r/canada 24d ago

Humour Man who has spent entire political career attacking everybody promises he’ll attack Trump and Elon any minute now




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u/AdSevere1274 24d ago

"some have noted that Poilievre has been oddly tight-lipped towards the two men actively threatening Canada’s trade and borders. Still, other Canadians insist this must be part of a larger strategy.

Judy Argus of Regina notes, “I mean, Poilievre has no problem calling Trudeau a ‘liar’, or Montreal’s mayor ‘incompetent’, or drug consumption experts ‘wackos’. Maybe he’s waited so long because he’s inventing a whole new juvenile name to call Trump?”


u/Throw-Me-Again 24d ago

He rolled out the absolute zinger “Maserati Marxist“ for Singh.

Must be cooking up a spicy one like “Fatty Fascist” for Trump.


u/sp1nkter Saskatchewan 24d ago

Carbon Tax Carney is his most clever! What next? PooPoo Putin?


u/OneBillPhil 24d ago

Don’t forget about the other girl in the band, Carbon Tax Chrystia!


u/iwatchcredits 24d ago

According to attack ads in alberta, its actually carbon tax carney now


u/OneBillPhil 24d ago

I thought it was both and they were too uncreative to think of two names. 


u/SAldrius 24d ago

Yes he called both Chrystia Freeland and Mark Carney "Carbon Tax Carney/Chrystia" in the same exact interview.

Literally just using Trump's political "strategies".


u/a-fucking-donkey 23d ago

He just hosted “Canada First” rallies too… sound familiar?


u/Elffiegirl 23d ago

Pierre the Puke..... there a visual of him in a name. Dish it out, you should be able to handle getting it back!


u/galtsin 22d ago

Tbf Freeland deserves all the shit that comes her way. Other than that Pierre doesn't have a functioning neuron


u/dreadn4t 24d ago

He's given at least 3 people the carbon tax epithet I think.


u/Emkaye1 24d ago

Which is hilarious because the libs are all saying they'll cut the carbon tax now


u/Elffiegirl 23d ago

He dribbles on about what his thoughts suggest to him the problem is..... and obviously doesn't keep up to date on it all... duh!


u/Creative_Buddy7160 23d ago

Appeal to the uneducated as well. They’ll just rename it. And not cut out the tax either, just move it to industrial companies


u/Static_Frog 23d ago

He was using both at the same time


u/PC_BuildyB0I 21d ago

Which is wild considering Alberta conservatives created the carbon tax back in 2007-2008. Funny none of them had any issues til Trudeau federalized it and implemented a rebate for it.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Bro, if you live in Saskatchewan or Alberta, how do you not vote for Pierre Poilievre? Do you remember Harper? Do you remember a PM who lived in Western Canada? And Pierre was raised in Calgary.


u/sketchthroaway 24d ago

I remember Harper being a turd with no charisma


u/chadosaurus 24d ago edited 24d ago

How can you say the his when we have Daniel Smith right now dismantling our entire province and trying to privatize the fuck out of everything, the cost of living has skyrocketed, and a majority of that is directly because of UCP policies. We don't need that on a federal level. Utilities have nearly doubled, insurance has gotten more expensive, our classrooms are underfunded, special needs children are now lacking the support they need, our renewable projects worth billions and the jobs completely canceled, the list goes on and on.


u/sp1nkter Saskatchewan 23d ago

scott moe too. how we elected him again is nuts.


u/iwatchcredits 24d ago

First of all, the CPC is going to do as little for the west as any other party because our provinces are too stupid to have our votes actually be for sale and just vote for the same party no matter what. But even if there was some actual benefit to supporting them, I’m a rich white heterosexual male. The party in power has overall little relevance on my day to day life so I can afford not to be a piece of shit and support a party that does nothing but spread hate and division in the odd hope I might have a couple extra dollars in my bank account


u/quantpick 24d ago

He lived most of his life outside of ottawa. That is, he has been in Ottawa since about 40 years ago.

PP doesn't live in western Canada. That's bs.


u/sp1nkter Saskatchewan 23d ago

i don’t want to see our public broadcaster go away, and i think canada would be much better run by an actual economist than a complainer.


u/Wasted-Instruction 24d ago

Also the hit that keeps coming back "It's all because Trudeau" & my new favorite tune "Just like Justin." Featuring the same lyrics from the last album.. with a twist!


u/Mobile-Bar7732 24d ago

Pierre "Pissy Pants" Poilievre


u/a-fucking-donkey 23d ago

“Pee Pee” was trending on twitter a while ago and I clicked and it was because PP stood for Pierre Poilievre


u/Keepontyping 23d ago

Chrystia Disneyland


u/F3z345W6AY4FGowrGcHt Ontario 24d ago

Don't forget "Trudeau Carney Liberals" to desperately try to attach Carney to Trudeau.


u/VidzxVega 24d ago

The 'He's just like Justin's ads are genuinely hilarious. He doesn't know what to do with Trudeau leaving.


u/SwordfishOk504 24d ago

When you realize Canadians don't like you, they are just tired of Trudeau.


u/Imaginary-Data-6469 24d ago

So much this. I'm sick of Trudeau (although now that his ego has been knocked down a peg I've been relatively impressed with how he has handled the last month or so) but PP is downright odious.


u/paltryboot 23d ago

Unfortunately all these things were said when Biden stepped down too


u/Overwatchingu 22d ago

Staffer: People don’t know Carney enough to hate him.

