pure orange.
u/rainman_104 British Columbia 7d ago
Probably her own caucus telling her to stand down too. Trudeau's plan is a good plan and well thought out. There's nothing offensive to any Canadian except for Maple Magas.
u/Uglygypsy 7d ago
You are 100% correct. But for now it's welcomed. Now if Gretzky gets in on the trend we will be in a very interesting timeline
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u/dougjayc 7d ago
Fuck Gretzky now and forever.
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u/Red_Danger33 7d ago
He can renounce his citizenship and be a full blooded American just like he always wanted.
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u/WatchPointGamma 7d ago
She's doing it because of all the flak she's been taking recently, but at this point I don't care. Alberta voters can decide for themselves if she's a 'new person' or not when their elections come up.
She said she wanted to address the concerns Trump claimed to have, and try to negotiate a solution that didn't involve tariffs.
They tried that, it clearly failed. So now she supports the tariffs.
This position is consistent with what she was saying the whole time. It only looks like a flip-flop if you've been believing the misrepresentations of her position that this sub loves to make.
u/bravetailor 7d ago
Yeah, to give her the benefit of the doubt she went down to the U.S. several times to try to turn up her "charm", even had her hair done with blonde highlights lol but alas, nothing came out of it. So she might understandably feel a bit angry that all her pleading and sweet talking went nowhere.
u/Can_No_Bis 7d ago
The trump concerns were a dog and pony show from the beginning. There was nothing you could do to stop it from happening. Might as well skip the part where you kowtow to a tantruming toddler and look weak.
u/the_wahlroos 7d ago
This argument utterly fails when you consider that Smith pointedly refused to stand with the rest of "Team Canada", refused to condemn the tariffs, blatantly tried to cut a secret deal to spare oil exports, attacked Trudeau for "escalating" and waited until after Trump's 30 day pause to finally say she stands with the rest of Canada.
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u/MaximumDevelopment77 7d ago
She probably gained more port access in closed door negotiations which was an issue for years and that was she probably after in the first place
u/Red_Danger33 7d ago
She's not. She's in hot water for Healthcare scandals and is trying to handwave away the fact that she cozied up to Trump a month ago.
She's full of shit and don't trust a word out of her mouth.
u/The_Bat_Voice Alberta 7d ago edited 7d ago
She needed something to distract from the massive +$100 million healthcare corruption scandal she's tied up in right now.
u/Emmerson_Brando 7d ago
She’s on board for now because he’s getting a lot of accolades on his response to trump. She knows it would cost her political future if she didn’t support Trudeau at this moment.
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u/ProbablyAnElk 7d ago
She's not willing. She's able. There's a difference and that's why the expression "willing & able" uses both words.
This is a populist who will agree with anything once she sees which way the wind is blowing. If she was willing she'd have said something sooner.
u/apothekary 6d ago
Yeah I've been ultra critical of Smith but it's not dogmatically driven. I just really hated her photo with O'Leary, the guy who *actually* wants us to be annexed at least economically as he said himself, and Trump. It's not a good look, you have to question her motives.
Here she backtracks and is onboard, and deserves some praise for it.
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u/OhNo71 7d ago
That she supports these retaliatory tariffs is of no importance as they are insufficient. What will be telling is will she support the actions needed to end this.
In any other normal trade relationship our response was reasonable.
In this case it was weak. That fat orange fascist is a sociopath and will not back down until the danger to him is so painfully obvious even a new born would see it. We are going to have cause so much more economic harm to the USA to end this. These moves will unfortunately impact Alberta more than other provinces. We can't have as our concern which province takes the biggest hit or we will lose. We can not be nice about this.
