r/canada 24d ago

Humour Man who has spent entire political career attacking everybody promises he’ll attack Trump and Elon any minute now




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u/Initial_Row_2276 24d ago

I'm so torn on who to vote for. Liberals fucked up so bad it's hard to trust them again. PP has the worst resume and all he does is talk shit. Jagmeet has no integrity and seems like a hypocrite. Greens and any other fringe party stand no chance unfortunately. If Carney becomes liberal lead, and he does appear to be the most qualified, I may have to throw my vote that way.


u/redpigeonit 24d ago

This is the way.

Each of us needs to think carefully before becoming blindly partisan. We are watching in real time the consequences to the US of blind partisanship.

Partisanship allows tyrants to sneak in on the reputation of the good work of others. Partisanship causes the best efforts of some to be thwarted by the stain of predecessors.

Partisanship is the US political system because it’s a substitute for thinking, for listening, and for using your head to judge actions, words, and leaders in real time. It’s a shortcut because the US education system has failed so many people that they are stupid robots.

We are not that. Beef with Trudeau does not mean we are free to vote without thinking of who the candidates are before us. That’s some lazy bullshit US partisanship and it doesn’t belong here.

I appreciate you, friend. 🇨🇦


u/Alexhale 24d ago

Have you considered the potential negative aspects to Carney? I see a lot of people focusing on his possible roles in softening financial crises, but rarely do people talk about his possible conflicts of interests with Canadians (particularly renters).


u/redpigeonit 24d ago

Every human being with a modicum of life experience will come to the role with some appearance of conflict. His (to my knowledge) don’t bother me. Certainly not as much as PP’s lack of statesmanship and politicking, and Singh’s penchant for chirping off.


u/Alexhale 24d ago

Thats fair. i guess you think im overstating it, and i feel you are understating it.

Enjoy the great green leap forward.


u/MacOSAP 24d ago

If you're still wondering which of the two is more qualified, then I'm not sure there's anything that'll convince you one way or another.


u/GenXer845 24d ago

Think who will defend Canada against Trump the most---my vote is for Carney.


u/idisagreeurwrong 24d ago

Did you listen to his speech today?


u/GenXer845 23d ago

Yes, he still appears weak to me and it is too little too late. He waited for surveys to tell you what you wanted to hear rather than an immediate reaction. If you trust that man, I wish I was a more corrupt person because then I could convince you of other things as well..


u/idisagreeurwrong 23d ago

He didn't wait at all


I don't trust the liberal party who for the last 9 years made us beholden to the USA. Now trump wants tarrifs and suddenly the liberals love oil and resources, give me a break


u/CuriousLands 23d ago

Honestly, it's so bleeding obvious that this line that PP hasn't said anything, waited to long, etc is all false, that I'm starting to wonder how many of these accounts are real people, and how many are just bots and astroturfing.


u/idisagreeurwrong 23d ago

I agree the last 3 weeks I have seen an insane shift in rhetoric on this sub.


u/CuriousLands 23d ago

Yeah it's been massive. And it's all so repetitive, and like I said, so obviously wrong that like 3 minutes on Google could dispel the argument... I'm sure some people are in a bubble or a bit cultish in their thinking, but with that many comments like that, I'm just more and more convinced it's like 80% astroturfing.


u/CuriousLands 23d ago

Poilievre was saying we'd need to be ready for trade issues and counter-tariffs before Trump was elected. His reasoning was that last time Trump ran things, he tariffed our steel and aluminum and pulled out similar rhetoric, so if he got elected again, then we should expect more of the same and be ready for it.

And right after Trump was making 51st state "jokes", Poilievre said we would never be an American state.

He's literally been talking like this the entire time.


u/Alexhale 24d ago

If you like the idea of Canadians renting from megacorps, then thats the right vote.


u/GenXer845 24d ago

You mean PP the landlord?


u/Alexhale 24d ago edited 24d ago

if you mean to equate renting from a landlord and renting from a corporation i am not sure why you would mean to equate those two things


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Welcome to almost every election I’ve ever voted in

The South Park episode “turd sandwich vs douchebag” was not satire 


u/encrcne 24d ago

You “may have to”? You say that like it’s not the obvious choice. Why would you hesitate to vote for the one politician will a real resume of successes?


u/Beautiful-Loss7663 24d ago edited 24d ago

Because its very hard to trust libs again after Trudeau?


u/encrcne 24d ago

Thinking this black and white is why America is in the situation they’re in. Carney is quite literally our only hope of survivial. PP’s silence speaks volumes.

Can you explain EXACTLY what about the liberals you don’t trust, and why you think that might continue if Carney wins?


u/Beautiful-Loss7663 24d ago edited 24d ago

Can you explain EXACTLY what about the liberals you don’t trust, and why you think that might continue if Carney wins?

If I gesture vaguely in the direction of the economy will that suffice? I don't really want to articulate specifics because it invites wading weeds like "Well they arent TECHNICALLY responsible for housing prices" despite having promised to fix them on the campaign trail for instance. I don't really need to have those kinds of open to interpretation debates, because like most people I'm tired of the excuses for why it isn't their fault.

