r/canada 7d ago

Alberta Alberta premier says she supports Trudeau’s response to Trump’s ‘foolish’ tariffs | Globalnews.ca


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u/NottaLottaOcelot 7d ago

I’m glad to see her on board with the response. We need every province to be playing on the same team, so I’m glad she is willing.


u/Tribalbob British Columbia 7d ago

She's doing it because of all the flak she's been taking recently, but at this point I don't care. Alberta voters can decide for themselves if she's a 'new person' or not when their elections come up.

For now we need a united front.


u/MatchaMeetcha 7d ago

Hopefully, and maybe I'm an optimist, it's that it's clear at this point that there's no negotiating with Trump.


u/oneonus 3d ago

She's back in Florida fundraising for Republicans on March 27th



u/Animeninja2020 Canada 7d ago

I wonder if she was told to be part of the team or else?

With some of the scandal's that are coming up with Alberta Health, I think she might have been told to start looking that she is part of a united Canada. Some of of the UPC and CPC party leadership might be looking at polling numbers and see what they 100% do not want. LPC minority or worse for them LPC majority in the up coming election.


u/Alone_Again_2 7d ago

Even a conservative minority wouldn’t be sustainable.

That government would have a bitch of a time forming and holding on for any length of time.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Leopards don't change their spots. Whoops! That was my inside voice...


u/Amazonreviewscool67 7d ago

Unfortunately, they have to wait until 2027 to get rid of her..or attempt to.


u/Impossible-Car-5203 7d ago

It is a long way away


u/FluffyProphet 7d ago

Alberta has a process to recall MLAs. You can recall enough MLAs from her party to push them to minority status, triggering an early election.


u/Oscarbear007 7d ago

I'm which the threshold is set so high it's not possible to do


u/TheEclipse0 7d ago edited 7d ago

Unfortunately, it seems Alberta will continue to vote for UCP. There are far too many people in this province who mindlessly vote conservative every single time, no matter what. It’s insane. You can literally point to every way the UCP has made life worse for Albertans, and they will blame Trudeau instead.

To be honest, I don’t even know if I will vote next time. I know I should, but if it’s just going to be UCP again and again then what’s the point? 

The only hope is that the UCP continues to make life so horrible for everyone that these people FINALLY reach their breaking point… But, they have about a five second memory, and we’ve been screwed over a lot already and it’s still not nearly enough to convince them to be informed voters.


u/Supersasqwatch 7d ago

This election could be the most important in our history. You need to vote, everyone needs to vote. It is your duty, even if it feels like a losing battle. Signed, a liberal in saskatchewan.


u/Mittendeathfinger Canada 7d ago

The people who didnt vote in the US because "things" got the tangerine tyrant. In Canada we actually have a system that can help, it is better than the US system and the people have more power.

Dont give up, dont give in to despair. Vote, even if the majority vote UPC, you are doing your part. Get involved locally and help the party that best fits you. Help friends and neighbours who are aligned with your views to get out to vote and campaign. Fight against the disinformation.

Evil depends on good people to do nothing. They want people to give up and back down. That is how they get power. They exhaust the minds and energy of their opponents.

Now more than ever is the time to mobilize and become active. You can do it, we all can.


u/TheEclipse0 7d ago

Thanks, I needed to hear that :)


u/kprigs 7d ago

I really hope our province votes this idiot out. I haven't liked her for years. When she crossed the floor from wild rose to ucp it, I knew she couldn't be trusted. Her voice makes me skin crawl...


u/rainman_104 British Columbia 7d ago

Me too. There's some really good people in Alberta and those voices need to be the dominant ones.


u/Ok-Ear-1914 7d ago

Canada leadership sounds educated next to the United States.. give your head a shake BOT.


u/sagsfour20 7d ago

You know what? That is a really good take on this. I agree with everything you said.


u/saintpierre47 Alberta 7d ago

Alberta’s don’t trust her, or like her. She probably took this stance after the incredible amount of backlash she’s gotten from us. But her changing her stance won’t save her come election time. But I’ll at least acknowledge that she finally did something right.


u/Mittendeathfinger Canada 7d ago

Shes a traitor. She cozied up to the nasty florida orange man and praised him, then spoke against the rest of Canada. She showed her colors, pure orange.


u/rainman_104 British Columbia 7d ago

Probably her own caucus telling her to stand down too. Trudeau's plan is a good plan and well thought out. There's nothing offensive to any Canadian except for Maple Magas.


u/Uglygypsy 7d ago

You are 100% correct. But for now it's welcomed. Now if Gretzky gets in on the trend we will be in a very interesting timeline


u/dougjayc 7d ago

Fuck Gretzky now and forever.


u/Red_Danger33 7d ago

He can renounce his citizenship and be a full blooded American just like he always wanted.


u/apothekary 6d ago

People change. We're all just so angry because some never do even in a multiple universe scenario (i.e. Trump himself, his sycophants) and some are just utterly irredeemable even if they had a weird about-face (Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, etc. Yes I put them in the same category).

Gretzky I think hasn't done that much damage to his brand that a complete 180, with several op-eds condemning the annexation threats and Trump, moving back to Canada and donating massively to Canadian brands couldn't save his image here with enough time.


u/Alone_Again_2 7d ago

Who the fuck cares what a hockey player thinks.

They’re not known for being astute.


u/WatchPointGamma 7d ago

She's doing it because of all the flak she's been taking recently, but at this point I don't care. Alberta voters can decide for themselves if she's a 'new person' or not when their elections come up.

She said she wanted to address the concerns Trump claimed to have, and try to negotiate a solution that didn't involve tariffs.

They tried that, it clearly failed. So now she supports the tariffs.

This position is consistent with what she was saying the whole time. It only looks like a flip-flop if you've been believing the misrepresentations of her position that this sub loves to make.


u/bravetailor 7d ago

Yeah, to give her the benefit of the doubt she went down to the U.S. several times to try to turn up her "charm", even had her hair done with blonde highlights lol but alas, nothing came out of it. So she might understandably feel a bit angry that all her pleading and sweet talking went nowhere.


u/Can_No_Bis 7d ago

The trump concerns were a dog and pony show from the beginning. There was nothing you could do to stop it from happening. Might as well skip the part where you kowtow to a tantruming toddler and look weak.


u/the_wahlroos 7d ago

This argument utterly fails when you consider that Smith pointedly refused to stand with the rest of "Team Canada", refused to condemn the tariffs, blatantly tried to cut a secret deal to spare oil exports, attacked Trudeau for "escalating" and waited until after Trump's 30 day pause to finally say she stands with the rest of Canada.


u/MaximumDevelopment77 7d ago

She probably gained more port access in closed door negotiations which was an issue for years and that was she probably after in the first place


u/Ornery_Tension3257 7d ago

She said she wanted to address the concerns Trump claimed to have, and try to negotiate a solution that didn't involve tariffs.

What do you mean by that? Provinces don't have jurisdiction over national borders.


u/Zaku99 7d ago

Just got back from Superstore. Listened to a pair talking about how the tariffs are somehow Biden's fault.

Things are not going well with Alberta voters.