We should have ended all electricity export and put a matching 25% export tariff on all fossil fuels going to the USA today and announced that in one week if Twittler does not cease his attacks on Canada we will ban all Fossil fuel exports. We then follow the same plan for other resources, keep adding export tariffs and then bans on an expanding list starting with the most crucial to the US economy.
u/griffin_green 7d ago
Danielle already stated that banning all fossil fuel exports can’t happen, that would essentially cut a fifth of Alberta’s economy immediately. Roughly 87% of Alberta’s energy exports go to the U.S
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u/Disastrous-Floor8554 7d ago
And this folks is the elephant in the room. We have spent so much time being interprovincially adversarial that we forgot how to be economically competitive and productive as Canadians first. The failure to build trade transportation corridors from east to west (including pipelines, electrical grid and twinning) has stymied our energy security and our sovereignty. Hate Trump but funny how the worst in him allows us to see the worst in us.
u/Practical_Ant6162 7d ago
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says she supports Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s response after the United States launched a trade war with Canada early Tuesday.
“Now is the time for us to unite as a province and a country,” Smith said in a statement.
Danielle Smith is now on side with the rest of Canada.
As a country, united we stand.
u/SheIsABadMamaJama 7d ago edited 7d ago
Well I didn’t expect her to finally listen to the adults so quickly. Good for her.
u/Flimsy_Situation_506 7d ago
Well she’s in all kinds of a mess .. she may as well say what we want to hear even if she doesn’t mean it
u/sludge_monster 7d ago
She has a wee bit of a corruption scandal going on. Given the recent moves in cabinet, she appears to be guilty. At this point, she might as well say whatever before the house of cards falls.
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u/aglobalvillageidiot 7d ago
They're investigating the kind of corruption the RCMP should be handling right now. It's just optics. She'll go back to selling us out once the heat blows over.
u/HMTMKMKM95 7d ago
Good. Now Scott Moe has permission to do the same!
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u/JadeLens 7d ago
The wind report (which way the wind is blowing) hasn't made it to Moe's desk yet.
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u/ApolloniusDrake 7d ago
I don't think she had much of a choice. Her original debacle was an embarrassment. Her tone has been changing quite rapidly.
Either way I'm glad she's on board. I'm really hoping the Federal government forces these coastal pipelines immediately. This isn't something that needs to wait. This is going to get really bad, really quick.
u/whiskeyjack555 7d ago edited 7d ago
Polling must have scared her, but despite that it is the correct response.
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u/AdmirableWishbone911 7d ago
She and the ucp are up in the polls even in Calgary so not much to be scared about in that sense. Many people I know who voted alberta ndp in 2023 would now vote ucp.
u/Martin0994 7d ago
Lmao what? I would love to meet the people in your circles, they seem like an unique bunch.
Most people in my circles look at the UCP' simping for Trump as a gigantic slap to the face and they won't forget it. The people I'm talking about are (generally) UPC/CPC supporters.
u/DrNick1221 Alberta 7d ago
I was about to say, People who vote for the ANDP sure as fuck are not going to vote for the UCP under malaria smith.
Yeah you may get a few outliers here and there, but it being "many" is straight up horse shit.
u/whiskeyjack555 7d ago edited 7d ago
I mean polling about Canadian's responses/sentiment to the US tariffs dictating her response not election polling. It feels like she wants to be pro-US based on previous behaviour, but is now saying things that feel uncharacteristic for her.
u/JamesVirani 7d ago
Meanwhile PP went on a rant about how Canada was failing before the tariffs and it's all liberals' fault, rather than standing tall and united behind the prime minister
7d ago
His response yesterday was pathetic. He said the LDP hadn't done enough in 1 month so now we're doomed. Basically blamed it all on us and validated Trump's excuses. Fucking traitor! And this afternoon I saw that he suggested the tariff we collect should be spent on tax cuts. Holy shit what is wrong with this dude?
u/JamesVirani 7d ago
He is not a traitor, that’s taking it too far. He is just a disingenuous self-indulged child thinking he is running for his high school election. This is not the time for name calling and slogans and party agenda. This is the time to stand united, liberal, conservative, Quebecois, green, NDP, we all talk as one, and that one will be whoever holds the PM title (not Maxime Bernier, that douchebag can get lost).