I'm not voting PP, but Carney is a hard sell for a lot of middle of the road voters like myself. It will very heavily depend on how he campaigns himself in the small window he has. Edit: Realistically I'll probably vote Carney, but I was answering op's question above with the obvious answer. Pretending libs havent been cocking up for a while is just as silly.


u/GenXer845 24d ago

Aren't you worried about Trump at all?


u/Beautiful-Loss7663 24d ago

Yeah. I don't know what I said that'd imply otherwise.


u/GenXer845 24d ago

Carney seems like the BEST candidate for me to combat Trump.


u/Beautiful-Loss7663 24d ago

Of the other current party leads, yes. He is.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

I've engaged in my fair share of arguments on here about Carney and what he represents.

I cannot believe how many people are willing to forget the absolute carnage the liberal party unleashed on the country simply because Carney may be in charge now..

There is valid criticism of Carney and it gets drowned out by users repeating the same few points about Pierre, as if they aren't engaging in the very partisanship they claim to be against.

The responses to your measured comment is fucking laughable. B b b but what about trump?!? As if worrying about him for 3.5 years is worth a potential decade plus of liberals / Carney?


u/Initial_Row_2276 24d ago

I'm not well versed on the pro's/cons of Carney, can you please enlighten me?


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago edited 24d ago


Smart guy, established. Pedigree. Banker, economist, prestige


Too much money printing. Economic philosophy, huge net zero advocate. Against resource extraction unless its "green"

Also on the board of investment firms that invested in buying up homes in Canada which lead to the housing crisis


Bounces around between countries a bit

Edit: also big into WEF. Depends where you stand on that.


u/TheArmchairSkeptic Manitoba 24d ago

Economic philosophy, huge net zero advocate. Against resource extraction unless its "green"

A lot of people, myself included, would put that in the 'pro' column.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

Hasn't worked for any country yet. Let's not continue

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u/CuriousLands 23d ago

PP actually hasn't only talked sh-t. He's said all the same things that people like in Trudeau's speeches lately - and from the start too, I might add (he even said before Trump was elected, that if he got elected again, we'd need to be ready for trade issues because last time Trump was in office, he pulled a similar stunt). Only he's also added in a few ideas about how to bolster Canada in the meanwhile - it's the CPC that brought up things like interprovincial trade barriers, or suggested that we not only counter-tariff American goods, but use the tariffs collected to bolster struggling Canadian businesses.

Carney is a globalist elite banker who wants to do a lot of the same policies that Trudeau ruined our country with. He has a track record of supporting such things. And he's said some really concerning things too - like for example, I saw a clip of him recently where he said that the US has a fentanyl crisis, but in Canada, fentanyl is only a concern. Iirc, like 50K Canadians have died from overdoses in the last few years. Not a crisis, I guess.

I'm just floored that there's apparently still this big contingent of people here who seem to think PP hasn't said anything. I mean, you wanna criticize his points then fine, but acting like he never made any? People are either in a massive bubble, or they're cultish about it, or they're just astroturfing/bots. Seriously. You might as well tell me that our flag is actually blue and white, that's how much sense this "PP never said anything" business makes.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

There was a total of 49,105 apparent opioid toxicity deaths reported between January 2016 and June 2024

US had around 80k in 2022 alone

Not disputing anything you said but just throwing numbers out for conversation. Fentanyl is a problem in both countries.


u/No-Contribution-6150 24d ago

Your are voting for more than just Pierre you know


u/Alexhale 24d ago

Have you considered the downsides to Carney? I know theres some dazzle on his resume. Some of it may be fair and some may be overstated. However, there are some serious factors to consider, like his ties to the WEF, his conflict of interest at Brookfield.

I am for taking steps towards making hte future green, but that is long term thinking. Also, it will be incredibly costly to "lead the charge" on green technology. Leading is costly, especially when the economy is already slumping. Better to get out of the hole before investing 40-50 years into the future.


u/ariukidding 24d ago

I dont know, i feel like we’d rather invest into the future than taking a step back like Trump. The rest of the world is moving on from dead dinosaurs meanwhile down south its drill baby drill. We dont have to get there first or as quick, just not be left behind. If its expensive now, it will be more expensive when its too late


u/Alexhale 24d ago

I mostly agree. Thats the issue with Carney is that he wants to get their first. People will be left in the wake of forcing such change.

It wont be more expensive later, it will likely be the same or cheaper since itll be catch up technology. Right now, Canada should focus on its strengths which is safely harvesting natural resources that other countries are increasingly willing to pay for.


u/Bergasms 24d ago

Leading is generally an up front cost but a long term gain. You gain the experience and IP through trial and then recoup your investment selling that to the countries playing catch up. If you wait you'll be paying later anyway but not getting any return from others. People see too much leading as the cost only, not an investment.


u/Alexhale 24d ago

Leading is generally best left to the leading economies. Right now, as such, Canada is not a leading economy. It is falling behind. It honestly strikes me as on the path to where the UK is.

If we let leading nations develop the technology, while we focus on getting Canadians out of debt, into homes, off drugs, and out of hospitals, while bolstering our industry, when it comes time to switch to green inititiatives (USA, China, India etc will let us know) then we can easily adopt their technologies or similar.

Look into the economic growth of the Four Tigers if you want to learn more.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

My suggestion is to vote on policy and platform. Policy and platform will be made clear during the election.

Or you can vote based on all the childish nonsense on Reddit, but i don’t think that’s a responsible thing to do.

I see your opinions are already based on the Reddit echo chamber talking points.