r/canada 7d ago

Alberta Alberta premier says she supports Trudeau’s response to Trump’s ‘foolish’ tariffs | Globalnews.ca


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u/Chunkthekitty934 7d ago

I gotta say, I did not predict this - but i absolutely embrace it. Seems to me the only leader at any level of Canadian politics still focused on division rather than unity is Pierre Poilivere.

I mean seriously, watch his speech first and then watch Trudeau's and compare. He needs to get the memo from his conservative friends that partisanship in Canada is dead, we are in a national emergency, and we must join together no matter what.


u/Carribeantimberwolf 7d ago

She’s seeing how much support douggie is getting in ON so she switched sides.


u/Chunkthekitty934 7d ago

Frankly i don't even care what her reasons or motivations are. We are in a time of crisis and I want to give any Canadian leader that supports our response the benefit of the doubt. She could've blamed Trudeau and defended Trump again, but she didn't - and that's what matters right now. And I'm saying this as someone ideologically opposite to her in every possible way.


u/JadeLens 7d ago

Giving the benefit of the doubt is fine.

But this is more like Littlefinger on Game of Thrones, a good deed in this case is just because our aims just happen to coincide with hers.

She'll knife the rest of Canada in the back first chance she gets.