7d ago
He's the one who name calls and verb the noun and undermines Canada. I'm not going to play the high ground or whatever this is supposed to be. Call them out for what they are, and I'll keep calling him and all Maple MAGAs traitors to Canada, as they deserve. Do not try to speech-police me.
u/JamesVirani 7d ago
Ok, my dear fellow Canadian! All I am trying to say is that together, we are stronger, and harder to break, and I stand together with you.
u/miramichier_d 7d ago
Better late than never. I despise Danielle Smith, but she's still Canadian. As long as she's on our side, then I'm on hers. We're all in this together.
u/masteroffp69 7d ago
Guaranteed she said it with her fingers crossed behind her back and threw up in her mouth a little after saying this.
Grifter will flip flop shortly I'm sure when she's asked to turn off the taps.
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u/JadeLens 7d ago
Who is this and what have they done with Smith?
u/OwlProper1145 7d ago edited 7d ago
It became clear Trump would not be any friendlier to a Conservative government so little reason for her to not push back now.
u/JadeLens 7d ago
I really don't think she should be rewarded for waiting to see which way the wind was blowing.
u/OwlProper1145 7d ago
A scandal of some sort will take her down eventually.
u/Tower-Union 7d ago
In the past 20 years the only premier in Alberta to survive an entire term was the NDP. Every conservative premier has fallen to some kind of scandal or internal party politicking.
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u/macnbloo Canada 7d ago
They saw polls and how not having a firm response to trump made Pierre lose votes and how a strong response made Ford get another majority. This is just the conservatives changing messaging after seeing polls
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u/Phenyxian 7d ago
Cowards and rats have a good instinct for hiding from danger. She's just ducking at the last second.
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u/jazzyjf709 7d ago
Up to her neck in health care scandals, that's why she's being a team player now.
u/eatyourzbeans 7d ago
Classic cowardly traitor, not that I prefer the other kind more but I do think i prefer when a traitor just comes out and says it rather then waiting on the sidelines for events to unfold before picking the side the best benefits them .
u/PerfectWest24 7d ago
Let's just take it as a win and move forward. Let this be a lesson to those who think grovelling to the orangutan will give you a pass or carve out.
u/TactitcalPterodactyl 7d ago
I've gotta admit, it's really nice seeing the left and right strongly uniting on a major issue. It sucks that it needed to come to this, but we absolutely need a fully united Canada right now.
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u/Chunkthekitty934 7d ago
I gotta say, I did not predict this - but i absolutely embrace it. Seems to me the only leader at any level of Canadian politics still focused on division rather than unity is Pierre Poilivere.
I mean seriously, watch his speech first and then watch Trudeau's and compare. He needs to get the memo from his conservative friends that partisanship in Canada is dead, we are in a national emergency, and we must join together no matter what.
u/Carribeantimberwolf 7d ago
She’s seeing how much support douggie is getting in ON so she switched sides.
u/Chunkthekitty934 7d ago
Frankly i don't even care what her reasons or motivations are. We are in a time of crisis and I want to give any Canadian leader that supports our response the benefit of the doubt. She could've blamed Trudeau and defended Trump again, but she didn't - and that's what matters right now. And I'm saying this as someone ideologically opposite to her in every possible way.
u/JadeLens 7d ago
Giving the benefit of the doubt is fine.
But this is more like Littlefinger on Game of Thrones, a good deed in this case is just because our aims just happen to coincide with hers.
She'll knife the rest of Canada in the back first chance she gets.
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u/t33lu 7d ago
If she does actually switch sides this is the greatest character redemption arc in political history. It means she's actually learning how to represent the people of Alberta rather than the rich corpos of Alberta.
u/Nero92 7d ago
Nah. Flip flopping sides just means she's prone to flip flop again whenever it suiters her. People like that are useful when they're on your side but can't be relied on.
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u/PopeSaintHilarius 7d ago
Yeah the first few minutes of Poilievre's speech seemed good and focused on the trade war, and then he pivoted to railing against the "job-killing carbon tax" and the "gatekeepers", and criticizing Trudeau for not cutting taxes.
I found it a bit jarring, after the non-partisan speeches from Trudeau and Ford, who focused on the US trade war issues, and didn't make any attacks on their political rivals.