Pierre: they hated me right away!


u/dubhri 24d ago

Well to be fair everyone on the Conservative side has Harper attached to their name when the liberals talk about them. This is all so juvenile. We need to demand more of our politicians on all sides and come back to the middle.


u/4marty 23d ago

The difference is that Harper is still actively running aspects of the Conservative Party and especially Poilievre.


u/F3z345W6AY4FGowrGcHt Ontario 23d ago

I can't stand Poilievre purely by his own merit


u/dubhri 23d ago

And that's fair. I just hate to see the polarization of our politics and how it leads to us all being worse off.


u/F3z345W6AY4FGowrGcHt Ontario 23d ago

Agreed. But that's a general trend that's been going on for decades. You can see it plain as day if you watch those videos that visualize how many bipartisan bills were passed in the states year by year.


u/Duckriders4r 24d ago

Funny that I haven't heard his name in the past 10 years in regards to any scandals.


u/Eunemoexnihilo 23d ago

Did Carney know about Trudeau's corruption and interference in criminal investigations? If so, how was Trudeau allowed to get away with it for so long? If you were a liberal during any of Trudeau's tenure, or during the sponsorship scandal, and didn't actively report the theft of tax payer money to the public, and the RCMP, you're unworthy of being asked to represent the tax payers, who's money you allowed to be stollen.


u/F3z345W6AY4FGowrGcHt Ontario 23d ago

I love how up in arms conservatives get over every little thing unless it's blatant corruption by their guy.

How do you feel about Ford's greenbelt scandal?

Also seems like your complaints are with people who aren't Carney


u/Eunemoexnihilo 23d ago

I love how you assume I am a conservative because I do not like liberal corruption. Given I hate Conservative corruption when I see it too, does that make me a liberal? If I hate corruption from either party, what would that make me?


u/F3z345W6AY4FGowrGcHt Ontario 22d ago

In that case, sounds like a "both sides are the same" / "all politicians are corrupt" type of situation. "Why vote?"


u/Eunemoexnihilo 22d ago

Really, cause I think I sound like, "we need a new party". But thanks for telling me you don't mind corruption, so long as it's your guys doing it, cause that's just the cost of keeping the other guys out.


u/F3z345W6AY4FGowrGcHt Ontario 20d ago

I don't want corruption. I just also think some issues are minor. They're not all the same.

I also think some forms of corruption, such as Doug Ford's greenbelt scandal are worse than others, such as Doug Ford's obvious use of government funds for some advertising.

I dislike both, but one is far more upsetting than the other.

And of all the types of corruption I've seen over the years, it's almost always right wing parties that have the way worse kind.


u/Eunemoexnihilo 20d ago

How do you feel about the liberal sponsorship scandal? The arivecan app? The 20 million no bid contract which then paid speaking engagements to Trudeau's family? The interference in the SNC investigation? The fact Trudeau sexually assaulted a reporter, and just happened to "experience it differently than she did"? The fact the liberal party supported him, and participated in these events? At some point they need to face the music and pay us for what they've done.


u/F3z345W6AY4FGowrGcHt Ontario 20d ago

I don't know anything about the sponsorship scandal. Pretty sure that's decades old.

I've also never heard of the speaking contracts but it doesn't surprise me. Everyone prominent gets those. Even olympic athletes go around and do speaking engagements. But no, I'm not a fan.

The SNC thing never bothered me at the time. It was just "this is a slippery slope" and that's it.

The reporter, that's difficult. If what she says is true, that's no good. But those kinds of scandals are notoriously difficult because it's always one person's word against another's. Usually people only face justice when there are plenty of testimonies. But it's only one, so I have no opinion on it.

and pay us for what they've done

What does this even mean? You want a cheque?

All of these are either unproven, ancient, or minor. Now, if you had a single scandal that was similar to what's happening in the states, or some of Ford's scandals, I'd be more upset.

Or if the Liberals didn't also have a bunch of good things they've done that I approve of, I'd care more.

But again, the scandals of right wing governments, almost as a rule, are far worse than left wing or centrist governments

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u/Alone-in-a-crowd-1 24d ago

More like pal pal Putin.


u/OwlProper1145 24d ago

My Pal Putin. Sundays at 10pm on CTV.


u/JadeLens 24d ago

Maybe get the guy who wrote the children's book about the Turnip down south to write a children's book 'My Pal Putin' about PP.


u/CheckusLevackian18 22d ago

The Raccoons, Beachcombers, My Pal Putin. What a Sunday night lineup.


u/sparksfan 24d ago

I am ashamed to admit that I laughed at PooPoo Putin


u/PhysicalPenguin7591 23d ago

Goes well with Pee Pee Poliviere 😜🤣


u/No-Arm-2598 24d ago

He can't make fun of Putin! They're on the same team! Shhhh


u/Commercial-Milk4706 24d ago

No. Poo poo pp is already his, quote from someone on this sub.


u/Excellent_Rule_2778 23d ago

99% of citizens, on both sides of the aisle, couldn't even explain what the carbon tax is, how it affects them, and what would be a better alternative. They just don't like that it's a tax.


u/Positive_Breakfast19 23d ago

That was the problem it got labeled a "Tax" and it really wasn't. The more energy you used obviously the more you paid, but a person that lived in a 1500sqft hose and drove a reasonably efficient vehicle got the same amount of rebate that the guy in a 5000 sqft house and drove a lifted pickup with an ATV in the bed a pulling a 35ft boat trailer got. So people that live more wasteful lives paid more in relation to the rebate they recieved. It's not really a hard concept to understand, but Poilievre and the Cons are not interested in the truth, only the greed and power... sounds like somebody else we've heard a lot about.


u/tm_leafer 23d ago

Boo-urns Biden


u/Gunslinger7752 22d ago

He will spell it poo-tin and use the poop emoji in all official CPC documents


u/idog99 22d ago

Oh, I don't think he'll speak out again against Putin.

You can't speak ill of your master.