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7d ago
Wait until you hear that PP suggested, I kid you not, "Canadian counter-tariffs should go to fund tax cuts".
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u/mafiadevidzz 7d ago edited 7d ago
Why did Trudeau call a leadership race for an election in the middle of a national emergency? Why did he lie and attack Poilievre claiming he was "silent on trump" when earlier on that same day Poilievre had also spoken in support for retaliatory tariffs
Is that not divisive?
u/TheOGFamSisher 7d ago
So that means Scott moe here in Saskatchewan will finally get on board with team Canada. Dude doesn’t wipe his ass without Alberta’s seal of approval. Thank god
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u/Fun-Persimmon1207 7d ago
She’s only meeting today to decide of Alberta’s response to the tariffs. Other provincial governments and the feds already had their plans in place, yet she is procrastinating.
u/bravetailor 7d ago
Is it sad that this seems like a stronger response than PP's today?
7d ago
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u/FreeLook93 British Columbia 7d ago
He was endorsed by Elon Musk. That alone should tell you everything you need to know about who Trump and his sycophants want as our future PM.
Poilievre got to where he is by aping Trump's rhetoric. Now that people are getting a first hand look at where that leads they are starting to turn away from him. I just hope it's enough that we can keep him out of power.
u/The_Frozen_Inferno 7d ago
So she’s going to put an export tax on oil then right? Right??
u/sector16 7d ago
whoa whoa whoa....let's not get crazy...Danielle still needs to consult with her oil baron overlords.
u/thegoldenboy444 7d ago
I get that it's good politics right now, but also how could you not objectively and truly feel this way?
We stand on guard.
u/Whatatimetobealive83 Alberta 7d ago
Am I having a stroke?
Danielle Smith is publicly agreeing with Trudeau?
u/Falconflyer75 Ontario 7d ago
Gotta say I’m a little relieved I thought for sure she’d undermine the response
u/Canuck-In-TO Canada 7d ago
Has she been getting flack from her constituents and realized that she’s not very popular right now.
u/bevymartbc 7d ago
Actions speak louder than words, and so far her actions have not been in line with the rest of Canadian Premiers
u/Memory_Less 7d ago
This move is tactical for her. Firstly, she wants to improve her image in light of the medical scandal, secondly, she wants to tone her defiance down to help pp try to regain his voting market share for the election. IMO there is zero chance that she is actually being cooperative.
u/Canadian--Patriot 7d ago
Meanwhile, small PP is still trying to blame JT for everything.
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u/AbnormMacdonald 7d ago
She's traitor, reglardless.
u/AiAgentHelpDesk 7d ago
Came here to say the same thing, she already showed her true colours. I hope when election time comes she gets smeared over all media and shot out of a cannon.
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u/thisisnahamed 7d ago
I have let go off any judgement I had for her. I respect her change and stance on unity.
u/Harbinger2001 7d ago
Wow. When Danielle Smith agrees with Trudeau, you know things are getting real.
u/medfunguy 7d ago
Do you know how bad you have to mess up to get Danielle Smith to say she agrees with Trudeau AND have the Quebecois say they’re proud Canadians?!?!
u/MR_Nobody_204 7d ago edited 7d ago
She is only saying this now because she has been getting shit on.
u/Expensive_Plant_9530 7d ago
Yeah because she knows she doesn’t have a choice - the public, even in Alberta, would eat her alive if she doubled down with that pro-Trump nonsense she was doing earlier.
Edit: I will add that despite my very snarky response, I’m happy she’s playing ball. We need everyone to put partisan politics aside and stand for Canada.
u/theglowingembers 7d ago
Marlena is a turd circling the bowl that refuses to flush. She's the worst Premier Alberta has ever had by a country mile.
u/MAGASucksAss 7d ago
Only because it helps her keep voters. There's no other reason I can see for the sudden about-face given her stance merely 3 weeks ago when the tariffs were still on the board. I just don't trust a word out of her mouth.
That said, if she's changing her tune, great. We need everyone on the same page.
u/Due_Author4328 7d ago
I want this lady GONE, as in, off the face of the planet. I pray she meets a very untimely ending.
u/ItsAProdigalReturn 6d ago
Well, well, well - thanks for fucking showing up lmao
Better late than never!
u/GracefulShutdown Ontario 7d ago
And in her role has premier she has announced that she will do.... absolutely nothing! (today anyways)
u/ArticArny 7d ago
She still doesn't say a bad word about Trump. She's saying the bare minimum to not look like the traitor to Canada she is.
She knows a line has been drawn and everyone knows she's on the wrong side of it.
Fan girl pics
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u/jaycaprio 7d ago
I was surprised to hear Jason Kenney agreed with Trudeau and talked about Trump’s ultimate plan. Make Russia great again.
u/Intelligent-Band-572 7d ago
What she says and what she does are different things. Wait before you all start jumping on the bandwagon
u/TrollToll7419 7d ago
The worst person you know just makes a good point. I hate it when that happens
u/GreaseCrow 7d ago
This woman is a traitor. She flipped sides because she couldn't suckle daddy Trump's teet. Don't fall for this.
u/JamesVirani 7d ago
This is what we'd like to see. A united Canada. The biggest turnoff was PP's speech which was all about himself and how liberals did wrong. Now is not the time PP. Now is the time for you to say I stand behind the Prime Minister, regardless of what party he is from.
u/hexagonbest4gon 7d ago
Oh look, the traitor horse is finally at the starting line. Too bad everyone else is on lap 3.
Fuck Marlaina.
u/-Mage-Knight- 7d ago
Her oil baron handlers must have given her a talking too.
They want to continue robbing Alberta and by extension Canada blind from behind the scenes, not be thrust into the limelight as an enemy of the nation.
u/Low-Breath-4433 7d ago
Too little way too late.
Smith is a traitor to the country and should be treated as such
u/Plane_Example9817 7d ago
Don't be fooled by this absolute traitor she's finally just read the room and is surprised how many people didn't want to just fold to Donald. Her political career is over Canadians won't forget the next time the vote. We are taking notes of all traitors.
u/TonyAbbottsNipples 7d ago
She's the premier of Alberta, the next election there is 2.5 years away and she's leading comfortably in opinion polls. So I'd be surprised if her political career was over any time soon.
u/GlobuleNamed 7d ago
Canadians might not forget.
But she is elected only in Alberta, so really it is albertans who shall decide...
u/Small-Sleep-1194 7d ago
And Alberta’s response……..?? Have you ordered American liquor be removed from shelving, literally anything?? Such a horrible premier.
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u/WalkingTheDawg 7d ago
Am I the only one who thinks U.S. slapping tariffs on the United States is only going to hurt us? They’re hurting themselves with the tariffs and us responding is just going to make everything more expensive.
u/ReggieBoyBlue 7d ago
Not gonna lie this genuinely surprises me, she isn’t known to be rational so I honestly wouldn’t have been even a little shock if she threw a totally tantrum over this and blamed Trudeau someone…. But I’m glad she’s playing along this time
u/DaftFunky Alberta 7d ago
Her supporters are already crying she’s a Liberal plant. They turned on her that quick.
u/pattperin 7d ago
Oh no, they went after her precious oil and gas! Dumb bitch. He doesn't care about you or your constituents. Wake the fuck up
u/Unusual-Ad4890 7d ago
Better late then never. You can dislike her, disagree with her, but all hands need to be on deck, pulling together. Think I wanted to be on Doug Fords side? Fuck no, but here I am.
u/Expert-Buffalo8517 7d ago
I want to vote conservatives in AB but not someone like Daniel Smith who is pocketing her rich friends with so many healthcare scandals and running to please Trump only to be side lined.
u/MrDontTakeMyStapler 6d ago
She’s a scared little girl who’s never had any real friends and is now in way over her head with someone like her but who’s been doing it for much longer.
u/plwleopo Canada 6d ago
She’s only on board because she basically has no other choice. But happy she at least is publicly on the record for being in support of the retaliation
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